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Allona Carter

1. What are mitochondria? What is their structure, function, and where did
they come from during evolution?
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It is elongated and has an outer
and inner membrane. The function of the mitochondria is to provide the
energy the cells needs to move, divide, and make energy. It comes from the
evolution of purple nonsulfur bacteria by the process of endosymbiosis when
bacterium captured by a eukaryotic cell.
2. Why are fatigue and “exercise intolerance” (such as Jasmin's extreme
exhaustion after running) common symptoms of mitochondrial diseases?
Fatigue and exercise intolerance are common symptoms of mitochondrial
disease because the cells have high energy need that are not being met. The
amount of energy that is needed to be produced is decreased. When it comes
to exercising your body needs energy and the mitochondria wasn’t producing
enough energy to continue the normal exercises. The body not producing
enough energy affects the body functions. When the mitochondria don’t
function properly there is a decrease in the production of energy.
3. Why do you think Jasmin has symptoms that affect so many different parts
of her body, including her legs, eyes, and digestive system?
The job of the mitochondria is to produce energy. Her symptoms are chronic
and genetic. When those functions are affected, and the cells don’t produce
enough energy the body starts to malfunction. Being the mitochondria is in all
cells, that means that it can affect any or all parts of the body. Your age can
also have an impact on the severity of the symptoms.

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