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Our “Atlas Launch” System That Is Helping DCs

Capitalize On The Upcoming Recession

By Saving Them Money & Getting Them New Patients
During These Financially Uncertain Times
My GOAL...
Is To Show YOU How To Use This New System To
Continue To Fill Up Your Practice With NEW High
Quality Patients & Maximize This Unique Opportunity
That Chiropractors Have Been Waiting For

“58 New Patient Visits, 29

Converted (in one month)!”
But first…
Let’s address the
elephant in the room...
“I’ve already tried this
soooooo many times…”

“What makes 👇👇👇 different?!!!”

● Won the 2 Comma Club Award

● Largest Network Of DCs: Over 200 ACTIVE Clients Nationwide

(Information Advantage)

● Featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, INC, Thrive Global & more.

● Coach 100s Of Agencies (you may have spoken to one of our students!)

● Team of +25 Employees & Headquarters in Denver, CO

● + 1 Million Spent In New Patient Ads +We Have An R&D Division

(Always Ahead Of The Curve & Testing CUTTING EDGE Strategies)

● Made With DCs For DCs (Mastered & Built This System WITH Chiros)
● Proprietary Pay Ahead System gets rid of
“discount seeking” tire-kickers and gives us
the highest quality patients compared to
every other agency…

● PLUS… Other agencies average a ~30% show

up rate. Some of our docs average up to a 98%
show up rate. 99% show up rate
with our Proprietary
Pay Ahead System!!!
● Practically GUARANTEES patients in the door
(as long as you follow the system to a T and
put in the work!)
For example...
“Our staff scheduled 18 NEW PREPAID
PATIENTS in the first 4 days.”

“’ll be honest, I was

skeptical at first. Now
we’re having trouble
fitting them all in!”

“I’ve been here

for over a year!”
It all comes down to RESULTS.
(& PROOF that we’ve been able to get
these results for so many other DCs)
...but times are different now
Chiropractors across the
world right now are being
affected in a VERY BIG way.
And a GLOBAL Recession Is On The
Verge Of Happening As We Speak...
So what does this mean for
you & your practice?
It means you must
adapt and take a leap…
And you’re going to need to
get REALLY strategic about
how you market your practice
and bring in new patients
Let’s be honest…

The days of hiring overpriced marketing

agencies, relying on referrals, and using
traditional methods like screenings and
lunch n learns are OVER.
And the practices that don’t adapt
are going to struggle with the
following things...

❖ No new patients…
❖ Current patients cancelling…
❖ Having to let go of your team...
❖ Practice getting shut down…
But again…

For those who


There is HOPE.
As Harvard Business Review stated…

"Companies that were able to increase share of voice by

maintaining or increasing their advertising spending captured
market share from weaker rivals. What’s more, they did it at
lower cost than when times were good.

On average, increases in marketing spending during a

recession have boosted financial performance throughout the
year following the recession.”
The point is… those who take the time
to adapt to the market during these
difficult times will THRIVE.
That’s where we come in…
The most cutting-edge system to help
you adapt during the economic
recession so that you can survive &
And most importantly…

THIS is the OPPORTUNITY chiropractors have

been waiting to for to EMERGE as health
leaders in their communities during times of
pain & serve more people than ever before.
This sounds great and all…
but has it worked for other DCs?
With that in mind…

Let’s dive in to the “Atlas Launch

System” That Is Helping DCs Capitalize
On The Upcoming Recession
By Saving Them Money & Getting Them New Patients
During These Financially Uncertain Times

100 NEW Patient

Opportunities In 60 Days
If not… we’ll give you
a full refund + $1,000 for
wasting your time!
($4000 Value)

($2500 Value)

($1000 Value)

($1000 Value)
($4000 Value)

($2500 Value)

($1000 Value)

($1000 Value)
You’ve got two choices...

Choice 1: Continue doing what you’re

doing and keep getting the same result.

Choice 2: Adapt, take the leap, grow your

practice and help more people (when
others are failing).

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