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Dr. Ahmad Sahide, S.IP., M.A.


Azizah Asa Araya

Dimas Nur Graha





1.1 Background
Indonesia is a diverse country both in terms of culture, customs, religion,
geographical location, and much more. The diversity of the Indonesian nation is not a
reason to make the Indonesian nation a divided nation. It is precisely this diversity
that is the strength of the nation that must be appreciated, and appreciated as a good
life entity as our country's motto of "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" is different but still one.
To unite a diversity is not an easy thing, it requires an awareness in each of us of the
importance of a unity , by respecting each other, not knocking each other down, not
feeling that the culture or religion it adheres to is the most correct and the most
important thing in realizing unity in diversity is to build national integration.
National Integration National integration is an effort to unite all elements of a nation
with its government and territory (Saafroedin Bahar, 1998). National integration is
an effort used in achieving the unity of a nation.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. Definition of integrity
2. Basic principles of integrity
3. Functions and objectives of integrity
4. The importance of national integration
5. Challenges in building integrasi
1.3 Purpose
1. To know the meaning, principles, functions and objectives of integrity
2. To know how important integrity is
3. To know what challenges are faced in building integrity


1. Definition of Integrity
The word "Integrity" comes from English which means honesty, sincerity,
and wholeness. Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI),
integrity is honesty, quality, nature or circumstances that show complete unity so
that it has the ability to radiate authority. Etymologically, integrity comes from
latin, tango or intenger which means whole. Then, integrity according to Gostick 2 is,
"a strong adherence to the code, in particular certain artistic values (responsible,
keeping promises , caring for greater kindness , acting like being watched over ,
being consistent, can bring integrity)". In addition, integrity is also explained in the
Qur'an with the word "kaffah" (fused). This is mentioned in QS Al-Baqarah : 208.
From the explanation above, integrity is how we as humans have a mindset,
behavior and actions that have the values of honesty, discipline , responsibility both
towards ourselves alone, society, religion, nation and state. If we become
individuals of integrity, we will not be easily tempted by thrones, property, positions
and so on.

2. Basic Principles of Integrity

The basic principles of integrity according to Reiss, Penner, Dovidio,
Piliavin, Schdore, Wanek, and Sacket in Istiani are:
a. Basic desires that motivate an individual to perform certain behaviors. The
behavior is then manifested into a behavior called integrity. Therefore ,
individuals with integrity are individuals who have functional behavior and
are supported by certain qualities that determine the color of their behavior.
Behaviors that require others to trust and rely on them. These qualities
 Acceptance, that is, the reason for being a valuable individual.
 Honor, which is a quality that encourages individuals to behave
honestly, faithfully, trustworthy and responsible.
 Idealism, that is, a quality that values other individuals as human
 Independence, that is, the independent behavior that the individual
 Power, that is, the individual impetus to achieve achievements, be
decisive, and leader.
b. A personal agency is the ability to make judgments intuitively. The function
of this agency works through intentionality , thinking to the past and the
future, self-reactiveness as well as the ability to carry out self-reflection.
The diversity of agencies can be known through the ability of individuals to
make intuitive judgments When making decisions that are situational in
c. Moral Courage that makes the individual root the truth he believes to fight
for with all his risks.the factors that contribute to this moral courage are:
 The ability of the individual to know and identify the moral
conditions he is facing.
 Moral choices are about the individual's partiality to the moral
situation at hand and demonstrate the individual's values and
 Individuality is a necessity where moral courage must be exercised by
the individual himself.
 Fear is natural , but each individual is required to overcome it in the
face of moral situations and other risks that he must accept.

In addition to the opinions of the ahli above, Dr. H. Abdullah Hehamahua, S.H., M.M.
also gave his opinion on the principles of integrity, including:

1) A well-proportioned, positive, constructive, innovative, and creative mindset,

about yourself, others, and the routine tasks and work performed ,
2) A sincere attitude of heart in carrying out all duties and work, not because of
mere duty or expecting other worldly rewards, but only expecting
"recognition" from " sky".
3) Actions and activities that are always dynamic, progressive, and revolutionary,
but in a spiritual breath with the aim of achieving brilliant achievements.
4) Behave noblely on the basis of high morals and morals.

3. Functions and Objectives of Integrity

a) Integritas function
There are several functions of integrity according to Hamdi Muluk , namely :
 Cognitive function of integrity which includes moral intelligence and
self-insight. Self-insight includes self-knowledge and self-reflection.
 Affective function of integrity which includes conscience and self
b) Integrity Objectives
According to Ashford, integrity aims to make everyone, especially
officials, have confidence in their true moral obligations. According to dr.
H. Abdullah Hehamahua, S.H., M.M. If a person has moral beliefs and
obligations in any position or position, then he will have a positive impact.
There are several opinions from experts regarding the purpose of integrity,
 Integrity is one of the main keys in achieving success. Integrity is
also very much needed in all lines of people's lives.
 Integrity makes people capable of leading and being led.
 Integrity breeds trust.
 Integrity gives birth to prestasi.

4. The Importance of National Integrity

The integration of society cannot be fully realized. Because behind the
potential for integration, there is also the potential for conflict or conflict. Equality
of goals, the need to interact and cooperate is a potential that can integrate. However,
the many differences that exist in Indonesia such as differences in ethnicity,
customs, religion, race and so on are a potential conflict or Conflict. Therefore, such
differences must be addressed in the right way. Because national integrity is
something that is very much needed in building the glory of the nation and state.
Failure to realize national integrity is the same as failure to realize national glory,
which can even threaten the survival of the nation and state.
Al Hakim (2001) stated that there are several factors that need to be
considered to build a "solid" Indonesian national insight and a steady and solid
integration. (1) the ability and awareness of the nation in managing SARA
differences and cultural diversity from the customs that grow and develop in the
archipelago region. Those differences are not something to be disputed, but must be
interpreted as the wealth and potens of the nation. (2) the ability to react to the
spread of foreign ideologies, the dominance of foreign economies and the spread of
globalization in various aspects of the world is always changing in rhythm with
changes in world society.

5. Challenges in Building National Integrity

In an effort to realize Indonesia's national integration, the challenges faced
come from the horizontal and vertical dimensions. In the horizontal dimension, the
challenges are rooted in differences in ethnicity, religion, race and geography.
Meanwhile, in the vertical dimension, the challenge is in the form of a gap between
the elite and the masses, where the educational background of the city causes the
elites to differ from the masses who tend to have traditional views.
(Agus| & Agus, n.d.)

Challenges to the horizontal dimension are problems that are often

experienced by developing countries, one of which is Indonesia. The most important
problem faced is the problem of primordialism which is still strong. These
problems include differences in race, religion, customs, customary cultures, and so
on. There is still a large inequality and inequality of development and development
outcomes that are felt due to the existence of separatism and regional movements,
demonstrations, and protests. Meanwhile, related to the vertical dimension, the
challenges that exist are the willingness of leaders to continue to communicate,
listen to community complaints, want to mingle with the community. and not
keeping a distance from the periphery. If this is successfully done, then a leader has
successfully answered the challenge of integrity in the vertical dimension.


1. Conclusion
Integrity is how we as humans have a mindset, behavior and action that has
the values of honesty, discipline, responsibility both towards ourselves, society ,
religion, nation and state. Integrity has several functions that must be fulfilled. The
function of integrity is the cognitive function of integrity and the affective function
of integrity. Meanwhile, the purpose of integrity, which includes Integrity is one of
the main keys in achieving success, Integrity makes humans able to lead and be led,
Integrity breeds trust , Integrity breeds achievement.

Building national integrity in a country is not an easy thing. There are many
challenges faced in achieving national integrity from both horizontal and vertical
dimensions. But in any case, the challenge must still be faced. Because realizing
integrity is an important thing for a country. If integrity in a country is realized, then
national glory is also realized.
Bahar, S. (1996). Integrasi nasional : teori, masalah dan strategi. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.

Hehamahua, A. (2019). Integritas (Menyemai kejujuran, menuai kesuksesan &

kebahagiaan). Yogyakarta: Phinisi-Press.


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