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Review: Vision and On-field Performance A Critical Review of Visual

Assessment and Training Studies with Athletes

Article in Optometry and vision science: official publication of the American Academy of Optometry · July 2021
DOI: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000001729


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2 authors:

Daniel Laby Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum

SportsVisionNYC University of California, San Diego


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Review: Vision and On-field Performance: A Critical Review of Visual

Assessment and Training Studies with Athletes
Daniel M. Laby, MD1 and Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum, PhD2*

SIGNIFICANCE: Sports vision is an emerging field that seeks to establish the relationships between visual function
and sports performance. Here we provide the first critical review of empirical studies that attempt to link visual as-
sessments and vision training to competitive game performance.
Vision is essential to producing controlled movement, and therefore, it is intuitive that better visual abilities should
relate to better sporting performance. This notion has been central to the field of sports vision, an area of study that
seeks to determine the visual skills that underlie optimal sports performance and investigate approaches to train
these abilities to improve sports performance. Although this field now contains hundreds of published articles ad-
dressing visual assessment and training in athletes, relatively few have attempted to directly link these capabilities
to on-field production statistics from competitive matches. The objectives of this article are both to describe the
theoretical and experimental framework necessary for such research and to critically review the empirical literature
that has attempted to directly link visual assessments and/or training to athletic performance. We begin by describ-
ing why such associations are important and then provide an evidence-based framework for evaluating the quality
of research in this domain. This is followed by a summary and review of the qualified literature that has addressed
either relationships between baseline assessments and game performance or the effects of visual training interven-
tions on game performance. Based on this review, it is concluded that, despite promising evidence supporting the Author Affiliations:
role of vision in sports performance and improvements due to training, the specialty is still in need of methodolog- Champions Edge, LLC/
ical improvements. It is recommended that studies aim for larger better-powered studies, consistent and precise SportsVisionNYC, New York, New York
outcome measures, and greater scientific rigor such as obtained through randomized placebo-controlled designs Department of Psychiatry and
with pre-registration of hypotheses. Behavioral Sciences, Center for
Cognitive Neuroscience, Duke
Optom Vis Sci 2021;98:723–731. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000001729 University, Durham, North Carolina
Copyright © 2021 American Academy of Optometry *
Supplemental Digital Content: Direct URL links are provided within the text.

quarterback must monitor teammates and opponents as a play un-

SPORTS VISION AND SPORTS VISION TRAINING folds over several seconds. In all cases, the consequences can be
remarkable, with success leading to tremendous reputational and
Vision is central to success in nearly all sports. Hitting a baseball, financial gains, and failures leading to humbling physical and
spiking a volleyball, and executing a bicycle kick all rely on vision to mental results. Past research has supported this notion, demon-
guide precise and difficult motor actions. Such perception-action cou- strating that different sports draw on different visual skills, as
pling is often regarded as a limiting factor for excellence across a wide shown with Olympic athletes from different sports2 and among ath-
range of sports,1 and it all starts with the eyes. Transduction of light letes who play interceptive versus strategic sports.3
into the neural code relies on optics and retinal sampling to produce A core tenet of this emerging “sports vision” discipline is that better
high spatial acuity and oculomotor dynamics that can maintain focus visual abilities underlie better athletic performance. Past research has
as the body and the field of view move rapidly over space. Once trans- approached this question by identifying cross-sectional differences, ei-
duced into the neural code, information is sent through the visual ther comparing subjects at different levels of athletic achievement or
system to the brain where it is combined to form 3D representations. testing for direct correlations between visual assessments and on-field
These representations interact with attention, cognitive control, performance. Evidence has accrued supporting both associations. For
memory, and motor systems in feedforward and feedback circuits example, numerous studies have demonstrated that visual-perceptual
to enable perception and action—ultimately allowing for the ex- and visual-cognitive abilities are enhanced in expert athletes4,5
ceptional feats of athleticism we witness when athletes perform with evidence for superior visual acuity,6,7 enhanced contrast sen-
at their best on the field. sitivity,8 and better visual tracking abilities9 in expert athletes.
Just as all sports entail different movement dynamics, it is Such findings have been synthesized in two meta-analyses of the
thought that different visual abilities are essential to success. For sports expertise literature,10,11 showing that higher achieving ath-
example, the visual needs of a softball batter are quite different letes are better at detecting perceptual cues, make more efficient
from the visual needs of a football quarterback. In one case, a bat- eye movements, and have better attentional processing compared
ter must be able to project the trajectory of a pitch that unfolds over with less accomplished athletes or nonathletes.
milliseconds to decide whether to swing and optimally contact a Research linking baseline assessments to game performance has
softball moving up to 70 miles per hour. In the other case, a also emerged in recent years, which attempts to directly compare Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 723

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

ocular or psychometric tests of vision to measures of game perfor- are important for interpreting the sports vision literature but pose
mance. These measures include both specific statistics that isolate challenges when working with athlete populations. This is followed
the individual (e.g., plate discipline measures in baseball and soft- by a summary of each of the considered publications and a critical
ball) and nonspecific statistics that more broadly reflect productivity review of the strengths and weaknesses of this literature along with
in the context of other teammates or opponents (e.g., batting aver- recommendations that may lead to improvements in future re-
age, which also depends on actions of fielders and base runners). search and practice.
Although conducted with a diverse range of sample sizes, assess-
ments, and outcome measures, this literature provides preliminary
evidence that better visual-perceptual,12–14 oculomotor,15,16 and EVIDENCED-BASED SCIENCE AND BEST
visual-motor17–19 skills correlate with better performance statistics PRACTICES IN SPORTS VISION RESEARCH
in competitive games and, in some cases, reduced injury instances.20
Because baseline assessments can be measured before game sta- As with any discipline, the practice of sports vision should be
tistics are accrued, these findings may offer a prospective view that driven by the best available evidence. However, the opportunity
can be considered predictive and therefore potentially useful for to conduct carefully controlled and sufficiently powered research
player scouting. studies, especially in the case of elite athletes, is a challenge that
Collectively, these studies demonstrating associations between requires considerable effort. Because of logistic hurdles, limits of
better vision and better sporting performance have provided available time, and the potential desire of athletes and teams to
support for the notion that improving visual skills may also lead maintain a competitive advantage, there is a relative scarcity of op-
to better athletic outcomes. The growing practice of “sports vision portunities to conduct well-designed studies that can be published
training” relies on the notion that practice with demanding percep- for public consumption. Despite these challenges, the pursuit of
tual, cognitive, or oculomotor tasks can improve the ability to pro- well-designed and executed studies should remain the criterion
cess and respond to what is seen, which may confer an advantage standard in sports vision research. As an initial step, it is important
when such visual skills are marshaled in challenging sporting envi- to consider challenges to causal inference that may impact the
ronments. Although there is considerable heterogeneity in the way sports vision literature. For a more complete treatment of human
that sports vision training interventions have been implemented, subjects research methods and sampling biases, see the text by
the common philosophy behind these programs stems from three as- Patten and Newhart.31
sumptions: aspects of vision are important for particular sports, Causal inference refers to the process of drawing a conclusion
these abilities can be modified through training, and improvements about the connection between a condition and an effect. Good re-
in these visual abilities translate to better on-field performance.21 search designs are organized to allow for strong inference while
Early approaches to sports vision training entailed analog drills minimizing sources of bias. Although randomized assignment of
that imposed heavy oculomotor demands, requiring trainees to rap- participants is considered among the criterion standards in causal
idly alter visual accommodation and convergence, or saccadic and research, studies with athletes pose a particular problem in this re-
smooth pursuit eye movements, to moving or physically separated gard. For all intents and purposes, it is often not possible to ran-
visual targets. Although several empirical studies22 and consensus domly assign participants to treatment and placebo groups, or to
reviews23 have cast doubt on the effectiveness of such analog train- different sports or levels of achievement, and therefore, there are
ing techniques, a wide variety of new technologies have been devel- selection processes that may be beyond experimental control. As
oped in recent years to substantially extend the range, scope, and such, it is important to consider selection biases that impact the in-
contexts of sports vision training applications.24 For example, dig- terpretation and generalizability of findings. Broadly speaking, se-
ital devices, such as stroboscopic eyewear and mobile tablet-based lection bias refers to the choice to analyze some data with regard
devices, now allow for training during natural sporting activities.25–27 to all possible data that may be available. Within the hierarchy of
Through the use of augmented and virtual reality simulation, it is sports, one must also consider survivorship bias, a form of selection
possible to recreate and augment sporting contexts to promote bias that specifically addresses concentration on people that have
sports-specific training with high fidelity.28,29 As described in the passed a selection criterion. Although these aspects of representa-
recent “Modified Perceptual Training Framework,”30 the effective- tive sampling pose challenges within the sports vision literature, it
ness of these approaches for improving actual competitive perfor- is important to encourage the interpretation of results regarding the
mance may depend on interacting factors that define the targeted specific sample under consideration and avoid, or acknowledge,
perceptual function that is being trained, the correspondence of potential sampling biases.
the training stimulus to the desired competitive skills, and the corre- A second area of methodological challenge stems from the de-
spondence of the elicited response to competitive skills. As such, ef- sire to test multiple relationships among the abundance of mean-
fective sports vision training approaches involve a multidimensional ingful quantitative data generated in sporting activities. To infer
set of relationships that must fit into a training program that is logis- relationships, null hypothesis tests are typically performed to deter-
tically feasible and tolerable for athletes who generally have consid- mine the statistical likelihood of a result not having occurred by
erable demands for their time. chance. Within this framework, type I errors and type II errors occur
Research across the gamut of sports vision has led to widely dis- when incorrectly selected criteria are used to reject hypothesis.
crepant findings regarding the reliability and effectiveness of these Type I errors are controlled by the level of statistical significance
approaches. There are many possible reasons for these discrepan- or certainty, typically 95% certainty or P < .05. With multiple anal-
cies, including the specificity of the assessment or the training, the yses, however, the chance of a false-positive finding will be in-
match between the approach and the sport under consideration, flated, creating the appearance that a significant finding exists
and the scientific or statistical methodologies used in conducting when indeed none is present. In such situations, it is necessary to
the study. The next section of this article will briefly address some adjust the significance level to account for the multiple tests being
of the important concepts regarding evidence-based science that performed, so-called multiple comparison correction. Type II errors Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 724

Copyright © American Academy of Optometry. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

occur when one accepts a null hypothesis that is false. Such errors are articles, eight involved baseball athletes, two reported on basketball,
related to the number of subjects enrolled in the study, with insuffi- and one each reported on hockey, marksmanship, and softball.
cient sample sizes making type II errors more likely. To have the best
chance of rejecting the null hypothesis and of avoiding type II errors,
studies must have enough subjects. Because of challenges in Baseball Studies
obtaining large sample sizes and the desire to test many aspects of In an early study by Laby and colleagues35 published in 1998,
performance simultaneously, studies addressing sports vision must 410 major and minor league players in the Los Angeles Dodgers
take special precautions to avoid inflation of these statistical errors. baseball organization were assessed for ocular dominance using a
The biases listed previously largely reflect comparable challenges modified Bryngelson technique (placing a tube over their eye to
faced in other domains of human behavioral research32 and have gaze at a distant target) and hand dominance. Eye-hand dominance
sparked a movement toward “Open Science” principles that priori- was defined as uncrossed if the laterality matched for the eye and hand
tize transparent, rigorous, and accountable research practices to pro- assessment or crossed if it did not. Dominance was then compared
mote accessible, verifiable, and valid findings. Driven partly by the with batting and pitching performance using subsequent season game
tenets of clinical trials that permeate medical research, Open Sci- statistics. Results did not demonstrate significant associations be-
ence advocates for approaches such as pre-registration of hypotheses tween eye, hand, or eye-hand dominance and batting or pitching
and methods before initiating studies, placebo control to isolate in- statistics in either the major or minor league samples.
terventional effects, and open access to data and code to make the The same year, Molia and colleagues36 published an article
raw materials and outputs of studies available for others to repli- testing stereopsis in a sample of 23 collegiate baseball players that
cate and build upon. Given the many methodological challenges included 14 position players and 9 pitchers. In this study, a battery
noted previously, sports vision studies are advised to follow the Open of functional vision tests was acquired, including Snellen acuity
Science principles. See the Appendix (available at http://links. and eye alignment at distance, and three different near and far for more on pre-registration and the Open distance stereoacuity measures. These assessments were compared
Science approach. through separate Spearman correlations to the players' previous-year
game statistics for batting average and slugging percentage among
the position players and earned run average, out percentage, and
LITERATURE SUMMARY strike-out percentage for the pitchers, including only batters with
>50 at bats and pitchers with >9 innings pitched. Although results
In the following section, we review the literature that has tested demonstrated better-than-average functional vision scores and
the role of vision and/or vision training using sports performance correlations between stereoacuity measures, they did not dem-
statistics as outcome measures. To arrive at a representative sam- onstrate significant relationships with any of the game performance
ple of articles addressing vision assessment and vision training, measures.
we first included all references in the 2011 American Optometric In 2011, Reichow and colleagues13 reported on results from a
Association, Sports Vision Section bibliography.33 These references pilot study conducted with 20 members of the Pacific University
were combined with results of keyword searches on PubMed for ci- baseball team to test if players' ability to correctly identify tachisto-
tations with the terms “sport” AND “vision,” “sports” AND “atten- scopically presented pictures of a pitch was correlated with their
tion,” and “sports” AND “neuroscience,” performed on April 13, batting averages from the previous season. In this study, players
2020. Forward and backward bibliographic searches using Google were presented with 30 randomly ordered slides depicting a pitcher
Scholar were performed on these articles and topical reviews in this throwing 1 of 4 different pitches, each presented for 200 millisec-
field from Mann et al.,10 Voss et al.,11 Williams and Ford,34 and onds. A single Pearson correlation test was performed, which dem-
Appelbaum and Erickson.24 onstrated a significant (P < .01) and strong (r = 0.648) positive
Articles were considered for review if they were written in English, correlation, with better average tachistoscope accuracy scores cor-
described research with human subjects, and included statistical responding to higher season batting averages.
comparisons of quantitative visual and/or psychometric assessments In 2016, Müller and Fadde37 reported on findings from a tem-
with game performance measures obtained from competitive or simu- poral occlusion study performed with 34 minor league baseball
lated sporting events. Approximately 540 references were initially batters with at least 100 at bats from which to draw statistics. In
identified and screened. Title and abstract review eliminated most this study, the authors compared players' accuracy in judging the
of these articles because they either did not include on-field sports pitch type (fastball, curveball, change-up) when occluded at four
performance metrics as outcome measures or did not include use of different time points relative to ball release (at pitcher's front foot
appropriate vision assessment or training interventions. The final re- impact, shoulders squared, ball release, and a no-occlusion con-
viewed sample included 13 articles that addressed correlations be- trol) against their on-field batting performance statistics including
tween visual assessments and game statistics, and 16 articles that batting average, on-base percentage, slugging percentage, base
addressed gains due to vision training using benchmarks from game, on balls, strikeouts, and walk-to-strikeout ratio. Pearson correlation
or game-like, statistical production. Although this process was coefficients were calculated for each combination of occlusion
designed to capture relevant articles, it was not intended to be time point (4) and game statistic (6) using only results from the
exhaustive but instead create a representative sample of the relevant fastball and change-up pitches and a criterion for statistical signif-
scientific literature. icance of P < .05, without correction for multiple comparisons. Re-
sults demonstrated significant positive correlations between task
Studies Linking Vision Assessment to performance at the front-foot release point and base on balls
Game Performance (r = 0.35, P = .04) and significant positive correlations in the ball
A total of 13 publications that reported comparisons between vi- release condition with base-on-ball percentage (r = 0.37, P = .03)
sual assessments and sports performance were found. Of these and on-base percentage (r = 0.37, P = .03). Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 725

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Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

To evaluate the role of eye-hand coordination on batting perfor- significantly predicted the highest attained league level and out-of-
mance, Laby and colleagues19 reported on a 2018 study with 450 zone and in-zone swing propensity rates. These findings were taken
professional baseball players (105 major league) in which per- as evidence that batters with superior visual and oculomotor abilities
formance on a commercially available assessment system (Sports are more discerning at the plate.
Vision Trainer System; Sports Vision PTY, Sydney, Australia) was
compared retrospectively with career plate discipline metrics. Using
Bonferroni-corrected Pearson correlations, the authors compared Other Sports
eye-hand performance from three different assessment modes (pro- Among the four identified studies that addressed sports other
active, reactive, go/no-go) to individual player's career plate discipline than baseball, the first report came in 1995 from Berg and Killian,41
measures for out-of-zone chase percentage, fastball chase percent- who compared visual field size among a hybrid sample of 12 collegiate
age, in-zone swing percentage, in-zone fastball swing percentage, softball players and 12 collegiate nonathletes. In this study, visual
and at bats per base on ball, as well as players' highest achieved field was measured through kinetic perimetry using a Topcon (Oakland,
league level and years of major league service. Results demonstrated NJ) manual perimeter. Among the softball players, batting performance
statistically significant correlations between most of the task scores was assessed through both a noncompetition batting test done off of a
and plate discipline metrics (P < .001), as well as longer service in, pitching machine and batting averages from Division 1 competitive
and likelihood to achieve, the major league level. games (perimetry was assessed in the middle of the team's season).
The same year, Burris and colleagues17 made use of a natural- Results indicated that, although visual fields were significantly larger
istic sample of data collected on the Nike (Beaverton, OR) SPARQ in the athletes than nonathletes, field size did not correlate with either
Sensory Station, a normative battery of nine validated tasks,38–40 competitive or noncompetitive batting averages.
to evaluate the links between visual-motor performance and bat- To assess the role of eye movements in marksmanship, Causer
ting performance in a sample of 252 professional baseball players and colleagues15 reported on a 2010 study measuring visual search
(141 batters with >30 at bats and 111 pitchers with >30 innings behaviors and gun barrel kinematics in 24 elite and 24 subelite
pitched). Using a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach that shooters. Point-of-gaze and gun barrel movements were recorded
allowed for comparison across players from different leagues and during skeet, trap, and double-trap events performed at the Interna-
contrast to a baseline model, task performance on the Sensory Sta- tional Shooting Sport Federation shooting range during noncompet-
tion was compared with subsequent season game statistics for itive but Olympic-rules shooting events. The duration and onset of
on-base, walk, strikeout, and slugging percentages for batters and quiet eye, defined as the final fixation on a target before movement
fielder-independent pitching for pitchers. Results demonstrated initiation,42 were calculated in relation to the scene camera on each
that, compared with the base model including the player age and shot and compared with gun motion profiles captured by two station-
position as control variables, a full model including performance ary external cameras. These were submitted to ANOVA to examine
on the task battery produced probabilistically (outside 95% confi- the effects of skill (elite/subelite) and shot outcome (hit/miss), with
dence interval) better prediction of on-base percentage, walk rate, effect sizes calculated as partial η2. Results demonstrated that, in
and strikeout rate, with better performance on the task battery cor- all shooting disciplines, elite shooters produced both earlier quiet
responding to better performance on the field. eye onsets and longer durations than did subelite shooters. More-
In 2019, Laby and colleagues14 tested the relationship be- over, in all disciplines, quiet eye duration was longer and onset ear-
tween performance on a functional vision screen (Enhanced Vision lier during successful, compared with unsuccessful, trials for all
Testing System) that combines target size, target contrast, and pre- shooters, providing evidence that the stability of gaze before shot ini-
sentation time with individual career plate discipline batting statis- tiation is important for shooting success.
tics in a sample of 475 professional baseball players. Results In 2014, Mangine and colleagues12 reported on results of a
demonstrated statistically significant Spearman (rank order) corre- study testing the relationship between visual tracking speed and re-
lations between performance on the visual evaluations and plate action times with game statistics in 12 professional basketball
discipline measures including in-zone swing percentage, in-zone players. Visual tracking speed was obtained from 20 trials on the
fastball swing percentage, chase percentage, fastball chase per- NeuroTracker (CogniSens Athletic, Inc., Montreal, Canada) multiple-
centage, and at bats per base on ball. Further analyses comparing object tracking test, whereas reaction times were measured with the
players in the top and bottom quintiles of vision screening scores Dynavision D2 light board (Dynavision International LLC, West Chester,
showed significantly better plate discipline in metrics including OH). These assessments were compared with game statistics from the
at bats per base on ball and in-zone swing percentage, indicating subsequent National Basketball Association season, including assists,
that batters with better visual function are more likely to be suc- turnovers, assist-to-turnover ratio, and steals. Results indicated positive
cessful when batting. relationships between visual tracking speeds and assists (r = 0.78,
Most recently, among the baseball studies, Liu and colleagues16 P = .003), steals (r = 0.77, P = .003), and assist-to-turnover ratios
evaluated the relationship between pre-season visual and oculomotor (r = 0.78, P = .003) but no relationship between reaction time and
evaluations and pitch-by-pitch batting performance in the subsequent any of basketball performance measures.
season from a sample of 71 professional baseball batters. In this Poltavski and Biberdorff18 reported on results from a 2015
study, eye tracking (RightEye, Bethesda, MD), visual-motor (Senaptec, study comparing assessments on the Nike Sensory Station with
Beaverton, OR), and optometric evaluations were compared through game statistics from 38 Division 1 collegiate male and female ice
nested regression models with pitch-level data from Trackman 3D hockey players (19 each). In this study, the authors performed mul-
Doppler radar used to generate batting propensity scores including tiple regression analyses with backward elimination to isolate which,
out-of-zone swing rate, in-zone swing rate, in-zone swing, and miss if any, of the nine assessment tasks on the Sensory Station predicted
rate, as well as the batters' highest attained league levels during each of three different game statistics, aggregated over two succes-
the season. Results indicated that visual evaluations relying on eye sive seasons. For offensive players, these included the percent of
tracking (smooth pursuit accuracy and oculomotor processing speed) goals scored and the average number of points per game. For all Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 726

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Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

players, the average number of penalty minutes per game was also In a 2014, Deveau and colleagues46 report findings on the ef-
calculated. Results demonstrated that 69% of variance in the goals fects of a perceptual training program on on-field batting perfor-
made could be predicted by better performance on four for the as- mance and generalized visual abilities. Nineteen collegiate batters
sessment tasks, whereas 33% of variance in game points and 24% from the University of California, Riverside baseball team completed
of variance in the duration of penalty time could be accounted for 30 sessions, whereas 18 pitchers served as a control group. In this
by other tasks. training program, individuals practiced a digital, near-threshold tar-
Finally, Vickers and colleagues43 reported on the role of quiet eye get detection task in which they searched for patterns of differing
analysis in basketball three-point shooting in a 2019 noninterventional spatial frequencies and orientations that increased in contrast but
descriptive report. Twelve university or semiprofessional basketball decreased in point values over time. The authors made direct com-
players, both male and female, were enrolled. Performance of parisons between the batters and pitchers on transfer visual acuity
three-point shots was recorded in both defended and undefended tests, which demonstrated significant improvements for the trained
conditions. Both the accuracy of the shot and different visual fixa- batters over the untrained pitchers. To assess baseball performance,
tions of the shooter were recorded and compared. The authors the authors compared on-field game statistics before and after train-
found that shooting accuracy was enhanced when optimal visual ing for 11 of the batters in relation to 78 batters from the Big West
fixation patterns (i.e., quiet eye) were observed. They also note that conference who were matched for age and position. Results demon-
this was not affected by defenders' actions. strate that the vision training group had significantly fewer strikeouts
Collectively, these studies stemming from highly variable as- (P = .03) and more runs created than did the comparison group, with
sessment approaches, athlete samples, and scientific methodolo- aggregated improvements equaling four to five projected wins.
gies provide mixed evidence supporting the role of different visual Belling and Ward47 reported in 2015 on the effects of video-based
skills toward sporting performance. training for pitch recognition and pitch location in nine National Col-
legiate Athletic Association Division 1 players who had on-field per-
formance data. Training consisted of temporal occlusion training of
Studies Testing the Effects of Vision Training with pitch recognition and location on a 65-in touch screen display under
Statistical Production during Competition an adaptive procedure with progressively earlier occlusion after suc-
A total of 16 publications that addressed vision training inter- cessful responses. ANOVA, uncorrected for multiple comparisons,
vention and their effects on sports performance were identified. and calculation of Hedges g effects sizes, without the benefit of a
Of these, eight involved baseball, two reported on cricket, and control comparison group, were performed. The authors reported sig-
one each reported on volleyball, hockey, soccer, badminton, golf, nificant improvements in the number of home runs (P = .008), runs
and racquet sports. scored (P = .04), and slugging percentage (P = .04) with moderate or
large effect sizes. Analysis of walks, batting average, and on-base
Baseball Studies percentage were numerically larger for the intervention group, al-
Seven articles dealt with vision training and baseball perfor- though these differences did not reach statistical significance.
mance metrics, all of which reported some level of improvement In 2016, Fadde48 reported on the effects of pitch recognition
with vision training. training in a team of 18 collegiate baseball players. Analysis was
In 2006, Fadde44 reported on the effects of training perceptual performed on total team statistics rather than individual player per-
decision making on baseball performance. All position players from formance, and comparison was made against batting performance
a National Collegiate Athletic Association baseball team were rank of other teams in the conference, without the benefit of a matched
ordered by their coaches based on overall hitting ability, and then control group. Eight different batting metrics were used in comparing
adjacently ranked players were assigned to either a treatment group the study population with the control teams. Using a Mann-Whitney U
that underwent 2 weeks of pitch occlusion training or a control test that compared the likelihood of rank ordering from the interven-
group that performed typical baseball activities. Batting statistics tion group being higher than the control group, the authors reported
for the next 18 games were compared using the Mann-Whitney U a significant gain in walk-to-strikeout ratio between years for the treat-
test. The author reports that significantly better batting averages ment group over the control (d = 0.953, P = .02), although none of the
were observed in the trained group, as compared with the control other statistics reached significance and the tests were not adjusted
group, during the post-training games (P < .05), whereas slugging for multiple comparisons.
percentage and on-base percentage were numerically superior but In 2017, Gray49 reported on the use of a virtual environment to
not statistically significant. assess potential improvements in batting performance. In this
A 2012 article by Clark and colleagues45 reported on the use of relatively large interventional study, 80 high school batters were
a vision training program with the University of Cincinnati baseball assigned to 4 different groups that trained with adaptive hitting
team. All players on the team underwent a diverse vision training training in the virtual environment, extra sessions of batting prac-
program consisting of circuit training with both analog (e.g., Brock tice in the virtual environment, extra sessions of real batting prac-
String, near-far charts, and saccades) and digital (e.g., drills with tice, or a control condition involving no additional training to the
stroboscopic eyewear, Dynavision light board, and tachistoscope) players' regular practice. Eight different virtual and real batting
training activities for 6 weeks before the season and during the metrics, including in-zone swing percentage and chase rate, were
baseball season. Overall team results, such as cumulative batting analyzed with Bonferroni correction performed for multiple compar-
average and slugging percentage, are reported and compared with isons. Results showed that trained players in the adaptive virtual
the rest of the conference during that same season. The authors re- environment group demonstrated significantly greater improve-
port a significant increase in batting average and slugging percent- ment from pre-training to post-training compared with the other
age for the Cincinnati team relative to the rest of the conference control groups on most of the on-field measures using independent-
(P = .02), with similar findings from analyses of conference and samples t tests at the Bonferroni-corrected critical P value of .006.
nonconference games. These players also had superior batting statistics in league play and Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 727

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Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

reached higher levels of competition after training (χ2 test of pro- described by Revien and Gabor,53 a video-package-based “eyerobics”
portions, χ2 = 7.9, P = .05). training program, placebo training, or no training. Training lasted for
Most recently, in a 2020 report, Liu and colleagues50 reported 4 weeks, and pre-performance and post-performance measures were
on the results of a dynamic visual skills training program versus pla- recorded, including tennis forehand drive accuracy. The authors
cebo training in 24 Division I collegiate baseball batters. Unlike all found no evidence of either improved vision or sports-specific perfor-
other studies summarized thus far, this study was pre-registered to mance in any of the groups.
report all the methods and a priori hypotheses before the study In 2011, Vine and colleagues54 described results from quiet
( and included randomiza- eye training in golf putting with treatment and control groups, each
tion into either an active dynamic vision training group or a matched consisting of 11 elite golfers. The treatment group received golf
placebo training control group. Three different types of metrics were putting quiet eye training, whereas both groups received video-based
used in comparing the treatment and control groups: visuomotor gaze feedback. Putting was scored both before the study and after
evaluations, instrumented batting practice measures, and National training. The authors found no difference between the groups at the
Collegiate Athletic Association game statistics. The authors found outset but reported a significant difference after training, with
no difference between the groups in the visuomotor evaluations or the intervention group requiring 1.9 fewer putts per round under
in the game statistics. Significant differences were, however, ob- game conditions than the control group.
served for launch angle (P = .002) and hit distance (P < .001) in Ryu and colleagues55 published a 2018 report in which 36 nov-
the instrumented batting practice tasks that each constituted me- ice badminton players were divided into 3 groups that received dif-
dium effect sizes according to Cohen's standards (d′ = 0.74 and ferent perceptual training during a 3-day period. In addition to the
0.70, respectively). As such, this pre-registered study provides evi- control group that was provided normal video of badminton shots,
dence that vision training improved batting practice performance the training groups viewed either low or high spatial frequency–
on metrics showing longer hit distances and higher flight angles, filtered videos of badminton shots. In all cases, videos were oc-
but further studies with larger samples are needed to corroborate cluded at the moment of contact between the racquet and the
and extend these findings. shuttle, and subjects were asked to identify the direction of the
shuttle movement. The authors noted that there was a significant
Cricket difference in accuracy between the control group and that of the
low spatial frequency–trained group (P = .005). This was theorized
In 2008, Balasaheb and colleagues51 reported on the effects of
to result from longer gaze at the point of racquet-shuttle contact in
visual skills training on cricket batting. Vision training lasted 6
the low-spatial-frequency group.
weeks and occurred 3 days each week. Thirty subjects were divided
In 2016, Romeas and colleagues56 studied the effects of
into three groups: a treatment group that received visual training, a
multiple-object tracking training on soccer performance. They
placebo group given a reading task and a video task not believed to
describe the use of a 3D training program on university-level ath-
improve vision, and a control group that performed their typical
letes, with nine participants in the active multiple-object tracking
cricket training with no added visual tasks. The authors found that
training group, seven in the active control group who watched 3D soc-
all three groups showed statistically significant improvement in
cer videos without multiple object tracking, and seven subjects in a
batting performance, but only the treatment group demonstrated
passive, no intervention, control group. Results indicated improved
improved visual skills after training in all skills, whereas the pla-
decision-making ability for passing in the actively trained group com-
cebo and control groups showed improvement in some, but not
pared with the combined control groups. There was no difference in
all, visual abilities. As such, these findings do not indicate selective
dribbling or shooting decision-making accuracy between the groups.
improvements in cricket performance because of vision training
In 2013, Mitroff and colleagues57 reported on the results of a
over the control interventions.
pilot study conducted with 11 National Hockey League players,
Hopwood and colleagues52 published results in a 2011 study
performed during pre-season training camp, as players were attempting
with 12 senior international cricket players in which they compared
to qualify for a professional team. Here, six players underwent a
pre-versus-post visual training abilities on a video-based decision
14-day training program in which they did on-ice hockey drills
test and on-field performance metrics. Training lasted 6 weeks,
while wearing Nike Vapor Strobe eyewear (Nike Inc., Beaverton,
and seven players performed an on-field training program in addi-
OR), whereas a control group of five players did comparable drills
tion to perceptual training, whereas five players underwent only
with normal vision. Before and after training, players were scored
on-field training. The authors report that the trained group demon-
on puck placement drills receiving higher points for better accu-
strated a statistically significant improvement in video-based decision
racy when shooting at distant targets. Using analysis of covariance
making when compared with their pre-test ability and compared with
that controlled for pre-training performance, the authors found a
the control group. The decision accuracy of the control group showed
significant gain for the intervention group over the controls, which
a large decrease over the course of the study, despite an expectation
amounted to an 18% improvement for strobe training, but no
for this to remain relatively stable. In addition, although the mean fiel-
change for the control group.
ding success score showed a statistically significant improvement in
Jenerou et al.58 studied the effect of a vision training program on
the trained group, the mean movement initiation time did not show
the performance of a collegiate level (Division I) ice hockey team. In
any difference.
their 2015 study, they enrolled 22 male players who underwent a
6-week, generic and nonpersonalized binocular, accommodative,
Other Sports and dynamic visual skills training program. Although it was not pos-
In 2001, Abernethy and Wood22 reported on the effects of a vi- sible to determine which training tasks had no effect, some effect, or
sion training program on racquet sports. Subjects were divided into a significant effect on performance, the authors note that, subjec-
four groups with 10 subjects in each group and underwent either tively, players reported a positive impact on their game performance.
an analog oculomotor training program based on drills originally In addition, there was a statistically significant improvement in goals Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 728

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Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

(t = −3.778, P < .003), shots on goal (t = −3.262, P < .01), and Although visual perception is unitary, the visual system is made
shooting percentage (t = −2.598, P < .03) when compared individ- up of many different, interrelated, fundamental processes, includ-
ually from pre-training to post-training. ing static and dynamic acuity, binocular vision, ocular-motor func-
Finally, Formenti and colleagues59 reported in 2019 on the effects tion, attention, visual working memory, and higher-level cognition.
of perceptual vision training in volleyball. This study enrolled 51 female The range of assessments used in the reviewed studies reflects this
volleyball players who were randomly assigned to either a 6-week con- heterogeneity. These include optometric measures of ocular func-
text sport-specific training group that performed repetitive volleyball tion, such as ocular dominance, perimetry, eye movements, and
drills without analytic vision exercises, a vision training group that measures of refractive error, using both sport-specific stimuli and
performed analytic vision exercises during non-volleyball training, non–sports-specific stimuli. Although these assessments and stim-
or a vision training sport-specific group that performed analytic vision uli are generally well motivated in the context of each study, and
exercises during volleyball training activities. Each player underwent many individual studies show positive relationships between visual
pre-training and post-training assessment of both volleyball-specific assessments and game performance, collectively, they use widely
abilities (accuracy of passing, setting, and serving) and more general different assessments, making it difficult to build consensus or
cognitive abilities (reaction time, executive control, perceptual speed). demonstrate reproducibility around certain relationships.
Results indicated that, although perceptual vision training improved Another challenge in this literature stems from the variable and
the cognitive abilities of the perceptually trained players as compared nonspecific game performance measures that are available for ath-
with the conventionally trained players, the conventionally trained letes who play different sports or positions. Among the 13 assessment
players demonstrated superior volleyball-specific abilities as com- studies reviewed, 8 tested baseball and 1 tested softball. These sports
pared with the perpetually trained players. are generally favorable for research because common metrics of bat-
ting and/or pitching are used that broadly capture production among
batters or among pitchers. Nonetheless, certain statistics are more
CRITICAL REVIEW AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS suitable for isolating production of individual athletes and even de-
cision making during each at bat occurrence. With the advent of
The representative collection of sports vision studies summarized radar-based tracking systems, these “advanced analytics” have
previously includes a diverse range of research questions, experimen- grown in popularity, and this is reflected in the reviewed studies.
tal approaches, and findings. They offer a heterogeneous set of con- The five articles published before 2018 all used counting statistics
clusions: many support the hypothesis that assessments correlate such as batting averages, home runs, and earned run averages, which
with game performance, and others do not; some support the hypoth- depend on the actions of fielders and base runners. Three of the four
esis that vision training improves game performance, and others do studies published since14,16,19 used plate discipline and swing pro-
not. Reviewing these publications reveals several commonalities that pensity measures that isolate the actions of the batter, without regard
can be used to gain a greater appreciation of the role of vision and vi- to other actions on the field. Continued use of such plate discipline
sual training in sports performance, as well as the strengths and limi- metrics should be encouraged, as they are most able to directly link
tations of research in this field. In the following sections, we review vision and performance in an individual athlete.
issues related to the sample sizes, assessments and interventions, out- Across the studies addressing links between assessment and
come measures, statistical approaches, and conclusions. We end by game production, several different statistical approaches were used.
summarizing improvements that may move the field forward. The most common was application of Pearson (linear) or Spearman
(rank order) correlations, which attempt to measure the dependent
Review of Studies Addressing Visual Assessment and relationships between assessment scores and game performance
Sports Performance scores, across individuals. In most cases, multiple outcome mea-
As noted previously, the power of any statistical inference de- sures were tested; however, multiple comparison corrections were
pends on the effect size and the number of observations. In the not implemented to account for these tests. Some studies, however,
case of the 13 articles addressing visual assessments, 4 stud- did apply corrections.14,19 At least four studies16–18,43 implemented
ies14,17,19,35 included large samples with between 252 and 475 regression analyses, which allow for estimation of multiple predictor
professional baseball players, whereas the others had 71 or fewer variables, including one that performed a Bayesian regression ap-
individuals. Several, but not all, studies included players with only proach.17 As such, these studies offered a deeper accounting of
a large number of plate appearances, whereas others included low multiple interrelated factors that may contribute to game statistical
numbers or did not report this information. Among the non-baseball performance. Two studies15,43 also provided information about ef-
studies, the average sample size was 19.6 athletes. fect sizes, which go beyond statistical inference to provide informa-
Access to research with large athlete cohorts is not common, tion about the strength of relationships between variables.
and therefore, it is important not only to take advantage of opportu- In conclusion, these studies offer promising but incomplete evi-
nities when they are presented but also to scale research questions dence that performance on visual assessments may correlate with
to fit the sample that is available. For instance, as reported by game performance in competitive situations. Despite such promise,
Reichow and colleagues,13 the research sample consisted of only strong conclusions cannot be drawn across this literature because of
20 collegiate batters, but the study addressed a focused question the considerable heterogeneity in assessment and outcome measures,
and single statistical test that did not require multiple comparison sample sizes, and statistical approaches.
correction. In contrast, Laby and colleagues19 included a sample of
450 professional batters while testing a range of relationships be-
tween hand-eye coordination and batting performance while Review of Studies Addressing Visual Training and
correcting for multiple comparisons. These two studies presented Sports Performance
appropriately scaled research questions, but this was not always In addition to the attributes noted previously, sufficiently powered
the case across the whole literature. subject sample sizes, randomization, and the use of matched-control Optom Vis Sci 2021; Vol 98(7) 729

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Vision and On-field Performance — Laby and Appelbaum

groups are additional important components of a well-designed in- outcomes, others failed to demonstrate good matches, for example,
terventional study. Although it is often difficult to recruit athletes using whole team performance statistics to detect individually di-
for such studies, especially at the elite and professional levels, rected training interventions.48 Most of the reviewed studies used con-
the quality and validity of study findings are critically dependent trol groups, although in some cases these may not have been matched
on optimal pre-study planning and study execution. For training and/or randomized optimally. Lastly, studies did not always apply a
studies, authors should consider the anticipated effect of their in- personalized sports-specific approach to the interventions used,
tervention on the sports performance metric they wish to study instead opted for a generalized wide-ranging set of interventions
and calculate sample sizes required to have a sufficiently powered performed equally by all participants.58
study that delivers meaningful results. Software packages, such as Within this literature, careful consideration needs to be paid to
G*Power (University of Dusseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany) are avail- the statistical analysis plan, particularly in situations where multi-
able to help with this estimation, whereas statistician colleagues ple analyses can be performed. Many of the interventional studies
can help guide optimal study design. summarized previously may have failed to correct for multiple com-
In the intervention studies summarized previously, there was an parisons, inflating the possibility of type I (false-positive) error and
average of 30 subjects, split approximately evenly between treatment misinterpreting a finding as being hypothesis driven. In several
and control groups. Considering that the influence of various visual cases, findings were described as exploratory, inviting follow-up re-
functions on sports performance is likely relatively small, when com- search, and a single study was labeled as a pilot study.57 Some stud-
pared with other factors, it is somewhat surprising that, despite these ies, including that by Gray,49 appropriately corrected for the multiple
small sample sizes, most reports showed significant gains due to the analyses, whereas only Liu and colleagues50 pre-registered hypothe-
training intervention. Some studies49,51,59 were slightly larger in ses and analyses, further strengthening the evidence. Encourag-
scope, offering a better chance to demonstrate the effects of the inter- ingly, these studies both showed positive effects, using specific
vention, whereas the remaining studies generally had a low number of outcome measures and pointing to the promise of virtual reality
subjects, leading to questions about the validity and replicability of and digital training augmentations of vision training. To move the
these results. Despite challenges in obtaining access to larger sample field forward, future studies should adopt these best practices.
sizes, especially among professional and collegiate athletes, future
studies should attempt to achieve large samples, possibly by perform- Suggestions to Improve the Field Going Forward
ing cooperative multisite studies. To understand the role of vision in sports, develop and test inter-
In designing interventional trials, the correspondence between ventions to improve performance, and provide honest evaluation,
treatments and outcome assessments plays a central role in the the field of sports vision needs to continue to evolve. The combina-
study's success. The reviewed studies explored visual training in- tion of vision assessments, interventions, and game performance
terventions including stroboscopic training, ocular-motor training, data makes this a multidisciplinary endeavor that spans the traditional
eye-hand coordination training, anticipatory timing training, and bounds of science. Increased demonstrations from pre-registered, ap-
adaptive perceptual learning. Nine studies implemented training propriately powered, and controlled studies will continue to bolster the
in naturalistic interventions, whereas seven used general interventions value of these techniques, whereas reporting of negative findings will
that seek to transfer foundational skills and trained out of context. aid in determining reproducibility. Ultimately, adopting these ap-
Among the reviewed studies, seven contained on-field performance proaches will better demonstrate the value of these services to teams
metrics, and nine contained competitive game metrics. Although while growing the specialty and attracting more high-quality practi-
several studies made straightforward links between treatments and tioners and researchers.

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