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Huttese Script (40 Emotions + 100 Words) (Impressions From Video) (Improvisation)

Scene 1 : Oola on Dance Floor

- (Heavy Breathing As If You Are Dancing To Lively Music, and All Eyes Are On You)
- (Sensual Exhausted Deep Sigh)
- ((Heavy Breathing) As If You Are Dancing With Vile Crowd Watching)
- (Mild Surprised Sound From Your Gut ((As If Your Caught O Guard From Your Dance. Your Collar
Around Your Neck Grows Tight Pulling you Into Your Master))

- (Choking Sound)
- (Struggle Intensely) (You look into Jabba’s powerful, disgusting lusting red drunk eyes)

- Jabba Lorda! Na! (Lord Jabba! No!)

- (Struggle Intensely As If Jabba is Pulling Your Leash Tight)

- Jabba!
- (Struggle Intensely Knowing Your Being Pulled In To Jabba’s Grasp. You Know Jabba Wants You To
Dance Close To Him)

- Kolka! (Master!)
- (Moan In Disgust, You Don’t Want To Be Humiliated By Him In Front Of A Crowd Yet Again)

- Jabba!
- (Struggle Sound To Try To Fight Him O )

- Jabba!
- Oola Na chuba negatorie! (Oola Doesn’t Want To Fuck!)
- (Cry Out Hoping For Help)

- Na! Na! Natoota Kan Mi Oola (No! No! Master Is Too Rough With Oola!)
- (Struggle Knowing You Know You Helpless Against Jabba)

- NAAA! (NOO!)
- (Moan in Discomfort Scared Of What is To Come If He Reels You On To His Dais)

- PLESAH! NA! (Please! No!)

- (Heavy Breathing, Trying To Fight Jabba O Just A Little Longer)
- (Struggle Intensely Trying To Distance Yourself Knowing There Is Little You Can Do)

- Kotka gee kark Oola roe yabee! (Master has already fucked Oola 3 Times today)
- Jee banag bai sonla! (I Want To Dance!)
- (Struggle Hysterically)

- Jabba tee bu Rancor! (Jabba not the Rancor) (Rancor is monster down below)

Scene 2 : Oola’s On Throne With Jabba

- (Heavy Breathing As If You Just Lost and are now pulled Into Jabba’s Arms)

- Masta! (Master)
- (Impact Noise/Sound As If You Fell Onto Disgusting Flesh of Jabba)
- (Struggle Sound To Try To Break Free Of Jabba’s Grasp)

- Jabba Jabba!
- (Moan In Disgust)
- (Struggle To Try To Break Free Of Jabba)

- Oola cooom sloot! Jabba! Oola cooom sloot! (Oola is lth) (Jabba) (Oola is lth)
- (Exhausted Pleasurable Moan Filled With Self Loathing As Jabba Is Having His Way)

- Kolka Jabba! Mee Natka doth bom bom lhonu! Fa wont bakopa! (Please Jabba!.
Your Tail is too big! It won’t t!
- (Painful Gasp)
- Jabba!
- (Pleasure Gasp As You Are Beginning To Feel Both Limp And Pleasure)

- Jabba!
- (Organismic Moaning)

- Jabba! Oh Jabba!

- (Loud Gasp As If In Pain)

- Jabba!
- (Struggle To Try To Break Free From Jabba’s Tight Grasp) (You Still Loathe Your Master Though Still In
Pleasure). ( He Is Reviling, But He Holds Your Life In His Hands)

- Kotka.. Dobra hee... koutape. Kaa, Jabba! (Master..I am…It’s too much!….Oh,
- (Painful Moan)

- Masta!!
- (Struggle To Try To Break Free Of Jabba)

- Masta!! Masta!! Masta!! Masta!! Masta!! (Master)

- (Pleasure Moan)

- Jabba!
- (Pleasure Moan)

- Kotka! (Please)
- (Heavy Breathing)

- Schutta! Dobra mee schutta. (Yours) (I am yours)

- (Organismic Moan)
- (Painful Moan)
- (Heavy Breathing)

- Oola wa dan shag. Oola Shag!!! Oola Shag!!!! (Oola is a good slave)
- (Heavy Breathing)

- Jabba!! Ah!
- (Light Struggle)

- Masta!! Jabba….Jabba….Jabba Lorda…Jabba… Masta….(Master!!)

- (Exhausted Pleasurable Moan Filled With Self Loathing)
- (Pleasure Moan)

- Oola good schutta…Jabba….(Oola is a good slave….Jabba)

- (Apprehensive Moaning) (Worried Jabba will toss you to his monster below if you do not behave as his
favorite dancer.)

Scene 3 : Video Copy

- (Imitate Oola’s lines from Video as best you can) x2

• 0:48 - 1:10

Extra: Improv
• With words, or time left please go above and improv emotional beats, or anything you feel you can
add to character from any of the video references, or script. Would love your take on anything.

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