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1-5 BDCAB 6-10 CDBBC 11-15 CCBBD
16. 2max

17. 5marks
two divisions in meiosis, only one in mitosis;
meiosis results in haploid cells, mitosis in diploid cells;
crossing over only occurs in meiosis;
no S phase precedes meiosis II;
chromosome behaviour in meiosis II and mitosis is similar / chromosome behaviour in meiosis I
and mitosis is different;
Crossing over only happens during meiosis;
homologous chromosomes move to the equator in pairs only in meiosis
18. 7marks
(a) 2max
(i) centromere;
(ii) sister chromatids / chromatids;
(b) 3 max
the failure of homologues / sister chromatids to separate during meiosis;
anaphase I / anaphase II;
two copies of chromosome 21 in gamete;
fertilization leads to trisomy / trisomy 21;
(c) 2 max
crossing over (in prophase I) leads to new combinations of alleles;
random orientation of homologues (at metaphase I) produces new chromosome combinations /
independent assortment;
19. 7marks
mutation is a change in DNA sequence;
changes the mRNA during transcription;
changes the amino acid sequence;
substitution mutation / changes to one codon;
glutamic acid is changed to valine / GAG to GTG;
changes the shape of hemoglobin / hemoglobin becomes less soluble and crystallizes out;
cannot carry oxygen as well;
red blood cells sickle / impairs blood flow;
causes other health problems / anemia / tiredness;
sickle cell anemia caused by two mutated recessive alleles;

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