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As the Department Head of Manpower in XYZ Organization, I would play a critical role in

ensuring that the organization is strategic in its planning. It would be comprehensive; entail
having total understanding of organizational goal, proper forecasting of manpower requirement,
making of manpower inventory, identifying gaps that exist and developing action plan to bridge
gap identified.

To begin with, it’s imperative for an organization to state its objectives and plans during the
process of strategic planning. The first step in this process is establishing aims and aspirations for
a specific organizational unit, which are then synchronized with the organization’s general
objectives. This is a critical stage because it determines where we going with the department and
what is going to be viewed successful in this regard.

After setting up objectives and plan, it is necessary to forecast staff needs. It entails examining
existing employees, envisioning future needs and planning on possible alterations/expansion in
the department. It’s important to predict our needs of manpower which helps us arrange and
provide necessary resources in the department according to the plans of meeting our goals.

The second step in this process involves preparation of a man power inventory after having set
up objectives and projected the number of staff required. The first step here is the development
on inventory of current workforce; this involves detailing out people’s skills, qualifications with
the chance on advancement in future. This includes a manpower inventory that gives an at-a-
glance view of the present work force, enabling identification possible candidates for promotion
or staff with high potentials.

The second stage involves determining if there are areas of the workforce requiring
enhancements through the manpower inventory. For instance, an employer can recognize skill
gaps, future positions needed and also points where the present staff has failed to meet targets. It
is significant because it enables us to forecast our needs for the next couple of years, so that the
department can be equipped appropriately.

The last step involves development of strategies that work towards bridging the identified man
power gap. The procedure may include hiring of new personnel, more training on current
employees or reassignment of financial and other resources in line with areas that have been
highlighted as lacking. These action plans serve as a map to implement the strategies identified
earlier on, and ensure that the department achieves its set objectives.

The involvement of all key players during this phase – such as the human resources team, line
managers and employees- is also crucial. Review the strategy regularly in order to evaluate its
coherence with organizational goals and the strategies of the department. Such a consideration
ensures that the strategic plan is not just effective but also sustaining in the long term.
For this process, a flowchart would offer an appropriate visualization. The flow chart would start
off from specifying organization target objective and plan, forecast of man power requirement,
man power inventory, detecting man power gap to the last stage of crafting actions plans.Finally,
therefore, strategical planning in the manpower section is all about having a clear comprehension
of the organizational goals, effective prediction future manpower demands, creation of
manpower inventories, detection of any lacks, making up for them, and creating
strategies/programs towards When the process is illustrated in a flow chart, it gives an elaborate
and comprehensible guide on how organisation manpower should be planned upon.

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