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Balbido, Angel Bert A.


Activity 9

1. It is a principle of cultural sensitivity and adaptation, suggesting that when one is in a

foreign place, they should be mindful of and respect the local customs, traditions, and
practices, and conduct themselves accordingly. The idea is that when you are a guest in a
foreign culture, it's important to be mindful of and respect the local customs, traditions
and etiquette.
2. Kohlberg's theory of post-conventional morality posits that individuals can reach a highest
stage of moral development in which they base their actions on universal ethical principles.
However, the idea that feelings and emotions are inseparable from human choice suggests
that it may be difficult for individuals to completely separate their personal feelings and
emotions from their moral decision-making. As a result, it may be unrealistic to expect that
all individuals will reach the highest stage of post-conventional morality described by
3. As a moral agent, one should be aware of this complexity and try to understand the
different interpretations of religious texts and teachings, and how they relate to ethical
principles. It is important to question and critically evaluate one's own beliefs and
assumptions, and to seek out diverse perspectives in order to gain a more nuanced and
comprehensive understanding of religion and ethics. The concept of "an eye for an eye, a
tooth for a tooth" is an example of this phenomenon. Depending on the context and the
individual interpreting it, this passage from religious tradition can have different meanings.
Some may interpret it as a call for retribution and the use of violence as a means of justice,
while others may interpret it as emphasizing the importance of restoring balance and
harmony within society.

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