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Received: 1 December 2018 | Accepted: 2 December 2018

DOI: 10.1111/jop.12810


Electronic nicotine delivery systems: Oral health implications

and oral cancer risk

Ahmed S. Sultan1 | Maryam Jessri2 | Camile S. Farah2

Department of Oncology and Diagnostic
Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of
There is a paucity of evidence surrounding the potential detrimental effects of elec-
Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland tronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) for both systemic and oral health. The
Australian Centre for Oral Oncology effects of conventional cigarettes on the development of oral cancer are well
Research & Education, UWA Dental School,
University of Western Australia, Nedlands, known; however, the role of ENDS in oral carcinogenesis is yet to be elucidated.
Western Australia, Australia Furthermore, the exponential rise of the use of ENDS by the general public means
Correspondence that dental healthcare providers are more likely to encounter questions on their
Ahmed S. Sultan, Department of Oncology safety in the oral cavity, and on their effectiveness as a smoking cessation aid.
and Diagnostic Sciences, School of
Dentistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Herein, we review the most up to date literature on the systemic and oral health
MD. complications of ENDS. Moreover, evidence‐based recommendations on the use of
ENDS as a smoking cessation tool within the dental setting are discussed.

1 | INTRODUCTION Regardless of the generation or class, when an ENDS user vapes

(draws a breath from the device), the change in pressure activates
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) were first introduced in the aerosol generator and extracts the e‐liquid from the storage area,
the mid to late 2000s as a means to tobacco harm reduction.1 ENDS which in turn results in production of an aerosol through heating or
are battery‐powered devices that aerosolize a solution (e‐liquid) con- mechanical dispersion of the e‐liquid. The generated aerosol will be
taining nicotine, flavouring chemicals, propylene glycol and glycerol inhaled and subsequently exhaled by the user, resulting in second‐
for the purpose of inhalation by the user. There are approximately hand exposure of nonusers through both the generated aerosol and
500 different brands of ENDS, and there exists a marked variability the exhaled vape. Systemic and oral health risks of ENDS are dis-
in ENDS terminology, active chemicals, product design and engineer- cussed in the following sections; however, it is currently unclear if
ing which results in significant differences in nicotine delivery mech- second‐hand exposure poses a meaningful biological risk to humans,
anisms and more importantly toxin contents. and further investigation is warranted prior to drawing a definitive
First‐generation or “cigalike” ENDS closely resemble traditional conclusion.6
cigarettes and comprise a low‐capacity or rechargeable battery, a In 2014, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a
cartridge containing e‐liquid, and an atomizer which aerosolizes the draft regulation regarding the sale and use of ENDS, subjecting
e‐liquid through heating.3 Second‐generation electronic cigarettes (e‐ them to regulations akin to that of tobacco products.7 As such, it
cigarettes), or tank‐style systems, work through a similar mechanism. is perceived that ENDS are governed under tobacco regulations
These systems resemble a pen, include larger batteries and have and their sale to minors (<18 years of age) is prohibited.7 This
refillable fluid reservoirs (tank system).4 Compared to cigalike ENDS, regulation however only pertains to the nicotine containing e‐
the tank system devices provide a wider variety of nicotine concentra- liquids and does not prohibit the sale of the device without nico-
tion and more efficient nicotine delivery, have more flavours to choose tine to minors. Consequently, this potential loophole has raised
from and are used by more experienced users. Third‐generation the understandable concern of minors purchasing non‐nicotine
devices, or advanced personal vaporizers, have higher nicotine delivery containing e‐liquids or obtaining the e‐liquid from other sources
potential and can mimic the profile of conventional combustible cigar- such as friends or family.7 This is a significant consideration given
ettes. Alternatively, depending on the degree of control that users that despite the steady decline in the use of conventional com-
have over the voltage, resistance and the e‐liquid used, ENDS can be bustible tobacco products among the youth, ENDS use is a popu-
classified as either open or closed systems. lar practice.1,2,8,9

J Oral Pathol Med. 2018;1–7. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. | 1
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

According to the National Health Interview Survey, 12.6% of levels.19,20 Coil resistance, an important factor that can dictate the
American adults reported that they had ever tried e‐cigarettes. temperature and power generated from an e‐cigarette, was not
Younger (18‐24 years old) men, and American Indians or Alaska included in the experimental testing.21 These shortcomings have put
Natives were more likely to have tried e‐cigarettes compared to into question the scientific rigour of this pilot study, and the overall
females, older adults and other races.10 The National Youth Tobacco formaldehyde exposure reported may be overexaggerated.
Survey (NYTS) is the longest running national data set reporting e‐ Although the cumulative dose of formaldehyde from e‐cigarette
cigarette use. Analysis of the NYTS data revealed that in 2017, 3.3% consumption may be significantly greater than of conventional cigar-
of middle and 11.7% of high school students had used e‐cigarettes ettes, it is noteworthy that conventional cigarettes harbour at least
in the past 30 days.11,12 The popularity of ENDS in general is attrib- 72 “possible” carcinogens,22 of which the International Agency for
uted to the ease of access, the perception that ENDS are harmless, Research on Cancer rates 16 of these compounds as carcinogenic to
or healthier than conventional combustible cigarettes, and heavy humans.23 Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that e‐cigarettes
advertisement targeting children and young adults with child‐friendly have a more favourable toxicity profile than conventional cigar-
flavours such as bubble‐gum, fruit and pina colada.13,14 Although ettes.24 This is evidenced by a recent study which showed that six
these numbers are alarmingly high, a slow and steady linear decrease different carcinogenic metabolites were significantly higher in con-
has occurred in the use of e‐cigarettes by the youth after 2015.11 ventional cigarette smokers than in e‐cigarette users.25 Moreover,
E‐cigarettes are a $US 10 billion industry and are predicted to previous animal studies have confirmed the tumour‐forming potential
surpass the combustible tobacco market in the next decade.15 There of some of these metabolites.25 Carcinogenic nitrosamines such as
is a paucity of evidence surrounding the potential detrimental effects N’‐nitrosonornicotine (NNN) were detected in trace amounts in e‐
of e‐cigarettes for oral health, and given the great variability of cigarettes24,26 but could be detected approximately 380‐fold higher
ENDS, here we review and discuss the systemic and oral health in conventional cigarettes.24 Both acetaldehyde and acrolein are
complications of ENDS. putative respiratory irritants, and these carcinogens were detected at
levels 450‐fold and 15‐fold higher in conventional cigarettes,
2 | SYSTEMIC HEALTH RISKS OF The pulmonary effects of conventional cigarettes are well known;
ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY SYSTEMS however, little is known about the pulmonary effects of e‐cigarettes.
In a novel murine model investigating the effect of e‐cigarette expo-
The majority of safety and toxicity‐based research studies on ENDS sure on pulmonary anti‐microbial defences, a modified e‐cigarette
principally feature e‐cigarettes, and thus, due to the scarcity of inhalation chamber was utilized and it was found that mice exposed
research studies on other ENDS, the proceeding section will mainly to e‐cigarettes demonstrated defective bacterial clearance due to
focus on the systemic health risks of e‐cigarettes. diminished alveolar macrophage phagocytosis.27 E‐cigarettes and
Clinical studies on the systemic health risks of e‐cigarettes are associated copper nanoparticles have also been shown to induce
scant and are limited to specific liquid constituents that constantly mitochondrial oxidative stress and promote DNA fragmentation in
continue to change even as the research studies investigating these human lung fibroblasts.28 Additionally, e‐cigarette flavouring agents
liquid constituents are being conducted. It has recently been such as diacetyl have been detected above the standard laboratory
uncovered from a pilot New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) limits in commercially available e‐cigarettes and this is of concern as
study that aerosols released from e‐cigarettes during the “vaping” diacetyl has been attributed to cases of bronchiolitis obliterans.29
process contain hidden formaldehyde.18 Considering that formalde- Conflicting studies on the cardiovascular side‐effects of e‐cigarettes
hyde is a potent carcinogen, it is likely that chronic e‐cigarette users exist as some studies report an increase in heart rate and elevation
(especially high‐voltage e‐cigarette users) may be at an increased risk in diastolic blood pressure following short‐term e‐cigarette vaping,
of upper aerodigestive tract cancer. Conservative estimates indicate with other studies reporting no increase in heart rate or elevation in
that vaping at a rate of 3 mL a day would incur an inhalation dose diastolic blood pressure.17
of approximately 14 mg, whereas the dose inhaled from a pack of The recent advent of “vitamin vaping” and aggressive marketing
20 conventional combustible cigarettes is approximately 3 mg.18 It by some e‐cigarette companies that claim that vaping e‐cigarettes
has been suggested that the hidden formaldehyde expressed from e‐ containing a variety of vitamins (vitamins A, B12, C, and D) is worry-
cigarettes may be deposited more efficiently in the respiratory tract ing as at this current time, clinically determining the concentration of
than that of gaseous formaldehyde released from conventional cigar- any given vitamin that is systemically absorbed by inhalation route is
ettes.18 Moreover, risk‐based calculations have estimated that the not possible. Systemic inhalation of heated vitamins via e‐cigarette
lifetime cancer risk as a result of long‐term vaping from e‐cigarette vapour has far‐reaching implications that have not yet been investi-
use in terms of formaldehyde exposure can be as high as 15 times gated. For instance, one e‐cigarette company has claimed that a few
more than that of long‐term conventional cigarette use. Several puffs of their B12 vitamin containing e‐cigarette can provide 10
authors have however contested the findings of this exploratory times the recommended daily dose of vitamin B12. It is therefore
NEJM study suggesting that the excessive formaldehyde exposure is possible that a regular user of vitamin e‐cigarettes could develop
as a result of coil overheating within the e‐cigarette to unrealistic vitamin toxicity from overexposure. Furthermore, vitamin B12

supplementation has been associated with an increased risk of lung and this heat can in turn cause nicotine stomatitis. Owing to the
cancer in males and high circulating levels of vitamin D has been small sample size and the fact that current cigarette smokers were
linked to prostate cancer.30,31 not assessed in this study, the results of this study must be inter-
A systematic literature review conducted by the FDA concluded preted with caution. Furthermore, nicotine stomatitis usually resolves
that a litany of toxic and carcinogenic substances have been identi- within 2 weeks after cessation of smoking, and therefore, comparing
fied in e‐cigarettes but importantly, the levels of these substances nicotine stomatitis occurrence in e‐cigarette users to former smokers
differ considerably between different ENDS and the methodologies is not clinically relevant.
used within the studies reviewed were not well validated. In addi- It has been suggested that e‐cigarettes may affect oral mucosal
tion, a joint policy statement by the American Society of Clinical blood flow and enhance perfusion of oral tissues. In a small 2016
Oncology (ASCO) and the American Association for Cancer Research pilot study of 10 subjects, a laser Doppler device was used to assess
(AACR) stated that, at this current time, there is insufficient data on capillary buccal mucosal blood flow before and immediately follow-
the long‐term health consequences of ENDS. The joint policy reit- ing e‐cigarette vaping.36 There was a transient measurable increase
erated the need for additional research in this area, and the expert in capillary perfusion following vaping but this returned to baseline
committee explicitly advocated for in vitro, in vivo and clinical stud- after 30 minutes. It is not clear what clinically meaningful conclu-
ies to assess the physiologic effects of aerosol exposure from sions can be drawn from this study as there were no control groups
ENDS. and a very limited sample size was studied.
It is still not known however what other harmful carcinogenic Intra‐oral explosion injuries from e‐cigarettes have been
compounds exist in ENDS. Misleading and missing information on reported and represent an uncommon complication of e‐cigarette
product ingredients of many of the commercially available e‐cigar- use. Explosion blast injuries from overheating of the internal
ettes exists.17 It is plausible that hidden harmful compounds exist in lithium‐ion battery during the vaping process have resulted in sev-
e‐cigarettes that have yet to be discovered. Further research is eral oral injuries that include but are not limited to tooth fracture,
needed to determine the full breadth of the possible carcinogenic tooth avulsion, dento‐alveolar fracture, haematoma formation, trau-
compounds found in ENDS and to what extent the vaporized car- matic ulceration and tattooing, intra‐oral burns and subsequent
cinogenic effect from these compounds has on the respiratory tract necrosis, palatal perforation with extension into the nasal cavity,
and on overall cancer risk. Standardization of testing protocols is and extensive soft tissue deficits requiring considerable cosmetic
currently lacking, and severe conflicts of interests exist within cur- and functional corrective surgery.37-40
rently published studies. These conflicts of interest arise because Few studies have characterized the effects of ENDS on the peri-
several studies were funded by e‐cigarette manufacturers, and many odontium but those that have, show that e‐cigarettes contribute to
authors involved in the studies were consultants for said manufac- the pathogenesis of periodontitis.41,42 Human periodontal ligament
turers. Therefore, attempts should be made in future studies to fibroblasts when incubated in menthol‐flavoured e‐cigarette liquid
ensure standardization of testing protocols and to ensure no con- showed statistically significant diminished proliferation rates when
flicts of interest exist. Furthermore, longitudinal studies are needed compared to controls.43 A similar study involving human gingival
to enhance our knowledge of the long‐term systemic effects of fibroblasts showed significant cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction
ENDS. following 48 hours of e‐cigarette exposure.44 Many of these primary
studies however lack important pertinent control groups.
A diverse oral microbiome halts oral dysbiosis and maintains an
3 | ORAL HEALTH RISKS AND ORAL ecological balance within the oral cavity.45 This balance is important
CANCER RISK OF ELECTRONIC NICOTINE as oral dysbiosis can contribute to many oral diseases, and if severe,
DELIVERY SYSTEMS may even contribute to systemic dysbiosis. Disruption of the oral
microbiome from cigarette smoke may result in the overgrowth of a
Little is known about the oral health risks of ENDS, and to date, few commensally occurring species and in turn lead to a shift to a
studies have characterized ENDS‐related oral mucosal sequelae. pathogenic state of that species. A 2018 case‐control pilot study
Notably, as ENDS are relatively new to the market, no long‐term which characterized the oral microbiome via 16S RNA sequencing
studies exist. Xerostomia was the most common side‐effect of e‐ of e‐cigarette users (n = 10), current smokers (n = 10) and matched
cigarette use reported according to a 2014 worldwide questionnaire‐ controls (n = 10) revealed that the bacterial profile of current smok-
based survey of 19 414 e‐cigarette users. A statistically significant ers differed significantly compared to controls and e‐cigarette
increased prevalence of nicotine stomatitis, hairy tongue and angular users.46 Moreover, the oral microbiome of e‐cigarette users was
cheilitis was reported in a recent prospective case‐control study comparable to the control group. The authors conclude that e‐cigar-
comparing oral mucosal lesions in e‐cigarette users (n = 45) and for- ette vapour exposure on the oral cavity does not alter the microbial
mer conventional cigarette smokers (who had quit smoking at least flora; however, this study had several limitations that include the
6 months prior to the start of the study; n = 45).35 It is plausible relatively small sample size, the cross‐sectional study design (no lon-
that ENDS users can incur an increased incidence of nicotine stom- gitudinal sampling was performed) and the sex‐cohort mismatch
atitis considering that the e‐liquid within ENDS is vaporized by heat (only 2/30 participants were female), and one e‐cigarette user was

not excluded even though this subject reported occasional concomi- several methodological design flaws and the lack of relevant compar-
tant conventional cigarette use. Furthermore, only the buccal isons with conventional cigarette smoke.60
mucosa and saliva were sampled. Ongoing studies continue to char- It is important to note that ENDS currently available on the mar-
acterize the oral microbiome of ENDS users, and it is important that ket differ significantly in terms of their voltage and liquid contents,
these studies include larger samples sizes, sample many oral sites and therefore, it is likely that the oral health effects and oral cancer
that include periodontal sites and provide longitudinal sampling of risk vary between products. An additional complicating factor is that
different sites of the oral cavity. In addition, it is suggested that sim- ENDS are not currently regulated in many countries which may fur-
ilar oral mycobiome studies be carried out in ENDS users. This is ther lead to differences in their contents and operating power.16
prudent as certain strains of Candida have been associated with the Consequently, future studies investigating the oral health effects of
induction and promotion of oral dysplasia.47-49 Characterizing the ENDS should consider testing several of the commercially available
oral mycobiome in ENDS users may shed new light on whether ENDS. As a large proportion of current and former conventional
these patients harbour specific high‐risk potentially carcinogenic cigarette smokers use ENDS, it may be difficult to determine
Candida strains. whether oral lesions are directly a result of ENDS use or the conse-
The data on the risk of developing oral dysplastic lesions or quence of previous or current concomitant conventional cigarette
frank squamous cell carcinoma secondary to ENDS are virtually use. Thus, if feasible, future randomized controlled trials should
non‐existent. A case‐control study utilizing the micronucleus assay endeavour to include ENDS‐only study groups, that is, subjects who
test from buccal mucosa exfoliative cytology scrapings in current have never smoked conventional cigarettes before. It is unknown
smokers (n = 23), e‐cigarette users (n = 22) and non‐smokers (n = 20) whether the use of ENDS can accentuate the effects of tobacco
determined that e‐cigarette use was safe for oral mucosal cells on the smoke in current conventional smokers trying to quit smoking. It is
basis of a statistically significant decrease in prevalence of micronu- also not known whether the use of ENDS in virgin smokers may act
clei in e‐cigarette users compared to current smokers. However, as a gateway to tobacco smoking and in turn increase the likelihood
this study had many limitations. In addition to a small sample size and of already established tobacco‐related oral mucosal sequelae.
the non‐blinded nature of the study, the micronucleus assay test is As has been the case for conventional cigarettes, it is likely that
not a well‐validated test for use in the oral cavity. Further, the e‐ ENDS will be consumed for many years before their true carcino-
cigarette group had study subjects who also concomitantly used con- genic potential is realized, and therefore, prospective longitudinal
ventional cigarettes. It is known that NNN found in conventional studies on the role of ENDS on oral cancer risk are highly desirable.
cigarettes and in smokeless tobacco products is a potent carcinogen
and has been proven to induce oral squamous cell carcinoma in
rats.51 Extrapolating from this, it is likely that the induction of oral 4 | ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY
squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) secondary to e‐cigarettes would be SYSTEMS: SMOKING CESSATION
much less considering that e‐cigarettes contain trace amounts of
NNN.24,26 The benefits of smoking cessation are well documented. However,
Cotinine, a measurable metabolite of nicotine and an established despite the efforts made by many smokers, only half of the individu-
biomarker of nicotine uptake, has been found at high levels in saliva als who attempt to quit smoking remain abstinent for a week; this
of e‐cigarette users52,53 and at levels similar to that of conventional number drops even lower, to <5% at the 1‐year mark post‐cessa-
cigarette smokers.54 It is well known that nicotine is the principal tion.61 Dependence on tobacco has primarily been attributed to
agent responsible for the addictiveness of conventional cigarette nicotine and its effects on the brain's reward system, and secondly
smoking. However, the carcinogenic potential of nicotine is not as on sensory and behavioural cues.62,63 While nicotine patches,
well studied. In vitro evidence nevertheless does suggest that nico- lozenges, sprays, inhalers, bupropion SR and varenicline have been
tine may possess tumour promoting effects.55 In fact, animal studies approved as safe strategies to increase the chances of cessation, the
have indicated that nicotine can suppress apoptosis56 and induce efficacy of these techniques remains guarded as successful long‐term
migration of OSCC cells. A recent 2018 study showed that nico- smoking cessation requires additional psycho‐social support.64
tine was capable of inducing migration of oral dysplastic cells via Another shortcoming of the above‐mentioned strategies is that they
fatty acid synthase‐dependent epidermal growth factor receptor acti- fail to address the sensory/behavioural aspects of smoking. Through
vation.58 More pointedly, the authors raised potential concerns satisfying the sensory and behavioural cues (eg, being handheld
about e‐cigarette safety especially in former smokers where nicotine devices, the ability to take a puff and causing a “scratch” sensation
could trigger oncogenic signals that could lead to dysplastic changes in the throat) in addition to nicotine delivery, ENDS have become a
in pre‐existing oral potentially malignant conditions and in turn lead popular gateway to, or even alternative for, smoking cessation.65
to transformation to OSCC.58 Yu et al59 in 2016 showed that e‐ As discussed above, ENDS are extremely variable in their compo-
cigarette vapour, irrespective of whether the e‐liquid contained nico- sition and active ingredients, and thus, this challenges the validity of
tine or not, was cytotoxic and was a DNA strand breaking‐inducing any general assessment made. Therefore, ENDS should be examined
agent to normal epithelial cell lines and head and neck squamous cell not as a global class of smoking cessation/alternative device, but
carcinoma cell lines. This in vitro study was highly criticized for rather as individual types, each with specific characteristics.

Regardless of the brand or generation, toxin levels of the tested Public Health Association (EUPHA) which advocates “all concerned
ENDS have been shown to be lower than those of cigarettes and to reduce smoking to maintain their focus on evidence‐based mea-
the use of ENDS has been associated with fewer adverse events.66 sures”.73 This is also supported by a recent American Academy of
Although the initial devices have low nicotine delivery to naïve Oral Medicine (AAOM) clinician's guide to tobacco cessation which
users, they have been shown to successfully relieve the users’ urge stated that at this current juncture, advocating the use of ENDS as a
to smoke.67,68 In contrast, the second‐generation ENDS provide “smoking cessation tool in the presence of various other available
more choices (both nicotine concentration and flavours) and have carcinogen‐free FDA‐approved smoking cessation aids is medicole-
better nicotine delivery capacity and, not surprisingly, are more suc- gally ill‐advised”.74 As we await the results of many ongoing studies,
cessful as smoking cessation devices compared to cigalike counter- and of an important recently completed randomised controlled trial
parts.69,70 A meta‐analysis of published randomized controlled trials on smoking cessation and the oral health effects of e‐cigarettes
(RCT) evaluating the efficiency of ENDS as smoking cessation aids (NIHR Portfolio Study. UKCRN ID: 16964), we should apply a cau-
confirmed that smokers who used ENDS were significantly more tious and evidenced‐based approach to ENDS.
likely to stop smoking than those who did not use ENDS.66
The efficacy and safety of ENDS for smoking cessation are heat-
edly debated. Currently, the two major obstacles in recommending 6 | CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE
ENDS as a definite or safer alternative to smoking include the fol- DIRECTIONS FOR RESEARCH
lowing: (a) high variability in the composition of ENDS and limited
data regarding their safety; and (b) small number of clinical trials Xerostomia is the most common oral complaint secondary to ENDS
focusing on the use of ENDS for smoking cessation. At this time, use and the oral findings in ENDS users include but are not limited
there is no definitive evidence from clinical trials suggesting any to nicotine stomatitis, hairy tongue and angular cheilitis.34,35 In vitro
adverse health outcomes associated with the short‐term use of studies have found ENDS vapour to induce double‐strand breaks in
ENDS, and as such, further randomized clinical trials in larger popula- DNA of normal and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell
tion cohorts are required to reach consensus. lines.59 DNA double‐strand breaks are the most lethal form of DNA
damage; if left unrepaired, they can result in chromosomal rearrange-
ment and carcinogenesis.
5 | ELECTRONIC NICOTINE DELIVERY Currently, there is no strong evidence suggesting a direct role for
SYSTEMS: THE DENTAL TEAM'S ROLE IN ENDS in pathogenesis of oral potentially malignant disorders or oral can-
SMOKING CESSATION cer. Given their relative success in smoking cessation, ENDS have been
proposed as a safe and effective strategy for smoking cessation and
High annual attendance levels suggest that dental healthcare provi- some even advocate these devices as cancer‐prevention modalities.50
ders are well placed to counsel their patients on smoking cessation. Notably, despite the unknown pathogenesis of oral cancer, given
The increasing use of ENDS by the general public means that den- that most patients are diagnosed in their 7th decade, oral cancer is
tal healthcare providers are more likely now to encounter questions thought to be a product of cumulative mutations.75 More impor-
on their effects on the periodontium and on the oral cavity proper. tantly, given that ENDS are relatively new, their adverse oral seque-
The safety and effectiveness of their use as a smoking cessation lae may yet to be discovered. As such, one must caution against
aid is an important discussion that members of the dental team considering and promoting ENDS as safe devices for smoking cessa-
should have with their patients especially considering that intensive tion until further evidence regarding their long‐term use and health
counselling by dental healthcare providers using current methods complications is available.
has only yielded 1‐year smoking cessation rates of 7%.71 If a
patient volunteers their willingness to cease tobacco smoking, the
dentist should offer specific assistance and follow-up care72, and
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