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1. _______ is a round plane figure (a) rhombus (b) round (c) circle (d) triangle
2. The distance around a circle is called the ________ (a) arc (b) circumference (c) tangent (d)
3. What line divides the circle into two equal parts (a) radius (b) chord (c) segment (d) diameter
4. Dancing usually has a ________ this refers to the timing and pace of the dance (a) motion (b)
rhythm (c) drama (d) music
5. An athletic and acrobatic dance preformed with an ancient drum is referred to as (a) jazz (b)
alogwu (c) obesere (d) bata
6. Creative rhythm is an art from often used for self ______ (a) expression (b) correction (c)
conditioning (d) proclamation
7. Call of duty is an example of ________ (a) movie (b) gymnastics (c) computer junks (d) computer
8. Indoor activities are the one’s be done where (a) outside (b) inside (c) market (d) schools
9. Football is an example of ________ (a) outdoor activity (b) indoor activity (c) market activity (d)
mosque activity
10. DOS stands for _________ (a) disk operating system (b) digital operating system (c) don’t
operate system (d) delinquent opera solution
11. Windows is developed and produced by _______ (a) Dell (b) vivo (c) linus (d) Microsoft
12. Binary is the ________ numbering system that can be used (a) biggest (b) tiniest (c) smallest (d)
13. _______ is the basic unit of Digital information in computing (a) kilobyte (b) bytes (c) megabytes
(d) terabytes
14. Which of this is an example of a storage device (a) flash drive (b) cpu (c) monitor (d) chord
15. The term RAM in computer means (a) rational academy moment (b) random access memory (c)
random accustom memory (d) resource access memory


1. Define this terms

I. Diameter
II. Radius
III. Chord
IV. Segment
V. Tangent

2. Differentiate clearly between indoor and outdoor activities

b. Define Dance
c. Mention 4 types of dance
3. What is an operating system
b. Explain all you know about DOS

4. What are computer games

b. Mention 5 example of computer games

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