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Kerusakan jalan banyak menuai keluhan warga.

Infrastruktur jalan bagi warga merupakan sarana vital

untuk kegiatan sehari-hari. Berbagai kerusakan jalan berupa jalan berlubang cukup dalam dan aspal
yang terkelupas menimbulkan jalan tersendat karena kendaraan harus melambatkan laju dengan
kecepatan antara 5 – 20 km/jam.

Berbagai persoalan kerap dihadapi warga desa Klumprit, Kecamatan Nusawungu, Kabupaten cilacap.
Mulai dari sulitnya menuju akses pendidikan hingga layanan Kesehatan terdekat.

Salamat sore pemirsa, saya endah maya saputri melaporkan pantauan arus mudik terkini lebaran 2022.
Saat ini saya sedang berada di tol Brexit dan bisa dilihat di belakang saya ini sudah mulai ramai lancer

Bagi Anda yang melewati tol Brexit sebaiknya membawa persediaan makanan dan minuman untuk
berbuka puasa. Sekian informasi yang dapat saya sampaikan, selamat berakhir pekan.

Endah maya saputri melaporkan dari jalan saren klumprit.”

Untuk sementara, hanya itu yang dapat saya sampaikan, kembali ke studio.”
anggi : good evening viewers iam anggi novita. Today
on Saturday 11 february 2023. Happy gathering with
us in short news program, which will provide you to
the real news and which is taken factually and actually.
I will accompany you about three minutes with some
of information. Well, lets begin the news.
There are many complaints from residents about road
damage. Road infrastructure for residents is a vital
means for daily activities. Various road damages in the
form of deep potholes and chipped asphalt have caused
road congestion as vehicles have to slow down at a
speed of between 5 – 20 km/hour.
All roads leading to nusawungu vocational school from
the south were quite badly damaged. Only a few roads
are still in good condition. Lots of rocks on the broken
road causing advers effect for driver/motorist who pass
through it. Many drivers/motorist, especially students
going to the nusawungu vocational school , complain
that the damaged roads make it difficult or even slow
them down to school.
To be able to find out more information, we
immediately connect to the reporter endah maya who
were already at the location to convey information
about damaged roads.

Anggi : good evening ms. Endah

Endah : good evening ms. Anggi
Anggi : Can you describe how the current road
conditions are, which are still an obstacle for the
Endah: Thank you Angie. back with me endah in the
short news program, and this morning I was at a
damaged road location.
Endah : We can see that the road is still badly
damaged, lots of rocks and remaining puddles when it
rains. Right now, I am with one of the students from
the Nusawungu vocational School who pass this road
every day.
Endah : good evening
Orin : good evening
Endah : what is your name?
Orin : my name is laeli khoeriyah
Endah : what is your opinion about the current bad
road condition?
Orin : The condition of this road makes it very difficult
for me to go to school every day. When it rains there
are many puddles which make the roads slippery.
Endah : is there any alternative way to go to school?
Orin : no because all the roads from the south were
damaged quite badly.
Endah : what impact did you feel?
Orin: the impact that I feel is minor damage to my
vehicle, such as a punctured motorcycle tire, and it
takes longer to get to school.
Endah : Has anyone reported the condition of this road
to the government?
Orin : because I am a student, I have not dared to
express my opinion to the government.
Endah : What are your hopes for the government?
Orin: I hope that the government will fix this road as
soon as possible so that it can make it easier for me and
other motorists.
Endah : Thank you for your time.
Endah: that's all the information I can convey from the
location of the damaged road, I'm endah maya
reporting. back to the studio.
Anggi: Thank you, Endah, for reporting directly about
the damaged road in Klumprit Village.
Anggi ; And that was the news for this evening,
Follow the next update in Great News one hour ahead.
I am anggi , good evening and see you.

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