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Teacher Evaluation 2022-23

Employee Information
Job Title:
Track or reason being evaluated:

1 = Poor
(Possible descriptors - Significantly below the standard; rarely or never meets the expectations;
demonstrates little or no understanding, ability, or proficiency; needs significant assistance or
reminders to perform the duty)
2 = Beginning
(Possible descriptors - Below the standard; does not meet the expectations consistently; demonstrates
basic/limited understanding, ability, or proficiency; often needs assistance or reminders to perform
the duty)
3 = Approaching
(Possible descriptors - Acceptable, but there is room for improvement; usually meets expectations;
demonstrates acceptable understanding, ability, or proficiency; often performs the duty
independently but may need assistance or reminders at times)
4 = Meeting
(Possible descriptors - Clearly meets the expectations consistently; demonstrates strong
understanding, ability, or proficiency; almost always performs the duty independently)
5 = Exceeding
(Possible descriptors - Exceeds expectations; is a model or leader for others; demonstrates
advanced understanding, ability, or proficiency; performs duty independently at all times)

Planning and preparedness Rating

Creates detailed lesson plans
Evidence/criteria: Instructional plans updated, lesson planning documents located in curricular
Incorporates ELOs and field trips into lessons
Evidence/criteria: Two trips planned for each term, field trip lesson plans, trips planned are
connected to units in that specific term (Excludes Japanese)
Meets deadlines
Evidence/criteria: Updates Edsby regularly with due dates for assignments and important posts for
Submits detailed substitute plans and emergency plans
Evidence/ criteria: Shares 2 days of substitute plans in Emergency Sub Plan folder with respective
Assigns meaningful homework that reflects the UST homework policy
Evidence/criteria: Homework posted on Edsby in a timely manner, homework samples, feedback
from parents or students
Incorporates various resources into learning experiences using UDL lenses
Evidence/criteria: Uses a variety of different resources that increase access, representation and
allow for multiple means expression in student learning experiences Questions

Classroom Environment Rating

Creates respect and rapport with students
Evidence/criteria: Students feel comfortable asking and answering questions and working in a
variety of whole group, small group and individual learning structures. Teachers feel comfortable
asking and answering questions and leading a variety of learning structures.
Helps students set, monitor, and review meaningful goals
Evidence/criteria: Uses and documents the WOOPgoal-setting process at least three times per year
with students (Japanese -once a year)
Establishes a culture of learning
Evidence/criteria: Helps students understand the importance of the content (Ie. enduring
understandings and essential questions are posted on the walls), states or posts learning objectives
(related "I can targets" are posted on the board or daily slides or given to the students in some
form). Students take pride in what they are doing
Manages classroom routines
Evidence/criteria: Has set up various instructional groups or intentional seating arrangement, has
routines that support smooth transitions, use of resources, etc
Manages student behavior
Evidence/criteria: Agreements or expectations of behavior are clearly posted in the classroom,
teacher monitors behavior and responds to misbehavior, approaches to learning are reinforced in
classroom routines ;
Organizes physical space
Evidence/criteria: The classroom space is designed in a way that is safe and accessible for students,
furniture and resources are purposely used to enhance student learning
Respects and complies with the School’s Cleaning Policy
Evidence/criteria: Maintains a clean classroom and teacher’s space at all times. Oversees students’
daily cleaning duties for classroom and common areas. Organizes Eco Patrole Questions

Instruction Rating
Effectively applies the curriculum
Evidence/criteria: Utilizes core resources and outside resources appropriately which results in
student learning, delivers curriculum according to schedule, teaches in accordance with school's
mission and vision (student-centered, differentiated, real-world learning, inquiry, etc)
Maintains a student-centered approach
Evidence/criteria: Posts clear expectations of student learning which may include essential
questions, understandings, vocabulary tools, strategy charts, exemplars) to help elevate student
Encourages students to engage in critical thinking and problem solving through application of
inquiry and hands on learning
Evidence/criteria: Quality of questioning, Use of different discussion techniques, Student
Executes stimulating and challenging lessons which motivate students
Evidence/criteria: Engages students actively through a variety of activities and assignments, paces
lessons appropriately to meet respective student needs, uses a variety of learning structures (paired,
small group, whole group) to enhance lessons or actively differentiate
Uses assessment in instruction
Evidence/criteria: Unpacks assessment steps and criteria with students, shares exemplars of
assessment with students, provides feedback to students via conferencing or small groups, students
self-assess or monitor their progress in class Questions

Professional Responsibilities Rating

Maintains an effective record keeping system of grades, student work, learning notes, etc.
Evidence/criteria: Edsby, student work/portfolios/ learning story, anecdotal records or conference
notes, efficient functioning of the classroom, Organization of supplies/resources
Communicates with families
Evidence/criteria: Via Edsby provides updates about student learning 3 times a week, shares
feedback and grades about student learning with parents at least one week after the assignment is
due/ completed.
Demonstrates initiative, enthusiasm and dedication, and makes meaningful contributions and
suggestions to help improve the school
Evidence/criteria: Participation in meetings, volunteering to assist and help, brings forth ideas and
suggestions to leadership, formation of committees or groups to plan new initiatives
Understands and implements the school’s mission, values, rules, policies, requests, and procedures
outlined in faculty and student handbooks
Evidence/criteria: Feedback from administration, staff, parents, and students, Observations,
Efficient functioning of the classroom, Organization of supplies/resources, Edsby, Participation in
meetings, volunteering to assist and help
Evidence/criteria: Monthly time cards
Demonstrates flexibility, a positive attitude, courtesy, and respect to work collaboratively with and
form good relationships with administration and staff
Evidence/criteria: Interactions and communication with colleagues, participation in meetings,
feedback from colleagues
Leads and/or assists engaging after-school activities and summer school programs
Evidence/criteria: Observations of student involvement, student work samples, student or parent
Actively participates in professional development sessions at school or out of school and contributes
thoughtfully to PLCs. Shares professional learning with colleagues.
Evidence/criteria: Professional development log, notes, sharing PD learning with UST faculty,
Supports PLC team in completing goal and presenting the work of the team
Volunteers for school events, trips, etc; willingly participates in school events and activities
Evidence/criteria: Actively participates in school events, helps and volunteers when needed Questions

Professional Goals

Next steps

Feedback for SLT

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