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Why Some Dreams are true अब्दुल समी

There are several theories about why some It is important to note that there is no one
dreams come true. Here are a few of the definitive answer to the question of why
most common: some dreams come true. The theories
listed above are just some of the most
Coincidence: This is the simplest explanation. common explanations. Ultimately, the
Sometimes, dreams come true simply by reason why some dreams come true is still
chance. For example, you might dream about a mystery.
meeting someone new, and then you meet that
person the next day. This could be a Here are some additional thoughts on the
coincidence, or it could be that your dream was matter:
a subconscious prediction of something that was
already going to happen. ● The power of intention: Some
people believe that dreams can
Memory: Another possibility is that dreams can come true because of the power of
be based on memories that we don’t intention. This means that if you
consciously remember. have a strong desire for something
For example, you might dream about a place to happen, it is more likely to
that you have never been before, but then later happen. For example, if you dream
you find out that you actually visited that about winning the lottery, and you
place when you were a child. This could be really believe that you are going to
because your subconscious mind stored the win, you may be more likely to
memory of the place, even though actually win.
you didn’t consciously remember it.
The law of attraction: The law of
Telepathy: Some people believe that attraction is a belief that positive
dreams can be a form of telepathy. thoughts attract positive
This means that you can receive experiences, and negative thoughts
information about the future through attract negative experiences. Some
your dreams. There is no scientific people believe that dreams can be a
evidence to support this theory, but way to manifest our desires through
it is a possibility. the law of attraction. For example, if
you dream about finding love, and
Quantum mechanics: Some you focus on positive thoughts about
scientists believe that dreams may love, you may be more likely to find
be a way to access information from the love in your waking life.
quantum realm. The quantum Whether or not you believe that dreams
realm is a subatomic world that is can come true, there is no doubt that they
governed by different laws of can be a powerful force in our lives.
physics than the world we live in. Dreams can help us to understand
Some scientists believe that dreams may allow ourselves better, to process our emotions,
us to tap into this realm and receive information and to tap into our subconscious minds.
about the future. They can also be a source of inspiration,
motivation, and hope.

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