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Amazon 16 leadership principles:

1.-customer obsession: it is focused on outstanding deliver customer service, amazon put it in

everything it does!, never focused on competition

2.- ownership: people who work in amazon take ownership of challenges and problems, never say
not “that's not my responsibility”

3.-invent a simplify: the way to keep improving tasks and be creative employee(creative processes)

4.- are right, a lot: being an amazon employee you have sound judgment skills to make the right
decisions based on facts en evidence
5.-learn and be curious: be angry to learn always, and they are never finished with learning!
6.-Hire and develop the best: hiring team Is always seeking to have the people who fits with the
amazon requirements.
7:.-Insist on the highest standards: keep the processs to solve issues and it never happens again
8._ Think Big: keep look at the wide picture seeking ways to improve CSI. Customer service
9.- Bias (inclinacion)for action: speed is everything in amazon’s business, you have to work quick
10.-Frugality: be aware when you using resources and supplies to save money.
11.-Earn trust: listening, asking the right question, dignity an be respectful
Amazon Interview Questions:

1.- Tell me about yourself: I am a self-motivated and high-achieving employee who strongly
believes you only make significant progress in an organization if everyone in the team is pulling in
the same direction.

Over the years I have built up lots of transferrable skills and experiences that are a match for not
just this job description, but also for the leadership principles you are expecting from the person
best suited for this role an also be aligned with your expectations.

a.For example: I’m always willing to use the team work initiative, for me it’s very essential
in every work environment; when it comes to achieving group goals and to reach it, found
new ideas based on fact and evidence; leverage all possible time to perform tasks in a right
and quick way, strive myself to accomplish and improve personal and group tasks and goals.

I know that you will interviewing many participants over next few days, but there is something
particular about me,despite the possition offer, this role have a narrow correlation with one of my
dreams which is the location and culture how is Finnland,I have had this dream during many years
and now I can feel that I could be very close to achieving both.

2.Why do you want to work at amazon:

I want to work with amazon because, in my personal opinion, it is the greatest company in the
world and I feel I will be able to learn, grow and develop whilst working alongside other self-
motivated people.

-Amazon has lead the way for many years now, not just ij the quality products and services it offers,
but how it delivers its products to end users, and how it always put customers at the forefront of
everything it does. I cant think of many others companies that start with the customer an then
works backwards.

Another reason I want to work at amazon is because of your leadership principles match with my
style of life and also with my daily way of working.

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