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| animalistic feeling, Fujimoto frequently compares the relationships between things in his own architecture to musical notes without a score, Arranging things based on a module that is as invisible as air probably originates from an animalistic intuition within Fujimoto subconscious There's no need to dare trying to explain this, but Ihave been tneasy about his casual use of cubes as elements, Far example, the theme of his Children's Center for Prychiatric Rehabilitation (2006) [pp.28-81, 90-99] is an array of white cubes, The cubes ar arranged with subde anges and distances, presenting the appearance of « beautiful village. ‘The cubes might possess no ‘meaning beyond being elements that produce relationships, Yet a cube is, afer all a cube. Its impossible to escape the meaning ofthe cubes on which modernist architecture was predicated, Even taken in the modernist context of minimal and pare geometry thi is unavoidable. ‘While Iwas harboring these doubts, I was confronted with the Next Generation Wooden Bungalows projet (2005-08) [p.121]. This is aso cube, Moreover i is only one cube. Yet this cube isn't a white cube es 2 massive eube comprising nothing more than layered 3Semaquare pices of timber, from which a cave-tike space has been produced by scooping out the intern: Needless to say; the thick rectangular pieces of timber form the structure, but at mes they also become a bench, a dining able anda bed, A truly stout, powerfil cube is being manifested. “This is absolutly not the “weak architecture” he has been doing up until nov. [A fragrant architecture suffsed withthe primitive smel of be, this is abo a tactile architecture whercin the qualities of the wood deeply penetrate the human bod: The realization of this project will surely cause Sou Fu joe robust. Fam now waiting to see how this robustness wil vjimoto’ animalistic sensitivity to grow m ‘be expressed in his future projects

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