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Instructions for the exercise:

1. Try to remember what we explained in class about the "Johari" model. Research more about this
model with the materials in classroom and other sources...
2. Think about the relationship you have with one of your colleagues in studies (you choose which
3. In relation to this report, write five (5) information in the first three boxes (of course, we cannot fill in
the Unknown box). To complete the "Blind" box, you can request information from the colleague you
have chosen.
4. In the "Unknown" box you can put five new things you want to explore in 2024

Known to self Not known to self

Open Blind
Known to
 How I walk?
Others  How I appear?
 My subjects in
 What others see me
 My major
 What type of person I
 My name
am according to
 My age

Not known to
Hidden Unknown

 What I will be doing in

 My favourite series five years?
 My songs playlist  How I well will I do in my
 My hobbies midterms?
 My preferences  With what GPA will I
 My thoughts finish this year?
 Will I continue my
scholarship next year?

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