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Using the Utilitarian principle as a framework, the decision to implement face-to-face classes in

the Philippines during the current pandemic situation involves weighing the potential benefits of
improved access to education against the risks of increased COVID-19 infections. The
argument in favor of face-to-face classes could be based on the belief that it would lead to the
greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. By resuming in-person schooling, several
potential benefits could be achieved. 

According to, the Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte, the opening
of classes, which was “courageously made despite the challenges and fears brought by the
COVID-19 pandemic,” is a “victory for basic education.” With an improved education access,
this could help bridge educational gaps and provide equal opportunities for all students.
Returning to school could also positively impact the students well-being, according to Lee J. on
an article entitled, “Mental health effects of school closures during COVID-19”, shifting to online
classes has increased burden on students’ mental
health. Using too much technology can
slow development and disrupt sleep patterns. Lastly, access to
education is closely tied to socio-economic development. Ensuring students' education may
lead to better future prospects, job opportunities, and economic growth for individuals and the
nation as a whole. 

However, agreeing to implement face to face classes would also be at risk, as one’s health must
be prioritized at times like these. the argument against face-to-face classes is centered around
the potential risks and pain it might cause. Resuming face to face classes carries the risk of
COVID-19 transmission, which could lead to illness, hospitalization, and even death for
students, teachers, and their families.

To conclude, in applying the Utilitarian principle to this dilemma, one must assess the balance
between the benefits and risks for the majority. There is no simple answer, as both choices
involve trade-offs and potential consequences.

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