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Existing since 2012, this is the leading sports nutrition brand in India as of 2021. MuscleBlaze is
an Indian brand that offers a wide range of nutritional supplements, including whey protein.

The whey protein powder range offered by MuscleBlaze is of top-notch quality and is crafted to
meet the specific needs of fitness enthusiasts.

It is a brand recommended by many athletes and fitness lovers. With their Biozyme series,
MuscleBlaze became the first Indian brand to get thor whey protein powder to be certified from
Labdoor, which is an internationally renowned supplement testing agency that tests protein
supplements on 3 factors- purity, accuracy, & sports. MuscleBlaze Biozyme Whey protein got
certified for purity and accuracy. Some of the key whey supplements offered by the brand are:

MuscleBlaze Bizoyme Whey Protein: India’s first clinically tested protein that offers 50% more
protein absorption along with 60% higher BCAA absorption. It is customized especially for
Indians and is packed with Enhanced Absorption Formula to reduce stomach discomfort while
boosting digestion and absorption of protein and other nutrients.

MuscleBlaze Raw Whey Isolate: It offers whey isolate in its purest and rawest form to support
lean muscle growth. It is unflavored and thus offers you the flexibility of consumption. This
whey protein price is budget-friendly and anyone looking to build a lean physique can go ahead
with this one.

MuscleBlaze Whey Hydro: This is a hydrolyzed whey protein powder that enables faster
absorption and better results. It has added Digezyme for faster absorption and better digestion. It
is made with premium quality ingredients.

There are many other whey protein options available that you can see on the brand website and
choose the one that fits your needs.

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