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Resistance Loop Band Workouts

A Complete Guide
Essential Training Advice
Useful Information about Your Bands
38 Exercises for the Lower and Upper Body
3 Super Effective Training Programs
Copyright 2017 Panathletic
All Rights Reserved. Panathletic reserves the sole right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit
this book. Reproduction of any type, including photocopying, recording or any other
mechanical or electronic method, without the express written permission from Panathletic,
is prohibited. This product is not for resale. All images and graphics are owned by
Panathletic and cannot be copied, reprinted, or reused without permission from

Exercise at your own risk and on the basis of common sense. Take all necessary precautions.
Check the bands before use to make sure they are in sound condition. In case you have
doubts about your physical condition, it is recommended that you consult with a local
healthcare practitioner before starting this exercise program. Panathletic disclaims liability
for any adverse loss, injury, or damage suffered by any person as a result of the use or
misuse of the Panathletic Resistance Loop Bands or due to any information included in this

Table of Contents

Part I: Introduction and Information 4

Introduction 4
The Advantages of Resistance Loop Bands 5

Specifications of the Panathletic Resistance Bands 6

General Guidelines 7

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body 8

1. Lying Leg Abductions 8
2. Inner Thigh Leg Lifts 9
3. Lying Leg Raises 10
4. Leg Curls 11
5. Squats 12
6. Bridges 13

7. Monster Walk 14
8. Donkey Kicks 15
9. Knee Extensions 16
10. High Knees 17

11. Curtsy Lunges 18

12. Side Lunges 19
13. Resisted Plantarflexion 20

14. Clamshells 21

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body 22

15. Arm Abductions 22
16. Biceps Curls 23
17. Triceps Extensions 24
18. Arm Abductions behind the Back 25

19. Overhead Press 26

20. Seated Rows 27
21. External Rotations 28

22. Shoulder Extensions 29

23. Arm Raises 30
24. Horizontal Abductions 31
25. Internal Rotations 32
26. Forward Punches 33
27. Push Ups 34
28. Lat Pull Downs 35

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body 36

29. Squats and Kick 36

30. One-Legged Squats with Kick 37

31. One-Legged Bridges 38
32. Plank with Leg Extensions 39
33. Plank with Side Steps 40

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body 41

34. Plank with Arm Raises 41

35. Push Ups with Arm Raises 42

36. Full Renegade Rows 43
37. Forward Bear Crawl 44
38. Sideways Bear Crawl 45

Part VI: Training Programs 46

Beginner Training Program 46

Advanced Training Program 50

Bonus: Booty Boost Program 53
Final Word 57

Part I: Introduction and Information

Part I: Introduction and Information


Exercise is scientifically proven to have various benefits on our overall health and well-
being. Regular physical activity can:
• reduce the risk of heart disease
• help control and maintain a healthy body
• reduce the risk of diabetes
• improve lung function
• strengthen bones and muscles supporting
• improve mood and mental well-being.

Most national health departments recommend 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous

aerobic activity every week, combined with at least two days of strength training.
Strength training refers to a type of exercise where resistance, such as in the form of a
resistance loop band, is used to produce a muscle contraction. Repeated muscle
contractions build anaerobic endurance and muscle size, contributing to increased muscular

Part I: Introduction and Information

The Advantages of Resistance Loop Bands

The Panathletic Resistance Loop Bands provide a cost-effective, convenient, and easy way to
work out anytime, anywhere. No gym membership is required. They are lightweight and are
easy to pack for travel. Further, unlike weights or dumbbells, resistance bands offer a
movement across a variety of planes and through all ranges of motion.
The loop band is suitable for all levels of
fitness from those just looking to get back
into shape to those individuals who are
looking to advance their fitness to the next
level. Often in rehabilitation settings, loop
resistance bands are used to perform basic
exercises to help achieve and regain full
function following injury. The variety in
strength levels provides options for all.
The loop resistance bands aid in both
eccentric and concentric contractions.
Concentric contractions are when the
muscle shortens. For example, in our
rowing exercise this would be happening
when pulling the band toward your chest.
Eccentric contractions occur when the
muscle lengthens. This type of contraction
would be the slow and controlled
movement of straightening the arms back
to the start position for the seated row. By
focusing on both types of contraction,
more strength can be gained through each
and every exercise.
This eBook, provided with your Panathletic Resistance Band Set, offers a variety of exercises,
including 6-week training guides for beginners and advanced groups, with a bonus Booty
Boost Program for the legs and butt. There are descriptions and images for each exercise.
Make sure to follow the directions and to read our General Guidelines before starting any

Part I: Introduction and Information

Specifications of the Panathletic Resistance Bands

The Panathletic bands offer a smooth, irritant-free surface preventing any burning on direct
band-to-skin contact. The bands measure 2 x 12 inches and are extremely durable. Included
in each Panathletic Resistance Band package are 4 or 5 resistance bands, listed as follows
according to their resistance level. Only the 5-band set includes the XX Heavy band for extra
intensive exercise.

Band Color
Level in Lb in Kg
Green Light 2 - 4 lb 1 - 2 kg
Blue Medium 6 - 8 lb 3 - 4 kg
Yellow Heavy 10 - 13 lb 5 - 6 kg
Red X Heavy 15 - 20 lb 7 - 9 kg
Black XX Heavy 25 - 30 lb 11 - 14 kg

Part I: Introduction and Information

General Guidelines

It is recommended to warm up before your fitness band workout. Properly warming up the
muscles first can prevent the risk of injury. Take 5 to 10 minutes to run (on the spot, if there
is not enough space), jump rope, or walk at a high pace, or first carry out the exercises
without the bands.
Always put the band flat on the arm or
leg, so that the pressure of the band is
distributed equally over the skin.
Use a yoga or training mat for exercises
which require you to lie down.
It is important to carry out both the
first movement and the movement
back to the start position (which
relaxes the band again) in a controlled
manner. Doing so will make each and
every exercise that much more
We recommend following one of the
exercise programs at the end of this
book. However, if you prefer following your own routine, we suggest, especially for
beginners, to first do a set of 15 reps of the exercise, then another 10 reps, and finally 5
reps, as you will gradually exhaust your muscles.
Take a 30-second break between sets.
Swap sides and repeat the sets.
Take a lighter loop band if you are not able to carry out 15 reps during the first set. If 15 reps
are easy, then switch to a heavier band. Or extend the first set to a full 20, the second to 15,
and the third to 10 reps.
Advanced athletes can combine the heaviest band with a second band to create even more
resistance. The second band is placed under, next to, or over the first band.
Always include a cool-down at the end of each workout. Static stretches following an
exercise session can help prevent muscle soreness.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

1. Lying Leg Abductions

You will train: the glutes.

1. Place the band around the ankles. Lie down with your legs almost
completely stretched.
2. Move your upper leg upward until the band attains about twice its normal
length. Then move the leg back toward the start position without dropping it

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

2. Inner Thigh Leg Lifts

You will train: the inner thigh muscles (adductors).

1. Take the following position: Lie down and bend your upper leg so that your
foot rests flat on the mat. The lower leg is stretched and points with the inner
side upward. Place the band under the foot of the upper leg and around the
shin of the lower leg.
2. Lift the lower leg straight upward and slowly bring it back down until it’s just
above the mat.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

3. Lying Leg Raises

You will train: the quadriceps and the hip flexors (iliopsoas).

1. Place the band around the ankles, lie down on your back, and stretch your
legs out in front.
2. Keeping the left leg on the mat, lift the right leg straight (swap sides later).
Slowly lower the right leg until it is just above the mat.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

4. Leg Curls
You will train: the hamstrings and the calves (gastrocnemius and soleus).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Put the band around
your ankles.
2. Curl your leg backward and upward. Make sure that the thigh of the
exercising leg remains parallel to the leg on which you stand. Slowly lower the
leg back down, just touching the toes to the ground.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

5. Squats
You will train: the glutes, core, and quadriceps.

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your lower thighs, just above your knees, and position your feet wide enough
so that there is tension in the band.
2. Slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Make sure
your knees do not track over your toes. In a slow and controlled movement,
push back up through your heels to the start position. You can intensify this
exercise by stepping one foot to the side while lowering your position. If you
choose to do this, don’t forget to swap sides.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

6. Bridges
You will train: the glutes and the outer thigh muscles (abductors).

1. Lie face up on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the
ground. Place the band around your thighs, just above your knees. Position
your feet wide enough so that there is slight tension in the band.
2. In a slow and controlled movement, lift your hips up off the ground. Gently
push your thighs out against the resistance of the band. Hold for 3-5 seconds
and slowly lower back down to the start position.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

7. Monster Walk
You will train: the glutes and the outer thigh muscles (abductors).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your lower shins and position your feet approximately hip-width apart, with a
slight bend in your knees.
2. Walk one foot forward and out against the resistance of the band. Walk your
opposite foot forward and out. Continue alternating sides. After 10 steps,
repeat a similar pattern walking backwards to the start position.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

8. Donkey Kicks
You will train: the glutes.

1. This exercise is carried out on all fours. Position your hands on the ground
directly below your shoulders, and your knees on the ground directly below
your hips. Place the band around your thighs, just above your knees.
2. Keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees, kick one leg back until your thigh is
parallel with the ground. Slowly lower and return to the start position. Repeat
for the opposite side.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

9. Knee Extensions
You will train: the quadriceps.

1. This exercise is carried out from a sitting position. Sit on a chair or bench.
Place the band around the left ankle and secure the other part of the band on
the leg of the chair (swap sides later).
2. Slowly extend the left leg straight out in front against the resistance of the
band. Do not lock the knee at end range. Slowly return to the start position.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

10. High Knees

You will train: the upper thighs (hip flexors and iliopsoas).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Position your feet hip-
width apart and place the band around the arch of each foot.
2. Maintain a straight back throughout the exercise. Bend the left knee up in
front. Your thigh should come up high enough so that it is parallel to the
ground. In a slow and controlled movement, lower the leg. Alternate sides.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

11. Curtsy Lunges

You will train: the glutes, the inner thigh muscles (adductors), and the outer
thigh muscles (abductors).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your lower thighs, just above the knees.
2. Step the left leg back and to the right (swap sides later). Lower into a lunge
position by bending both knees. Bend the knees until the front thigh is parallel
to the ground. Push back up through the front heel to the start position.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

12. Side Lunges

You will train: the glutes, the inner thigh muscles (adductors), the outer thigh
muscles (abductors), and the quadriceps.

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your ankles. Position your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips.
2. Step your right foot out to the side and bend your left knee (swap sides
later). Keep your right leg straight. Slowly return to the start position.

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

13. Resisted Plantarflexion

You will train: the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus).

1. This exercise is carried out from a long-sitting position. Sit on the ground
with your left knee bent and your foot flat on the floor. Your right leg is
stretched out straight in front. Place the band under the toes of the right foot
(swap sides later). Hold the other end of the band with both hands close to
your abdominals.
2. Slowly point the toes away from your body. Slowly return to the start

Part II: Exercises for the Lower Body

14. Clamshells
You will train: the outer thigh muscles (abductors) and glutes.

1. This exercise is carried out from a side-lying position. Place the band around
your lower thighs, just above your knees. Lie on your side with both knees bent
to 90 degrees.
2. Do not rotate the trunk with the movement of this exercise. In a slow and
controlled movement, lift your knee up as far as you comfortably can. Lower
the knee back to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

15. Arm Abductions

You will train: the deltoid muscles, the pectoralis major, and the upper back
muscles (trapezius, infraspinatus, and teres major and minor).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your wrists. Hold your fists in front of your waist. Bend your arms only slightly.
2. Spread your arms until the band has reached about twice its normal length.
Then, slowly move your arms back until there is only a slight tension on the

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

16. Biceps Curls

You will train: the biceps.

1. Sit down on an exercise bench or on the edge of a chair. Place the band
around the left leg, just above the knee (swap sides later). Lower this leg in
order to create space for the exercise. Take the band in your left hand.
2. Curl your exercising arm until your hand is close to your chin. Move the arm
back toward the knee until there is only a slight tension on the band.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

17. Triceps Extensions

You will train: the triceps.

1. The exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
the left hand and place this hand on your right breast (swap sides later). Place
your right hand in the loop.
2. Stretch your right arm until your hand is close to your hip. Slowly move your
hand back toward the start position until there is only a slight tension on the

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

18. Arm Abductions behind the Back

You will train: the deltoid muscles, the triceps, and the upper back muscles
(trapezius, infraspinatus, and teres major and minor).

1. The exercise is carried out from a standing position. Put your arms behind
your back. Place the band around your wrists and straighten your arms.
2. Spread your arms until the band reaches about twice its normal length.
Slowly move your arms back toward the start position until there is only a
slight tension on the band.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

19. Overhead Press

You will train: the deltoid muscles, triceps, biceps, and the upper back muscles

1. This exercise is carried out while standing. Wrap your left hand in the band
and place this hand just above your right shoulder (swap sides later). Wrap
your right hand through the band at the lower end.
2. Slowly raise your right hand straight up above your head. Slowly lower your
arm back down to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

20. Seated Rows

You will train: the deltoid muscles and the upper and middle back muscles
(trapezius, teres major, rhomboids, and latissimus dorsi).

1. This exercise is carried out from a long-sitting position. Sit with your legs
stretched out straight in front. Place the band around both feet and hold the
other end of the loop with both hands positioned shoulder-width apart. Your
arms should be only slightly bent to start.
2. As you pull the band toward you, bend your elbows alongside your body.
Pinch your shoulder blades down and in. Do not shrug your shoulders. In a
slow and controlled movement, return to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

21. External Rotations

You will train: the deltoid muscles, the upper back muscles (trapezius and
rhomboids), and the posterior shoulder muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus,
and teres minor).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your wrists. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees.
2. Keeping your elbows close to your body, spread your arms. As you spread
your arms, pinch your shoulder blades down and in. Slowly return to the start

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

22. Shoulder Extensions

You will train: the shoulder muscles (posterior deltoid muscles), the back
muscles (the latissimus dorsi, the infraspinatus, and the teres major), and the

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your wrists. Position your left arm straight in front at plexus height, and your
right hand below with slight tension in the band (swap sides later).
2. Keeping your arms straight, raise your left arm and lower your right arm
against the resistance of the band. In a slow and controlled movement, return
to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

23. Arm Raises

You will train: the anterior deltoid muscles, the pectoralis major, and the

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Take the band in your
hands at both ends. Position your left arm relaxed beside your body. Position
your right arm slightly higher than your left arm, with some tension in the
2. Straighten your arms and raise your right arm straight up in front. In a slow
and controlled movement, return to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

24. Horizontal Abductions

You will train: the posterior deltoid muscles and the upper back muscles
(trapezius, infraspinatus, and teres minor).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your wrists. Hold both arms straight in front at shoulder height.
2. Slowly spread your arms until the band reaches up to twice its normal
length. Move your arms back to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

25. Internal Rotations

You will train: the deltoids, the pectoralis major, and upper and middle back
muscles (latissimus dorsi, subscapularis, and teres major).

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Attach one end of the
loop band around a doorknob or have a friend hold it steady to your right side.
Hold the other part of the loop band with your right hand (swap sides later).
Keeping your upper arm close to the body, bend your elbow to 90 degrees.
2. Continuing to keep the upper arm close to the right side of your body, slowly
bring your right hand inward toward the left lower ribcage. In a slow and
controlled movement, return the right arm back to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

26. Forward Punches

You will train: the anterior shoulder muscles (the serratus anterior muscles) and
the pectoralis muscles.

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Bend your elbows, and
hold the band, with slight tension, in both hands in front of your chest.
2. Keeping the opposite arm stationary, push one arm straight out in front
against the resistance of the band (swap sides later). In a slow and controlled
movement, move your arm back to the start position.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

27. Push Ups

You will train: the pectoralis muscles, the deltoid muscles, and the triceps.

1. This exercise is carried out from a plank position on your hands and toes.
Place the band around your arms, just below your elbows. Position your hands
slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. You have to test the right distance
between your hands because the band might roll up during step 2 if you don’t
get it right.
2. Bend your elbows and lower your chest and chin to the floor. Push back up
through your hands.

Part III: Exercises for the Upper Body

28. Lat Pull Downs

You will train: the latissimus dorsi muscles and the triceps.

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Take the band in your
hands at both ends. Position your arms straight above your head with slight
tension in the band.
2. Slowly bend one elbow down and out to the side, spreading your arms, and
bring the band down to head height (swap sides later). In a slow and controlled
movement, move your arm back to the start position.

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body

29. Squats and Kick

You will train: the glutes, core, and quadriceps.

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your lower shins and position your feet wide enough so that there is slight
tension in the band.
2. Slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground. Make sure
your knees do not track over your toes. In a slow and controlled movement,
push back up through your heels to the start position. At the same time, kick
your right leg out and back against the resistance of the band (swap sides
later). Return to the start position.

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body

30. One-Legged Squats with Kick

You will train: the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and the outer thigh muscles

1. This exercise is carried out from a standing position. Place the band around
your ankles or lower shins. Step your right foot back.
2. Lift your right foot off the ground. Extend your arms straight out in front for
balance. Slowly bend your left knee and squat down until your left thigh is
parallel with the ground. As you push through your left heel back up to start,
kick the right leg straight back. Return to the start position.

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body

31. One-Legged Bridges

You will train: the glutes and the outer thigh muscles (abductors).

1. Lie face up on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the
ground. Place the band around your thighs, just above your knees. Position
your feet wide enough so that there is slight tension in the band.
2. In a slow and controlled movement, lift your hips up off the ground. Gently
push your thighs out against the resistance of the band. In a slow and
controlled movement, lift the left leg straight up (swap sides later). Slowly
lower the left leg and lower back down to the start position.

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body

32. Plank with Leg Extensions

You will train: the glutes and the core.

1. This exercise is carried out from a plank position on your hands and toes.
Place the band around your ankles. Position your feet wide enough so that
there is slight tension in the band.
2. Keeping the hips and trunk stationary, lift your right leg straight up (swap
sides later). Slowly lower your right leg and return to the start position.

Part IV: Advanced Exercises for the Lower Body

33. Plank with Side Steps

You will train: the core, the glutes, and the outer thigh muscles (abductors).

1. This exercise is carried out from a plank position on your forearms and toes.
Place the band around your ankles. Position your feet wide enough so that
there is slight tension in the band.
2. Keeping the hips and trunk stationary, step the left foot out to the side
against the resistance of the band (swap sides later). Move the left foot back to
the start.

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body

34. Plank with Arm Raises

You will train: the anterior deltoid muscles, the pectoralis major, the biceps,
and the core.

1. This exercise is carried out from a plank position on your hands and toes.
Place the band around your wrists. Position your arms wide enough so that
there is slight tension in the band.
2. Keeping the hips and trunk stationary, raise the left arm straight in front
(swap sides later). Slowly lower the arm back to the start position.

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body

35. Push Ups with Arm Raises

You will train: the pectoralis muscles, the deltoid muscles, the triceps, the
biceps, and the core.

1. This exercise is carried out from a plank position on your hands and toes.
Place the band around your wrists. Position your hands slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart.
2. Bend your elbows and lower your chest and chin to the floor. Push back up
through your hands. As you are pushing back up, lift one arm off the ground
diagonally. Return to the start position.

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body

36. Full Renegade Rows

You will train: the deltoids, the biceps, upper and middle back muscles
(trapezius, latissimus dorsi, teres major and minor, and rhomboids), and the

1. This exercise is carried out in a plank position on your hands and toes. Place
the band under your right hand and hold the other end of the loop band in
your left hand (swap sides later).
2. Slowly bend your left elbow straight back. In a controlled movement, return
the left arm back to the start position.

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body

37. Forward Bear Crawl

You will train: the deltoid muscles, the pectoralis major, the biceps, and the

1. This exercise is carried out on all fours. Place the band around your wrists.
Position your wrists wide enough so that there is slight tension in the band.
Keeping your knees bent, lift them slightly off the ground.
2. Walk one hand forward and the opposite foot forward. Walk the opposite
hand forward with the opposite foot. Continue alternating sides. After 10
steps, repeat a similar pattern walking backwards to the start position.

Part V: Advanced Exercises for the Upper Body

38. Sideways Bear Crawl

You will train: the deltoid muscles, the pectoralis major, the biceps, the core,
and the upper back muscles (trapezius, infraspinatus, and teres minor).

1. This exercise is carried out on all fours. Place the band around your wrists.
Position your wrists wide enough so that there is slight tension in the band.
Keeping your knees bent, lift them slightly off the ground.
2. Walk your right hand and right foot to the right side. Walk the left hand and
the left foot to the right side. After 10 steps, repeat a similar pattern walking to
the left side back to the start position.

Part VI: Training Programs

Part VI: Training Programs

Refer to our General Guidelines before starting the exercise programs involving the loop bands. A 5-
10 minute warm-up is recommended before beginning your workout. A cooldown following your
workout, involving stretching of the muscles used, is also recommended.
In the training programs below you will find the number of recommended repetitions for each
exercise. If the exercise involves a right side and a left side, then carry out this number of repetitions
on each side.

Beginner Training Program

Our 6-week Beginner Training Program using our Panathletic Resistance Loop Bands will set you up
for success, whether you are new to exercise or are just looking to get back into shape. The first 4
weeks break the program up into arm and leg days to keep it simple and to ensure the muscles have
time to recover. After the first 4 weeks, we mix it up. New exercises targeting similar muscle groups
are added, and arm and leg days are combined. Each workout takes 20-30 minutes.
If an exercise is too difficult, decrease the repetitions, sets, and/or resistance. If an exercise is too
easy, increase the repetitions, sets, and/or resistance. Proper form is essential to ensure the
exercises are effective and to avoid the risk of injury. Grab a friend or throw on your favorite music,
and let’s get moving!

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1 Squats (5): REST REST Biceps Curls (16): REST

10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Side lunges (12): Triceps Extensions (17):

10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Lying Leg Arm Abductions (15):

Abductions (1): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions
Overhead Press (19):
Lying Leg Raises (3): 10 repetitions

10 repetitions Seated Rows (20):

10 repetitions
Leg Curls (4):
10 repetitions Repeat twice.

Repeat twice.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 2 Squats (5): REST Biceps Curls (16): REST Squats (5):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Side Lunges (12): Triceps Extensions (17): Side Lunges (12):

10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Leg Curls (4): Horizontal Abductions Lying Leg Abductions

10 repetitions (24): (1):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Bridges (6):
10 repetitions Overhead Press (19): Lying Leg Raises (3):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Knee Extensions (9):
10 repetitions External Rotations (21): Leg Curls (4):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Repeat twice.
Repeat twice. Repeat twice.

Week 3 Biceps Curls (16): REST Squats (5): REST Biceps Curls (16):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Triceps Extensions (17): Side Lunges (12): Triceps Extensions (17):

10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Arm Abductions (15): Leg Curls (4): Horizontal Abductions

10 repetitions 10 repetitions (24):
10 repetitions
Overhead Press (19): Bridges (6):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Overhead Press (19):
10 repetitions
Seated Rows (20): Knee Extensions (9):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions External Rotations (21):
10 repetitions
Repeat twice. Repeat twice.
Repeat twice.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 4 Squats (5): REST Biceps Curls (16): REST Squats (5):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Side Lunges (12): Triceps Extensions (17): Curtsy Lunges (11):

10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Leg Curls (4): Arm Abductions (15): Lying Leg Abductions

10 repetitions 10 repetitions (1):
10 repetitions
Bridges (6): Lat Pull Downs (28):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Donkey Kicks (8):
10 repetitions
Lying Leg Raises (3): Seated Rows (20):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Knee Extensions (9):
10 repetitions
Repeat three times. Repeat three times.
Repeat three times.

Week 5 Monster Walk (7): REST Squats (5): REST Curtsy Lunges (11):
10 repetitions each way 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Side Lunges (12): Bridges (6): Lying Leg Abductions

10 repetitions 10 repetitions (1):
10 repetitions
Leg Curls (4): Lying Leg Raises (3):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Donkey Kicks (8):
10 repetitions
Biceps Curls (16): Overhead Press (19):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Lat Pull Downs (28):
10 repetitions
Triceps External Rotations (21):
Extensions (17): 10 repetitions Seated Rows (20):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Repeat three times.
Horizontal Abductions Repeat three times.
10 repetitions

Repeat three times.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 6 Monster Walk (7): REST Squats (5): REST Monster Walk (7):
10 repetitions each way 10 repetitions 10 repetitions each way

Side Lunges (12): Bridges (6): Lying Leg Abductions

10 repetitions 10 repetitions (1):
10 repetitions
Leg Curls (4): Lying Leg Raises (3):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Donkey Kicks (8):
10 repetitions
Biceps Curls (16): Overhead Press (19):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions Lat Pull Downs (28):
10 repetitions
Triceps Full Renegade Rows
Extensions (17): (36): Push Ups (27):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Push Ups (27): Repeat three times. Repeat three times.

10 repetitions

Repeat three times.

Part VI: Training Programs

Advanced Training Program

Our Panathletic Resistance Bands will take your workout to the next level in our Advanced
4-week Training Program. Every week is different. For every workout we mix it up.
Want to kick it up a notch? Add 1 minute of cardio, such as skipping or jumping jacks, in
between each round.

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1 Forward Bear Crawl (37): REST Sideways Bear Crawl REST Squats and Kick (29):
10-15 repetitions each (38): 10 repetitions each leg
way 10-15 repetitions each
way Push Ups with Arm
Squats and Kick (29): Raises (35):
10 repetitions each leg Plank with Leg 10 repetitions each arm
Extensions (32):
Plank with Arm 10-15 repetitions each Full Renegade
Raises (34): leg Rows (36):
10 repetitions each arm 10 repetitions each arm
One-Legged Squats with
Push Up with Arm Kick (30): Plank with Side
Raises (35): Steps (33):
10 repetitions each arm 10 repetitions each leg 10 repetitions each leg

Full Renegade Rows(36): Plank with Side Forward Bear

10 repetitions each arm Steps(33): Crawl (37):
10 repetitions each leg 10-15 repetitions each
Repeat three times. way
Forward Punches (26):
10 repetitions each arm Repeat three times.

Repeat three times.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 2 Sideways Bear Crawl (38): REST Forward Bear Crawl (37): REST Forward Bear Crawl (37):
10-15 repetitions each 10-15 repetitions each 10-15 repetitions each
way way way

Plank with Leg Squats and Kick (29): One-Legged Squats with
Extensions (32): 10 repetitions each leg Kick (30):
10-15 repetitions each 10 repetitions each leg
leg Plank with Arm Raises
(34): Plank with Leg
One-Legged Squats with 10 repetitions each arm Extensions (32):
Kick (30): 10-15 repetitions each
10 repetitions each leg Push Ups with Arm leg
Raises (35):
Plank with Side 10 repetitions each arm Push Ups with Arm
Steps (33): Raises (35):
Full Renegade Rows (36): 10 repetitions each arm
10 repetitions each leg
10 repetitions each arm Squats and Kick (29):
Forward Punches (26): 10 repetitions each leg
10 repetitions each arm Repeat three times.
Repeat three times.
Repeat three times.

Week 3 Sideways Bear REST Forward Bear Crawl (37): REST Forward Bear
Crawl (38): 10-15 repetitions each Crawl (37):
10-15 repetitions each way 10-15 repetitions each
way way
Plank with Leg
One-Legged Squats with Extensions (32): One-Legged Squats with
Kick (30): 10-15 repetitions each Kick (30):
10 repetitions each leg leg 10 repetitions each leg

Plank with Arm Squats and Kick (29): Plank with Arm
Raises (34): 10 repetitions each leg Raises (34):
10 repetitions each arm 10 repetitions each arm
Plank with Side Steps
Push Ups with Arm (33): Push Ups with Arm
Raises (35): 10 repetitions each leg Raises (35):
10 repetitions each arm 10 repetitions each arm
Plank with Arm
Full Renegade Rows(36): Raises (34): Full Renegade Rows (36):
10 repetitions each arm 10 repetitions each arm 10 repetitions each arm

Repeat three times. Repeat three times. Repeat three times.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 4 Sideways Bear REST Forward Bear Crawl (37): REST Sideways Bear
Crawl (38): 10-15 repetitions each Crawl (38):
10-15 repetitions each way 10-15 repetitions each
way way
One-Legged Squats with
Plank with Leg Kick (30): Forward Bear
Extensions (32): 10 repetitions each leg Crawl (37):
10-15 repetitions each 10-15 repetitions each
leg Plank with Arm Raises way
Squats and Kick (29): 10 repetitions each arm One-Legged Squats with
10 repetitions each leg Kick (30):
Push Ups with Arm 10 repetitions each leg
Forward Bear Crawl (37): Raises (35):
10-15 repetitions each 10 repetitions each arm Full Renegade Rows (36):
way 10 repetitions each arm
Full Renegade Rows (36):
Push Ups with Arm 10 repetitions each arm Plank with Side
Raises (35): Steps (33):
10 repetitions each arm Repeat three times. 10 repetitions each leg

Repeat three times. Repeat three times.

Part VI: Training Programs

Bonus: Booty Boost Program for the Legs and Butt

Our 6-week Booty Boost program for the legs and butt will help kick-start your lower body workout
routine using our Panathletic Resistance Bands. Each workout takes a quick 20-30 minutes. Strong
glutes and legs will make you look great! But they are not only about aesthetics. Strengthening of
the lower extremity muscles may prevent injury and support the knee, hip, and ankle joints.
Make sure to include 5-10 minutes of cardio exercise, such as jumping rope or running on the spot,
before starting each workout to warm up the muscles and avoid injury. Each workout should include
a brief cooldown period consisting of static stretches to reduce post-workout soreness. If an exercise
is too difficult, decrease the repetitions, sets, and/or resistance. If an exercise is too easy, increase
the repetitions, sets, and/or resistance. However, always make sure to follow proper form. Let’s get

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1 Lying Leg Abductions (1): REST REST Inner Thigh Leg REST
10 repetitions Lifts (2):
10 repetitions
Lying Leg Raises (3):
10 repetitions Leg Curls (4):
10 repetitions
Squats (5):
10 repetitions Donkey Kicks (8):
10 repetitions
Bridges (6):
10 repetitions Monster Walk (7):
10 repetitions forward
Repeat twice. and back

Side Lunges (12):

10 repetitions

Repeat twice.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 2 Lying Leg REST Inner Thigh Leg Lifts (2): REST Squats (5):
Abductions (1): 10 repetitions 10 repetitions
10 repetitions
Leg Curls (4): Bridges (6):
Lying Leg Raises (3): 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

10 repetitions Donkey Kicks (8): Donkey Kicks (8):

10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Squats (5):
10 repetitions Monster Walk (7): Leg Curls (4):
10 repetitions forward 10 repetitions
Bridges (6): and back
10 repetitions Repeat twice.
Side Lunges (12):
Curtsy Lunges (11): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions
Repeat twice.
Repeat twice.

Week 3 Squats (5): REST Inner Thigh Leg REST Squats (5):
10 repetitions Lifts (2): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions
Lying Leg Abductions Bridges (6):
(1): Leg Curls (4): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Donkey Kicks (8):
Lying Leg Raises (3): Donkey Kicks (8): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Leg Curls (4):
Curtsy Lunges (11): Side Lunges (12): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Repeat twice.
Monster Walk (7): Repeat twice.
10 repetitions forward
and back

Repeat twice.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 4 Lying Leg REST Inner Thigh Leg Lifts (2): REST Lying Leg Abductions
Abductions (1): 10 repetitions (1):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Leg Curls (4):
Lying Leg Raises (3): 10 repetitions Lying Leg Raises (3):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Donkey Kicks (8):
Squats and Kick (29): 10 repetitions Squats and Kick (29):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Monster Walk (7):
Bridges (6): 10 repetitions forward One-Legged
10 repetitions and back Bridges (31):
10 repetitions each leg
Repeat three times. Side Lunges (12):
10 repetitions Repeat three times.

Repeat three times.

Week 5 Squats and Kick (29): REST Inner Thigh Leg Lifts (2): REST Squats and Kick (29):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Lying Leg Leg Curls (4): One-Legged

Abductions (1): 10 repetitions Bridges (31):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions each leg
Donkey Kicks (8):
Lying Leg Raises (3): 10 repetitions Donkey Kicks (8):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions
Side Lunges (12):
Curtsy Lunges (11): Leg Curls (4):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions 10 repetitions

Monster Walk (7): Repeat three times. Repeat three times.

10 repetitions forward
and back

Repeat three times.

Part VI: Training Programs

Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 6 Lying Leg Abductions REST Inner Thigh Leg Lifts (2): REST One-Legged Squats
(1): 10 repetitions with Kick (30):
10 repetitions 10 repetitions each leg
Leg Curls (4):
Lying Leg Raises (3): 10 repetitions One-Legged
10 repetitions Bridges (31):
Donkey Kicks (8): 10 repetitions each leg
One-Legged Squats 10 repetitions
with Kick (30): Donkey Kicks (8):
Monster Walk (7): 10 repetitions
10 repetitions each leg 10 repetitions forward
and back Leg Curls (4):
One-Legged Bridges 10 repetitions
(31): Side Lunges (12):
10 repetitions each leg 10 repetitions Repeat three times.

Curtsy Lunges (11): Repeat three times.

10 repetitions

Repeat three times.

Final Word

Final Word

If you have completed our suggested training programs above, keep going! Your fitness
journey doesn’t end here. It has only just begun.
With the discovery of our Panathletic Resistance Loop Bands, there are endless possibilities
for workout combinations. Create your own plan from our 38 exercises, or continue with
our training programs varying resistance, repetitions, and sets. Find a routine you enjoy. You
will be more motivated to keep it up and stay active. Plan your workouts. Set small and
realistic goals. Where do you want to be 3 months from now? Set your goals and get there.
You got this!


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