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f : L sats ifs wrong If youre not sue, choose E : ez True / False / Not given and Yes / No / Not given (Academic Reading and General Trai ‘Modules only) ‘You will be given some sentences which relate to the reading passage. The sentences follow the order of the passage. You must decide whether each sentence agrees with the text or contradicts it, or whether there is not enough information in the passage for you to decide. True | False / Not given is used to test your ‘understanding of factual information. Yes / No / Not given is used to test your understanding of the writer's ‘opinions. 1g Reading 4 Skim the whole passage before you ait Working on any of the tasks. Then read the instructions, ~~ £30 that you know what you need to do. They are not always phrased in the same way. Read the first statement. It may help to underline’ key words. ‘Look through the passage to find the relevant information, and think carefully about what it!’ ‘means. Underline the part of the text that Contains the answer. Decide if the statement =": ‘agrees with or contradicts the passage or is Not ~ given. Remember you must base your. answer on * what is in the passage, not on your own’ e Ktnowledge or what you think is likely to nee ‘Not given means that there isn’t enough |, ‘information in the passage to decide if the ~~ ‘statement is True or False (or Yes or No). a 3 ’ Contiriue with the other statements in turn: If you can't find the relevant part of the passage, it », probably means that the statement is Not given. Always give an answer — you won't lose any. Not given Both these reading passages are similar to those in the ‘Academic Reading Module and Section 3 of the General Training Reading Module, except that they are shorter. 1 The first st passage is about 400 words long. How / Product Placement Works Have you ever watched 2 television show or @ movie and felt lke you were watching a really long commercial? f so, then you've been the victim of bad product placement. Clever marketing folks want their products to be visible within a scene, but not the focus. When done correctly, product placement can add a sense of realism to a movie or television show that something ike a can simply marked ‘soda’ cannot. Product placement dates back to at least the early 1950s when a drinks company paid to have a character in the movie The African Queen toss loads of their product overboard. Since then, there have been countless placements in thousands of movies. Sometimes product placement just happens. A set dresser might think of something to boost the level of crediblty or realism of the story. One example is the use ‘of a can of ant killer in a violent fight scene inthe popular television programme The Sopranos. A spokeswoman for the manufacturer said the company was not approached about the use oftheir product and they would not have given it a thumbs-up. ‘Then there are arranged product placement deals. The ~ ‘most common type is a simple exchange of the product for the placement. A deal is made; in exchange for the airtime, the cast and crew are provided with an ample supply of the company’s products. ‘Sometimes, a gift of the product isn't an appropriate ~~ form of compensation, so money powers the deal. Someone from a manufacturer's marketing team hears about a movie project, and approaches the set dresser th a financially attractive proposal. They come to an agreement, and the product makes a number of seemingly casual appearances. Both teams are happy. Before product placement really saw a surge in the mid 1980s, it was pretty much a do-it-yourself effort. Now there are entire agencies that can handle the job. Some larger corporations will dedicate personnel to scout out ‘opportunities for product integration or placement within films, television shows ~ even games and music. The next time you watch @ movie, keep an eye out for products or brand names you recognize. t's highly likely that you'll see one of the major soft drink companies represented. ‘And how! you'll wonder, ‘can the actor hold the can just the right way every time so that the logo is perfectly visible?” Se eee Scanned with CamScanner { | 5 6 Product placement has always been the respon: Do the following statements agree with the information given in-the reading passage? Write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement-contradicts the information NOT GIVEN __ if there is no information on this Example: Good product placement draws the viewer's attention to the product, False (Clover marketing folks want their products to be visible within a scene, but not the focus,) 1. The first instance of product placement was the idea of a movie company. 2 Product placement may be intended to make a movie more convincing, 3. The manufacturer of ant killer allowed its product to be used in The Sopranos. Answer: 4 Arranged product placement generally results in the ‘movie personnel receiving supplies of the product. Film makers would rather be paid than receive goods. lity of spe t teams. 7 Certain brands of soft drinks can be seen in many movies. ‘Building a Pers: ‘Your Personel Brand Identity is created by finding the intersection of who you are. who you want to become, ‘and what your ‘organization’ and ‘customers’ want from you, all relative to any competitors. ‘All brands have customers, produots, and competitors, Your ‘customer’ may be a boss, friend or relative. The goal of Personal Branding is to build end/or imprave your trust relationship with the target customer: You are a ‘product’ with features and benefits, certain skils and special talents that other people value. In ‘creating your Personal Brand, ideally you want to use those skils and talents that are highly velued by your ‘customer’ and that you enjoy using, You are port of a larger ‘organization’. We all ive and work in these, whether it is our family or the place we work. These organizations have written or unspoken values and cultures that have a big impact. on how we ‘act. They are important to our success and happiness. 2. In the next set of questions, based on the reading passage below (about 300 words long), you are being tested on your understanding of the writer’s opinions or claims, whether or not you think they are correct. ‘ Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in the reading passage? Write YES if the statement reflects the claims of the writer No if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 1. When establishing a Personal Brand Identity, you should compare yourself with your competitors. 2 Itis necessary to understand the network of relationships in which your customers are situated. 3. The best form of personal branding involves using the skills you enjoy, whatever the response of your ‘customers’ 4 The organi our behaviour. 5 Its useful to emphasise contrasts between ourselves and our competitors. 6 The way we'speak contributes to the image we present. 7. Personal Branding provides an ideal type of person that everyone should try to copy. ions in which we are involved can affect Whether we are competing for a job or a mate, we all have ‘competitors’, in business and in our personal lives, that we need to be aware of. By finding the best ‘postion’ to take relative to these competitors, we can make ourselves seen 2s not only different to them, but better: Your Personal Brand identity is the image that surrounds you. Just like brand-name clothing, our personal identity is @ ‘package’ consisting of ourselves {a8 a ‘product’ thet is part of a larger ‘organization’ with ‘customers’ and ‘competitors’. Your brand image is, communicated by what you weer, your hairstyle, your personality, and your physique. The goal of Personal Branding is not about being someone we aren't, It is not about exaggeration or egotism. It is simply about becoming the best ‘You. tt is about finding your own personal essence that, at the same time, is valued by people in your organization. oo ene ret Scanned with CamScanner

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