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Q1: A simple dichotomous key used to identify different groups of mammals is provided.

organism that does not give birth to live young and is covered in smooth fur is discovered. Using
this dichotomous key, determine which group it is most likely to belong to.

A Tachyglossus
B Chiroptera
C Platypoda
D Macropodidae

Q2: A simple dichotomous key used to identify invertebrates commonly found in gardens is
provided. A child finds an organism that does not have a shell but has wings. Using this
dichotomous key, determine which organism it is most likely to be.

A Butterfly
B Spider
C Snail
D Worm

Q3: A simple dichotomous key used to identify groups of vertebrates is provided. An organism that
has no fur, feathers nor scales is discovered. Using this dichotomous key, determine which group it
is most likely to belong to.
A Fish
B Reptiles
C Amphibians
D Mammals
E Birds

Q4: The following statement explains what a dichotomous key is: A dichotomous key is a series
of ,grouped into pairs, designed to identify an organism by its .

 Which word is most appropriate to replace the first blank?

A Descriptions
B Organisms
C Taxonomic ranks

 Which word is most appropriate to replace the second blank?

A Peers
B Characteristics
C Genetics

Q5: A simple dichotomous key used to identify groups of vertebrates is provided. An organism that
has no fur or feathers but is covered in dry scales is discovered. Using this dichotomous key,
determine which group it is most likely to belong to.
A Amphibians
B Fish
C Birds
D Reptiles
E Mammals

Q6: What does this statement best describe?

It is a way of identifying organisms using a series of two alternative descriptions.

A Binomial nomenclature
B Taxonomic ranking
C The Aristotelian system
D A dichotomous key

Q7: A simple dichotomous key used to identify groups of vertebrates is provided. An organism that
does not have fur but has feathers is discovered. Using this dichotomous key, determine which
group it is most likely to belong to.
A Reptiles
B Amphibians
C Mammals
D Fish
E Birds

Q8: A simple dichotomous key used to identify different groups of mammals is provided. An
organism that initially keeps its live young in a pouch and spends the majority of its time on the
ground is discovered. Using this dichotomous key, determine which group it is most likely to
belong to.

A Phascolarctidae
B Macropodidae
C Platypoda
D Chiroptera

Q9: A simple dichotomous key used to identify different groups of mammals is provided. An
organism that gives birth to live young but does not possess a pouch and has no wings is
discovered. Using this dichotomous key, determine which group it is most likely to belong to.

A Chiroptera
B Primates
C Platypoda
D Tachyglossus
Q10: A simple dichotomous key used to identify invertebrates commonly found in gardens is
provided. A child finds an organism that has no wings, no shell, and 8 legs. Using this dichotomous
key, determine which organism it is most likely to be.

A Worm
B Spider
C Snail
D Butterfly

Q11: A simple dichotomous key used to identify invertebrates commonly found in gardens is
provided. A child finds an organism that has no legs and no wings but has a shell. Using this
dichotomous key, determine which organism it is most likely to be.

Guide Answer:
1 C 11 C
2 A
3 C
4 A,B
5 D
6 D
7 E
8 B
9 B
10 B

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