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Kanaya Nur Nabila


Intermediate English Grammar

1. The journalist was disappointed that the newspaper didn’t accept her article.
2. Tokyo is an exciting international city.
3. I am very interested in astrology.
4. Reading good novels is gratifying.

5. I am sorry for messing up the sauce. The recipe was really confusing | confused.

6. Peter was also confused when he read the instructions.

7. Susan is excited, because she will see her parents soon.

8. Richard hoped that his family would be excited to meet his new girlfriend.


1. It smells bad in this kitchen, because the ventilator is broken.

2. It is hot in this car, because the window is closed.

3. Yesterday it was hot in this room, because the window was closed.

4. Peter is wearing a winter hat. It is made of cotton.

5. The door to the castle is shut.

6. Bob looks worried. He is sitting all by himself. His elbows are bent and his hands are folded in front of

7. We can leave now, since the movie is finished.

8. The headlights on his car are turned on.

9. This theater is not crowded.

10. Don’t look under the stairs! Your Christmas present is hidden there.

11. Oh no! How did this happen? My dress is torn.

12. Where are my keys? They are gone! Did you take them?
13. Mother just called us, because dinner is ready. The table is set, the chicken and beans are finished,
and the candles are lit.

14. His room is finally looking cleaner. The bed is made, the floor is vacuumed, and the windows are

15. We were trapped in a canyon for two days, because the car was stuck in mud.

16. We are trapped here. The car is stuck in mud.


1. The meeting scheduled for tomorrow at nine.

2. Let’s find another bar. This one is too crowded. It will take us way too long to get a drink.

3. Excuse me. Could you give me directions? I am lost.

4. Painting the house is hard work! I don’t know how much longer I can help you. I am exhausted. We
need to rest and just finish up tomorrow.

5. I don’t understand the plot of this movie. I thought this was supposed to be a comedy, not a horror
movie. I am confused.

6. Peter is probably sleeping. The light in his room is turned off.

7. Her house is very expensive. It is insured for one million dollars.

8. I can’t open the garage door. It is stuck.

9. They were happily married for ten years, but now they are divorced.

10. I thought I had left my wallet on the table, but it’s not there. It is gone. I wonder where I could have
left it.

11. Mr. Keller, I regret to inform you that you are not qualified for the job. We need someone who is
more eloquent and organized.

12. I adore Lisa. Every day I think to myself “ I am married to a wonderful woman”.
13. Tell Jamie not to eat that fruit. It is spoiled. Throw it away

14. I am so tired of having to call the neighbor to move his truck. I am going to be late again for work,
because my car is blocked.

15. St. Thomas is located in the Virgin Islands.

16. The Internet connection doesn’t seem to be working on my computer either. Maybe it’s the Ethernet
cable. Is it pulgged in?

17. Sorry, the chicken is not done yet. I know you’re hungry, but you’ll have to wait a little longer.

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