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Criminal Justice

An imprisonment sentence only constitutes a basic deprivation of the right to liberty.

It should not entail the denial of other human rights, except for the ones restricted naturally

by virtue of being an inmate. State prisoners are convicts with exhausted legal punishment

forms, mostly incarcerated for serious crimes. In contrast, federal prisoners are dangerous

crime offenders who are considered for longer imprisonment term sentences. The paper

discusses some of the remedies available to both federal and state prisoners and their

similarities and differences.

There are several remedies available to federal and state prisoners. They include the

prospective relief approval denial by a court unless it finds out that the relief is the only

existing means to correcting the federal right violation. Moreover, it is limited to the

correctional part of the violated federal right and is narrowly drawn (Cornell Law School).

Also, a substantial weight on the significant impact on the criminal justice operation system

or public safety shall be considered by a court before effecting the relief. For state prisoners,

a court is allowed to block a prison release order unless the convict was given a significant

time frame to comply with the past court orders. Furthermore, an indication by the court's

records of a minor intrusive order which had failed to correct the denial of federal rights and

it intends to remedy the violation by the release order of the prisoner.

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Although state and federal prisoners are equally convicted for violating the laws,

several differences exist in the legal treatment of each. For instance, the federal legal

repercussions for state convicts are harsher, such as life imprisonment or death penalties, and

usually intended to instill fear in future offenders thinking of indulging in similar criminal

acts. While for federal inmates, the punishment is generally for corrective purposes to make

them good people in society when their liberty is given back. Also, some similarities in both

include the intention of meeting the standard human rights requirements such as freedom of

speech and to be heard (Cornell Law School). Moreover, both remedies intend to create room

for equitable justice for all prisoners and improve their faith in the criminal justice system.
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Works Cited

Cornell Law School. “18 U.S. Code § 3626 - Appropriate Remedies with Respect to Prison

Conditions.” Legal Information Institute, Legal Information Institute,

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