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‭Name _________________________________‬

‭Date of Recitation: ___________________________‬

‭The Preamble to the Constitution‬

“‭ We‬‭the‬‭People‬‭of‬‭the‬‭United‬‭States,‬‭in‬‭order‬‭to‬‭form‬‭a‬‭more‬‭perfect‬
‭Union,‬ ‭establish‬ ‭justice,‬ ‭insure‬‭domestic‬‭tranquility,‬‭provide‬‭for‬‭the‬
‭common‬ ‭defense,‬ ‭promote‬ ‭the‬ ‭general‬ ‭welfare,‬ ‭and‬ ‭secure‬ ‭the‬
‭blessings‬ ‭of‬ ‭liberty‬ ‭to‬ ‭ourselves‬ ‭and‬ ‭our‬ ‭posterity,‬ ‭do‬ ‭ordain‬ ‭and‬
‭establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”‬

‭Memorize and recite on due date given in class.‬

‭Simple steps to help you:‬

‭Step 1 – Read the preamble to the United States constitution several times.‬

‭ tep 2 – Re-read the preamble, this time aloud. Read slow and deliberately, looking down only‬
‭when absolutely necessary. Look at yourself in the mirror, as if you're practicing a speech.‬

‭ tep 3 – Interpret the preamble to the U.S. Constitution. If you're unsure what the preamble‬
‭actually says, consult literature on the subject or determine the definitions of significant words.‬
‭Understanding what the preamble says will make it easier to memorize.‬

‭ tep 4 – Write down the preamble on 3 x 5-inch index cards. The preamble should be broken‬
‭down into sections; the line beginning "We the people" and ending with "insure domestic‬
‭tranquility" should be on the first card. The second card should begin with "provide for the‬
‭common defense" and end with "and our Posterity". The last card should begin with "do ordain"‬
‭and end with "United States of America".‬

‭ tep 5 – Label each index card 1, 2 and 3 so you don't forget the order of the preamble.‬
‭Memorizing it correctly is more important than simply memorizing it.‬

‭ tep 6 – Practice reading each index card separately. Keep reciting one card until you've‬
‭memorized it completely. Do the same with the remaining cards until you've memorized the‬
‭entire preamble.‬

‭ tep 7 – Recite the entire preamble to the U.S. Constitution in the mirror, without your index‬
‭cards. Practice several times without the cards, if you make a mistake just start over. Practice‬
‭makes perfect! ☺‬

‭Student’s score: _____________‬

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