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Lakshay Sharma

(Sales and Marketing Executive)

Floor-04, Logix Technova, Noida sector -132, UP
[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Title]
[Recipient's Company]
[Recipient's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. It is with great enthusiasm that I reach out to you on behalf of
UNIGLOBE MKOV TRAVEL. Having worked together successfully in the past, I am pleased to
inform you that we are keen to reignite our business partnership.

I am a seasoned sales and marketing executive with expertise in the travel industry. With a solid
one-year experience, I have honed my skills in driving business growth and delivering exceptional
results. My passion for sales combined with my deep understanding of marketing strategies
along with technological advancement has enabled me to provide effective and efficient
consultancy to my clients. As a professional in the travel sector, I thrive in fast-paced
environments, leveraging my excellent communication and negotiation skills to build strong
relationships with clients and key stakeholders. My ability to analyze market trends and identify
opportunities has consistently contributed to the success of my clients.

We have been diligently refining our offerings, and we believe that our latest solutions align
perfectly with your organization's needs. Our innovative management skills and services are
designed to optimize processes, enhance efficiency, cost containment, drive growth and deliver
hassle free communication.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss our new offerings in detail and explore
how we can work together to achieve mutual success. Our team is committed to delivering
exceptional customer service and tailored solutions that surpass expectations.
Please let me know your availability for a meeting to further explore the possibilities. Thank you
for considering this proposal, and I look forward to the chance to collaborate once again.

Lakshay Sharma
[You’re Title]
UniGlobe MKOV Travel

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