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Review: Sport Performance and the Two-visual-system Hypothesis of Vision

Mann, D.L.; Fortin-Guichard, D.; Nakamoto, H.

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Optometry and Vision Science

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Mann, D. L., Fortin-Guichard, D., & Nakamoto, H. (2021). Review: Sport Performance and the Two-visual-
system Hypothesis of Vision: Two Pathways but Still Many Questions. Optometry and Vision Science, 98(7),

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Review: Sport Performance and the Two-visual-system Hypothesis of

Vision: Two Pathways but Still Many Questions
David L. Mann, PhD, MBA,1* Daniel Fortin-Guichard, PhD,1 and Hiroki Nakamoto, PhD2

SIGNIFICANCE: The two-visual-system hypothesis (TVSH) provides a framework for understanding the nature of
the visual information athletes are likely to rely on during competition. If valid, the framework provides a valuable
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means of evaluating the likely efficacy of different vision training tools that claim to improve the sport performance
of athletes.
The TVSH has been used to explain that many of the existing methods of testing and training vision may be inef-
fective to improve on-field sport performance. The TVSH suggests that the visual pathway used to control actions
on-field may be different—and rely on different visual information—to the pathway often tested and trained off-
field. However, the central claims of the TVSH are increasingly questioned, and this has implications for our under-
standing of vision and sport performance. The aim of this article is to outline the implications of the TVSH for the
visual control of actions in sport. We first provide a summary of the TVSH and outline how the visual information
used to control actions might differ from that usually tested. Second, we look at the evidence from studies of sports Author Affiliations:
that are (and are not) consistent with the TVSH and the implications they have for training vision. Finally, we take a Department of Human Movement
wider look at the impact of the TVSH on the sport sciences and other complementary theories that hold implica- Sciences, Faculty of Behavioural and
tions for training vision to improve sport performance. Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam, Amsterdam Movement
Sciences and Institute Brain and
Behavior Amsterdam (iBBA),
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Optom Vis Sci 2021;98:696–703. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000001739 Faculty of Physical Education, National
Copyright © 2021 American Academy of Optometry Institute of Fitness and Sports in
Kanoya, Kanoya, Japan

Vision as most know it—as a phenomenological experience of as proposed by Goodale and Milner. Second, we review studies in
our environment—is a relatively recent development in the evolu- the sport sciences that have sought to test the two-visual-system
tionary process and might not be the same visual information we hypothesis or whose results have been interpreted in light of the hy-
use to control our motor actions. Thirty years ago, neuroscientists pothesis. Third, we summarize recent criticisms of the two-visual-
David Milner and Mel Goodale proposed the two-visual-system system hypothesis and consider other hypotheses that are used in
hypothesis,1–4 which suggests that the visual brain uses two func- the sport sciences in addition to or alongside the two-visual-
tionally and neurologically distinct pathways: one to provide a con- system hypothesis.
scious visual percept of the surrounding environment and another
for the visual control of actions. Their hypothesis was based on
the idea that the visual brain first evolved for the control of motor EXPLANATION OF THE TWO-VISUAL-SYSTEM
actions and only later developed a more refined ability to generate HYPOTHESIS
a conscious percept of the world. Accordingly, the visual informa-
tion used to guide movements may be more primitive and different Vision is classically viewed as a bottom-up process whereby
from that which many might expect it to be. light hits the retina and is converted into electrical signals that pass
The two-visual-system hypothesis has important implications “upward” via the optic nerves, through to the visual brain in the oc-
for the study of the visual control of movements in sports. Not only cipital lobe, and then onward to other brain areas. However, Milner
does the hypothesis question the nature of the visual information and Goodale effectively suggested that vision should be viewed
that is necessary for optimal sport performance, but it also holds as a top-down process whereby the type of task being performed
important implications for the type of training interventions that dictates the visual information relied on. According to their two-
are most likely to improve on-field sport performance. However, a visual-system hypothesis, the visual information used when per-
growing number of researchers have questioned the validity of the forming an action (vision-for-action) differs from that relied on
two-visual-system hypothesis, and this raises doubt about the ap- when making a perceptual judgment (vision-for-perception). The
plicability of the hypothesis to the study of the visual control of ac- hypothesis posits that vision-for-action and vision-for-perception
tions in sport. The aim of this article is to outline the implications of tasks are mediated by anatomically distinct and functionally spe-
the two-visual-system hypothesis for the visual control of actions in cialized pathways (the dorsal and ventral pathways, respectively)
sport. To do so, we first describe the two-visual-system hypothesis within the visual cortex. Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 696

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Two-visual-system Hypothesis and Sport Performance — Mann et al.

History and Definition aperture between the fingers) remained the same irrespective of
For at least 40 years, it has been known that multiple visual the illusion. When performing the grasping actions, the dorsal path-
pathways exist; however, the main conjecture since their discovery way was interpreted to produce a veridical and metrically accurate
has centered on what might be the role of those two pathways. representation of the object that was unaffected by the illusion.
Ungerleider and Mishkin5 proposed an initial explanation. They The findings of this and other studies of illusions (e.g., see Ref.
found that damage to the ventral pathway (in the inferior parietal 13) added further weight to the idea that the visual information
cortex) made monkeys unable to discriminate objects of different used for goal-directed actions was distinct to that typically relied
shapes, whereas damage to the dorsal pathway (in the posterior pa- on for perceptual judgments.
rietal cortex) rendered the monkeys incapable of performing land- The third key line of evidence is from neuroimaging studies that
mark identification tasks. The authors interpreted the findings to have identified the separate cortical regions associated with pro-
mean that the pathways provide a distinction between the process- cessing for each of the two visual systems.14 Neuroimaging, in par-
ing of attributes associated with object properties (what tasks) and ticular functional MRI, has provided increasing support for the
the object's location (where tasks), respectively.6 distinction by showing unique patterns of activation when partici-
Ungerleider and Mishkin's explanation for the two pathways pants perform tasks that rely on perception and action.15 What
seemed compelling; however, Milner and Goodale's view resulted has become clear though is that a complete separation of the two
in a reinterpretation. Instead of accepting that the functional differ- streams may be an oversimplification and that, instead, there is
ence was in the processing of object properties (what vs. where), considerable interaction and cooperation between the two path-
Milner and Goodale instead proposed that the pathways distinguish ways. This is perhaps not surprising: Milner and Goodale4 argue
what the information is used for. They proposed that the ventral that the two streams must work together in controlling behavior.
vision-for-perception pathway is used for perceptual judgments, in- For example, the dorsal system is capable of controlling the grasp
cluding the recognition and identification of objects. In addition, of an object, but not of processing its semantic meaning. When
the ventral pathway produces, in conjunction with top-down infor- grasping tools such as a hammer or screwdriver, interference to se-
mation from visual and semantic memory, a percept of conscious mantic processing has been shown to have no effect on the ability
vision, enabling intentional cognitive operations to be performed to grasp the implement, but it does interfere with the ability to cor-
based on a visual representation of the world. In contrast, the dor- rectly grasp the tool by its handle.16 The dorsal stream was
sal vision-for-action pathway is said to be used for the visual control interpreted to be responsible for the grasping action, with the ven-
of actions.7 tral stream required to provide meaning to that object and ensure
that the grasping action was performed on the handle rather than
the opposite end of the tool.
Lines of Evidence to Support the Distinction
The initial evidence on which the two-visual-system hypothesis The Two Streams Rely on Different Visual Information
was developed came from patients with damage to their ventral or Anatomical and physiological evidence suggests that the two vi-
dorsal pathway. On the one hand, a brain lesion to the ventral path- sual streams do not receive the same sources of information from
way, most famously found in “patient DF,” resulted in visual form the primary visual cortex.2 The ventral pathway produces the very
agnosia, an inability to discriminate objects on the basis of their clear and colorful phenomenological representation of the world
shape, width, or orientation, yet the ability to accurately reach, that most people regard as “vision.”2,3 In contrast, visual informa-
grasp, and manipulate those same objects with their hand re- tion to the more primitive dorsal system is likely blurred and may be
mained unaffected.1,8,9 Conversely, patients with a lesion to their insensitive to color, although it does retain enhanced perception of
dorsal pathway experienced optic ataxia, where they could identify contrast and movement—each important sources of information
the shape and form of objects but could not accurately interact with when taking into consideration the demands for movement control.
those same objects.10 This behavioral double-dissociation between The primary explanation for this distinction is from the way that
perception and action provided an initial indication that the two parvo and magnocellular information from the retinae projects to
pathways may be differentiated by the constraints on the task being the ventral and dorsal streams. The magnocellular pathway, char-
performed rather than the specific properties of the objects being acterized by fast processing that is sensitive to contrast, projects
viewed and/or interacted with (i.e., what vs. where). to both the ventral and dorsal streams. However, the parvocellular
The second line of support for the two-visual-system hypothesis pathway, characterized by high spatial resolution (acuity) and color
emerged from elegant yet at times controversial work that investi- sensitivity, projects almost exclusively to the ventral stream.2,17
gates the differential impact of pictorial illusions on perception
and action. Because the ventral vision-for-perception pathway re-
lies on the allocentric (object-centered) semantic processing of HOW HAS THE TWO-VISUAL-SYSTEM HYPOTHESIS
an image, whereas the dorsal vision-for-action pathway is said to BEEN INTERPRETED IN STUDIES OF VISION
function egocentrically (body-centered) without that same interpre- IN SPORT?
tation of the image,2,11 it was hypothesized that illusions would in-
fluence perceptual judgments but not actions. Aglioti et al.12 A number of studies in the sport sciences have sought to test
tested this hypothesis using the Ebbinghaus-Titchener illusion, the two-visual-system hypothesis and/or the results of studies have
where a central disc surrounded by small circles is typically per- been interpreted in light of the hypothesis. In general, the key ex-
ceived to be larger than the same disc surrounded by larger circles. pectation is that a motor action when performed during testing or
Healthy participants were asked to both perceptually judge the size training will rely on visual information different from that when
of the central circles and to grasp each accurately. The results con- performing a perceptual judgment, or that visual information
firmed that the illusion affected the perceptual judgments of size will be gathered in a different way. Moreover, larger gains are
but that the grasping actions (measured by the maximum grip generally expected from training designs that incorporate action Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 697

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Two-visual-system Hypothesis and Sport Performance — Mann et al.

responses when compared with designs that do not. This section making of different netball players and found that action responses
will briefly review the evidence that is and is not consistent with result in expert netball players making more efficient decisions
the two-visual-system hypothesis. Note that this is not intended as about to which teammate they should pass the ball to, a result
a systematic review, and other evidence may exist. not found in developmental and less-skilled players. More specifi-
cally, only the players from the expert group took better decisions
when they had to actually pass the ball during in situ strategic sce-
Evidence in Support of the Two-visual-system narios as opposed to when verbalizing their decisions in equivalent
Hypothesis in Sport video scenarios. This advantage has been interpreted to emerge
In general, there are more studies in sports that are consistent from the production of a movement and therefore the engagement
with the two-visual-system hypothesis than there are that are incon- of their more attuned dorsal stream of vision.
sistent. Indeed, numerous studies report functional distinctions In an elegant test of the two-visual-system hypothesis, Sasada
between action and perceptual tasks in skilled athletes. These dis- and colleagues22 tested whether the dorsal stream is more likely
tinctions have been found in a variety of perceptual-cognitive abil- to be engaged in skilled baseball batters when hitting a ball rather
ities including gaze behavior, anticipation, decision making, color than when perceiving its position. Because color perception is
perception, and resistance to visual blur. processed largely in the ventral but not dorsal stream, Sasada
A compelling and frequently cited example is a study by Dicks et al.22 hypothesized that color perception should be impaired
and colleagues18 that examined the gaze behavior and anticipatory when the dorsal stream is engaged (i.e., when an action is pro-
ability of football goalkeepers. Dicks et al.18 compared the gaze duced). Experienced and inexperienced baseball players were
and movement behavior of eight goalkeepers in each of two video asked to perform a coincidence-timing task either when swinging
simulation conditions (i.e., a verbal and joystick movement re- a bat (coupled response) or when pressing a button (uncoupled re-
sponse) and three in situ conditions (i.e., verbal responses, simpli- sponse) when a virtual ball reached them. The target changed color
fied body movements, and an actual attempt to save the kick). The during its trajectory, and participants were asked to identify the fi-
results showed that the goalkeepers fixated primarily on the nal color. Sasada et al.22 found that the color perception of the
kicker's movements in most conditions, but instead focused much baseball players was worse in the coupled response than in the
more on the ball when required to move to stop real penalty kicks. uncoupled one, a difference not observed in the non-baseball
These results are consistent with the two-visual-system hypothesis players. These results were interpreted to suggest that the ex-
in that the way that visual information was gathered differed when a perts relied more on the dorsal stream during actual interceptive
genuine visually guided action was required. actions than novices did.
In a study of anticipation in cricket batting, Mann et al.19 found Finally, Mann and colleagues23,24 demonstrated in a series of
that action responses enhanced the anticipatory skill of batters. studies that the visual information relied on while hitting is more
Skilled and less skilled cricket batters were asked to anticipate consistent with that available in the dorsal rather than the ventral
the direction of balls bowled toward them by producing either a stream. They tested the performance of cricket batters when hitting
(1) verbal response, (2) foot movement, (3) shadowed movement, while wearing contact lenses that simulated increasing levels of vi-
or (4) actual hitting response. Results showed the skilled batters sual blur. Because the dorsal visual stream relies on relatively
to be better than the less-skilled batters when producing an actual blurred visual information, Mann et al.23,24 expected that consider-
hitting response that replicated the one performed on-field, but able levels of visual blur would be required to decrease interceptive
that the expert advantage diminished with less representative ac- performance when hitting if hitting was controlled by the dorsal
tions and even disappeared completely such that there was no dif- stream. Consistent with expectations, blur that reduced visual acu-
ference between the groups when using a verbal response. The ity to 6/48 to 6/60 (20/160 to 20/200) was required before there
results were interpreted in light of the two-visual-system hypothesis was any measurable decrease in batting performance (see also
as evidence that genuine action responses are required to test the Refs. 25–27). A subsequent study sought to test the hypothesis
neural (i.e., dorsal) pathway relied on on-field and that which that anticipatory judgments that relied on actions would be resis-
skilled athletes are most likely to rely on. tant to blur, whereas perceptual responses would not.28 Cricket bat-
Instead of testing anticipation, Müller and Abernethy20 sought ters anticipated the direction of balls bowled by producing action
to examine whether larger training gains would be generated when responses or verbal responses. Again, the action responses were supe-
training with an action response rather than a perceptual response. rior to verbal responses, and the action responses were indeed unaf-
Indeed, anticipatory performance was later found to be greater in a fected by mild to moderate amounts of blur. The findings were
video simulation test for the group who trained with the action re- interpreted to be further evidence that coupled responses are pro-
sponse when compared with a control group. This result was consis- duced by the dorsal pathway, whereas uncoupled responses are not.
tent with expectations based on the two-visual-system hypothesis.
However, in an in situ test, in contrast to expectations, there was
no difference in the improvement of the groups who trained with ac- Evidence in Sport Potentially Contradicting the
tion or perceptual responses. Both groups improved their anticipa- Two-visual-system Hypothesis
tory responses after training (although only the action group Along with the in situ results found by Müller and Abernethy
improved their ability to hit the ball). The results of the in situ test which were not entirely consistent with the two-visual-system hy-
are not consistent with the expectations based on the two-visual- pothesis,20 Ranganathan and Carlton29 examined the anticipatory
system hypothesis. The results of Müller and Abernethy20 suggest that performance of baseball batters and also found results inconsistent
the dorsal stream is involved in anticipation training in sports, but with what would be predicted on the basis of the hypothesis.
only to some extent and/or in only some instances. Ranganathan and Carlton29 asked skilled and novice baseball bat-
Actions have also been found to result in enhanced decision ters to distinguish between fastballs and changeups (i.e., pitches
making in sport. Bruce and colleagues21 tested the decision that initially appear similar to fastballs but are slower and drop). Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 698

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Two-visual-system Hypothesis and Sport Performance — Mann et al.

Batters were placed in a virtual environment that showed video fast-moving ball. Wherever possible, it is best to test our assump-
footage of a point-light display of a pitcher and were asked to re- tions empirically. For instance, it has been widely assumed that
spond either by swinging a bat or verbally. Ranganathan and baseball and cricket batters must rely on fast eye movements that
Carlton29 found that the batters (irrespective of their skill level) approach or even exceed the capabilities of the extraocular mus-
were worse at identifying the pitch when swinging the bat when cles when hitting a ball.32–34 However, recent empirical research
compared with when they produced a verbal response. This is the shows that, in reality, the eyes often remain very still within the or-
opposite of what would be expected, in particular for the skilled bit and that it is largely the head that does the tracking of the
batters, given that they would produce action responses during ball.35–37 Training eye movements may hold limited benefits if it
training and in matches. The authors argued that the poorer perfor- is the head that does the ball tracking. The implication is clear:
mance when producing the action stemmed from two factors: in- an (empirical) understanding of how the task is performed—and
creased task difficulty and reduced response time (because the the visual information relied on—is vital to design training interven-
bat swing needed to be initiated earlier than the verbal response). tions to improve on-field performance.
It is also possible that the point-light display used in that study cre- The second key implication is that training interventions de-
ated an environment that became too artificial to replicate effec- signed to improve on-field sport performance should, wherever pos-
tively the task usually performed by baseball batters. From the sible, require athletes to respond using the type of action responses
perspective of the two-visual-system hypothesis, the point-light dis- they would typically produce on-field.19,38,39 If perceptual judg-
play may have failed to fully engage the batters' dorsal visual ments are controlled by a different visual pathway to that which
stream. controls actions, then training designs that require perceptual
In a recent study, Hüttermann and colleagues30 asked team-sport judgments might train a neurological pathway that is distinct from
athletes and individual-sport athletes to perform a soccer passing task that relied on on-field and could even require the athlete to attune
while facing static teammates and/or opponents on a 210° curved to visual information that is different from that relied on on-field. By
screen. The screen was divided vertically into halves, each half show- extrapolating this idea, it could be argued that purely perceptual
ing various compositions of a teammate with or without opponents. training could even hinder on-field performance if the visual system
The teammate on one side of the screen was oriented toward the par- becomes attuned to inadequate information or information that is
ticipant, and the one on the other side was oriented toward the side- not available when producing an actual action. Instead, training
line. Participants had to pass the ball only to teammates who were designs that require genuine action responses are more likely to re-
unmarked and oriented toward them and were required to respond sult in on-field gains by attuning athletes to the visual information
either with a coupled kicking response or verbally. Hüttermann they will rely on in competition.
et al.30 found that the decision making of the team-sport athletes Most prominently, van der Kamp and colleagues38 argued that
did not differ across the two response modes, but that the most existing research on anticipation in sport was likely to have tested
individual-sport athletes performed better when responding ver- the ventral visual pathway, because participants are most commonly
bally. The authors explained that this result could be interpreted tested when making verbal responses to video-based displays, rather
on the basis of increased automated processing with increased than by producing the real-time motor responses (driven by the dorsal
domain-specific expertise. They argued that the coupled response pathway) that they would rely on in the performance environment.
for the group of individual-sport athletes (having less Therefore, van der Kamp and colleagues38 claimed that the under-
domain-specific experience) was not yet automatized, resulting in standing of visual anticipation in interceptive actions was limited
better performance in the uncoupled condition. On the other hand, and somewhat biased toward ventral conscious perception, a type of
automation was attained in the team-sport group, enhancing their perception not representative of actual sport performance. Accord-
performance when producing a coupled response. Alternately, it ingly, van der Kamp et al.38 proposed that the visual anticipation of
could also be that the relatively artificial nature of the environment what the situation affords for action primarily relies on the ventral
(passing toward a video screen) could explain the lack of advantage pathway, whereas the visual guidance of the action is supported by
for the coupled responses and/or that not all team-sport athletes the dorsal pathway. This model stimulated an array of empirical re-
were experts in the task given that not all were soccer players. Again, search using tasks involving an action and has helped to generate a
similar to the conclusion drawn from the study of Ranganathan and movement toward action rather than perceptually based responses.
Carlton,29 it could be argued that the dorsal visual stream was not Norman11 has even argued that the dorsal and ventral pathways
actually engaged in this task. may respectively parallel the two contrasting theoretical ap-
proaches to visual perception, the constructivist and ecological ap-
proaches. The main idea was that both theoretical approaches
What Are the Implications of the Two-visual-system could coexist and present valid descriptions of perception; they
Hypothesis for Training to Improve Sport Performance? simply refer to different aspects of information being accessed by
There are two primary implications for vision training to improve the sensory system. The constructivist view, the more traditional
sport performance as a result of the two-visual-system hypothesis. of the approaches, argues that visual information is processed
First, caution is required when making assumptions about the vi- and takes into account additional information that is beyond the
sual information an athlete relies on when performing an action. sensory stimulation (e.g., from memory). The ecological view, on
The visual information underpinning perceptual judgments is the the other hand, argues that information is acted on directly without
very clear and colorful image of the world most of us are con- any need for higher-order “processing.” Instead, invariants in the
sciously accustomed to.2,31 However, the two-visual-system hy- visual array are said to directly supply unequivocal information
pothesis suggests that the visual information relied on to control about how to act. Norman11 argued that the ventral pathway, by
actions might be different and, in particular, is blurrier and subcon- processing information in a conscious manner, acts in a way con-
scious. Accordingly, training to improve visual acuity might hold sistent with the tenants of the constructivist view. In contrast, the
limited benefits in improving, for instance, the ability to hit a dorsal pathway, which acts less consciously by directly acting on Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 699

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Two-visual-system Hypothesis and Sport Performance — Mann et al.

available information, acts in a manner more similar to that argued

for by the ecological approach. Research in visual perception and, CRITICISMS OF THE TWO-VISUAL-SYSTEM
in particular, in the perceptual-cognitive sport sciences has contin- HYPOTHESIS
ued to approach perception from often either the constructivist or
the ecological approach, each often finding evidence to support One of the most likely explanations for the two-visual-system
their own viewpoints. According to Norman's (not uncontroversial) hypothesis's modest impact is in the increasing number of re-
viewpoint, constructivists in the sport sciences are more likely to searchers who argue against the validity of the hypothesis.42–44 A
be testing ventral-pathway functions, whereas ecologists are more growing number of studies have revealed findings that are inconsis-
likely testing dorsal functions. tent with the predictions of the hypothesis, with the outcomes lead-
ing to rigorous ongoing debate. In fact, protagonists have questioned
almost all of the evidence on which the hypothesis was built and
What Has Been the Impact of the Two-visual-system claim that the hypothesis is no longer tenable. Here we briefly review
Hypothesis in the Sport Sciences? the key criticisms.

The two-visual-system hypothesis has had a relatively sustained

impact on the literature in sport sciences over the past 30 years, Neuropsychological Evidence
with a relatively consistent rate of citations since first publication The development of the two-visual-system hypothesis relied
(Fig. 1). Perhaps surprisingly though, the impact of the two- heavily on studies that demonstrated patient DF's impaired object-
visual-system hypothesis has failed to grow in comparison with recognition but preserved action-control. However, more recent
other comparable theories (compared in particular with work by studies show that patient DF's story is not so simple. Some recent
Pinder et al.41 on representative design, a concept that we will re- studies show her visually guided actions to be highly inaccurate both
visit shortly). Given the impact of the two-visual-system hypothesis when controlled by peripheral vision45,46 and when haptic feedback
in the wider literature, it seems reasonable to question why the is removed,47 with the claim being that she shows damage to both
theory's impact has remained modest in the sport sciences. object recognition and action control. Moreover, functional MRI

FIGURE 1. Frequency of citations in the sport literature to the article of Goodale and Milner3 since publication. Citations are reported as the number of
citations per 100,000 citations identified in Google Scholar using the search term “sport*” (the “*” searches for any term starting with and including
“sport”). The number of citations to articles by Brunswick40 and Pinder et al.41 is shown for purposes of comparison. Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 700

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Two-visual-system Hypothesis and Sport Performance — Mann et al.

shows patient DF to have damage to her ventral and dorsal streams What Is Filling the Void?
(e.g., bilateral thinning in the intraparietal sulcus in the dorsal
stream in addition to her extensive bilateral ventral stream dam- Although explicit references to the two-visual-system hypothesis
age48,49). As a result, it remains unclear whether patient DF's im- seem to be stagnant within the sport sciences, the ideas that the the-
paired peripheral action control is a result of the damage to her ory generated and supported have not. In fact, if anything, those ideas
dorsal stream or rather is evidence that perception and action do have only grown. Foremost is the idea that, to maximize effectiveness,
not have distinct visual representations. testing and training for sport performance should take place in condi-
tions that replicate the “on-field” performance conditions as closely as
possible. This principle maximizes the likelihood that the neural acti-
Studies of Visual Illusions vation that occurs on-field is also the one relied on during testing and
training. However, if researchers are not relying on the two-visual-
Studies that demonstrate an influence of pictorial illusions on system hypothesis to support this principle, what are they relying on?
perceptual judgments—but not actions—provide alluring evidence The concept of representativeness is increasingly used to justify
for the two-visual-system hypothesis; however, some now argue the use of testing and training designs that more closely replicate
that flaws in those studies have provided a misleading picture. the conditions experienced on-field. According to Brunswick,40 a
Early studies did not account for differences in the sensitivity of test or training task is said to be representative if its constraints on
perceptual judgments and actions to changes in object sizes, and behavior—including the information available when performing that
indeed, the influence of illusions on actions remains when a correc- task—are characteristic of those when performed naturally.41 Impor-
tion is made,50,51 albeit that the influence on actions usually re- tantly, although the two-visual-system hypothesis relates explicitly to
mains smaller than that for perceptual judgments.52 Moreover, the need for the action performed during testing and training to closely
some illusions such as motion illusions influence perception resemble the one performed on field (to rely on the same visual infor-
and action equally,53 whereas other illusions influence some mation), representativeness as a concept applies much more widely.
movements more than others (e.g., eye movements54). Debate Representative design advocates that it is not only the action used dur-
continues whether these findings undermine the two-visual-system ing testing or training that should be representative of that performed
hypothesis or, instead, whether only some illusions may act at a neu- in the natural environment, but so too should any source of informa-
rological level that influences the ventral but not dorsal stream.55,56 tion that acts as a constraint on behavior (e.g., sounds, teammates,
emotions, and pressure). The theory suggests that the more of that in-
formation that is removed, the less likely it is that test results will re-
Functional Imaging and Computational Modeling flect those that would be found on-field, and the less likely that
The development of functional brain imaging and computa- training will result in enhanced on-field performance.
tional modeling has led to a shift in understanding away from a Although representative design is fundamentally appealing and
modularly organized brain toward a networked brain that is highly growing in popularity, strong empirical support is yet to emerge.
flexible and context dependent.42 Rather than supporting a dis- There exists only a small number of studies that show that the
tinction between two distinct visual streams, evidence increasingly way a task is executed differs when that task is less representative
shows that flexible communication emerges between the two streams of that used on-field,18,61–63 with very little done yet to show that
in a very task-specific manner.57 Moreover, numerous studies argue more representative training designs result in superior improve-
that more than two visual streams exist.58,59 These imaging studies ments in on-field performance. Moreover, unlike the two-visual-
have further questioned the existence of two functionally and modu- system hypothesis, representativeness is not formulated on the basis
larly distinct streams. of neuroscientific findings but rather is largely theoretical. Empirical
The emerging doubt about the distinction between the two vi- support is vital given the growing popularity of the concept.
sual streams has made the theory increasingly difficult to falsify. The growing popularity of representative design has led to the devel-
A sound scientific theory should be falsifiable, meaning that it opment of newer theories. For instance, Hadlow et al.64 recently pro-
must be possible to show that the theory is not true through exper- posed the Modified Perceptual Training framework. Designed to
imentation.60 That is, it should be possible to design experiments address the growing popularity of visual and perceptual training tools in
whose results either support the hypothesis or provide evidence sport, the framework suggests that the success of any perceptual training
against it. However, in the case of the two-visual-system hypothe- tool should depend on the degree to which it is representative of not only
sis, results that fail to show a functional distinction between per- the on-field (action) response, but also the perceptual function being
ception and action are often attributed to there being cross-talk trained and the perceptual stimulus used in the training task. In that
between the two pathways. Take for example the study by Müller sense, a training design that requires an action response (like that per-
and Abernethy,20 which failed to find any difference in the in situ formed on-field) should improve on-field performance more than a de-
anticipatory performance of cricket batters after training with either sign whose response is less representative. Similarly, a design that
an action or a perceptual response. If Müller and Abernethy20 had trains a perceptual function relied on on-field should be more successful
found action training to produce better results, then it would have than one that trains a less representative function, and a design should
provided support for the two-visual-system hypothesis. However, be more successful if the perceptual (in particular visual) information it
the failure to find a difference can—instead of providing evidence presents is more similar to that present on-field than a design that does
against the two-visual-system hypothesis—be explained by there not. The framework advises that vision and/or perceptual training
being cross-talk between the dorsal and ventral streams whereby should, wherever possible, seek to train a perceptual skill known to
ventral training may ultimately improve performance on the dorsal be relied on on-field and should do so using (visual) information and
task. Scientists tend to avoid scientific theories that cannot be fal- responses the athlete would typically rely on. However, although the
sified, and this may in part explain the increasing reluctance to rely framework is intuitively appealing and theoretically sound, it again re-
on the two-visual-system hypothesis. mains largely untested and requires empirical validation. Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 701

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Two-visual-system Hypothesis and Sport Performance — Mann et al.

creasingly unclear whether the central claims of the two-visual-

CONCLUSIONS system hypothesis remain true. There is increasing doubt about
the degree to which the two visual streams are indeed modular
The two-visual-system hypothesis has helped to change the way and distinct, and even doubt about whether there are only two vi-
that sport scientists and practitioners view the way that sport skills sual streams. Sport scientists are increasingly relying on other the-
should be both tested and trained. The hypothesis helped to high- ories to justify the use of more naturalistic tests and training tasks,
light that the neurological pathway (or network) used during many although these theories remain largely theoretical and so far lack
existing tests or training paradigms may rely on different visual the neurological underpinning and evidence base of the two-
information and may be different from that used on-field during visual-system hypothesis. Most agree that tests and training tasks
competition. This new approach has led to positive change: the im- should be as representative of those performed on field as possible,
plementation of more naturalistic designs that most agree are more but much needs to be done to better understand exactly why that is
likely to result in the better sampling of on-field performance and and whether the principle applies to all tasks important for sport
better gains as a result of training. It has, however, become in- performance.

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