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Quick how to remove wrong email or author names associated with a researcher.

1. Access your profile and click on 'Edit' on the first box.

2. Author names or email addresses that are not yours can be removed by clicking on the 'X'. This
leads to a list of publications in which the author or the email that is being removed appears.
3. If you click on 'X' next to author name 'moreira, ana c', than you see the following screen and
you can safely click on the green button to remove these three publications. This will remove
the wrong author name and the corresponding publications.

4. If trying to remove author name and the list of publications shown is yours, than you should not
remove these publications, just go back to your profile and instead of trying to remove the
name, click on the 'eye' to hide the author name. The wrong variant author names that are
associated with your researcher quite likely came from sources such as Scopus or ISI

If with this guide, you still have difficulties, please send us an email to:

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