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English script

The benefits of regular exercise in improving mental health.

Hello and good morning, everyone my name is Khert Lawrence L. Homerez. have you ever thought of
the benefits of regular exercise in improving mental health. We know exercise helps you lose weight and
help your physical health but more research that is done on overall health we are finding that exercise just
doesn’t help your physical health, but it also helps relieve stress, help your immune system, and it helps
your mental health also.

In my opinion it reduces anxiety, depression, and negative mood it improves your self-esteem and when
your frustrated you can do jogging to fresh out your mind to take away your frustration. And doing
physical activity can also distract you from negative thought patterns.

So, the conclusion of the benefits of regular exercise in improving your mental health is doing normal
exercise. It can help clear your mind and help you get rid of the negative moods and negative thoughts.

Exercising improves your mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and by
improving self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as
low self-esteem and social withdrawal. And Exercise causes your brain to release 'feel good'
chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that help improve your mood. It also improves your
fitness, which can help lift your mood.

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