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Balbido, Angel Bert A.


Activity 7

A. Happiness: One way to recognize the highest good of a man is to consider whether it
leads to happiness or well-being. This may involve looking at whether the good brings
satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy to the person's life.
B. Personal growth: Another criterion for recognizing the highest good of a man is
whether it promotes personal growth and development. This may involve considering
whether the good helps the person to become a better and more authentic version of
C. Virtue: Another criterion is whether the highest good promotes virtue or moral
excellence. This may involve considering whether the good helps the person to develop
virtues such as honesty, compassion, and fairness.
D. Meaning and purpose: Another criterion is whether the highest good provides meaning
and purpose to the person's life. This may involve considering whether the good helps
the person to find and pursue their passions and goals in life.

2. Characteristic that sets us apart is our capacity for higher-order thinking and decision-
making. Human beings are capable of abstract thought, creativity, and problem-solving,
which allows us to adapt to our environment and pursue our goals and interests in ways
that are not possible for other species. Another characteristic that distinguishes human
beings is our ability to communicate and express ourselves through language. Language
allows us to share ideas, emotions, and experiences with others. These characteristics of
higher-order thinking, language, and self-awareness are what make human beings unique
and set us apart from other species.

3. According to Aristotle, a person's character is formed through the repeated performance

of virtuous actions. He believed that through the cultivation of virtuous habits, a person
could become virtuous, and that this was the key to living a good and fulfilling life. Aristotle
also believed that there were two types of virtue: intellectual and moral. Intellectual virtue
is the result of proper education and training, while moral virtue is the result of good habits
and character. For Aristotle, the key to cultivating virtue was the development of habits of
action that were in line with reason and the good. By regularly performing virtuous actions,
a person's character would become virtuous, and they would be able to live a good and
fulfilling life.

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