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Write your own life story using the stages of psychosocial development as framework. Go through each of the
stages that apply to you (must probably, stages 1-5 or 6). Ask information from your parents and other
significant persons in your life. Look at old baby books and photo albums. Also, include the results of your
questionnaire in the activity section. Write a narrative for each stage.

Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy)

During this stage of my life I relied entirely on my parents to fulfill my necessities. They showered me
with affection and nurturance. Created an environment that instilled a deep sense of trust within me. I formed a
connection with my parents as they consistently attended to my need and promptly responded to my expressions
of distress. This phase set the groundwork for me to perceive the world as a safe place.

Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Early Childhood)

As I got older I began to venture out and assert my independence. I have memories of being curious and
eager to do things by myself. My parents were supportive, encourage me to make decisions and express my
preferences. They patiently guided me allowing me to learn from my mistakes without feeling embarrassed or
uncertain. This phase played a role in building my self-assurance and the understanding that my actions can
make a difference in the world.

Stage 3: Initiative and Guilt (Preschool Age)

During my preschool days my imagination and creativity really flourished. I started becoming more
adventurous, took the initiative to try out activities and projects. I still remember the thrill of excitement
whenever I came up with the idea and could actually bring it to life. My parents and teachers were always there
to support me giving me chances to explore and learn. They encourage my curiosity, cheered for my
achievement which helped me shape my sense of purpose and gave me the confidence to face challenges head

Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority (School Age)

Starting school was a change in my life. I experienced a setting and encountered new academic hurdles.
I remember having a drive to do well and showcase my skills. My parents and teachers created an environment
that nurtured my work ethic. They cheered me and acknowledged my accomplishment, offered guidance
whenever I struggled. This phase played a role in shaping my belief in my abilities and the value of dedication
and resilience.

Stage 5: Identity and Role confusion (Adolescence)

In my years I went on a journey to discover myself and figure out my own identity. I found myself
pondering questions, about who I was and who I wanted to become? It wasn’t easy as I navigated through
expectations and my own desires to find myself. This phase was about exploring, trying things and reflecting on
who I am. During this time I sought guidance from mentors whom I trusted and engage in activities that aligned
my interests and values. Gradually through this process I gained an understanding of my strengths, passion and

Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adulthood)

During my adulthood I encountered the complexities of relationship. I longed for bonds with others,
crave emotional intimacy. I remember the vulnerability and bravery it required to open myself up to the others
and cultivate connections. Through this experiences I learned the value of trust, effective communication and
willingness to compromise in relationships. This phase enabled me to appreciate both the joys and trials that
come with intimacy, ultimately revealing the significance of cultivating and nurturing relationships in my life.

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