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The importance of students knowing how to mate mice properly and knowing the processes that
occur after mating mice

Annita Saputri 1*

ICP Of Biology Education, II, Biology Education, Makassar State University.

The purpose of this practicum is to determine the effect of progesterone hormone on estradiol levels and histology of
female mouse uterus (Mus Musculus) and to test the effect of estrus cycle on histological condition of female mouse
uterus (Mus musculus) after administration of progesterone hormone in birth control pills. This practicum uses complete
randomized design (RAL). The test animals used in this study were female mice (Mus musculus) of the Balb-C variety
while the progesterone hormone used synthetic progestin hormone (Cyproteron Acetate) contained in birth control pills
with the brand Diane-35. This study consisted of 2 treatment groups, namely Group K without pill administration and
group P administration of Diane-35 brand birth control pill solution at a dose of 2.6 mg per 5 mL of water. The results of
research on the effect of progesterone on endometrial thickness showed that there were significant differences between
treatment groups, research on the effect of progesterone on estradiol levels showed that there were no significant
differences between treatment groups. This means that the thickness of the endometrium is strongly influenced by the
presence of synthetic progesterone hormones that are induced into the body, triggering the endometrium to grow thicker.
The estradiol levels are not significantly different due to the negative feedback mechanism of the hormones FSH
(estrogen) and LH (progesterone). The phase of the estrous cycle with the greatest endometrial thickness is the estrous
phase of progesterone treatment, which is the average endometrial thickness of 0.2500 mm2.

Keywords: Progesterone, endometrial thickness, estradiol levels.

Mice (Mus musculus) as experimental animals. Pad haven junttan laboratory, the
purpose is to determine the effect of malnutrition on decreased sexual hazrat and sperm
fertility as well as testicular histopathology. In female laboratory animals to determine the
effect of malnutrition on signs of sexual desire (estrus) in the form of decreased willingness
of females to accept males, the development of folliculogenesis in the form of subordinate or
dominant follicle formation or Corpus development. luteum (CL) and reproductive cycle
disorders and histopathological picture of the ovaries. The process of lust begins with
stimulation in the hypothalamus on the nervous system Center, where dopamine is produced
as neurotransmitters and neurohormones that affect sexual behavior and activity in
individuals. Stimulation received by sensory nerves triggers acetycholine in stimulating
endothelial cells to secrete nitric oxide to activate cGMP. Activate cGMP will cause the
muscles in the Corpus cavernosus clitoris to relax causes of clitoral arteriole dilatation so the
blood will flow in. The filling of the erectile tissue of the clitoris by the blood will cause the
veins to be compressed and inhibit the discharge of blood water so that there is an increase in
turgor from the organ, then there is an erection of the clitoris
Our study suggests that oxidative stress has a constraining effect on only one part of
the reproductive event: prereproductive oxidative damage was significantly related to litter
size at birth but not to litter size at weaning.Our results imply that oxidative stress constrained
the early investment in reproduction (i.e. conception and gestation) in female laboratory mice
but did not constrain reproductive effort associated with rearing. Still, studies linking pre-
reproductive oxidative balance to subsequent investment or success in reproduction are
scarce, and the nature of the underlying mechanisms remains under investigated for results
from the medical literature, e.g. reduced sperm motility due to ROS). Hence, one suggestion
is that early reproduction is probably affected more by theconstraining effect of oxidative
stress, whilst rearing is more likely to explain the oxidative cost of reproduction. Here, it is
worth pointing that delayed costs of reproduction may further complicate the picture if
past reproduction

Metode praktikum berisi paparan dalam bentuk paragraf yang berisi alat dan bahan
serta prosedur kerja.

Tabel 1. Results Of Practicum Activities
No. Dokumentasi Keterangan
1. 4x4 cm dokumntasi kegiatan

Pembahasan berisi penjelasan apa arti hasil dari kegiatan praktikum, dengan maksud
menginterpretasikan dan memaknai hasil praktikum sesuai atau tidak dengan teori.
Hubungkan hasilnya dengan tujuan praktikum yang diajukan di bagian pendahuluan. Jika
lebih dari satu tujuan praktikum, maka penulis harus mengurutkan bentuk kronologis di
pembahasan dengan membuat sub-sub pembahasan. Tunjukkan bagaimana Anda
menjelaskan informasi yang terkumpul selama praktikum, bagaimana hubungan antara fakta
yang te ramati selama praktikum dengan kumpulan teori dari buku dan jurnal. Jumlah
halaman pembahasan minimal 1,5 halaman dan maksimal 2 halaman. Isi pembahasana tidak
boleh sama dengan mahasiswa lain.

Understanding the Biology Of Mice: before performing mating, it is important to
understand the biology of mice, including the reproductive cycle, ovulation and sex
characteristics. Mate selection the selection of a suitable pair of mice is an important step. A
partner who is healthy, free from disease, and has desirable traits in the offspring is the key to
success. Partner introduction: before mating mice, they should be introduced to each other
carefully to avoid aggression or stress. Mating and monitoring the mating process of mice
must be observed and supervised to ensure the continuity and success of copulation. Care
During Pregnancy After successful mating, female mice will experience pregnancy. Proper
care and nutrition during this period is very important. Separation after childbirth after
childbirth, female mice and their cubs should be separated from males to prevent repeated
pregnancy too quickly. Newborn baby mouse care newborn mice require special care and
nutrition for their growth and development. Ethics and well-being during this process, it is
important to ensure the well-being of all mice involved and adhere to ethical practices in
animal breeding. Documenting the results it is important to record the results of the mating,
including the date of mating, the number of cubs born, and their development for further
understanding of the reproduction of mice. The technique of mating mice requires
knowledge, understanding and attention to animal welfare. Owners of mice should perform
this task with responsibility and care for their pets.
Diwajibkan untuk menggunakan aplikasi manajemen referensi Zotero atau
Mendeley. Menggunakan manajemen referensi memudahkan tata kelola referensi dan
menjamin semua yang dirujuk dalam artikel tertulis juga dalam referensi, begitu pun
sebaliknya.Penulisan referensi menggunakan model sistem dari American Psychological
Association atau APA edisi ke-7.
Berikut Link untuk install dan menggunakan Zotero:
Jumlah Referensi Wajib:
Buku: 2 buah batas 2005
Artikel: 2 Nasional dan 2 Internasional batas 2008

Contoh Penulisan Referensi:

(Jenis: Buku)
Schunk, D. H. 2012. Learning theories an educational perspective. Boston, MA: Pearson

(Jenis: Artikel Jurnal)

Pusporini, S. E., & Arifin, M. Z. 2012. Perbandingan Angka Fertilitas dan Hambatan
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Triyanto, S. A., Wahidin., Hartania, N., Solihat, A., & Sutrisno. 2022. Blended-Problem
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Bioedusiana: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi. 4 (2): 69–76.

(Jenis: Prosiding)
Agustin, T. S., Surahman, E., & Hernawati, D. 2019. Analisis Hasil Kognitif Peserta Ddidik
melalui Implementasi Model Problem Based Learning. Seminar Nasional Biologi,
Saintek, Dan Pembelajarannya (SN-Biosper), 373–378. Tasikmalaya: Pendidikan
Biologi Universitas Siliwangi.

(Jenis: Dokumen hukum perundang-undangan)

Permendikbud No. 3 Tahun 2020. Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi.
1. Buku atau jurnal sesuai dengan urutan di daftar pustaka.
2. Laporan sementara (Foto copy/ Scand Hitam Putih).

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