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Sophie Andrea C.

BA Political Science - 1B
“Unveiling the Tapestry of Time: Meaning and Relevance of History”

Us today will never be us without the narrative and critical history that we discover everyday.
Knowing who we are, where we came from, and why we are here were explained because of our
vast history that started millions of years ago. Our history, which brought significant knowledge that
connected each of us together. But, reality speaking, is knowing our history still significant up to
these days? What can we get from knowing it? And if yes? As a student who studies history, what
can we do to actually stop or prevent historical distortion that is actually happening not just in our
country but probably to most of the countries around the globe and how can we influence others to
appreciate and learn history?
According to Professor Arthur Marwick, the concise definition of history is “the bodies of
knowledge about the past produced by historians, together with everything that is involved in the
production, communication of, and teaching about that knowledge.” Nonetheless, History is not
merely a compilation of past events; but rather it is a dynamic narrative that provides valuable
insights into human behavior, societal developments, and the consequences of actions. With that,
studying history holds immense meaning and relevance for students, serving as a vital foundation
for understanding the present and shaping our future. Understanding the present, for we use the
information we got from history to know and assess most of the occurrence that is happening in
our today's society and shaping our future for we use history as our guide in making our society
stronger, compatible, and progressive by correcting all the mistakes that we did and preserving the
right. Hence, by saying this we ourselves can tell that up to this day our history still holds significant
relevance that we should never forget and instead remember. But, here are some key points that
we can say that prove its relevance to not just us who study history but all the people. First and
foremost, it is relevant because through history we were able to understand and learn how events
in the past made things the way they are today. And it extends to the formation of individual and
collective identities. When we study historical figures and events, we the students are able to trace
the roots of our own cultural, political, and social identities. This understanding helps cultivate a
sense of belonging and connection to the past, instilling a deeper understanding of the forces that
have shaped our present circumstances. And because of that we willingly strive to help and
influence others to recognize our role in continuing the narrative of history and contributing to the
never ending evolution and progress of our society. Furthermore, our culture and tradition plays a
significant role in the identity of one's country or place, hence, history serves as a mirror reflecting
the cultural tapestry of societies. And by that, when we explore the traditions and beliefs of different
civilizations, we students gain a profound understanding of the diversity that shapes human
experiences. And this awareness is essential in fostering empathy and appreciation for the
richness of global heritage. And this idea actually helps in combating racism for we are able to
appreciate and respect others, most especially that we are moving to a more mature and inclusive
way of living, instilling in our minds that we are all equal. In addition, as a Political Science student
who also takes up history as its course it is important that we hone our critical thinking skills, and
history requires great analytical and critical thinking skills for there are many instances that what
we see and read online is true and reliable, hence we should be able to assess and evaluate
evidences and draw informed conclusions. In essence, studying history equips us students with the
ability to think critically and approach problems with a wider perspective. In connection to being a
Political Science student, history is relevant because history has practical applications in various
fields for they require deep understanding of historical context to navigate complex issues and
make informed decisions. Having knowledge in history provides a solid foundation for research,
analysis, and effective communication, making it an invaluable asset in a wide range of careers.
And lastly, history fosters a sense of civic engagement and responsibility. An informed citizenry is
essential for the functioning of a democratic society, and history plays a pivotal role in shaping civic
awareness. Students who study history are more likely to actively participate in such activities
concerning nationalism, understand the implications of government policies, and engage in the
democratic process. This active citizenship is crucial for the maintenance of a healthy and vibrant
democracy that we Filipino people follow. And with that, because of its relevance it is just right, that
rather having the idea that we should protect our history just because we are studying but we must
protect it because we know for ourselves how significant it is for being a citizen of your own
country. Historical distortion is now rampant because many people want to alter events that
happened in the past for their own benefit, tainting the minds of those who are easily deceived
because of the lack of education. And we should never take this lightly, because influential people
will continue to take advantage of us if we do not do something to prevent it. Our history reflects
who we are, what we are, and how we become the people of today. Hence, let us hold hands to
reach out and educate people more to open their eyes about the truth and nothing but the truth that
is reflected in our history.
In conclusion, significant events that happened in the past do not end where it stops but rather it
is a continuous legacy that people carry and pass until they die, and that is what we call our
history. Hence, it is more than a mere academic pursuit; it is a gateway to a deeper understanding
of the world and oneself. Moreover, for us students who are immersed in the study of history, its
relevance extends beyond the textbooks and reaches into the very fabric of their understanding of
the world.

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