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The influence of peers in the academic performance.

Occasion:Plan a special activity for fellow students


Target audience:Students


Hello ladies and gentleman, Today, is a great day to sit still and listen to my speech. Before anything else,
have changed your academic goals of interest based on what your pears doing? Well, you also become
more like your

friends overtime and that can influence your academic goals.

Have you ever experience negative and positive academic outcomes due to your association with certain
peers? Today we will discuss the Influence of peers in the academic performance. We will be talking
about the good and bad influence of peers.


Peers is commonly thougth of in a negative light, but the truth is, it is not always a bad thing.Sometimes
they are a good influence on you. There are plenty of ways that students influence others to make good
choices. For example, if a group of friends takes part in a volunteer project, it may inspire others to join
in on something they may have other wise not

got to involve. If you surround yourself with good people, you will generally make better decisions and
vice versa. Peer relationships can be a good powerful positive influence in the lives of adolecents, but
the negative influence of

cannot be avoided.Students whose friends, engage in negative activities Such as use of drugs, sneaking
out of school and being absent from schod chronically are likely to have

lower academic performance. It is not always bad thing, pressure from a student peers to study harder
of to stand up to bullying can have positive results.Other ways to focus on positive peer influence include
encouraging healthy relationships with peers who also have positive interests, such as getting an.after
school job, saving money for a big purchase, and risky behavior.


To conclude, I think that peer influence is a grey thing at times and also an awful thing. If you start to
worry or feel pressured into doing don't want to stand to them. If you are to

frightened to stand up, tell a teacher, or about your situation. Make sure you are sticking to who you
are,and not to who everyone else is.

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