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Kirk Cero Andrew

Lorraine Cortes
Xyrous Renel Cagmat October 29, 2023

“A Peek Into Rizal’s Mind”

Our Philippine hero, Jose Rizal, stands as a remarkable figure in history, one
whose dedication to his people and birthplace, the Philippine Islands, knew no bounds.
His anecdotes, as found in Morga's Chapter 8, serve as windows into the profound
knowledge and understanding he possessed regarding the culture and practices of
ancient native Filipinos. In this thought paper, we will explore Rizal's insights and
observations in those anecdotes, revealing his passion for preserving Filipino identity
and our unique cultural traits.

Jose Rizal's writings reveal a deep understanding of the history and culture of
ancient Filipino people. His words are a testament to the care and research he invested
in comprehending his roots and the essence of his homeland. Through his anecdotes,
Rizal vividly demonstrates his love for the Filipino people, their culture, and the
Philippines. His narratives bring to life the richness of Filipino heritage, with most
anecdotes echoing the nuances of Filipino history, reflecting the meticulous research
that underpins his works.

A significant aspect of Rizal's reflection is his profound concern for preserving

Filipino cultural heritage. This concern becomes palpable when we examine his
apparent anger and disgust at the Spanish neglect of the indigenous naval advantages
that the ancestral Filipino ships and vessels offered. Through his analysis of Morga's
text, particularly on page 251 in Anecdote 1, Rizal showcases his dedication to
safeguarding the distinct cultural traits that defined the Filipinos.

Rizal's devotion to preserving Filipino identity becomes even more apparent

when he confronts the derogatory descriptions and double standards employed by
Spanish historians to describe the Indios. In Anecdotes 1 and 2, found on page 255,
Rizal confronts Morga's biased depiction of Spaniards versus Indios. He fiercely
defends the Indios against Morga's jabs, revealing a critical perspective on the
treatment of his people and their historical portrayal.

In addition to his historical and cultural insights, Rizal's background in scientific

research is evident in his writing. He uses precise and descriptive words to convey his
observations, as seen in Anecdote 2 on page 257 and Anecdote 4 on page 264. Rizal's
scientific approach not only adds depth to his reflections but also highlights his
commitment to accuracy in preserving Filipino history and culture.

Rizal's thought-provoking narratives also expose some of the dark business

practices employed by the Spaniards in their exploitation of the Indios. Anecdote 2 on
page 264 stands as a poignant example of Rizal's candid critique of the Spanish's
unjust practices. Through these anecdotes, Rizal sheds light on the exploitation faced
by the native Filipinos, further underscoring his commitment to their welfare.

Rizal takes it upon himself to correct Morga's biased descriptions, particularly

when Morga described the people living in the Camarines province as mere laborers
with no respect for their cultural achievements. In Anecdote 1 on page 265, Rizal
emphasizes the truth about the culture of these people, highlighting their sophistication
in shipbuilding and their elegant taste in jewelry and attire. This defense of indigenous
cultures showcases Rizal's devotion to preserving the unique aspects of Filipino

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Kirk Cero Andrew
Lorraine Cortes
Xyrous Renel Cagmat October 29, 2023

As Rizal delves deeper into his reflections, he expresses his concerns over the
diminishing population on various islands. The impact of Spanish policies, such as
aggressive logging drives, is evident on page 266 in Anecdote 1. This section reveals
Rizal's awareness of the consequences of these policies on the Philippines, including
the depletion of natural resources and agriculture.

Rizal's reflections extend to the influence of the Spaniards on the Filipino

language and mindset. On page 272 in Anecdote 2, Rizal highlights the gradual erosion
of native language and writing due to Spanish efforts to instill their curated views and
opinions. This insidious influence on the native mindset underscores Rizal's concerns
about preserving the Filipino identity.

Rizal's dissatisfaction with Spanish governance and bureaucracy becomes

apparent in his writings. He critiques the Spanish government's decision-making
processes, highlighting the unnecessary delays they create in addressing critical issues.
In Anecdote 1 on page 275, Rizal reflects on the problems arising from the Spanish
administrative system, emphasizing the need for more efficient governance.

In this exploration of Rizal's reflections on Morga's Chapter 8, we witness a

brilliant mind deeply committed to preserving Filipino identity and cultural heritage. His
insights and observations are not mere historical observations but a call to action to
protect what is uniquely Filipino. Today, as we reflect on Rizal's legacy, his devotion to
preserving the essence of the Philippines serves as an inspiration to all those who seek
to honor their cultural identity and history. Rizal's words continue to remind us of the
importance of preserving our heritage and maintaining our unique cultural traits.

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