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A New Beginning

Wade was lying in his bed, trembling with fear. His half-closed eyes were aiming the
huge electronic clock that covered the wall of his bedroom. A sequence of multi-coloured
numbers were showing the date and time: June 9 3000, 11:27. Huge raindrops were dripping
off the window, as New York was enveloped in a thick fog. The young boy was expecting a
life changing phone call.
Wade’s parents were both renowned eminent teachers who had always wanted their
child to be a genius. As a result, they chose, as the advanced technology of the time allowed
it, to genetically modify their son, despite the fact that he stood an alarmingly increased
chance to develop a mysterious cognitive disease. In his first 12 years of life, Wade had been
healthier than a horse, thrilling with his academic performances, inspiring every youngster to
follow in his footsteps. But as he grew older, there was every indication that he was
beginning to develop the disease. His only hope of survival was a brain transplant, the latest
breakthrough in modern science. He applied to join a clinical trial program, having the
chance to become the first patient to undergo such an operation.
Suddenly, the phone began ringing. Wade was aware that this call would eventually
decide his future. Numb with shock, he nervously picked up the phone. The doctor’s calm
voice kept his hope alive. It was either a new life or the beginning of the end for the boy. He
heard that he had been chosen to become the first patient to get a brain transplant in history.
His whole body vibrated with joy.
As he was walking across the endless corridors of the hospital, he was blinded by the
flashing lights, feeling trapped between the immaculate white walls of the building. He felt as
if he were trapped in a labyrinth, his mental state deteriorating by every second that was
passing. He was on the verge of fainting by the time he entered the operation room, where the
doctors awaited. As Wade was getting tranquilised he realised that he probably was the
luckiest person alive. A giant smile flooded his face and closed his eyes, ready for his life to
be changed.
When Wade woke up, he was confused. He had become a new, different person, all of
his memories having been lost. The child stood on the edge of the hospital bed, studying all
the machineries that surrounded him. He slowly opened the window, glancing at a world that
waited to be discovered.

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