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Ethical SEO Best Practices

On-Page Optimization

1. Use clear, descriptive titles and meta descriptions that accurately represent page content.
Wikipedia does this well.
2. Optimize headings, subheadings, and copy with target keywords. Amazon achieves this
with their highly optimized yet readable product pages.
3. Include internal links to important pages to help search engines crawl the full site and
understand its structure. Google's own website is a great example of excellent internal

Off-Page Optimization

1. Build high-quality, relevant backlinks from other trusted sites. The New York Times has
earned many links due to their reputation for quality journalism.
2. Be active in industry communities and forums. Elon Musk has gained many backlinks
through his active online presence.

Technical SEO

1. Ensure pages load quickly with optimized images and minimal redirects. Sites like set the standard for technical performance.
2. Use responsive design so all content is accessible on any device type. Most top e-
commerce sites have flawless responsive design.
3. Deploy HTTPS to ensure content security and privacy. Major banks like Wells Fargo
use HTTPS by default.

Content Creation

1. Publish long-form, in-depth articles solving user problems or questions. Wikipedia

thrives due to their huge volume of highly-optimized content.
2. Create how-to guides, lists, and other easy to consume content formats. Sites like
Buzzfeed succeed with shareable, optimized content.
3. Repurpose top-performing content into other formats like videos, infographics or
social media updates. TED repackages talks into many formats.

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