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There is a purpose to history lesson itself that is sometimes overlooked.

We learn
about both life-altering and uplifting historical events, as well as those that were violent
and horrifying. We learn what went wrong and how to avoid similar tragedies from the
negative experiences.The past is the first thing that comes into our mind when we hear
the word history. Learning more about our present and future is one of the main
objectives of studying history. We may learn important lessons from history, learn from
the successes and failings of our forebears, and use this knowledge to help us make wise
decisions going forward.
History is the discipline of recording these events on chronological basis become
a formal discipline. No Document, No History.
won’t be included as history.It teaches us to unite a nation, avoid repeating mistakes,
shape a more and just a properous world, history can be used to make sense of the
present and inspire prople to keep their good practices in moving forward. A historian is
the one tasked of studying the events of the past through extensive research and analysis
of historical sources.
There are two historical sources namely primary and secondary sources. Direct
proof of a topic is offered by the primary sources. As opposed to this, secondary sources
are assessments based on primary sources that already exist. It could also be classified as
intentional and untintentional sources. It can be found in any many places.Validating
document authencity and reliabilty could be exernal critism and internal critsim.

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