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The Great Discover Assignment

Oct. 19/21

1. Think of a person who has made a positive difference in your life. What qualities
does that person have that you would like to develop
My Dad, because he always knows what to do, and he loves teaching people cool things
2. Imagine 20 years from now you are surrounded by the most important people in
your life. Who are they and what are you doing?
My friends and family. We would all be having a fun time together
3. If a steel beam were placed across 2 skyscrapers, for what would you be willing to
cross? (A thousand dollars? Your pet? Your sibling? Fame? Think Carefully…)
4. If you could spend one day in a great library studying anything you wanted, what
would you study?
5. List 10 things you love to do.
Play video games
Take things apart
Put things together
Hang out with friends
Make a fire
Build things
6. Describe a time when you were deeply inspired
When out I found out being a geologist was a job
7. Five years from now a local news site/news paper for a a story about you and
interviews 3 people. Who are they and what would you want them to say?
My mom, my dad, and my little cousin. I’d just want them to say something good about
8. Think of something that represents you…a flower, and song, an animal. Why does it
represent you?
A bat, because I love to be up at night
9. If you could spend an hour with any person who ever loved, who would it be and
why? What would you ask them?
Jesus, I’d ask him what it was like to do what he did and what it was like living knowing
wha would inevitably happen
10. What are your talents? Describe and give an example of each
I’m good with numbers: I’m good at math
I’m good at memorizing things: For example I can memorizing where all the parts to
build something a video game are after doing it one time
Im good with tech: I built my own computer and disassembled multiple phones and my
Xbox, and put them back together and they work

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