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Test Preparation Kit

Strategies • Samples • Further Reading

• Visual Speed and Accuracy

• Computation
• Mechanical Comprehension
• Symbolic Reasoning

A Guide to taking the Blue Battery –

tests for the Mechanical job families









Preparing for the Blue Battery 1

Congratulations! You are taking the first step to ensure your success on the tests and ultimately in
your career at Sempra Energy utilities. The tests used at the Southern California Gas Company are
designed to give you the opportunity to make the best use of your skills. This booklet will give you
information about the procedures used to select employees who are qualified and likely to be
successful in the job. These procedures include a series of tests which indicate how successful you
are likely to be in the job for which you will apply.

This booklet gives you some tips for preparing for the tests, as well as suggestions on how to do your
best. It also includes sample items so that you can practice for the actual tests.


How to Use This Manual

This manual is divided into four sections aimed at helping you become more successful on your tests.

• General test taking strategies applicable to all tests

• A brief discussion of each test
• Sample questions
• A list of resources that will provide sample tests and study materials

If you are a first time test taker, take time to read through this entire manual and familiarize
yourself with the tests you will be taking. Also provided are book recommendations to assist you in
studying for your exams.

If you are retaking a test, pay attention to the general test taking strategies, work through the
sample problems, identify your weaknesses, and obtain one of the practice test guides described at
the back of this manual. If you feel you need to “brush-up” on a subject there are books to help you
do that as well.

Preparing for the Blue Battery 2

About Aptitude Tests
Sempra Energy utilities uses aptitude tests for people applying to certain jobs. Rather than tests that
try to recreate the job, these tests measure basic aptitudes or abilities that are related to success in
the job in question. Examples of aptitudes include reading comprehension, computation, visual
speed and accuracy, coding ability, and understanding of basic mechanical principles.

Consider the example of someone applying for a job in the Accounting department. He or she would
be tested on the ability to do math instead of the ability to create a specific report. This approach is
more efficient, more resistant to changes in the job, easier to manage, and, best of all, research has
shown that ability in these basic aptitudes predict success in the job.

General Test Taking Strategies

The following discussion includes tips for taking a wide variety of tests and should be practiced
alongside the tips provided for each individual test (provided in the following section).

Before the Test

¾ Pace yourself. If you choose to prepare for your test, review the material (books, practice
problems, or study guide) in several relatively short periods rather than a few long periods.
Studying in several 30-60 minute sessions allows you to absorb the material more easily than
if you were to cram large quantities of information at once.

When You Begin

¾ Be positive! The tests are not designed to trick you or be unnecessarily difficult. In fact, if
you’ve taken other tests in school or at work, you’ll probably find these very familiar. Start
with a positive attitude and don’t give up! Try to remember the hints that are outlined in
this booklet and don’t get discouraged if there are questions for which you don’t know the
answer. Remember, each question counts the same as any other question. If you can’t
answer one, don’t let that discourage you for the next items. Begin each section/test with
the same positive attitude. No one is expected to get every answer right!

¾ Read the directions and pay close attention to all test instructions! Sometimes we assume
we know what type of question we are answering, but many times test takers get answers
wrong because they did not read the directions. An example of this would be the differences
between mark all that apply, answer only one, and mark the one that does not belong.

¾ Relax. Feeling high amounts of stress or tension will cause you to forget what you know or
think irrationally. Ways to reduce feelings of stress include preparing in advance, not talking
with others who are stressed about the test immediately beforehand, making sure you
understand the directions, and reviewing this guide.

Preparing for the Blue Battery 3

During the Test

¾ Complete the easiest questions or sections first. Begin the test by identifying the areas in
which you are strongest while remembering to mark the questions you skip. Complete these
sections first and then move to the more difficult areas. Don't spend too much time on any
one question – since any question is worth the same in scoring, it is always to your advantage
to complete as many questions as you can!

¾ Mark questions you skip for easy relocation. If you find yourself in a situation where you do
not understand the nature of the question or simply don’t know the answer, mark it on your
answer sheet with your pencil and return to it later. Surprisingly, this is one of the most
common mistakes made by test takers. Spending valuable time on a test item that you
cannot answer simply gives you less time to complete other items you may know. It is far
better to mark that item and continue forward, coming back to that item if time permits at
the end. Marking your answer sheet when you skip an item can help you keep track of where
you are on the test – some candidates have lost valuable time when they did not mark a
skipped item and got off-track on the answer sheet.

¾ Read each question carefully. After reading each question, make sure you understand it

¾ Do not make RANDOM guesses, but narrow down for the correct response. Try to
eliminate at least one wrong answer before guessing. If you are given four choices and
randomly guess, you only have a 25% chance of guessing the right answer—or a 75% chance of
guessing the WRONG answer. Further, if you can eliminate just one wrong answer you have
boosted your chances to 33%. Obviously, if you can eliminate two wrong answers your chances
have gone up to 50%. When all else fails, and you must make guesses:

• Be aware of key words: “always,” “never,” “all,” or “none.” Consider these

options carefully.
• Trust your “gut”: Usually your first reaction is right.

¾ Be aware of being tempted to pick wrong answers. There are answers that test developers
have created based upon simple common errors such as replacing the word “their” with
“there.” Take your time to work through the problem if it involves numbers and to read
actively if the question involves grammar and spelling situations.

¾ Leave time for review. If you complete the test before the time is up, don’t stop working -
review your answers! Don’t look for patterns in the responses – the tests have been
professionally developed and don’t necessarily have the same number of “A,” “B,” or “C”
answers. If you find that you have answered mostly “A,” for example, trust your instincts and
don’t assume that it must be wrong. Research has shown that many people who change
answers during the review change right answers to wrong ones. Changes should be made only
when you are certain the original answer is wrong. You can also use any extra time to make
certain your answers are entered darkly and clearly. Be sure all your answer changes are
erased completely and there are no stray marks on the answer sheet.

Preparing for the Blue Battery 4

Strategies for Various Question Types
True – False

• If any part of the statement is false, the entire statement is false.

• Words such as “always,” “never,” “all,” and “none” are often, but not always, signals that a
statement is false.

Multiple Choice

• Read the entire question and try to answer it before looking at your options.
• Even if you think you know the answer be sure to read through all of your options.
• If you are uncertain, begin by eliminating answers that are wrong, increasing your chances of
being right.

Preparing for the Blue Battery 5

Discussion and Samples for Tests in the Blue Battery

Mechanical Comprehension

The Mechanical Comprehension Test is designed to measure how much mechanical aptitude and
intuition you have. It covers various areas such as pressure, sound, fluids, force, gravity, etc. You
have 30 minutes to complete this test, so you should try to answer every one of the questions in
the time allowed.

The test consists of 68 questions which are divided into 18 content areas:

• Acoustics • Inertia
• Belt Drive • Levers
• Center of Gravity • Optics
• Centrifugal Force • Planes and Slopes
• Electricity • Pulley Systems
• Gears • Resolution of Forces
• Gravity and Velocity • Shape and Volume
• Heat • Structures
• Hydraulics • Miscellaneous

Below are examples of items from the Mechanical Comprehension Test.

1. If gear #1 is turning as indicated, which way will gear #3 turn?

(Choose C if gears lock.)


Preparing for the Blue Battery 6

2. Two identical rollers have forces applied to them as shown below. Which force needs to be
greater in order to roll them over the step? (Choose C if force is equal for both.)


3. Is the water flowing out faster from A or from B? (Choose C if same speed.)


Preparing for the Blue Battery 7

4. The rod below has two weights attached to its ends: A is larger and heavier than B. The rod also
has a pivot at its center allowing it to turn freely in a horizontal plane. If the car is moving in the
direction indicated by the arrow, in which direction does the rod move? (Choose C if no


Preparing for the Blue Battery 8


This test is designed to measure the ability to solve arithmetic problems involving operations with
whole numbers, decimals, percents, and simple fractions. The test taker will read an arithmetic
expression and select the correct answer from four choices or indicate that the correct answer is
not listed. You will be given 5 minutes to solve as many problems as possible.

Below are examples of items from the Computation Test.

Solve each problem below and choose the correct answer or choose “X” if the correct
answer is not available.

1. 1,600 ÷ 40 = 400 40 4 14 X
2. 345 ÷ 10 = 34.5 3.45 13.45 9.6 X
3. 3.5 ÷ 2 = 1.25 2.25 .75 1.5 X

4. 25 x 3 100 75 65 50 X
5. 7 x 14 108 88 78 68 X
6. 35 x 9 350 351 125 315 X

7. 2.1 + 1.2 3.3 2.3 3.2 3.4 X
8. 10.5 x 10.1 106.05 105 105.5 116 X
9. 30.2 – 20.3 10 9.6 10.1 11.1 X

10. 15% of 100 15 25 10 12.5 X
11. 75% of 300 175 225 250 245 X
12. 5% of 600 80 60 50 25 X

13. ½ + ¼ ¾ 2/6 1/6 2/4 X
14. 7/8 of 50 40 43¾ 35½ 45 X
15. 100 ÷ 3 1/3 30 35 33 25 X

16. 1,350 – 785 695 595 565 355 X
17. 215 – 50 175 185 165 155 X
18. 97 – 31 66 56 76 46 X

Preparing for the Blue Battery 9

Symbolic Reasoning

This test consists of 30 problems, each containing a statement and conclusion. You will be given 5

Mark “T” to indicate the conclusion is true, “F” to indicate it is false, or “?” to indicate that it is
impossible to determine if the conclusion is true or false based on the information given in the
statement. An important distinction that makes this type of test unique to other tests of general
reasoning ability is its elimination of verbal instructions which reduces its loading on verbal ability.

Below are some example items from the Symbolic Reasoning test.

Given the definitions below, mark T (true), F (false) or ? (Not enough info provided).

= means “is equal to” ≠ means “is not equal to, and so is larger or smaller”
> means “is larger than” > means “is not larger than, and so is equal or smaller”
< means “is less than” < means “is not less than, and so is equal or greater”

1. A =B = C, Therefore, A=C T F ? 6. A > B = C, Therefore, A > C T F ?

2. A >B < C, Therefore, A=C T F ? 7. A > B < C, Therefore, A = C T F ?
3. A >B < C, Therefore, A>C T F ? 8. A > B > C, Therefore, A > C T F ?
4. A >B < C, Therefore, A=C T F ? 9. A < B > C, Therefore, A = C T F ?
5. A <B < C, Therefore, A<C T F ? 10. A < B > C, Therefore, A > C T F ?

Preparing for the Blue Battery 10

Visual Speed and Accuracy

The ability to see details quickly and accurately is measured by this test. Test items consist of
pairs of number series that may include decimals, letters, or other symbols. You will have 5
minutes to review as many pairs as possible.

Below are some example items from the Visual Speed & Accuracy test.

Look at the pairs of numbers below. If the pair is identical, mark S for same; if they are
different, mark D for different.

1. 388 838 S D 8. 48.256 48,256 S D

2. 696 696 S D 9. 7000000 700000 S D
3. 8888B88 8888888 S D 10. 4447554 4447554 S D
4. 127% 1.27% S D 11. 3713/4 3731/4 S D
5. 111111 11111 S D 12. 99699.9 96699.9 S D
6. 3B67N 3B67N S D 13. S D
7. #CP-41A #CP-14A S D 14. 7PXT67 7PXL677 S D

Preparing for the Blue Battery 11

Answers to Sample Items

Mechanical Comprehension Test

1. B. Since the gears are not interlocked, they will rotate if gear #1 turns. By turning gear #1
clockwise as indicated, gear #3 will turn clockwise as well (i.e., answer B).

2. A. Pushing the roller over a step requires a larger force than pulling the roller over the step.

3. C. The height of the surface above each hole is equal, so water will flow out with equal

4. A. The heavier, larger weight will move away from the direction the car is moving.


1. 40 4. 75 7. 3.3 10. 15 13. ¾ 16. 565

2. 34.5 5. X 8. 106.05 11. 225 14. 43¾ 17. 165
3. X 6. 315 9. X 12. X 15. 30 18. 66

Symbolic Reasoning

1. T 3. ? 5. T 7. F 9. ?
2. ? 4. F 6. T 8. F 10. ?

Visual Speed and Accuracy

1. D 4. D 7. D 10. S 13. S
2. S 5. D 8. D 11. D 14. D
3. D 6. S 9. D 12. D

Preparing for the Blue Battery 12

Further Resources

Note: Not all of the resources on the following pages will contain information that is
relevant for the test you are taking. It is suggested that you find the material in each
resource relevant to your test.

General Test Taking Strategies

For some test takers, especially those who are anxious about testing or those who are
unfamiliar with testing environments, it is helpful to develop general test taking strategies
for taking tests. Below are some books that may be helpful.

Casbarro, J. (2003). Test Anxiety & What You Can Do About It. National Professional Resources, Inc.
Driscoll, R. (2003). Tame test anxiety: Proven Anxiety Reduction Training [Abridged Audio CD].
Frontiers Press.
Flippo, R. F. (2000). Testwise (2nd Edition). Torrance, CA: Good Apple/Frank Schaffer Publications.
Gilbert, S. D. (1998). How To Do Your Best on Tests. HarperTrophy.
Hammer, H. (1998). ARCO General Test Practice for 101 U.S. Jobs (4th ed.). New York: Macmillan
Publishing Company, Incorporated.
Johnson, S. (1997). Taking the Anxiety Out of Taking the Test: A Step-By-Step Guide. New
Harbinger Publications.
Lawler, J., & Powers, R. (2003). ASVAB for Dummies (Chapter 3: Test-taking and Study
Techniques). New York, NY: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Meyers, J. N. (2000). The Secrets of Taking Any Test: Learn the Techniques Successful Test-Takers
Know. Garden Grove, CA: LearningExpress, LLC.
Na, G. F. (1999). Guide to Standardized Test Preparation. Globe Fearon.
Newman, E. (1996). No More Test Anxiety: Effective Steps for Taking Tests & Achieving Better
Grades (1st Ed. w/ Audio CD). Learning Skills Publications, LLC.
Research and Education Association Staff (1992). REA's Math Builder for Admission and
Standardized Tests. Piscataway, NJ: Research and Educational Association.
Rozakis, L. (2002). Test Taking Strategies & Study Skills for the Utterly Confused. New York:

Preparing for the Blue Battery 13

Mechanical and Spatial Skills

Beiser, A. (2003). Applied Physics Crash Course. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lawler, J., & Powers, R. (2003). ASVAB for Dummies. New York, NY: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Marget, R., & Ludescher, M. (1998). Basic Mechanics Book.
McGraw-Hill's GED. (2004). Pre-GED. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ostrow, S. A. (2002). ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. United States: Arco.
Reif, F. (1995). Understanding Basic Mechanics. Wiley Text Books.
Turner, D. (1976). Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests; the Complete Study Guide for
Scoring High. United States: Arco
Wiesman, J. (2003). How to Prepare for the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Test.
Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, Incorporated.

Other Activities
Puzzles, games, and hobbies that involve mechanical and spatial skills (e.g., erector sets, building
models, rockets, etc.)
Television shows or videos that teach concepts of the physical sciences (e.g., Bill Nye the Science
Websites and computer software that have interactive activities related to physics (e.g.,
Seminars that teach specific skills (e.g., construction, electronics, mechanics, etc.)
College/trade school courses in physics and the sciences

Preparing for the Blue Battery 14

Math Problem Solving and Computation

Abbott, P. (2003). Teach Yourself Algebra. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Berry, J., Graham, T., & Berry, E. (2003). Schaum's A-Z Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Bobrow, J. (1985). Math Review For Standardized Tests (Cliffs Test Prep).
Carman, R., & Carman, M. (2001). Quick Arithmetic: A Self-Teaching Guide. Hoboken, New Jersey:
Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated.
Covington, J., Ewen, I., J. Kaplan, Smith. D., & Weinfield, M. Kaplan Essential Review: High School
Mathematics I. New York: Kaplan.
Erdsneker, B., Erdsneker, B., & Haller, M. (1998). Arco Civil Service Arithmetic and Vocabulary (13th
ed.). New York: Macmillan Publishing company, Incorporated.
Ewen, I., Weinfeld, M., Covington, J., & Smith, D. (1999). Mathematics I. New York, NY: Kaplan
Educational Centers and Simon & Schuster.
Fry, R. (2000). Ace Any Test. Franklin Lakes, NJ: Career Press, Incorporated.
Galko, F. D. (2002). Improve Your Math. New York, NY: LearningExpress, LLC.
Graham, A. (2002). Teach Yourself Basic Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, The.
Howett, J. (2003). GED Mathematics Workbook. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, The.
Immergt, B. & Smith, J. B. (1994). Arithmetic and Algebra... Again. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Johnson, T. (2002). Teach Yourself Mathematics. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kaplan Educational Centers, Scheele, A., & Stanton, R. (1997). Kaplan Math Power. Kaplan Press.
New York, New York: Simon & Schuster.
Lawler, J., & Powers, R. (2003). ASVAB for Dummies. New York, NY: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Learning Express, & Tarbell, S. (1999). 1001 Math Problems. Garden Grove, CA: learning Express,
McGraw-Hill's GED (2004). Pre-GED. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Miller, B. (2003). Bob Miller's Basic Math and Pre-Algebra for the Clueless. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Miller, B. (2000). Geometry for the Clueless. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Ostrow, S. A. (2002). ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. United States: Arco.
Prindle, A., & Prindle, K. (2003). Math the Easy Way. Barrons Educational Series.
Rich, B. (2002). Elementary Algebra. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Rich, B. (2001). Geometry. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Spiegel, M. R., & Moyer, R. (2000). College Algebra. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Seiter, C. (1996). Everyday Math for Dummies. Indianapolis, IN: IDG Books Worldwide.
Wayne, D. (2001). How to Solve Word Problems in Mathematics (How to Solve Word Problems).
New York: McGraw-Hill.

Other Activities
Puzzles and games that involve math and computation skills (e.g., number games, flash cards, etc.)
Television shows or videos that teach math and arithmetic
Websites and computer software that have interactive activities related to arithmetic and math (e.g.,
College/trade school courses in algebra or basic mathematics
Preparing for the Blue Battery 15
Logic and Reasoning

Chesla, E. (2002). Reasoning Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day. New York, NY: Learning Express.
Clarke, B. R. (2003). Brain Busters! Mind-Stretching Puzzles in Math and Logic. Mineola, NY: Dover
Learning Express (1999). 501 Challenging Logic and Reasoning Problems. New York: Learning
Lochhead, J. (2001). Thinkback: A User's Guide to Minding the Mind. Mahwah, N.J. : L. Erlbaum
Pine, R. C. (1999). Essential Logic: Basic Reasoning Skills for the Twenty-First Century. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Whimbey A., & Lochhead, J. (1999). Problem Solving and Comprehension. Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Wylie, C. R. (1957). 101 Puzzles in Thought and Logic (Math & Logic Puzzles). New York: Dover

Other Activities
Puzzles, games, and hobbies that involve logic and reasoning (e.g,.brainteasers, board games like
Clue, etc.)
Television shows or videos that involve logic and reasoning
Websites and computer software that have interactive activities related to logic and reasoning (e.g.,
Sim City)

Preparing for the Blue Battery 16

Visual Speed and Accuracy

Hoffman, M. (1993). Arco Practice for Clerical, Typing, and Stenographic Tests (Practice for Clerical,
Typing, and Stenographic Tests, 8th ed). United States: ARCO
Hammer, H. & Turner, D. R. (1983). Arco Senior Clerical Series: For All Senior-Level Clerical
Positions Including Secretary, Clerk, Typist, Stenographer, Account Clerk, Audit Clerk, File Clerk
(Arco Civil Service Test Tutor). United States: ARCO.
Hewer, C. M. & Saronson, S. S. (2001). Arco Clerical Exams (Clerical Exams). United States: ARCO.
Bobrow, J., Orton, P. Z., & Covino, W. A. (2000). Barron's Civil Service Exams. New York: McGraw-

Other Activities
Puzzles, games, and hobbies that involve visually locating information quickly and accurately (e.g.,
word search games, etc.)

Preparing for the Blue Battery 17

Reasoning Tests-Preparation

Country Fire Authority

What are Psychometric Ability Tests?
What are Psychometric Ability Tests?

The Reasoning Tests also known as ‘Ability or Aptitude Tests’ are designed to measure a number of
abilities and will be used during the Firefighter Recruitment Process.

Specifically, the tests will look at your ability to:

• Think and reason using words and language (verbal reasoning)

• Think and reason using numbers (numerical reasoning)

• To visualise the relationship between moving parts in a space (mechanical reasoning ability)

A very reasonable benchmark has been set and those who successfully make it through this phase of
the assessment will have attained an overall score that is in the average range or better.

The results from the abilities tests will form a small part of the information that will be considered in
each person’s application.

However, it should be noted that achieving the benchmark is necessary for an applicant to
progress through to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Please be wary about providers and organisations asking for money to help you through these tests.

Each person may start from a different cognitive base and also have differing learning preferences.
Remember that using cognitive abilities and the need for ongoing education and learning will continue
throughout your career as Firefighter.
Tips for Preparation and Taking Tests
Tips for Preparation

• Do not leave your preparation until the night before the testing
Refresh your knowledge of arithmetic principals and English
(a secondary school year book or CD may be useful)
• Read and examine numerical information, mechanical drawings etc.
• Try practicing doing calculations without using a calculator
• Get a good night’s sleep the night before you sit the tests.
• Remember to put yourself under time pressure when practising questions.

Tips for Taking Tests

• The tests being used during the Firefighter Recruitment Process are made up of a mixture of
easy, medium and difficult questions scattered throughout the test. Try to work quickly
through the test to ensure that you get to attempt as many questions as possible – remember,
there could be some easier questions toward the end of the test so don’t waste too
much time on difficult ones at the beginning.

• Timed tests require you to work quickly through the questions, so don’t approach the test
too casually.

• Don’t spend too much time on any one question. If a question seems too difficult or time-
consuming, make a guess and move on to the other questions.

• There is no penalty for getting a question wrong on these tests, so if you don’t know the
answer, make a guess!

• If you finish early, take the time to go back and check your answers.
• Try not to leave any questions unanswered or blank – remember there is no penalty for
guessing and at least you have a chance of getting the question correct if you guess the
answer rather than leaving it blank.

• When you try out the following practice questions, make sure you do them all at the one
time and see how you go getting them done as quickly as possible.

• Remember, the practice questions to follow have a mix of easy and difficult questions,
so you are not expected to get them all correct. You may also find that you are better at
some types of questions (for example the verbal reasoning items) and not others (for example
the numerical reasoning items). Don’t worry; it is quite normal for people to have strength in
one area over another. That is why a variety of ability tests are being used. Generally, it will
be your overall performance on the tests that counts. So if you don’t do well on one test,
you will probably make up for it with your score on another.

Good Luck!
Sample of Verbal Reasoning Questions

A Verbal Reasoning Test looks at your ability to think and reason using words and language. Here
are some sample questions.

1. The word most nearly OPPOSITE to PROCEED is:

a) Progress
b) Stop
c) Steed
d) Leap
e) Divert

2. Find the two statements that together prove that:


1) Elise is a keen swimmer and swims at the beach every weekend

2) Elise is a member of the Sorrento Lifesaving Club
3) Elise only ever swims with her friend Sue.
4) Elise has a boatshed at Sorrento beach.
5) Sue is only allowed to swim at Sorrento beach which she visits every weekend.

a) 1&2 b) 1&4 c) 2&4 d) 3&5 e)1&5

3. The word most nearly the SAME as TIMELY is:

a) Tardy
b) Clock
c) Sluggish
d) Fast
e) Punctual

4. Which pair of words BEST expresses the relationship between:


a) Cake – Full
b) Coke – Drink
c) Drink – Thirsty
d) Sit – Stand
e) Water - Bottle

Sample of Verbal Reasoning Questions (continued)

5. Four of the following words are alike in some way. What is the ODD WORD OUT?

a) Boat b) Motorcycle c) Car d) Bus e) Train

6. Which of the following words DOES NOT mean the same as EXIT:

a) Leave
b) Depart
c) Pursue
d) Way Out
e) Go Away


a) Rumba b) Walking c)Ballet d) Dancing e) Sport

8. Which of the following words DOES NOT mean the same as CAMOUFLAGE:

a) Hide b) Recognise c) Disguise d) Conceal e) Cover

9. Find the two statements that together prove that:


1) Rupert has more real estate than everyone he went to school with.
2) The High Flier’s Tennis Club has very wealthy members.
3) Of everyone he plays tennis with, Rupert has the most real estate.
4) Kerry is a member of the High Flier’s Tennis Club where Rupert often plays tennis.
5) Rupert did not go to school with Kerry, but plays tennis with him at the club.

a) 1&5 b) 2&3 c) 2&4 d) 4&5 e) 3&5

10. If you unscramble this sentence correctly, the fourth word will be....

need a indeed friend is a friend in

a) need b) friend c) is d) indeed e) a

End of the Verbal Reasoning Practice Test.

Sample of Numerical Reasoning Questions

1. What is the missing number in this series?

3 7 11 15 ? 23

2. The numbers in the grid go together in a certain way.

What are the numbers that should be in the square marked by?

2 4 6

4 ? 8

6 8 ?

3. Edna’s chocolate fudge is a mixture of four parts Belgian chocolate to three parts coconut
cream. If Edna needs to make 28 kilograms of fudge for the fair, how many kilograms of the
coconut cream will she need?

4. What is the missing number in the following series?

5 7 11 17 ? 35

5. Graham had three times as many cars as Doug and twice as many as Steve, who got a new
car for his birthday every year from the time he turned 18. If Steve is 20 years old, how
many cars does Doug have?

6. Mr & Mrs Roberts are going on a picnic. They leave their home and travel at 60km per hour
for 45 minutes and then stop to pick up some supplies from the store. The store is half way
between their home and the picnic spot. How far is the picnic sport from the Roberts’
Sample of Numerical Reasoning Questions (continued)

7. What are the missing numbers in this series?

2 4 8 16 32 ? ?

8. The numbers in the grid go together in a certain way. Some of them have been shaded or
obscured to hide their numbers.

What is the number that should go in the square marked by the ?

♦ 24

▲ 72 144

216 432

9. In the lolly jar there are one third as many jelly-beans as there are smarties and four times
as many strawberry-creams as jelly-beans. If I have 21 smarties, how many strawberry-
creams do I have?

10. The newsagent paid the publisher $120 per hundred newspapers. He charged his
customers for three newspapers, the same price as he had paid for five. What was the
profit he made per hundred newspapers?

End of the Numerical Reasoning Practice Test.

Sample of Mechanical Reasoning Questions

The diagram above can be used to answer questions 1 to 3.

1. If I pull Lever A to the right, in which general direction will the rope move?

a) Left b) Right c) Back & Forth d) The rope will not move.

2. If I pull Lever A down, pulling the rope with it, in which direction will Wheel B turn?

a) Clockwise b) Anti-Clockwise c) Back and Forth d) The wheel won’t move

3. If I pull Lever A down, pulling the rope with it, which direction will Wheel C turn?

a) Clockwise b) Anti-Clockwise c) Back and Forth d) The wheel won’t move

Answer Sheet
Sample of Mechanical
Reasoning Questions

The diagram above can be used to answer questions 4 & 5.

4. Wheels A & B move together as they are connected by the belt, as shown. The belt moves
in the direction indicated by the arrow. When Wheel A turns anticlockwise (as shown by the
arrow), Wheel B will move:

a) Clockwise b) Anti-Clockwise c) To and Fro d) The wheel won’t move

5. If I now push the belt so that Wheel A turns clockwise, in what direction will Wheel B move?

a) Clockwise b) Anti-Clockwise c) To and Fro d) The wheel won’t move

End of the Mechanical Reasoning Practice Test.

Please use these answers to mark the practice questions; if you have any concerns or questions (or
if there is anything you don’t understand) please contact PSI on (03) 9882 2903 or email

Verbal Reasoning

1. B
2. D
3. E
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. E
10. A

Numerical Reasoning

1. 19
2. 6 & 10
3. 12kg
4. 25
5. 2
6. 90km
7. 64 & 128
8. 864
9. 28
10. $80

Mechanical Reasoning

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A
Free Mechanical
Test Questions
(With questions and answers)

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Ten Mechanical Reasoning questions and explanations


1- A system of cogwheels is shown in the diagram below:

An external force turns the cogwheel on the extreme left in the given direction (counter clockwise).
Which cogwheel will turn faster, the first one (I) or the second one (II)?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. Cogwheel 1
2. Cogwheel 2
3. Both cogwheels will turn at the same speed
4. Impossible to answer

In order to answer this question we will use the concept of gear ratio.
Gear ratio is defined as the ratio between the wheel upon which the force is applied and the wheel to which
the force is transmitted.

Ninput = the number of teeth in the driver gear (driver cogwheel)

Noutput = the number of teeth in the driven gear (driven cogwheel)

→ Gear ratio =

In addition, we need to be familiar with the relationship between the gear ratio and the angular velocity ratio:

The ratio of angular velocity is inversely proportional to the gear ratio (the bigger the driver cogwheel
compared to the driven cogwheel, the faster the driven cogwheel will turn).

We can see that cogwheel 2 is smaller than cogwheel 1 and that both are set in motion by the same driver
cogwheel. The first formula enables us to understand that the gear ratio between cogwheel 2 and the driver
cogwheel is smaller than the gear ratio between cogwheel 1 and the driver cogwheel. From the second
formula we can understand that since the gear ratio of cogwheel 2 is smaller than cogwheel 1, the velocity of
cogwheel 2 is greater than that of cogwheel 1.

The answer is 2

2- What is the capacitance of the equivalent capacitor (condenser) of the circuit shown in the
diagram below?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. 4mF
2. 3mF
3. 12Mf
4. 5mF
5. Impossible to answer

In order to solve this question it will be easier to look at the circuit as though it is made up of two parts:

(I) Capacitors 3 and 4 connected in parallel.

(II) The equivalent capacitance of (I) and capacitor 5 connected in parallel.

Connecting capacitors in parallel is based on the fact that the voltage potential on the capacitors is equal and
is also equal to voltage potential on the equivalent capacitor.


By inserting the data for capacitors 3 and 4 we will receive the following equivalent value:

3mF + 4mF = 7mF

Similarly, we can calculate the capacitance of the equivalent capacitor in the circuit using the equivalent
capacitance of (3+4) and 5:

Cnet = 7mF + 5mF = 12mF

The answer is 3

3- A water tank with a gate attached to an axis is shown in the diagram below. The weight of
the gate is negligible. Is the system at equilibrium?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. Yes
2. No
3. Cannot say

The question refers to the pressure exerted by the water on the gate.

As seen in previous questions, when a mass exerts a force on a unit of area it results in a pressure upon the
surface. Pressure caused solely by a stationary body of water is called Hydrostatic pressure.
In this case, the force exerted upon the gate by the water's weight is perpendicular to the surface.

Due to the structure (the angle) of the gate, the water cannot open it; i.e., despite the hydrostatic pressure the
system will remain unchanged and a state of equilibrium will exist.

Please note, the direction of the force of water is always perpendicular to the surface upon which it acts.

The answer is Yes

4- How long will it take for the second pool to become completely full, when using a tube
withwith flow rate of 1 [liter/second] to fill it?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. 10 minutes
2. 42 minutes
3. 70 minutes

We can see from the image that the tube is coming out of the upper wall of the first pool; this means that the
second pool will only start to fill up after the first pool is completely full. We need to total the amount of time it
will take to fill up each pool.

Step 1- we calculate the volume of the pools.

Pool 1: 1*1*3.6 = 3.6[m3]
Pool 2: 1*1*0.6 = 0.6[m3]

Step 2- We use the following familiar conversion: 1[m3] = 1000 [liter]

We insert the data obtained in the first step:
The volume of pool 1: 3.6[m3]*1000 = 3600[liter]
The volume of pool 2: 0.6[m3]*1000 = 600[liter]

Step 3- We use the following conversion: 1[hour] = 3600[seconds]

Combining with the data we have already obtained:
The time taken to fill pool 1:
3600[liter] / 1[liter/second] = 3600[seconds] = 1[hour]

The time taken to fill pool 2:

600[liter] / 1[liter/second] = 600[seconds] = 10[minutes]

Therefore, the total amount of time: 60min + 10min = 70 minutes.

The answer is 3

5- The water flow is reversed.

How long will it take to fill a pool with a volume of 1000 liters when the large tube is removed?

Given data: Rate of flow = 10 [liter/sec]

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. 50 seconds
2. 100 seconds
3. 200 seconds
4. 1000 seconds


This question is essentially the same at the previous one.

The outgoing cross- sectional area is irrelevant; the only factor to be considered is the rate of flow (flux).

We can calculate the time needed to fill the pool using the following equation:

Time = Volume/Rate of flow

Inserting the given data (volume = 1000 liter, rate of flow = 10 liter/sec):

Time = 1000[liter]/10[liter/sec] = 100[sec]

Therefore, the time needed is 100 seconds.

The answer is 2

6- A tube is attached to the left hand side of a connector. Two tubes, situated one on top of the
other, are connected to the right hand side. Water enters the system from the left tube, flows
at a constant velocity through the connector, and exits via the two right hand tubes. At which
opening is the velocity of water the greatest?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. Opening 1
2. Opening 2
3. Opening 3
4. Opening 2 and 3
5. Same velocity at all openings

Since the velocity of the water in the system is constant, the amount of water entering the connector at a
given time must be equal to the amount of water leaving the connector during the same period of time.

In other words, at a given time the amount of water entering the system is equal to the amount of water
leaving it. The flux Q, represents the amount of water and it is measured in units of volume/Time.

In addition, flux = water velocity*area through which the water flows:

Q [m3/Second] = V[m/second]*A[m2]

In addition, flux = water velocity*area through which the water flows:

Q [m3/Second] = V[m/second]*A[m2]

If we compare the incoming flux with the outgoing flux we will see that since the cross- sections 2 and 3 are
equal and are each half the size of cross- section 1, the rate of flow must be equal at all exits.

The mathematical calculation:

Qin =Qout

V1*A1 = V2*A2 + V3*A3

Inserting the given data into the above equation:

V1*A = V2*(A/2) + V3*(A/2)

We know that: Q = Volume/time

The volumes of tubes 2 and 3 are equal and thus for a given period of time, Q2 must be equal to Q3.

In addition, we know that: Q= velocity * area of cross- section

We know that the areas of the cross- sections are equal (A/2) and we have established that the Qs are
equal, therefore the velocities at openings 2 and 3 must also be equal in order to maintain the equation:

We will indicate this velocity by: V2,3

V1*A = V2,3*(A/2) + V2,3*(A/2) = (2* V2,3*A)/2

V1*A = V2,3*A

V 1 = V2,3

The answer is 5

7- Two identical triangles are placed inside a water tank as shown in the diagram below. The
triangles are fixed in position. On which triangle will a greater force be exerted?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. 1
2. 2
3. Equal on both
4. Cannot say

When the triangles are immersed in water a hydrostatic pressure acts upon them. We know that hydrostatic
pressure increases with depth (the amount of water pressuring increases), i.e. the pressure exerted on the base
of the tank is greater than the pressure exerted at the midpoint of the tank.

Force is defined by the equation: F = P*A

From the equation we can see that under constant pressure, an increase in area will followed by an increase in

A larger area of triangle 2 is in the area of higher pressure (the base of the triangle is found on the bottom of the
tank). on the other hand triangle one is mostly in the area of lesser pressure (the base of the triangle is found on
the middle of the tank). Thus, the total pressure on triangle 2 is greater.

From a mathematical point of view, if we sum the magnitude of pressure on each triangle (the integral of pressure
on the area) we will find that the force exerted on triangle 2 to be greater.

The answer is 2

8- The grey cogwheel labelled 1 is being turned at a constant speed in a counter clockwise
direction as shown in the diagram. The red cogwheel has 16 teeth whilst the rest of the
cogwheels have 12 teeth.

Please choose the sentence which correctly describes the rotation of the red cogwheel in comparison
to cogwheel 1.

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. Clockwise, faster
2. Clockwise, slower
3. Counter clockwise, faster
4. Counter clockwise, slower
5. Counter clockwise, same speed

Firstly, we will examine the differences in velocity of the cogwheels.

We can see from the diagram and the given data that the red cogwheel is bigger (has more teeth) than the
initial grey cogwheel. The velocity ratio is inversely proportional to the number of teeth; therefore fewer teeth
translate into higher speed. Thus, the initial grey cogwheel will turn at a higher speed than the red one, since it
has fewer teeth (12) than the red cogwheel (16).

Let's take a closer look at the direction of the transmissions. For convenience we shall number the cogwheels:
1 = the initial grey cogwheel, 2-5 = the following cogwheels respectively, 6 = the red cogwheel.

The initial grey cogwheel turns counter clockwise, therefore the cogwheel that comes in contact with it (2) turns
in the opposite direction- clockwise, the next cogwheel (3) is connected to the second cogwheel via a cylinder
that functions as an axis of rotation, thus both rotate in the same direction- clockwise. Cogwheel 3 is in contact
at a 90° angle with cogwheel 4 (this is called "bevel gear") and therefore the axis of rotation changes and
cogwheel 4 turns counter clockwise. Cogwheel 5 is connected to cogwheel 4 via a cylinder that functions as an
axis of rotation, thus both rotate in the same direction- counter clockwise. Cogwheel 6 (the red one) is in
contact at a 90° angle with cogwheel 5 and therefore the axis of rotation changes and cogwheel 6 turns

Please note, the difference between this question and question number 7 is in the location of the point of
contact of the red cogwheel and the cogwheel number 5, which is critical in determining the direction of

The answer is 2

9- The diagram shows two fixed cogwheels which can only rotate around their own axis. A
rack is inserted between the two cogwheels and is moved in the direction shown by the arrow.

What are the directions of movement and velocities of the cogwheels?

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. Same direction, same velocities

2. Same direction, different velocities
3. Different directions, same velocities
4. Different directions, different velocities

When contact is made between the rack (toothed belt) and the cogwheels a conversion from a linear velocity to an
angular velocity occurs. Thus, the location of the point of contact is critical.

We can see from the diagram that the point of contact between the red cogwheel and the rack is in the lower part
of the red cogwheel, a position in which the linear velocity induces an angular velocity in a clockwise direction.

In contrast, the point of contact between the grey cogwheel and the rack is in the upper part of the grey cogwheel,
a position in which the linear velocity induces an angular velocity in a counter clockwise direction. It follows that
the cogwheels rotate in opposite directions.

The thumb rule: "fewer teeth, faster velocity" which is based on the concept of gear ratio and enables us to
conclude without unnecessary calculations that the grey cogwheel rotates much faster than the red cogwheel
since it has fewer teeth.

The answer is 4

10- Cogwheel number 1 rotates counter clockwise as shown.

If the red cogwheel rotates in the direction of the arrow choose option 1; if it rotates in the opposite
direction choose option 2; if the red cogwheel does not move at all choose option 3.

Choose an answer from the list below:

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3

We will number the cogwheels for convenience:

Cogwheel 1- as shown in the diagram

Cogwheel 2- in contact with cogwheel 1 and situated on a cylindrical axis

Cogwheel 3- in contact with cogwheel 2 and is positioned on the bottom

Cogwheel 4- in contact with cogwheel 3 and on the same axis as cogwheel 2

Cogwheel 5- the red cogwheel

We can see from the diagram that when cogwheel 1 rotates counter clockwise it causes cogwheel 2 to rotate in
a clockwise direction, which in turn causes cogwheel 3 to rotate in a counter clockwise direction. However, when
cogwheel 3 attempts to cause cogwheel 4 to rotate clockwise a directional contradiction arises. This occurs
because cogwheels 2 and 4 are connected via a mutual axis, i.e. they rotate in the same direction. Thus,
cogwheel 4 "wishes" to rotate simultaneously clockwise and counter clockwise. This will result in a wedged

The answer is 3

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MARKS: 200

TIME: 3 hours

This question paper consists of 13 pages and a 5-page formula sheet.

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Mechanical Technology 2 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


1. Write your centre number and examination number in the spaces provided on

2. Read ALL the questions carefully.

3. Answer ALL the questions.

4. Answer QUESTION 1 in the ANSWER BOOK.

5. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.

6. Start EACH question on a NEW page.

7. Show ALL calculations and units. Round off final answers to TWO decimal

8. Candidates may use non-programmable scientific calculators and drawing


9. The value of gravitational force should be taken as 10 m/s2.

10. All dimensions are in millimetres, unless stated otherwise in the question.

11. Write neatly and legibly.

12. Use the criteria below to assist you in managing your time.


1 Multiple-choice Questions 20 18 minutes
2 Tools and Equipment 20 18 minutes
3 Materials 20 18 minutes
4 Safety, Terminology and Joining Methods 50 45 minutes
5 Maintenance and Turbines 40 36 minutes
6 Forces, Systems and Control 50 45 minutes
TOTAL 200 180 minutes

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Mechanical Technology 3 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose
the answer and write the letter (A–D) next to the question number
(1.1–1.20) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1.21 D.

1.1 FIGURE 1.1 below shows the procedure for removing and replacing bearings.
Which step in the safe work procedure does the figure show?

Inner ring


A Remove the dolly by driving the tapered point of a screw driver or wedge
into the split of the dolly to force it open.
B Remove the burrs from the shaft to prevent damage to the dolly.
C Place the driving dolly against the inner ring of the bearing and tap the
dolly with a hammer.
D Slacken the lock nut two or three turns with a spanner. (1)

1.2 Which ONE of the following safety procedures relates to the bearing and gear

A Make sure that the puller is tightened around the component.

B You may exceed the recommended pressure.
C Worn-out puller legs may be used.
D Use a hammer to tighten the puller lever. (1)

1.3 What is the function of a valve-spring tester?

A Test the valve spring for twisting and squareness before installation.
B Test the valve spring for tension and squareness before installation.
C Test the valve spring for shearing and squareness before installation.
D Test the valve spring for deflection and squareness before installation. (1)

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Mechanical Technology 4 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

1.4 The main reason for using a tensile tester is to measure the …

A ability of a metal to bend without breaking.

B resistance of a metal against elongation when an increasing axial force
is applied.
C ability of a metal to elongate without breaking.
D ability of a metal to shorten without breaking. (1)

1.5 What do we call a mixture of copper and zinc?

A Mixture
B Non-ferrous alloy
C Compound
D Metal (1)

1.6 Carbon fibre consists of a combination of ... and suitable bonding.

A non-ferrous metals
B thermoplastic material
C ferrous material
D reinforcing acrylic material (1)

1.7 Identify the type of milling cutter shown in FIGURE 1.2 below.


A Cylindrical cutter/Helical cutter

B Equal-angle cutter
C Convex cutter
D Single-corner rounding cutter (1)

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Mechanical Technology 5 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

1.8 Which lathe operation is shown in FIGURE 1.3 below?


A Facing off
B Thread cutting
C Parallel turning/Diameter turning
D Boring/Drilling (1)

1.9 Which THREE indexing methods can be used on a milling machine?

A Differential, rapid and simple indexing

B Conventional, simple and differential indexing
C Conventional, simple and rapid indexing
D Conventional, simple and angular indexing (1)

1.10 Why is the free-bend test used?

A To measure the ductility of weld metal

B To test the skill of a welder
C To perform a non-destructive test
D To approve welds to certain standards (1)

1.11 Which ONE of the following is a destructive test?

A X-ray test
B Dye penetration test
C Nick-break test
D Ultrasonic test (1)

1.12 Compressive stress can be defined or described as an internal force in a

material resisting a …

A pulling load.
B shearing load.
C pulling and shearing load.
D pushing load. (1)

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Mechanical Technology 6 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

1.13 Which ONE of the following is a definition of Hooke's law?

A The measurement of the extension or contraction of a bar when an

external load is applied.
B The stress value required to produce unit strain in a tensile specimen of
a particular material.
C A measurement of the deformation produced by the application of an
external force.
D Strain is directly proportional to the stress it causes, provided that the
limit of proportionality is not exceeded. (1)

1.14 What effect will a crossed belt drive have on two pulleys with different

A The two pulleys will turn at the same speed.

B The two pulleys will cancel each other.
C The two pulleys will turn in opposite directions.
D The two pulleys will turn in the same direction. (1)

1.15 What is the function of the bearing in FIGURE 1.4 below?


A It supports and aligns the shaft.

B It increases the rotation frequency of the shaft.
C It decreases the rotation frequency of the shaft.
D It rotates the shaft at a low speed. (1)

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Mechanical Technology 7 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

1.16 What is the gear ratio of the gear system in FIGURE 1.5 below?

Driver C
gear T60 Driven gear
T40 B

T20 T15


A 1:4
B 1:8
C 4:1
D 1:2 (1)

1.17 How much force is produced by the piston shown in FIGURE 1.6 below if the
air pressure is 0,5 N/mm2?

Air pressure = 0,5 N/mm2

Total area = 300 mm2


A 1 500 N
B 1,5 N
C 15 N
D 150 N (1)

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Mechanical Technology 8 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

1.18 Which ONE of the gear systems below would be used to change rotary
movement to linear movement?

A Spur gears
B Worm shaft and worm gear
C Rack and pinion
D Ratchet and pawl (1)

1.19 What do you understand by the term mechanical efficiency of a supercharger?

A How much a positive displacement blower leaks

B The ratio of power output to power input
C The density of inlet air compared to the density of outlet air
D The inlet air pressure compared to the inlet air speed (1)

1.20 What do you understand by the term boost in relation to superchargers?

A The pressure the supercharger creates in the intake manifold

B Where the blower is situated before the carburettor
C The centrifugal force of the air to create compression
D Where the blower is situated after the carburettor (1)


2.1 A gas analyser is used to analyse the exhaust gases of an engine. State the
gases that are analysed for complete combustion. (2)

2.2 Define the hardness of a metal. (2)

2.3 Name TWO devices that are used to test the hardness of a metal. (2)

2.4 Give THREE reasons for using a compression tester on an engine. (3)

2.5 State THREE causes of cylinder leakages in an internal-combustion engine.

Also explain how each cause can be determined by using the cylinder leakage
tester. (6)

2.6 State the function of a tensile tester. (2)

2.7 Why does a mechanical engineer need to conduct a bending test on a roof
beam? (2)

2.8 Write out the abbreviation MIGS that is used in welding. (1)

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Mechanical Technology 9 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


3.1 Give THREE reasons for manufacturing alloys. (3)

3.2 State TWO advantages of thermoplastics over thermosetting plastics. (2)

3.3 Explain the difference between tin-base and lead-base in white metal. (2)

3.4 Why is flux used during soldering? (1)

3.5 Name TWO advantages of silver solder over ordinary soft solder. (2)

3.6 Explain why the following materials are used for the given application:

3.6.1 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) for insulation and water pipes (2)

3.6.2 Copper wire for electrical cables (2)

3.7 Give TWO reasons why some materials are used in a liquid state. (2)

3.8 Nylon is extensively used in industry today.

3.8.1 State TWO properties of nylon. (2)

3.8.2 State TWO uses of nylon. (2)



4.1 Name THREE safety precautions to be observed when a tensile tester is

used. (3)

4.2 Name THREE operational safety precautions to be observed when a

multimeter is used. (3)

4.3 Which safety precautions should be observed when working on the following
parts of a lathe:

4.3.1 Chuck (1)

4.3.2 Machine guard (1)

4.3.3 Tail stock (1)

4.4 Matt owns a small workshop that renders mechanical services to the farmers
in the vicinity of their small town. Matt receives an order to machine a gear
with 97 teeth. Matt has a milling machine in his workshop but does not use it
often. Help him by answering the following questions:

4.4.1 Which type of milling cutter must he use to machine the gear? (1)

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Mechanical Technology 10 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

4.4.2 Explain, by using a neat labelled sketch, how up-cut milling must be
done. (2)

4.4.3 Determine, by means of calculations, the indexing needed to cut the

gear with 97 teeth. Use A = 100 or N = 100 and n = 97 for your
calculations. (4)

4.4.4 Determine, by means of calculations, the change gears which must

be mounted on the dividing head. (5)

4.5 State TWO advantages of helical cutters. (2)

4.6 Determine, by means of calculations, the feed in millimetres per minute for a
milling machine, using the information below.

Feed per tooth = 0,04 mm

Number of teeth on the milling cutter = 30
Number of revolutions per minute of the cutter = 400 r/min (3)

4.7 The gear set of a simple lathe is shown in FIGURE 4.1 below. Gear A rotates
at 2 000 revolutions per minute and has 25 teeth, and meshes in with gear B
which has 50 teeth. Gear C has 30 teeth and is on a common shaft with
gear B. Gear D has 60 teeth and is driven by gear C. The module for the
gears is 2,5.


T50 T30


Calculate the following:

4.7.1 The dedendum (2)

4.7.2 The gear ratio (3)

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Mechanical Technology 11 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

4.7.3 The pitch circle diameter of gear A (3)

4.7.4 The outside diameter of gear A (2)

4.7.5 The circular pitch of the teeth (3)

4.8 State THREE advantages of MIG/MAG welding. (3)

4.9 Piet must determine the quality of all the welding joints at Sarel's welding
plant. He saw quite a number of welding flaws and asked you to help him
correct it.

Copy the table below and name ONE cause of the welding flaw, as well as
and ONE non-destructive test which can be used to detect the flaw.



Poor fusion




5.1 Define the term pour point in relation to fluids. (2)

5.2 State THREE precautions that should be followed when cutting fluids are
used during screw cutting on a lathe. (3)

5.3 State FOUR maintenance applications when cutting fluid is used on a centre
lathe. (4)

5.4 Give TWO reasons for changing the oil in an engine. (2)

5.5 How would you change the oil filter on an engine? (5)

5.6 State FOUR causes of overheating of bearing. (4)

5.7 State the function of a steam turbine. (2)

5.8 Name TWO classes of turbines. (2)

5.9 Explain clearly how a turbocharger works. (6)

5.10 State FOUR advantages of gas turbines. (4)

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Mechanical Technology 12 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

5.11 What do you understand by the term turboboost? (2)

5.12 State TWO advantages of a supercharger. (2)

5.13 Briefly explain TWO disadvantages of using a supercharger. (2)



6.1 A 3,08 m long steel wire with a cross-sectional area of 8,08 x 10-3 m2 hangs
vertically with a 2,5 kN load attached to it. The load causes an increase of
0,391 mm in the length of the wire.

6.1.1 Name the type of stress in the wire material. (2)

Determine by means of calculations:

6.1.2 The stress in the wire material (3)

6.1.3 The strain caused by the load (3)

6.1.4 The elasticity modulus for this material (3)

6.2 The gear system in FIGURE 6.1 below is used to control a hoisting device.
The driver gear has 50 teeth and rotates at 660 r/min. The idler gear, used to
change the direction, rotates at 1 000 r/min. The driven gear has 60 teeth.

Gear C
Gear A
Gear B

Idler gear
Driver gear
Driven gear

6.2.1 Determine, by means of calculations, the number of teeth on the

idler gear. (4)

6.2.2 Determine, by means of calculations, the rotation frequency of the

driven gear. (4)

6.2.3 In which direction will the driven gear rotate if the driver gear rotates
clockwise? (2)
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Mechanical Technology 13 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013

6.3 A water pump needs to rotate at 10 r/s and is driven by a pulley with a
diameter of 600 mm that rotates at a speed of 7,2 r/s. The tensile force in the
tight side of the belt is 300 N. The ratio of the tensile force in the tight side to
the tensile force in the slack side is 2,5 : 1. (The thickness of the belt can be
ignored for the calculations.)

Determine by means of calculations:

6.3.1 The diameter of the pulley that needs to be fitted on the water pump (4)

6.3.2 The power that can be transmitted (6)

6.4 A diagrammatical representation of a hydraulic press is shown in FIGURE 6.2

below. The applied force of 0,85 kN on piston A is needed to complete one
stroke of 110 mm. The diameter of piston A is 36 mm and the diameter of
piston B is 225 mm.

0,85 kN

Piston A

33,86 mm
Piston B


Determine by means of calculations:

6.4.1 The pressure in the system (5)

6.4.2 The number of strokes that piston A uses to lift piston B to

33,86 mm. The system has one-way valves to supply it with
hydraulic fluid during the process. (9)

6.5 A single-plate friction clutch is used to transmit 220 Nm torque in an

engine/generator combination. The clutch plate has friction material on both
sides. The friction coefficient is 0,4. The total applied force on the pressure
plate is 2,8 kN.

Calculate the effective diameter of the clutch plate. (5)


TOTAL: 200

Copyright reserved
Mechanical Technology 1 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013



1.1 Belt speed =

π ( D + t )× N
1.2 Belt speed = (t = belt thickness)

1.3 Belt mass = Area × length × density (A = thickness × width)

Diameter of driven pulley

1.4 Speed ratio =
Diameter of driver pulley

1.5 N 1 D1 = N 2 D2

π( D + d ) ( D - d )2
1.6 Open-belt length = + + 2c
2 4c

π( D + d ) ( D + d )2
1.7 Crossed -belt length = + + 2c
2 4c

2π NT
1.8 Power ( P ) =

1.9 Ratio of tight side to slack side =

(T1 − T2 ) π D N
1.10 Power ( P ) = where T1 = force in the tight side

1.11 Width =
permissible tensile force

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Mechanical Technology 2 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


2.1 Torque ( T ) = µWnR

µ = coefficient of friction
W = total force
n = number of friction surfaces
R = effective radius

2.2 2 π NT
Power ( P ) =


Force F
3.1 Stress = or ( σ = )
Area A

change in length ( ΔL )
3.2 Strain ( ε ) =
original length ( L )

stress σ
3.3 Young' s mod ulus ( E ) = or ( )
strain ε

πd 2
3.4 Ashaft =

π(D 2 − d 2 )
3.5 Apipe =


Force ( F )
4.1 Pressure ( P ) =
Area ( A )

F1 F2
4.2 =
A1 A2

4.3 Work done = force × distance

4.4 Volume = Cross-sectional area × stroke length ( l or s )

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Mechanical Technology 3 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


effort distance 2D
5.1 Velocity ratio ( VR ) = =
load distance d 2 − d 1

Load ( W )
5.2 Mechanical advantage ( MA ) =
Effort ( F )

5.3 Mechanical efficiency ( ηmech ) = × 100%
Load ( W )
6.1 Mechanical advantage ( MA ) =
Effort ( F )

6.2 Input movement ( IM ) = Effort × distance moved by effort

6.3 Output movement ( OM ) = Load × distance moved by load

Input movement
6.4 Velocity ratio ( VR ) =
Output movement


7.1 Pitch diameter = Outside diameter − ½ pitch

7.2 Pitch circumference = π × pitch diameter

7.3 Lead = pitch × number of starts

7.4 Helix angle : tan θ =
Pitch circumference

7.5 Leading tool angle = 90° – (helix angle + clearance angle)

7.6 Following/Trailing angle = 90° + (helix angle – clearance angle)

7.7 Number of turns =

Copyright reserved
Mechanical Technology 4 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


2 π NT
8.1 Power ( P ) =

Product of the number of teeth on driven gear

8.2 Gear ratio =
Product of the number of teeth on driver gear

N Input Product of the number of teeth on driven gear

8.3 =
N Output Product of the number of teeth on driver gear

8.4 Torque = force × radius

8.5 Torque transmitted = gear ratio × input torque

Pitch-circle diameter ( PCD )

8.6 Module ( m ) =
Number of teeth ( T )

8.7 N 1T1 = N 2T2

circular pitch ( CP ) × number of teeth ( T )

8.8 Pitch-circle diameter ( PCD ) =

8.9 Outside diameter ( OD ) = PCD + 2 module

8.10 Addendum ( a ) = module ( m )

8.11 Dedendum ( b ) = 1,157 m or Dedendum ( b ) = 1,25 m

8.12 Cutting depth ( h ) = 2,157 m or Cutting depth ( h ) = 2,25 m

8.13 Clearance ( c ) = 0,157 m or Clearance ( c ) = 0,25 m

8.14 Circular pitch ( CP ) = m × π

Copyright reserved
Mechanical Technology 5 DBE/Feb.–Mar. 2013


Hole circles
Side 1 24 25 28 30 34 37 38 39 41 42 43
Side 2 46 47 49 51 53 54 57 58 59 62 66

Standard change gears

24 x 2 28 32 40 44 48 56 64 72 86 100

9.1 Simple indexing = ( where n = number of divisions )

9.2 Change gears:

Dr 40 Dr (A − n) 40 Dr 40
= ( A − n )× or = × or = (N − n) ×
Dv A Dv A 1 Dv N


10.1 Feed (f) = f 1 × T × N

Where: f = feed in millimetres per minute

f 1 = feed per tooth in millimetres

T = number of teeth on cutter

N = number of revolutions of cutter per minute

10.2 Cutting speed (V) = π × D × N

Where: D = diameter of the cutter in metres

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Mechanical & Electrical
Reasoning Study Guide
About Mechanical Aptitude Tests

Who is likely to take a mechanical reasoning test?

Mechanical aptitude tests are commonly administered during pre-employment screening for
technical and engineering positions. Candidates for these tests come from a wide range of
industries: army, medicine, engineering, firefighting, craftsmen, and any job that involves
the maintenance, operation, and repair of mechanical equipment. The level of difficulty of
these tests varies according to the skills required.

What does the test look like?

A mechanical aptitude test is usually administered on a computer or in paper and pencil
form. Each question is usually followed by three or four multiple-choice answers to choose
from, of which only one is correct. Since most questions do not require complex calculations,
the candidate has approximately 40 seconds per question. Most mechanical reasoning tests
introduce basic concepts of Newtonian mechanics and electricity that are covered in the
high school physics curriculum. However, unlike in high school physics tests, fewer
calculations are required, and they are more about understanding concepts. Here is a list of
the most popular subjects that appear in these tests:

1. Forces and motion – acceleration, gravity, friction, pressure, moments, etc.

2. Energy – transformation; kinetic and potential energy; work and power.

3. Simple Machines – levers, pulleys, wheel and axle, inclined planes, gears, springs, screws,
and wedges.

1. Circuits – in parallel, in series.

2. Voltage, resistance, current, capacitors, and charge.

3. Magnetism

*Besides the above, you may be required to have basic knowledge of tools, units, and

Copyright 1
Mechanical Comprehension

A lever is a simple machine which provides a mechanical advantage in carrying loads. It

comprises a fulcrum, which is a hinge or a pivot, and a beam or a rigid rod. Two forces are
applied onto the beam:

 The input force, or the effort;

 The output force, which carries the load.

The input force is converted into output force through the fulcrum.

There are three types of levers, classified according to the placement of the fulcrum, load,
and effort.

1st class
The fulcrum is located between the applied force and the load:

The extent of the mechanical advantage depends on the torques created on both sides of
the beam. A torque is a body's tendency to move around a hinge or a pivot; it is calculated
as the product of the force applied onto the body and its distance from the hinge or pivot. In
order for the lever to remain balanced, the torques on both sides must be equal.

Torque left = Torque right



W1 = weight of the load;

L1 = distance of the load from the fulcrum;

W2 = weight of the effort;

Copyright 2
L2 = distance of the effort from the fulcrum.

The equation above describes a balanced lever. Increasing any of the parameters above will
lead to a tilt in the lever, toward the side with the increased parameter.

For example, the following illustrates a lever in which the load weighs 200 lb. and is located
3 ft. from the fulcrum, and the effort weighs 200 lb.

In order to determine the distance of the effort from the fulcrum, we can use the levers

Thus, L2 = 3 ft., which is the distance of the effort from the fulcrum.

More examples demonstrating principles of 1st class levers:

 The further an anchor point is from a wall, the more weight a shelf can carry.
 A weight is placed on a shelf with an axle, pulling the shelf down and lifting the
opposite side up. In order for the shelf not to fall, an anchor must be used to
strengthen the other side of the shelf. This anchor must exert at least the same
amount of force that the weight is exerting on the shelf.
 It is easier for scissors to cut at the part of the blade closer to the pivot.

2nd class
The load is located between the applied force and the fulcrum:

A wheelbarrow and a bottle opener are common examples of 2nd class levers. The torques
are calculated by using the same formula as 1st class levers; however, such calculations are
very unusual here. Note that the effort arm's distance will always be greater than the load
arm's distance, and thus 2nd class levers are best suited for carrying heavy loads.

Copyright 3
Examples of 2nd class levers:
 A longer slingshot could fire the same stone further.
 A wheelbarrow with longer handles would make it easier to carry weights.

3rd class
The applied force is located between the load and the fulcrum:

Tweezers and chopsticks are common examples of 3rd class levers. The torques are
calculated by using the same formula as 1st and 2nd class levers; however, such calculations
are very unusual here. Note that the load arm's distance will always be greater than the
effort arm's distance, and thus 3rd class levers are best suited for handling objects with
accuracy rather than carrying heavy loads.

Examples of 3rd class levers:

 When using a simple fishing rod, the hand closer to the body serves as the fulcrum.
The further the second hand is from the closer one (longer effort arm), the easier it
becomes to pull in a fish.
 It is easier to hold things tight with tweezers if the effort is applied as close as
possible to the object one is attempting to grip.

Tip for the test: Most questions regarding levers address 1st class levers

Sample question #1:

In the following illustration, what should be the weight of the effort in order for the lever to
remain balanced?


To solve this question we must substitute the given values in the levers equation:

Copyright 4
Thus, W2 = 300 lb., which is the weight required to balance the load.

Sample question #2:

What would happen to the following lever if we shift the fulcrum to the right?


Shifting the fulcrum essentially means changing the distances of the weight and load from
the fulcrum. Changing the distances affects the torques; shifting the fulcrum to the right will
result in a decreased torque on the right hand side, and an increased torque on the left hand
side. This will make the lever tilt to the left.

Copyright 5
A gear, or a cogwheel, is a wheel with equally sized and spaced teeth located on its
circumference. The cogwheel is designed to transfer the circular torque (i.e., the circular
movement of force) to an additional cogwheel, or any other toothed component. In
mechanical aptitude tests we assume that the friction between components is zero, and the
transfer of force is maximal.

The first thumb rule in meshed gears:

When cogwheels are meshed together, adjacent gears rotate in opposite directions.


In the following system, cogwheel 1 is turning in a counterclockwise direction:

Therefore, the other wheels turn as follows:

Cogwheel 2 – clockwise

Cogwheel 3 – counterclockwise

It is easy to remember that:

 If the system has an even number of cogwheels, the last cogwheel will turn in the
opposite direction to the first wheel;
 if the system has an odd number of cogwheels, the last wheel will turn in the same
direction as the first wheel.

The second rule of thumb in meshed gears:

The velocity of meshed cogwheels is proportional to the number of teeth; i.e., the larger the
wheel, the slower it turns in comparison to a smaller wheel. This can easily be calculated by
means of the following equation:


N1 = number of teeth in wheel 1

V1 = velocity of wheel 1

N2 = number of teeth in wheel 2

V2 = velocity of wheel 2

Copyright 6
A different presentation of this equation is the gear ratio. The gear ratio is the ratio of the
number of teeth of the two gears, and it is inversely proportional to the ratio of gear


In the following system, cogwheel 3 is turning at a velocity of 10 rpm (rounds per minute).
The figures in the wheels represent the number of teeth.

Therefore, in order to find the velocity of wheel 2, we use the cogwheel velocity equation:

Note that velocities can be calculated from wheels that are not in direct contact. For
example, in the above gear the velocity of cogwheel 1 can be calculated using the equation
directly from cogwheel 3:

Therefore, the velocity of each cogwheel can be calculated using data from every other
cogwheel in the system.

Similarly, when two wheels are connected to a single spinning axle, they both complete the
same amount of spins. However, the wheel with the greater circumference will move faster
on its outer rim.

Sample question #1

In the following system, cogwheel 1 is turning counterclockwise at a velocity of 6 rpm. The

figures in the wheels represent the number of teeth.

Copyright 7
What will be the direction and velocity of cogwheel 3?


Direction: according to the first rule of thumb for cogwheels, in a system with an odd
number of wheels, the direction of the last wheel will be the same as the direction of the
first wheel. Therefore, the direction of cogwheel 3 is counterclockwise.

Velocity: According to the second rule of thumb for cogwheels, the equation can easily be
solved by substitution. Thus:

Therefore, cogwheel 3 is turning counterclockwise at a velocity of 4 rpm.

Wheels and belts

When a belt or a chain connects unmeshed cogwheels, both wheels will turn in the same
direction. If the belt is crossed, they will turn in opposite directions.

In this case, the wheel’s velocity will be proportional to its radius rather than its number of
teeth; larger wheels will turn more slowly than smaller wheels. The reason is that a larger
wheel has a greater circumference and therefore covers a greater distance for each single
turn, whereas a smaller wheel has to turn more than once in order to cover the same

The ratio of their diameters (or equivalently, the ratio of their radii) is directly proportional
to the gear ratio and is inversely proportional to the ratio of wheel velocities.

External cogwheels
When an internal cogwheel (light blue) and an external cogwheel (grey) are meshed
together, they will move in the same direction.

Copyright 8
However, the velocity-to-size ratio will remain as with internal cogwheels.

Rack and pinion

When a cogwheel is meshed with a toothed rack, the force is then transferred from circular
to linear. In this case, the rack will move in the same direction as the wheel at the meshing


In the following illustration, the cogwheel is turning in a clockwise direction.

At the meshing point, the wheel’s direction is toward the left (red arrow). Therefore, the
rack will move to the left.

Copyright 9
Pulley systems
A pulley is a simple machine composed of a wheel on an axle or shaft, often with a groove in
it. A rope is wrapped inside the groove and over the wheel. With some effort, the pulley can
be used for lifting loads.

There are three types of pulley systems:

 Fixed pulley
 Moveable pulley
 Combined pulley system

In mechanical aptitude tests the friction between the components is considered to be zero,
and the transfer of force - maximal. Also, weights and other forces are sometimes marked
with N (newtons), a force measurement unit.

A fixed pulley
This type of pulley is fixed to a surface, such as the ceiling or a crane. One end of the rope
wrapped around it is attached to the load, while the other is the gripping point for the
applied force.

Fixed pulleys don’t provide a mechanical advantage in lifting loads; the same force is
required to lift a load with a fixed pulley as it does without it. However, fixed pulleys provide
a directional advantage by inverting the direction of force. Thus, a weight can be pulled
upward by pulling the rope downward.

A moveable pulley
This type of pulley is directly attached to the load. One end of the rope wrapped around it is
attached to a surface, while the other is the gripping point for the applied force.

Moveable pulleys do not change the direction of force. Therefore, in order to lift a load with
a moveable pulley, one must exert a force in an upward direction.

Unlike fixed pulleys, moveable pulleys provide a mechanical advantage in lifting loads. The
reason is that the rope wrapped around the pulley pulls the pulley upward twice, with each
part of the rope. Since the tension is balanced along the entire rope, the weight is divided

Copyright 10
equally between the part of the rope that is connected to the ceiling and the part that is
pulled. When using a moveable pulley, the ceiling carries half of the load.

For example, the following load weighs 100 lb. (blue). To lift this load with a fixed pulley, an
applied force (red) of 100 lb. upward would be required. To lift the same load with a
moveable pulley, an applied force of 50 lb. downward would be required.

A moveable pulley system may allow one to use less force to lift a load, but the rope is
pulled a longer distance than the load moves. Therefore, the smaller force that is required
to lift the load within a pulley system is used over a longer distance. The ratio between the
force required to lift a mass within a moveable pulley system to the force required without is
inversely proportional to the ratio between the distance the rope is pulled and the distance
the load is lifted.

For example, when pulling 4 in. of the rope in a fixed pulley, the load will be lifted by 4 in.
When pulling 4 in. of the rope in a moveable pulley, the load will be lifted by 2 in.

A combined pulley system

In a single pulley, the tension spreads evenly over two ropes on both sides of the pulley. In a
combined pulley system the tension may spread evenly over more than two ropes. The force
required to lift a weight can be calculated by dividing the tension (force exerted on the load)
by the number of ropes used. When one end of the rope wrapped around the pulley is

Copyright 11
fixated at a point and the other end of the rope is connected to another moveable pulley,
the force required to lift the load can again be divided by the number of ropes, since the
tension from the fixation point onwards is split once more.

To simplify this notion, the following illustration presents three examples of combined pulley
systems. Fixed pulleys are colored in green, and moveable pulleys are colored in blue.

The red arrows represent the direction of the applied force, and the green triangles
represent the load-supporting ropes. The load-supporting ropes are easy to identify as the
ropes that directly carry the load.

The applied force required in order to lift the load would be:


F = applied force by the user

W = weight of the load
N = number of load-supporting ropes.

The length of the rope pulled would be:


L = length of the rope pulled

D = vertical distance of the load lifted
N = number of load-supporting ropes.

Copyright 12
In system 1, the 100 lb. weight is carried by four load-supporting ropes (marked in green),
and therefore the applied force required to lift it would be 100/4 = 25 lb.

In system 2, the 100 lb. weight is carried by two load-supporting ropes (marked in green),
and therefore the applied force required to lift it would be 100/2 = 50 lb.

In system 3, the 100 lb. weight is carried by four load-supporting ropes (marked in green),
and therefore the applied force required to lift it would be 100/4 = 25 lb.

Sample question #1:

In the following pulley system, how much force would be required in order to lift the load?


In the above system, there are two load-supporting ropes (on both sides of the moveable
pulley). Therefore, the force required to lift the 150 lb. load would be 150/2 = 75 lb.

Sample question #2:

In the following pulley system, how much force would be required in order to lift the load?


Copyright 13
In the above system, there are three load-supporting ropes (one from the fixed pulley on the
right and two more on both sides of the moveable pulley). Therefore, the force required to
lift the 150 load would be 150/3 = 50 lb.

Copyright 14
A spring is an object used to store mechanical energy. When a spring is compressed or
stretched, the force it exerts is proportional to its change in length. This is portrayed in
Hooke's law, the spring equation:


F = force exerted by the spring

X = change in the spring's length
K = spring constant – a value unique to each spring.

When a force is no longer applied to the spring, the spring releases the energy and returns
to its original structure/length.

Spring arrangements
At times, a system may include more than a single spring. There are two basic arrangements
of several springs together:

In series is an arrangement where a tip of one spring is connected to the tip of another. In
such an arrangement, each spring is subject to the force applied and reacts as though the
force was applied directly to it.

For example: a force of 3 lb. is applied onto the right edge of the system above and
compresses the springs. Since the springs are arranged in series, the same force – 3 lb. – will
be applied onto each of the three springs.

In parallel is an arrangement where several springs are attached to the same surfaces on
both of their sides. In such an arrangement, the applied force is divided equally between the
subjected springs; as a result, they stretch/compress less than if the force were applied
directly to them.

Copyright 15
For example: a force of 3 lb. is applied onto the right edge of the system above and
compresses the springs. Since the springs are arranged in parallel, the original force is
divided equally between the springs. Therefore, a force of 1 lb. will be applied onto each

Other Simple Machines

An inclined plane is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle (slope), with one end higher
than the other. It is used as an aid for raising or lowering a load. Moving an object up an
inclined plane requires less force than lifting it up vertically, but it has to be moved a greater

A wedge is a compound tool, triangular in shape. It can be used to separate two objects or
portions of an object, lift an object, or hold an object in place. A blade, ship's bow, shovel, or
splitting maul are all good examples of wedges.

A screw is a mechanism that converts rotational motion to linear motion and a torque
(rotational force) to a linear force. Geometrically, a screw can be viewed as a narrow inclined
plane wrapped around a cylinder.

Non-Physics of Mechanical Reasoning

As mentioned above, most questions in mechanical reasoning tests require theoretical
understanding rather than complex calculations. Nonetheless, one must exhibit knowledge
of basic calculations and mathematical formulas.

Certain aspects that may be crucial in real-world physics are negligible in mechanical
reasoning tests. Unless otherwise noted, consider the following as basic assertions:

 There is no energy loss due to friction. This assertion comes into effect in the
following cases:
 Pulleys – there is no effort lost due to friction. Therefore, adding more
moveable pulleys or ropes will always facilitate weightlifting in direct proportion
to the number of pulleys.
 Springs – each spring will always compress/tighten in direct proportion to the
effort invested in the action. The actual increasing resistance of the spring is
 Ballistics – consider any description of an object as though it moves in a vacuum
where there is no energy loss due to any wind or air friction. Objects will change
their movement only if a physical force is applied to them, or due to gravity.

When an object is thrown/hurled/shot it always has a ballistic trajectory since there are two
factors that play a role: initial velocity and gravity. The object's initial velocity is the velocity

Copyright 16
at which it was thrown, or the velocity at which it was travelling prior to the fall. Gravity is
constant and affects every object in the world in an identical manner.

The Y-axis component of the initial velocity (blue arrow) decreases over time, due to gravity.
Gravity also creates a new velocity component in the Y-axis, downward (red arrow). The
increasing Y-axis component of the velocity downward, along with the X-axis component of
initial velocity (which is unaffected by gravity), leads to the ballistic trajectory seen in thrown

Circular Motion
When an object is moving in a circular trajectory, several unique forces are operating on it.

The Centrifugal force (red arrow) is the outward force that draws a rotating body away from
the center of rotation. It is caused by the inertia of the rotating body as the body's path is
continually redirected. The centrifugal force will always be in the opposite direction to the
center of the circle.

The Centripetal force (green arrow) is the inward force that makes bodies follow a curved
path and is generally the cause of circular motion. It is defined as a force that keeps a body
moving at the same speed along a circular path and is directed
along the radius toward the center. The direction of the
centripetal force will always be toward the center of the circle.

While performing circular motions, the outer rim of the

turning object has a greater distance to cover than the inner
rim. Since both edges complete the turn in the same time
span, the outer rim must be moving faster than the inner rim.

Copyright 17
Pressures and Weights

Water Pressure
When a fluid fills a container, its mass creates a pressure against the walls of the container.
This pressure is referred to as hydrostatic pressure. The greater the mass, the greater the
hydrostatic pressure; therefore, the pressure increases along the container and is greatest at
the very bottom of the container (since the body of water creating the pressure is maximal
at this point). The following illustration presents the hydrostatic pressure in a water
container, as the size of arrows is proportional to the extent of pressure:

The features of hydrostatic pressure are applied in everyday life. A good example is a water

A concave dam is stronger than a convex dam. In a concave structure, the pressure of water
is aimed in the direction of radius reduction (see illustration below, on the left). The force of
the water against the concave dam presses against the arch, compressing and strengthening
the structure as it pushes into its foundation or abutments.

In a convex position, the force of the water weakens its structural integrity, pushing the dam
away from its foundation by dispersing the force of the water’s pressure reduction (see
illustration below, in the middle).

This is similar to a bridge in which the concave area is the part that carries the weight of
vehicles (see illustration below, on the right).

Copyright 18
Gas pressure
Gas also has an internal pressure which is applied onto its environment. When it is
compressed into a container, its pressure rises. Unlike fluids, gas can be compressed to a
very large extent. For example, scuba divers can carry a 1-gallon tank containing 200 gallons
of compressed air.

While applying pressure to compressed gas in a sealed cylinder, the action becomes
increasingly difficult, since the counter pressure of the gas also increases in direct proportion
to the volume reduction of the cylinder.

For example, in the following illustration, the canister is full of gas at pressure P and volume
V. When compressing the gas to half of its original volume, i.e., V, the change in pressure of
the gas will be in inverse proportion to the change in volume – 2P.

Copyright 19
Electrical Comprehension
What is an electrical circuit?
A basic electrical circuit contains a power supply that is connected to a load via conductive
wires. A load is a device that requires electrical current in order to function, such as a light
bulb, bell, or buzzer. An electrical circuit is built as a closed loop in order to provide the
current with a path to return to the power source. A switch may be a part of the circuit;
when off, the circuit is open, and when on, the circuit is closed.

What is an electrical current?

An electrical current is the flow of an electric charge through a medium. This charge is
typically carried by negatively charged particles, called electrons. The direction of an
electrical current is defined as the direction of the positively charged particles, the exact
opposite direction of the flow of electrons.

This means that when a current flows naturally from the negative end of the power source
to the positive end, in circuit diagrams it is marked as though it is flowing in the opposite

For a steady flow of charge through a surface, the current can be calculated using the
following equation:

Where I is the current, Q is the electric charge transferred through the surface, and t is the
time of transference. Q is measured in coulombs (C), t is measured in seconds (s), and I is
measured in amperes (A).

What is the relation between voltage, current, and resistance?

Voltage is defined as the difference in electric potential between two points.

Resistance reflects the level of electric conductivity of any device or material. For example, a
block of metal has high conductivity, and thus low resistance. A block of wood has low
conductivity, and thus high resistance.

Ohm’s law states that the current passing through a conductor between two points is
directly proportional to the potential difference across them.

This relationship is illustrated in the following equation(s):


Copyright 20
 V is the potential difference measured across the conductor, in volts;
 R is the resistance of the conductor, in ohms;
 I is the current, in amperes.

Types of circuits
Components of an electrical circuit can be connected in two different ways: in series and in

In series

Components in series are connected along a single path, so that the same current flows
through all of them. In addition, the sum of the voltages each component develops is the
total voltage produced in the system. Thus, it can be deduced according to Ohm's law that
the total resistance of the system would be:

In a series circuit, a failure in any single component can potentially break the entire circuit as
it breaks the flow of the electrical current.

In parallel

Components in parallel are connected so that the same voltage is applied to each one. In a
parallel circuit, the voltage across each of the components is identical, and the total current
is the sum of the currents flowing through each of the components.

Since the voltage of each component is identical but the currents add up, we again use
Ohm’s law to deduce that the value of total resistance is:

In a parallel circuit it is possible for only one component to function when all others fail; thus
the circuit will still function.

In series In parallel
Current (A)
Voltage (V)

Copyright 21
What is electrical power?
Electrical power, measured in watts, is the rate at which electric energy is transferred by an
electric circuit. Electric power is calculated by the formula:

P = IV

P is the electric power, V is the potential difference, and I is the electric current.

Combining this formula with Ohm’s law allows further development and reaching the
following equivalent equations:

with R being the electrical resistance.

Basic Electrical Units

Volt (V)
Volt is the unit of voltage, or electric potential. One volt is the energy of one joule that is
consumed when an electric charge of one coulomb flows in the circuit.

1V = 1J / 1C

Coulomb (C)
Coulomb is a unit of electric charge (pronounced "koolom").

Ampere (A)
Ampere is a unit of electrical current. One Ampere is the electrical charge of one coulomb
that flows in an electrical circuit in one second.

1A = 1C / 1s

Ohm (Ω)
Ohm is an electrical unit of resistance. Each resistor is defined by ohms, where in a resistor
of one ohm, one volt of voltage creates a current of one ampere through it.

1Ω = 1V / 1A

Watt (W)
Watt is a unit of electrical power and measures the consumed energy (in joules) per unit of
time (second). One watt is the

1W = 1 joule / 1s

(KWh) is a frequently used unit of energy, which is equivalent to one kilowatt (1 kW) of
power expended for one hour.

Copyright 22
Agreed Symbols in Electrical Circuits

Copyright 23
Sample Questions - Mechanical Reasoning Test
For this test, you need to understand what a pivot is. A pivot is a pin or axle around which a
lever or wheel can turn. A fixed pivot is a pin or axle around which a lever or wheel can turn,
but the fixed pivot itself does not move. A fixed pivot is indicated by a black dot, as
demonstrated below in Example 1.

Example 1

A non-fixed pivot is also a pin or axle around which a lever or wheel can turn, but the non-
fixed pivot itself can move. A non-fixed pivot is indicated by a clear dot, as demonstrated
below in Example 2.

Example 2

Read the question below, then choose the best answer. Do the same for question 2.

Question 1

When wheel Y turns clockwise, as shown by the arrow, wheel Z will

A turn clockwise

B turn anticlockwise

C turn to and fro

D stay still

Question 2

When handle H is pulled to the right, as shown by the arrow, end E will

A move to the left

B move to the right

C move to and fro

D stay still
Introduction to

Lisa M. Garrett, Director of Personnel

Table of Contents

Foreword ............................................................................................................ 2
Purpose ............................................................................................................. 2
Objectives ......................................................................................................... 2
Who should use this guide? .................................................................................. 2
Disclaimer ......................................................................................................... 2

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3
What is mechanical aptitude? ............................................................................... 3
How is mechanical aptitude assessed? ................................................................... 4

Gravity ................................................................................................................ 5

Mechanical Reasoning ........................................................................................ 7

Wheels and Axles (pulleys and gears) ................................................................... 7
Levers ............................................................................................................. 10
Inclined Plane .................................................................................................. 13
Wedge ............................................................................................................ 15
Screws (Threaded Hardware) ............................................................................. 16

Visual/Spatial Relations ................................................................................... 18

Hidden Figure................................................................................................... 18
Spatial Views ................................................................................................... 19
Block Counting ................................................................................................. 20
Paper Folding ................................................................................................... 21

Tool Knowledge ................................................................................................ 23

Tool Identification ............................................................................................. 23
Tool Usage....................................................................................................... 24

Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 25

Bibliography ..................................................................................................... 26

About the Authors ............................................................................................ 27


Welcome! The County of Los Angeles Department of Human Resources is pleased to offer
Introduction to Mechanical Aptitude as the latest in a series of information guides* developed
by the Test Research Unit. We hope that you find it useful in enhancing your learning and
career endeavors.

This guide has been developed to introduce you to the basic concepts of mechanical aptitude.

This guide has been designed to convey to you an understanding of

 the definition of mechanical aptitude.

 the types of test questions that are typically included in mechanical aptitude tests.
 recommended strategies for analyzing and solving different question types.

Who should use this guide?

The guide could be helpful to anyone interested in learning about the basic concepts of
mechanical aptitude; however, it is written specifically within the framework of helping the
reader answer various types of mechanical aptitude test questions.

This guide provides an introduction to this subject matter only; further study of the subject
and related concepts may be necessary to gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to
achieve your learning and/or career goals. Although this guide presents useful and practical
information from this subject area, there is no guarantee that someone who reads it will be
able to perform better on the job or on a County examination. By merely using this guide,
you consent to understanding and agreeing with this disclaimer.

* To obtain other resources, please visit the Department of Human Resources website
( and click on “Job Information” and “Employment Test Preparation.”


What is mechanical aptitude?

Mechanical aptitude describes the capacity to apply simple mechanical and physical
principles. In other words, it describes a person’s ability to figure out how objects work and
move, alone and in relation to other objects.

People often use mechanical aptitude to conquer routine problems. For example, mechanical
aptitude is an underlying capacity that helps a person understand how to use a jack to fix a
flat tire, assemble a cardboard storage box, install a new ink cartridge into a printer, and
maneuver furniture through doorways and around corners to place it in a new location. Of
course, the extent to which a person uses mechanical aptitude depends on the activities he
or she must accomplish. Successful performance of tasks in many occupations – such as the
trades – relies upon workers having strong mechanical aptitude.

The concept of mechanical aptitude can include several components: general mechanical
reasoning, visual/spatial relations abilities, and specific tool knowledge.

 Mechanical reasoning has to do with your understanding of how simple machines work.
Simple machines are defined as those requiring the application of a single force to
work. Basic simple machines are the wheel and axle, lever, and inclined plane.


Wheel and Axle Lever Inclined Plane

 Visual/spatial relations has to do with your understanding of how objects can be moved
or oriented in different directions (i.e., at different angles) and still maintain their
original characteristics and identity (i.e., they are still the same thing).


This cube is presented in two spatial orientations. Even though it has been
moved in different directions, it still has the same characteristics (i.e., six
sides of the same size) and identity (i.e., a cube).

 Tool knowledge has to do with your familiarity with tools and how they are used. It is
sometimes thought to be separate from mechanical aptitude because it is built upon
fundamental mechanical reasoning and visual/spatial relations abilities.

Note: Though included in some definitions of mechanical aptitude, basic mathematics skill
will not be addressed in this guide. You may reference the Basic Mathematics Study Guide
and Sample Test Questions if you feel that you need assistance in this area.

How is mechanical aptitude assessed?
While there are several ways to assess mechanical aptitude, the multiple-choice written test
is often used because it is cost-effective, efficient, and useful. Written mechanical aptitude
questions typically present a picture or diagram of an object or situation that you must
analyze in order to find an answer to a question posed about it. You must then choose from
among several possible responses, only one of which is correct.

Mechanical aptitude tests present questions representing mechanical reasoning,

visual/spatial relations, and/or tool knowledge. Also, because an understanding of gravity
influences a person’s mechanical reasoning and visual/spatial relations abilities, many
mechanical aptitude tests include questions that cover this concept.

The next sections will illustrate examples of questions in each of these categories and offer
suggestions for determining the correct response.

Mechanical Aptitude Component Sample Question Types

1. Gravity  Motionless Object

 Object in Motion

2. Mechanical Reasoning  Wheels and Axles (pulleys and gears)

 Levers
 Inclined Plane
 Wedge
 Screws (Threaded Hardware)

3. Visual/Spatial Relations  Hidden Figure

 Spatial Views
 Block Counting
 Paper Folding

4. Tool Knowledge  Tool Types

 Tool Use


Gravity is one of the fundamental laws of the physical universe. It is an important concept
that must be understood in order to respond to many mechanical aptitude questions. While
a full discussion of gravity is beyond the scope of this guide, for the purpose of answering
mechanical aptitude questions, you only need to know a few key facts.

Key Facts
 Essentially, gravity is the constant downward force that keeps people and objects on the

 The force of gravity is such that it will create resistance for any other force or effort that
tries to elevate an object above a resting point.

 In general, the force of gravity exerted upon every object is the same, regardless of the
object’s weight, size, shape, etc. Thus, objects moving only by the force of gravity (i.e.,
in free fall) will move at the same rate toward a resting point.

Mechanical aptitude questions related to gravity often involve falling objects, swinging
pendulums, structural support components, etc. In this section, we will present example
questions involving objects in motion and objects not in motion.


Situation A Situation B

If the objects presented above are not in motion, which represents an unlikely

A. Situation A
B. Situation B
C. Both are equally likely
D. Both are equally unlikely

The answer is B. Because gravity always pulls objects downward, the ball at the end of the
rope would be drawn straight down toward the ground. Hence, in the absence of some other
force, such as a magnetic force, it is unlikely the ball would be suspended as presented in
Situation B.



Assuming both balls are free-falling from the same height, which ball will reach the
ground first?

A. Ball A
B. Ball B
C. Both will reach the ground at the same time
D. It is impossible to tell

The answer is C. As stated in the key facts on page 5, regardless of their size, all free-falling
objects on Earth accelerate downwards at the same rate.

Gravity Summary
Typical mechanical aptitude tests do not ask questions about gravity in textbook form (e.g.,
“What is an object’s rate of descent?”). Instead, they ask you to apply your understanding
of how gravity operates in given situations (e.g., “Which of these two objects will hit the
ground first?”). The information presented in this section – together with what you probably
already know from simply observing your environment – provides a foundation for answering
mechanical aptitude questions involving the force of gravity.

Mechanical Reasoning

Questions related to mechanical reasoning test your understanding of the fundamental

principles of simple machines. As mentioned in the introduction, the wheel and axle, lever,
and inclined plane are examples of simple machines. Other simple machines that are
modifications of these three include pulleys and gears, the wedge, and the screw. In this
section, we will present typical types of mechanical reasoning questions involving wheels and
axles, levers, inclined planes, wedges, and screws (threaded hardware).

Wheels and Axles (pulleys and gears)

Both pulleys and gears are variations of a wheel and axle. The following basic information
about these simple machines can help you answer questions about how they work.

A wheel and axle is a large wheel attached to a smaller shaft (axle) which
allows the wheel to rotate. The wheel and axle is the mechanism that makes
a doorknob turn.

Key Facts
 A wheel can be firmly affixed to the axle (i.e., a drive axle) or it can
rotate freely on the axle.
 When the drive axle is turned, the wheel moves a greater distance than
the axle.

A pulley is a wheel that has a rope or belt wrapped around it. With a single
pulley, pulling down on the rope can lift an object attached to the other end.
The single pulley is used in flagpoles, cranes, and water wells. Multiple
pulleys can work together to move objects horizontally (such as on the
conveyor belt at a grocery store) or distribute loads to allow the same
amount of force (input) to do more work, among other uses.

Key Facts
 Two pulleys of the same size that are connected by a moving belt turn at
the same speed and in the same direction. If there is a twist in the belt,
the pulleys will move in opposite directions.
 When moving at the same speed, smaller pulleys make more revolutions
in the same amount of time as larger pulleys.

A gear is a wheel that has teeth around the outer edge. The gear is the
mechanism that makes clocks tick.

Key Facts
 When the teeth of two gears fit together and one gear turns, it will cause
the other gear to turn, but in the opposite direction.
 When the gears are the same size and they have the same number of
teeth, they both turn at the same speed.
 When moving at the same speed, smaller gears make more revolutions in
the same amount of time as larger gears.

Questions about pulleys and gears test your knowledge of how force influences the direction
of movement, and the relationship between pulley or gear size and the speed of rotation. In
a typical question, a set of pulleys or gears is presented and the direction in which force is
applied to one of the pulleys or gears is provided.

Note: The terms clockwise and counterclockwise are often used to indicate the direction of rotation.
Clockwise means rotation in the same direction as the hands on a clock (toward the right), and
counterclockwise indicates rotation in the opposite direction as the hands on a clock (toward the left).


Which of the pulleys will complete the

B most revolutions per minute?

A. Pulley A
A B. Pulley B
C. Pulley C
D. The pulleys will make an equal
number of revolutions per
C minute.

The answer is A. Notice that pulley A is the smallest of the three pulleys in the series.
Because of its relative size, it has a shorter distance to travel to complete one revolution
than do the larger pulleys. Thus, it can make more revolutions in the same amount of time.
Another way to phrase this question would be to ask which pulley is moving fastest, in which
case the same answer and supporting thought process is used.


If Pulley A is turning clockwise, Pulley B is


A. clockwise.
B. counterclockwise.

The answer is B. As stated in the key facts on page 7, whenever there is a twist in the belt
between two pulleys, the pulleys rotate in opposite directions.

Solution Pointers for Pulleys questions:

 Rank the relative size of each pulley in the series.

 Convert size rank to speed rank. For example, if there are three pulleys, the largest one
is moving slowest and the smallest one is moving fastest, with the middle one in-between
the two.


If gear A turns in the direction indicated by the

B arrow, which way will gear C turn?

A. Clockwise
B. Counterclockwise
C. Same direction as gear A
D. Opposite direction as gear B

The answer is B. Notice that gear A is moving in a clockwise direction. Given the direction of
rotation for gear A, we can see that the right side of the gear “tooth” on gear A is applying
force to left side of the tooth on gear C. This force pushes gear C to the right, resulting in a
counterclockwise rotation.

Solution Pointers for Gears questions:

 Choose a gear with a known direction of movement as your starting point (also called the
driving gear because it dictates the direction the other gears will move). Follow the
movement of this gear to where it makes contact with the next gear in the series.

 Focusing on this contact point (i.e., where force is applied), determine the direction the
next gear in the series will rotate. To do this, ask yourself which direction the teeth of
the driving gear will move the teeth of the other gear.

 If the gear you are being asked about in the question is not in direct contact with the
driving gear, repeat the steps above to determine the direction that each gear will move
until you reach the gear identified in the question.

 When there are several gears in a series, one helpful technique is to draw arrows on each
gear to keep track of each rotation in the series.

Other important considerations for pulleys and gears questions

1. Not all questions about pulleys and gears will ask you to identify the pulley or gear that
makes the most or fewest rotations within a given timeframe. Some questions will ask
for the ratio of turns of one pulley or gear to turns of another pulley or gear. The
following guideline can help you answer these types of questions:

 The ratio of size or number of teeth is identical to the ratio of rotations for gears and
pulleys, respectively. For example, if the larger pulley is 20 inches around (or for
gears, the larger has 20 teeth) and the smaller pulley is 10 inches around (or for
gears, the smaller has 10 teeth), the smaller one will make twice as many rotations as
the larger one in the same amount of time.

2. The main distinction between pulleys and gears is that, with pulleys, moving belts apply
the force to the outside surfaces of other pulleys. With gears, the teeth apply force to
contact surfaces (i.e., the sides of other gear’s teeth). Hence, the force applied to pulleys
is by pulling, whereas force applied to gears is by pushing.

A lever is a simple machine made with a bar that moves on a surface point called a fulcrum.
Force (input) is exerted upon the bar to move (output) an object or load. The following
information about these simple machines will help you answer questions about how they

As depicted below, there are several types of levers which vary according to the location of
the fulcrum:

With this type of lever, the fulcrum is in between the

load on one end and the force on the other.
1st Class Lever

Example: Crowbar
When you apply downward force (input)
FULCRUM to one end of the crowbar, the opposite
end lifts upward at the point where the
crowbar meets the surface of a board so
as to pry up a nail (output/load).

With this type of lever, the fulcrum is on the end, the

2nd Class Lever

load is in between, and the force is at the other end.

Example: Wheelbarrow
When you lift up (input/force) on one end
of the wheelbarrow it is raised at the point
where it meets a wheel (fulcrum) and the
barrow (output/load) is also lifted.
3rd Class Lever

With this type of lever, the fulcrum is on one end, the

force is in between, and the load is at the other end.

Example: Baseball Bat

FULCRUM When you apply swinging force with your
hands (fulcrum), the bat moves to hit a ball

Most questions about levers focus on the 1st class of lever and are generally designed to test
your understanding of the concepts of leverage and weight distribution. Considering this, the
following key facts can be useful for answering the example questions on the next pages.

Key Facts
 The fulcrum can be moved depending on the weight of the load to be lifted or the force
you wish to exert.

 The closer the load is to the fulcrum, the easier it is to move.

 The shorter side of a lever has more work to do to counter the effect of a longer side.

 Generally, whenever force is applied to a point more distant from the fulcrum, less force
is needed to accomplish the same amount of work (i.e., more leverage is given). Hence,
an equal amount of force will do more work as it moves away from the fulcrum.

The person on the left is lower than the person on the right. What can the person on
the right do in order to make the seesaw more level?

A. Slide forward
B. Sit up straight
C. Slide backward
D. Lean forward

The answer is C. Because the load is nearly balanced, shifting the weight of the person on
the right further away from the fulcrum will accomplish the additional work needed to
balance the beam.


50 lbs. 50 lbs.

Lever A Lever B
Which of the two levers require less force (in the direction indicated by the arrow) to
lift the box?

A. Lever A
B. Lever B
C. Both require an equal amount of force.
D. Cannot be determined.

The answer is A. This example is similar to the previous example with one exception: the
lever is not the same length on both sides of the fulcrum. As stated in the key facts on page
10, whenever force is applied to a point more distant from the fulcrum, less force is needed
to accomplish the same amount of work. Both levers must accomplish the same amount of
work (i.e., move a 50 pound load); however, Lever A will do so more easily because there is
more distance from the point of force to the fulcrum on Lever A than on Lever B.


40 lbs. 60 lbs. 50 lbs. 50 lbs.

Situation A Situation B

Of the two situations depicted above,

A. only A is physically possible.

B. only B is physically possible.
C. both A and B are physically possible.
D. it is impossible to tell which of the two is possible.

The answer is B. In Situation B, the length of the lever on both sides of the fulcrum is equal,
as is the weight supported on each side. This represents a “balanced” situation. It is
physically impossible for the lever to remain balanced in Situation A because there is more
weight on the right side. Even if the weights of the load were equal, the lever would still not
balance because the right side of the lever is longer than the left side. As stated in the key
facts on page 10, the shorter the side of the lever, the less work it can do to balance the
effect of a longer opposite side. Thus, it would be unable to counter the force of gravity
pulling the weight of the load on the longer side downward.

Solution Pointers for Levers questions:

 Evaluate the relative weights of the load(s) on the lever.

 Assess the distance between the load from the fulcrum and the force from the fulcrum.

Inclined Plane
An inclined plane is a flat, slanted surface (i.e., higher on one end) that is useful for moving
objects to another height. Examples include ramps, hillsides, and slides. Inclined plane
questions assess your knowledge of how the degree of the incline (i.e., the steepness of the
angle), the size and weight of the object, and gravity effect the movement of objects. Below
are some key facts that may be useful for answering questions about inclined planes.

Key Facts
 The load and force move in the same direction along the plane. In other words, when
you apply upward force to push a load up a plane, the load also moves upward. When
you apply downward force to push a load down a plane, the load also moves downward.

 Objects moved along an inclined plane will travel across a longer distance, and over a
longer period of time, than if lifted straight up or dropped straight down.

 When moving an object up an incline, gravity is pulling the object down. Thus, the effort
or force that you must exert to move the object up the incline is greater than the effort
needed to move an object down an incline.

 Resistance or friction is created where the surface of an object meets the surface of an
inclined plane. This resistance makes the work of moving the object more difficult and/or
slower, whether moving the object up or down the plane.

 The steeper the inclined plane (i.e., the more it approaches 90 degrees), the more easily
an object moves down it. The opposite is also true: the steeper the plane, the more
difficult it is to move an object up it.


Ball A
A Ball B A

If Balls A and B above are the same size and weight, which will roll faster?

A. Ball A
B. Ball B
C. Neither will roll.
D. They will roll at the same speed.

The answer is A. Because the balls are the same size, only the steepness of the incline
influences how fast they will roll. As stated in the key facts above, the steeper the incline,
the more easily an object will move downward. Hence, Ball A is able to roll faster than
Ball B.


Box B
Box A

45o 45o

Assuming the boxes are of equal weight and made of the same material, which box
will more easily slide down its ramp?

A. Box A
B. Box B
C. They will slide down with equal ease.
D. Cannot be determined.

The answer is B. Because the boxes weigh the same and are on the same degree of incline,
the only factor to consider is the surface-to-surface contact area (friction), as indicated by
the dotted lines. As stated in the key facts on page 13, friction hinders the movement of an
object. Thus, the box with less friction will slide down the ramp more easily. Considering
only the amount of contact (since the boxes are made of the same material), Box B has less
surface-to-surface contact with the ramp when compared to Box A and the ramp. Thus, it
will move down the ramp more easily.

 If the boxes were the same size and weight, and were made of the same material, gravity
would be the only factor affecting movement down the plane and they would move with
equal ease.

 If the boxes had the same weight and size, but were made of different materials, it would
be impossible to determine which one moves more easily without information about the
materials. This is because the smoothness or coarseness of the material on the surface
of an object affects the amount or degree of friction that is created when it is moved or
slid across another surface.

Solution Pointers for Inclined Planes questions:

 Evaluate the components (e.g., weight, size, and material) of the load(s) on the plane.

 Assess the angle of the incline in relation to gravity and/or other inclines presented in the

 Remember to consider the effect of gravity.

A wedge is formed by two inclined planes that are placed back to back. This forms a V-
shaped object - typically a piece of wood or metal - that is thick at one end and slopes to a
thin edge at the other. Wedges are used for purposes such as holding things together,
cutting or prying things apart, or stopping an object from moving. Examples of wedges

 the blade of a knife  the edge of the shovel

 each blade on a pair of scissors  the edge of a door stop
 the sharp edge of an ax  the end of a nail

Questions about wedges assess your knowledge of how the direction and angle of force is
used to perform work on other objects, such as splitting wood or opening a jammed door.
Below are some key facts that may be useful for answering questions about inclined planes.

Key Facts
 The force and the load move in different directions. Consider that as you use force to
swing an ax downward, the load (wood) breaks apart and falls to the sides.

 The more resistance that a wedge meets, the greater the force that will be needed to
accomplish the work.


Assuming the hammers are swung with

equal force, which wedge will more easily
split the board?

A. Wedge A
Wedge B B. Wedge B
Wedge A
C. Neither wedge will split the board.
D. The wedges will split the board with
equal ease.

The answer is A. The farther the wedge can be driven into the board, the greater its ability
to split the board. Wedge A can be driven into the board farther than Wedge B because it
has a narrower angle that encounters less resistance from the board. As stated in the key
facts, more force would be required to split the board with Wedge B because it meets more
resistance at the point where it makes contact with the board, due to the wider angle of the

Solution Pointers for Wedge questions:

 Evaluate the angle of the wedge to determine the relative force or effort needed to
accomplish the work.

 Remember to consider the effect of gravity and resistance.

Screws (Threaded Hardware)
A screw is formed when an inclined plane is wrapped around a cylinder. As the inclined plane
is wound around the cylinder, ridges – called the thread of the screw – are created. When
the screw is inserted into another object through the force of rotation, these threads cut a
groove into the other object (or match up with grooves already on the object) to make the
two hold together very tightly. The screw mechanism is used in other threaded hardware
such as nuts and bolts.

The inclined plane is As it moves around the

An inclined plane and a
being wrapped around cylinder, layered ridges
cylinder (the pencil)
the cylinder. are created.

Questions about screws or other threaded hardware assess your knowledge of how the
direction of rotation affects the work that must be performed. Below are some key facts that
may be useful for answering questions about threaded hardware.

Key Facts
 The turning direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) dictates whether the hold between a
screw and other object is tightened or loosened. If being tightened, each consecutive
turn or rotation of the screw will move it further into the object and make the hold
stronger. If being loosened, each turn or rotation of the screw will move it further out of
the object and make the hold weaker.

 Standard threading requires clockwise (right) rotation to tighten and counterclockwise

(left) rotation to loosen the hold. The colloquial phrase “righty-tighty, lefty-loosey” can
help you remember this rule. However, some screws have a reverse-thread, in which
case the opposite would be true. Unless otherwise specified, you should use the rule of
standard threading to answer questions.

 The distance between the threads depends on the slope of the inclined plane - the
steeper the slope, the wider the thread. Screws with less distance between the threads
are easier to turn.


Bolt Nut

Assuming the standard threading of the nut and bolt match, what will happen if the
bolt is inserted into the end of the nut and turned in the direction indicated by the

A. It will thread into the nut.

B. It will not thread into the nut.
C. It will become cross-threaded in the nut.
D. It is impossible to tell.

The answer is B. A bolt with standard threading will be drawn into a matching nut when
turned to the right (clockwise), but will be pushed apart when turned to the left
(counterclockwise). The arrows indicate that the bolt will be turned counterclockwise (left).
Hence, if inserted into the end of the nut and turned, it would simply spin around and around
without ever threading into the nut.

Solution Pointers for Threaded Hardware questions:

 Determine whether standard threading or reverse threading is being applied.

 Evaluate the direction in which force is being applied.

 If being asked which of two screws will be more easily inserted into an object, determine
which has the most distance between threads.

Mechanical Reasoning Summary

Although not an exhaustive list of the types of questions you might encounter in relation to
mechanical reasoning, the examples presented in this section discuss the mechanisms of
simple machines that underlie nearly all tests of this type:

 Pulleys and gears

 Levers
 Inclined planes
 Wedges
 Screws (threaded hardware)

Visual/Spatial Relations

Questions related to visual/spatial relations usually ask you to identify objects by pattern,
shape, and/or spatial orientation. Often, several characteristics of an object are manipulated
at the same time and you must take into account more than one characteristic of the object
in order to answer the question. In this section, we will present typical types of visual and
spatial relations questions, which include: hidden figure, spatial views, block counting, and
paper folding questions.

Hidden Figure
In this type of question, you must locate a target figure that is embedded (hidden) within
another figure containing a variety of other stimuli (e.g., shapes, lines, patterns, etc.).


Which figure on the right contains the target figure?

Target Figure:



The answer is A. This example illustrates important characteristics of the hidden figure type
of question. In the correct choice A, the spatial orientation of the target figure has changed;
it has been rotated 90 degrees. It is also “hidden” within an assortment of other similar
shapes. Finally, the target figure has been divided in two by another line.

Solution Pointers for Hidden Figure questions:

 If you spot the target figure immediately, verify your choice by comparing your selection
to key characteristics of the target (e.g., line length, symmetry, and angles)

 If you are unable to identify the target figure immediately, eliminate those that fail to
match the key characteristics of the target (i.e., line length, symmetry, and angles) and
evaluate the remaining choices again.
Spatial Views
In this type of question, you must assemble a 3-dimensional object by looking at a few of its


Which figure could be assembled using each of the provided pieces?


The answer is A. This example illustrates important characteristics of the spatial views type
of question. The provided pieces are combined with other elements (i.e., the other end and
two missing sides) to form a 3-dimensional object. As shown in this example, the 3-
dimensional object can be oriented in space in many ways.

Solution Pointers for Spatial Views questions:

 Mentally assemble the image before reviewing the available options.

 Attempt to match the available options to your mental image.

 If your mental image is not one of the available options, identify a unique characteristic
(e.g., shape) of one of the provided pieces and try to locate that same characteristic in
one of the options.

Block Counting
In this type of question, you must interpret a picture of blocks in various configurations. You
may be asked to count the total number of blocks or identify how many blocks are touching a
particular block. In both types of questions, you must take into account that some blocks
are hidden from view.



1. Assuming all of the blocks are the 2. How many blocks have direct contact
same size, what is the total number with block Z?
of blocks in this figure?

A. 12 A. 1
B. 13 B. 2
C. 14 C. 3
D. 15 D. 4

The answer to question 1 is B. Notice that since the question stated that all of the blocks are
the same size, block X must be resting on another block for support. Though the supporting
block is hidden from view, the image nevertheless provides clues that it is present. The
blank space to the left of block Z is another clue that indicates that no block is located in the
corner formed by blocks Y and Z. Without that blank space, you would not know whether
another box was hidden from view.

The answer to question 2 is B. The blocks above and to the right of block Z are the only
blocks in direct contact with it.

Solution Pointers for Block Counting questions:

 Examine the configuration of blocks to determine where empty spaces are, and where
support is necessary to hold any block up (i.e., gravity).

 Assume patterns continue when blocks are hidden from view, unless there is evidence to
indicate that the pattern does not continue (e.g., the blank space next to block Z in the

 Make a record of what you are sure of before making decisions about the less obvious
parts of the problem.

Paper Folding
In this type of question, you must assemble a 3-dimensional object by mentally folding a
paper cutout of the object.

Which figure could be
assembled from cutout on the

Note: The shading shown is

on both sides.


The answer is B. There are several clues that you can use to reach this conclusion, one of
which is described below.

 Whether you mentally fold up or down to assemble

the 3-dimensional object, the roof panel and
connecting wall panel are always opposite of each
other; that is, when one is shaded, the other is

Roof Wall Roof

unshaded. Thus, it is not possible to have a shaded
wall and shaded roof panel (or an unshaded wall and
unshaded roof panel) on the same side of the 3-
dimensional object. This eliminates options A, C,
and D.

Solution Pointers for Paper Folding questions:

 Study the cutout to identify any patterns. Start by finding a starting point, such as the
top or front of the cutout, and noting what is next to or opposite that point.

 Label parts of the cutout to help identify and locate parts of the object.

 Look at the available options to eliminate choices that do not follow the pattern that you
have observed.

 If you are unable to eliminate all but one option, choose a different starting point and
repeat the process until you reach a solution.

Visual/Spatial Relations Summary
Although not an exhaustive list of the types of questions you might encounter in relation to
visual/spatial relations, the examples presented in this section capture several key concepts
that underlie nearly all tests of this type:

 Identifying a target figure embedded within a broader context of patterns and objects.

 Recognizing objects presented in different dimensional views.

 Recognizing objects that are oriented differently in space (i.e., at different angles).

 Applying physical principles (e.g., gravity) to “fill in” for missing visual information.

Tool Knowledge

Tool knowledge questions assess your ability to identify and/or determine the uses for
common types of tools (e.g., hammers, wrenches, pliers, etc.). Having familiarity with a
wide range of tools is your best preparation for answering these types of questions; however,
even if you do not have experience with some tools, you can apply many of the same
principles discussed in previous sections of this guide to answer questions. In this section,
we will present typical types of tool knowledge questions including tool identification and tool

Tool Identification
These types of questions ask you to identify common tools.


What is the name of this tool?

A. Pliers
B. Hammer
C. Sledge
D. Mallet

The answer is B. If you already knew what a hammer is, then answering this question would
be straightforward. If you did not already have this specific knowledge, you may be able to
use your knowledge of other tools to eliminate pliers, a sledge, and a mallet as possibilities.

Solution Pointers for Tool Identification questions:

 If you are unfamiliar with the tool, evaluate the responses to see if there are any that you
can eliminate because you have knowledge of them.

Tool Usage
These types of questions require you to identify the uses for different types of tools.


Tool A Tool B

Which tool is best used for tightening and loosening hex-head bolts?

A. Tool A
B. Tool B
C. Neither
D. Both

The answer is B. If you already knew which of the tools would be best for
the purpose, then answering this question would be straightforward. If you
had no such knowledge, you could use some of the principles of Hex-Head
mechanical reasoning to answer the question. For example, as suggested
by its name, a hex-head bolt has six sides, as in a hexagon. Using a sketch
of the bolt (pictured to the right) to help you determine what kind of tool is
needed to tighten or loosen it, you could figure out that you only need to grasp two sides of
the bolt to turn it. Both Tool A and Tool B appear capable of grasping two sides of a bolt, so
you cannot yet eliminate one of them. However, you could also observe that Tool B has a
wheel and axle that probably help to adjust the width of the opening. Thus, Tool B could be
adjusted to fit bolts of various sizes and remain fixed at the appropriate width while it is
used. Tool A, on the other hand, would require constant manual pressure to maintain the
appropriate width to match the bolt. Thus, Tool B would be better than Tool A for the
specified purpose.

Solution Pointers for Tool Identification questions:

 Determine what specific action must be accomplished.

 Visually inspect the tools to determine which can perform the specific action. If each tool
seems capable, assess how they differ in order to identify the best one.

Tool Knowledge Summary

While understanding the principles of mechanical aptitude can help you answer questions
related to tool knowledge, having familiarity with a wide range of tools is your best
preparation for answering these types of questions. Seeking out opportunities to perform
mechanical tasks, observing others performing mechanical tasks, or watching home
improvement, auto mechanics, and similar types of programs on television can be beneficial
in helping you become more familiar with tools.


Mechanical aptitude is commonly required for many occupations, especially construction and
trade occupations. This guide was developed to introduce you to the concept of mechanical
aptitude and to the types of test questions that are common to assessing this ability. The
guide presented a definition of mechanical aptitude and provided a variety of test questions
along with explanations and strategies of how to determine the correct answer. Reading this
guide is a first step to helping you enhance your understanding of mechanical aptitude, and
you are encouraged to learn more about this topic through additional readings and through
first-hand experience performing mechanical-based tasks.

Your Feedback

In order to assist us in enhancing this document, we would greatly appreciate any feedback
you would like to provide. Please email any suggestions to In the
subject line of your email, please write “Mechanical Aptitude Guide.” Thank you in advance
for your response.


This guide was developed based on the education and experience of its authors, along with
integrating the knowledge from the sources listed below. It was developed for an applied
setting, and we freely share it with all readers who may be interested in its contents.


Levy, J. U., & Levy, N. (2004). Master the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests
(6th Ed.). Lawrenceville, NJ: Thomson-Peterson’s.

Wiesen, J. (2003). How to Prepare for the Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests.
Hauppauge, NY: Barrons.

About the Authors

Paul E. Pluta
Human Resources Analyst I – Test Research

Paul is a doctoral candidate who currently possesses an MA degree in

Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Additionally, he has nearly three years of professional
human resources experience in both the private and government sectors, which includes
recruitment, selection, classification, training, team building, and performance management.
Paul also has over two years experience teaching undergraduate courses in research
methods and psychology at a public university in the Southeastern United States. He has
presented at regional and international conferences, and has been published in professional

Angela C. Hunt
Human Resources Analyst III – Test Research

Angela has over five years of public-sector human resources experience involving examining,
recruitment, selection, survey development, training program development, and other
related human resources activities. She has presented at a regional conference sponsored
by the International Public Management Association – Human Resources and been published
in its publication. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of
Southern California.

Marc C. Shartzer
Principal Human Resources Analyst – Test Research

Marc possesses an MS degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and professional

certificates in Human Resources Management, Project Management, and Technical Writing.
He has over nine years of professional experience in public, private, and consulting
organizations. His areas of practice include selection research and test development for
entry- through management-level positions, workforce planning and program development,
compensation administration, and other human resource activities. He has presented at
regional and international conferences and has been published in professional journals.

Additional Contributors

Skye Knighton
Administrative Assistant I

Lester Sapitula, MA
Human Resources Analyst IV – Test Research

Sara Lupo, MS
Human Resources Analyst I – Test Research

Mechanical Reasoning Test

Question 1

In the electrical circuit above, which light bulbs should be lit if Switch 1 is on and Switch 2 is off?

a) All should be off.

b) All should be on.
c) A, C & D should be on.
d) A, B, C & D should be on.

Question 2

The image is of a series of logs held together by support poles (each with a pivot point) and by rubber
braces which flex and bend. Which image would be the most likely result if the weight is placed on the
rubber brace as pictured?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 3

Which way will the water move when air is blown through the expanding tube?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 4

At which point would an archer aim in order to hit the centre of the target?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 5

If each pendulum were dropped from the same angle at the same time, which would stop swinging first?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) They would stop at the same time

Question 6

Which block is least likely to spin when the stoppers are positioned as shown?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 7

Which ball will hit the ground first – the baseball on the left or the basketball on the right?

a) Basketball
b) Baseball
c) Both at the same time
d) More information is needed

Question 8

Which rod will move up and down more with one revolution of the cam?

a) A
b) B
c) The rods will move equally
d) The rods will not move
Question 9

Which of the router bits would be most likely to reproduce the profile of the board shown?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 10

If these four bottles containing soda are shaken, which will be the hardest to indent?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 11

The image illustrates two planers smoothing a board, where for each of the boards the grain is in the
opposite direction. Which of the two boards is most likely to have the smoothest finish?

a) A
b) B
c) Both will be equally smooth
d) Neither will be smooth

Question 12

Which of the following statements must be true?

a) Wheel X can turn clockwise and counterclockwise

b) Wheel X can only turn clockwise
c) Wheel X can only turn counterclockwise
d) Wheel X cannot turn in any direction
Question 13

If X moves in one direction, as shown, then:

a) Y and Z move clockwise

b) Y and Z move counterclockwise
c) Y moves clockwise, and Z moves counterclockwise
d) Y moves counterclockwise, and Z moves clockwise

Question 14

In order to activate the mechanism labelled “Up” without activating the mechanism labelled “Down”,
which combination of switches would need to be closed in the electrical circuit shown?

a) A and B
b) A and C
c) A, B and C
d) B and C
Question 15

In which position should you hold the wrench in order to remove the lug nut with the least amount of

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 16

Which of the objects will create the most vibration when the motor is turned on? Note that the axle
attaching the object to the motor will spin, thus making the object spin.

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 17

An empty supermarket cart rolls down a ramp and collides with a cart full of groceries. The empty cart
stops immediately. At what speed does the full cart move off?

a) Slightly less than the speed of the empty cart when it hits the full cart
b) Considerably less than the speed of the empty cart when it hits the full cart
c) Slightly more than the speed of the empty cart when it hits the full cart
d) The same speed as the empty cart when it hits the full cart

Question 18

Which wheel will allow a toy car to roll the furthest?

a) Wheel 1
b) Wheel 2
c) Wheel 3
d) Wheel 4
Question 19

In which position should the person be in order to be least likely to fall through the ice?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 20

Which of the following chain segments is the most likely to separate when put under tension?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 21

If weight is placed on the top of each stack of blocks, which stack would support the most weight?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 22

At which point is the pressure the greatest?

a) Point A
b) Point B
c) Point C
d) The pressure is equal at all three points
Question 23

Which of the button and hole combinations will work most effectively?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) All buttons work the same

Question 24

Where on the spinning roundabout would a child have to hold on the tightest?

a) At point A
b) At point B
c) At point C
d) It doesn’t make any difference
Question 25

In the three hydraulic systems shown, if the left piston is pushed down equally, which of the following is

a) The right piston in figure A will be raised higher than the right piston in figures B or C
b) The right piston in figure B will be raised higher than the right piston in figures A or C
c) The right piston in figure C will be raised higher than the right piston in figures A or B
d) The right piston will be raised equally in all figures

Question 26

If all bicycles are moving at the same speed, which will require the least force to bring the bicycle to a

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) A, B and C will require the same force to bring them to a stop
Question 27

To best mix a substance, what direction should each beater go?

a) Both beaters should spin clockwise

b) Both beaters should spin counterclockwise
c) Beater A should spin counterclockwise and Beater B should spin clockwise
d) Beater A should spin clockwise and Beater B should remain stationary

Question 28

When closing the shears, what happens to Point A and Spring B?

a) Point A moves left and Spring B compresses

b) Point A moves right and Spring B extends
c) Point A does not move and Spring B compresses
d) Point A does not move and Spring B extends
Question 29

If two of the same cars drive around the track at the same speed without crossing into another lane,
which car will reach the end of the track first?

a) Car A
b) Car B
c) Both cars will arrive at the end of the track together
d) This cannot be determined with the information provided

Question 30

If the car is moving forward and makes a sharp turn to the right, which way will Ball X move on the

a) Ball X will not move and keep moving in the same direction as the car
b) Ball X will start moving backwards
c) Ball X will move to the right
d) Ball X will move to the left
Question 31

When hit, which cymbal will vibrate the longest?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) All would vibrate for the same amount of time

Question 32

A coffee pot is tilted. The level of coffee inside looks like which drawing?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 33

Which window should be opened to produce the greatest cooling potential for the entire house?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 34

In the continuous casting system where molten steel is moving from Point A to Point E, at which point
would the molten steel be the hottest and at which point would it be the coolest?

a) A is the hottest and B is the coolest

b) C is the hottest and D is the coolest
c) A is the hottest and E is the coolest
d) D is the hottest and A is the coolest
Question 35

Which of the four platforms would require the least amount of force to roll the barrel from Point A to
Point B?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Question 36

If water comes out of the black areas of each nozzle, which spray pattern would create the most velocity?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 37

If the plank is inserted into a slot on the tree, which would support the most weight on Point X of the

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 38

To lift the car jack, what must result?

a) Point A must move left along the screw, and angle B must increase
b) Point A must move left along the screw, and angle B must decrease
c) Point A must move right along the screw, and angle B must increase
d) Point A must move right along the screw, and angle B must decrease
Question 39

Which oar will move easiest through water?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) All will move through the water with the same amount of ease

Question 40

If a ball is dropped on Gear A at the specified point, how many gears will turn counterclockwise, assuming
the force applied by the ball is sufficient to move all the gears?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
Question 41

Which container requires the least effort to begin pouring the liquid?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 42

When the driver wheel goes around one whole turn the slider moves. Which way does it move?

a) First left, then right, then left again

b) First right, then left, then right again
c) First left, then right
d) First right, then left
Question 43

Imagine the tape is moving in the directions shown by the arrows. Which of the following statements is

a) Spools X and Y spin at the same speed

b) Spool X will begin to spin faster and faster
c) Spool X will begin to spin slower and slower
d) Spool Y will begin to spin faster and faster

Question 44

If ends X and Y are pushed together, then:

a) Joints L and M will move closer together

b) Joints L and M will move further apart
c) Ends E and F will move further apart
d) Joints L and M will move further apart, and ends E and F will move closer together
Question 45

If wheel X rotates twice as fast as wheel Y, how many revolutions will wheel X complete before the black
pointers meet?

a) ½
b) 1
c) 1½
d) 2

Question 46

Which two switches should be closed to light up bulbs 2 and 3 only?

a) P and T
b) Q and R
c) Q and S
d) Q and T
Question 47

When the wheel turns, end E moves down and up in an arc. End E will be at the top of the arc when joint J
is at point:

a) W
b) X
c) Y
d) Z

Question 48

In which direction will the “X” begin to move when the handle is operated as shown?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 49

If the mallets strike the surface with the same force, which of the mallets below would have the least
chance of recoil, or backward bounce, after striking a surface?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 50

Order the coolers from the one capable of keeping bottles of water the coldest to the warmest.

a) A, B, C
b) B, A, C
c) C, A, B
d) All would keep bottles equally cold.
Question 51

If Gear A is spinning clockwise, how many gears are spinning counterclockwise?

a) 4
b) 6
c) 5
d) None, Gear A cannot spin at all

Question 52

Which perforated sheet of paper will be the easiest to tear at the perforations?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
Question 53

If pots with equal amounts of water were placed on identical heat sources in each location at the same
time, the pot in which location would come to the boil first?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) All would come to the boil at the same time

Question 54

Which of the saws was used to cut the board?

a) Table Saw A
b) Table Saw B
c) Table Saw C
d) Table Saw A or Table Saw C could have produced the cut
Question 55

Casters attach the shopping cart base to the wheels. For the shopping cart to roll forward, what would
need to happen to the casters

a) Neither caster would move

b) Both casters would turn 180° (turn around)
c) Caster A would turn 180°, and Caster B would not move.
d) Caster A would not move, and Caster B would move 180°

Question 56

If the small plunger is forced down by 10 units, how far will the larger plunger move?

a) Up more than 10 units

b) Down less than 10 units
c) Up less than 10 units
d) Up exactly 10 units
Question 57

How many pulleys turn clockwise?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

Question 58

Which set of hinges makes the door most stable and open most effectively?

a) A and C
b) B and C
c) A and D
d) B and D
Question 59

Which of the scenarios is most likely?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

Question 60

Which of the stacks of logs would dry faster?

a) A
b) B
c) Both stacks would dry at the same time
d) There are too many logs in both stacks for the logs to dry
Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

Psychometric Success

Practice Test 1

Paul Newton
Helen Bristoll
Copyright Page 
Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

M echanical reasoning tests measure your knowledge of straightforward

mechanical and physical concepts. They do not measure your underlying
mechanical aptitude in the same way that abstract reasoning questions measure
your underlying intellectual ability. For example, you could sit an abstract reasoning
test without having seen one before and still get a reasonable score. The same is
not true of mechanical reasoning where your score will depend significantly on your
knowledge of:

• Levers
• Pulleys
• Gears
• Springs
• Simple Electrical Circuits
• Tools
• Shop Arithmetic

You may have come across: levers, pulleys, gears, springs and simple circuits in
elementary science and the questions on these topics are fairly straightforward. If
elementary science classes seem like a long time ago and you need to refresh your
memory then read ‘Mechanical Reasoning Tests—What You Need to Know’ before
you attempt these practice tests.

If you are taking a test as part of the selection for a craft or apprenticeship job, then you
may be asked some questions about tools and how they are used. These questions
are again straightforward and if you have spent significant time fixing or making things,
they won’t present any problems.

However, mechanical goods of all types are relatively cheaper, less prone to breakdown
and often less repairable than they were 20 years ago. This means that many people
under 30 years of age don’t have much practical experience of fixing things or of
watching someone else do so. If you feel that this applies to you, then you will need
to make some effort to improve your knowledge of everyday tools. You can do this
by getting hold of a catalog for a tool hire company and simply reading through it—
boring but effective.

Copyright Page 

Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

If you are taking a test as part of the selection for a craft or apprenticeship job you
should also expect some shop arithmetic questions. These questions approximate the
type of reasoning and maths that are needed to estimate materials costs etc. You will
need to know the formulae for calculating the areas and volumes of simple shapes,
as well as familiarity with imperial units including: inches, feet and yards. For example,
you need to know that there are nine square feet in a square yard, something which
surprises many people brought up using only metric units! These are again dealt with
in ‘Mechanical Reasoning Tests—What You Need to Know’.

One final point, many of the questions in mechanical reasoning tests are ‘industry’
specific. For example, tests used by the fire service tend to frame the questions in
terms of fire-fighting whereas tests used to select for an aircraft maintenance job
would tend to frame the questions in aviation industry terms. It doesn’t matter if the
questions you practice on aren’t specific to the industry you are applying for. It is the
substance of the question that is important—the scenario is incidental.

Copyright Page 

Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

Test 1—20 Questions

Answer as many questions as you can in 15 minutes. Circle the letter below the question which
corresponds to the correct answer. You are advised to use a calculator.

1) How much weight is required to balance the lever?

15Kg 5Kg 10Kg 7.5Kg 20Kg


2) How far from the fulcrum does the 60 lb weight need to be to balance the lever?

9 ft 7 ft 14 ft 12 ft 10 ft


3) How much weight is required to balance the lever?

30 lbs 25 lbs 28 lbs 40 lbs 35 lbs


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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

4) Approximately how much force is needed to lift the weight?

24 lbs 10 lbs 48 lbs 12 lbs 18 lbs


5) Approximately how much force is needed to lift the weight?

36 lbs 10 lbs 18 lbs 9 lbs 14 lbs


6) If gear X turns clockwise at a constant speed of 10 rpm. How does gear Y turn?

anti c/w 10 rpm c/w 10 rpm c/w 5 rpm anti c/w 5 rpm c/w 20 rpm


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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

7) If gear X turns clockwise at a constant speed of 10 rpm. How does gear Y turn?

anti c/w 10 rpm c/w 10 rpm c/w 5 rpm anti c/w 5 rpm c/w 20 rpm


8) If bar Y moves left a constant speed. How does bar X move?

Left, Faster Left, Same Left, Slower Right, Same Right, Slower


9) If drive wheel X rotates clockwise at a speed of 10 rpm. How does wheel Y turn?

anti c/w faster c/w slower c/w faster anti c/w slower anti c/w same


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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

10) If drive wheel X rotates clockwise at a speed of 10 rpm. How does wheel Y turn?

anti c/w faster c/w slower c/w faster anti c/w slower c/w same


11) A force of 5 Kg compresses the springs in series 10cm. What will be the total distance that the
springs in parallel are compressed?

2.5 cms 5 cms 7.5 cms 10 cms 15 cms


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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

12) In the circuit shown, how many switches need to be closed to light up one bulb?

None One Two Three Four


13) Which is the most suitable tool for breaking up concrete?

None 1 2 3 4


14) Which is the most suitable tool for assembling a friction fit wooden frame?

None 1 2 3 4


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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

15) Which tool or combination of tools would be most useful for general woodwork?

4&2 3, 5 & 7 2, 4 & 6 4&7 3&6


16) Which tool or combination of tools would be most useful for repairing a broken radio?

1&8 3, 5 & 7 8 1&9 3&6


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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

The sketch above shows a component which is stamped out of sheet steel. The square in the
center is discarded. These components are stamped out of a continuous steel coil with a width
of 70 cms. The stamping process requires a gap of 25mm between each component. The steel
coil is supplied in lengths of 25 meters costing $200.

17) What is the approximate area of the remaining shape in square centimetres?

1938 1855 1926 1880 1760


18) What is the approximate percentage of steel wasted including the center square?

56% 50% 62% 48% 52%


19) Assuming minimal wastage, how many components can be produced from each 25 meter

38 40 36 42 37


20) What is the approximate cost of a component if the scrap is sold at 50% of cost?

$3.60 $3.15 $3.55 $5.00 $4.85


End of Mechanical Reasoning—Test 1

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Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

Products to Help You Succeed in Psychometric Tests

Anyone that has tried to secure a job in today’s market knows that a dazzling CV and a
compelling interview are simply not enough. Candidates are now faced with a rigorous
assessment of their abilities and their personality in the form of a psychometric test.

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Copyright Page 11

Mechanical Reasoning—Practice Test 1

Answers to Mechanical Reasoning Test 1

Question Test 1

1) B
2) D
3) E
4) D
5) D
6) B
7) D
8) B
9) C
10) E
11) A
12) C
13) D
14) C
15) B
16) D
17) C
18) A
19) B
20) C

Copyright Page 12

Gears and Gear Ratios

Introduction to Robotics
Gears – What are they?
Gears are wheels with
teeth. Gears mesh
together and make
things turn. Gears are
used to transfer
motion or power from
one moving part to
Gears – The Purpose
Gears are generally used for one of four
different reasons:
• To reverse the direction of rotation
• To increase or decrease the speed of rotation
• To move rotational motion to a different axis
• To keep the rotation of two axis synchronized
Gears – The Purpose
Sports cars go fast (have
speed) but cannot pull
any weight. Big trucks
can pull heavy loads
(have power), but cannot
go fast. Gears cause this.
Gears increase or
decrease the power or
speed, but you cannot
generally speaking.
Types of Gears
Spur gears are gears in the same plane that move
opposite of each other because they are meshed
together. Gear ‘A’ is called the ‘driver’ because this is
turned by a motor. As gear ‘A’ turns it meshes with
gear ‘B’ and it begins to turn as well. Gear ‘B’ is called
the ‘driven’ gear.
Gear Details(Spur)
The circle marked in red shows the
outer limit of the teeth whilst
the green circles are known as
the pitch circles. The pitch circle
of a gear is very important as it
is used by engineers to
determine the shape of the
teeth and the ratio between
gears (ratios will be explained
later). The pitch point
is the point
The pitch of a gear is the
where gear
distance between any point on teeth actually
one tooth and the same point make contact
on the next tooth. with each other
The root is the bottom part of a as they rotate.
gear wheel.
Types of Gears

Bevel gears can be used to change the

direction of drive in a gear system by
90 degrees. A good example is seen
as the main mechanism for a hand
drill. As the handle of the drill is
turned in a vertical direction, the
bevel gears change the rotation of
the chuck to a horizontal rotation
Types of Gears
A ‘rack and pinion’ gears system looks quite unusual. However, it
is still composed of two gears. The ‘pinion’ is the normal
round gear and the ‘rack’ is straight or flat. The ‘rack’ has
teeth cut in it and they mesh with the teeth of the pinion gear.

The pinion rotates and moves the rack in a straight line - another way
of describing this is to say ‘rotary motion’ changes to ‘linear motion’.
Types of Gears
The arrangement of gears seen is called a worm and wormwheel.
The worm, which in this example is brown in color, only has
one tooth but it is like a screw thread. The wormwheel,
colored yellow, is like a normal gear wheel or spur gear. The
worm always drives the worm wheel round, it is never the
opposite way round as the system tends to lock and jam.
Gear Systems
Compound gears are used in
engines, workshop machines
and in many other mechanical
devices. In the diagram, gear
‘A’ is actually two gears
attached to each other and
they rotate around the same
centre. Sometimes compound
gears are used so that the final
gear in a gear train rotates at
the correct speed.
Gear Systems
This is a good example of a ‘gear
train’. A gear train is usually
made up of two or more gears.
The driver in this example is gear
‘A’. If a motor turns gear ‘A’ in an
anticlockwise direction;

Which direction does gear ‘B’ turn ? Clockwise

Which direction does gear ‘C’’ turn ? Counter-Clockwise

Does gear ‘C’ revolve faster or slower than gear ’A ? - explain your answer.’
Gear Systems
So far you have learned about ‘driver’ gears, ‘’driven’ gears and
gear trains. An ‘idler’ gear is another important gear. In the
example opposite gear ‘A’ turns in an anticlockwise direction
and also gear ‘C’ turns in an anticlockwise direction. The
‘idler’ gear is used so that the rotation of the two important
gears is the same.
Drawing Gears
It would be very difficult
to draw gears if you had
to draw all the teeth
every time you wanted
to design a gear system.
For this reason a gear
drawing two circles.
Gear Ratio(Velocity Ratio)
Many machines use gears. A very
good example is a bicycle which
has gears that make it easier to
cycle, especially up hills. Bicycles
normally have a large gear wheel
which has a pedal attached and a
selection of gear wheels of
different sizes, on the back wheel.
When the pedal is revolved the
chain pulls round the gear wheels
at the back.
Gear Ratio(Velocity Ratio)
The reason bicycles are easier to cycle up a hill when the gears are
changed is due to what is called Gear Ratio (velocity ratio). Gear
ratio can be worked out in the form of numbers and examples are
shown. Basically, the ratio is determined by the number of teeth
on each gear wheel, the chain is ignored and does not enter the
Driven 30 1
= = → 1: 2
Driving 60 2
But WHAT does this mean? It means that
the DRIVEN gear makes TWO rotations
for every ONE rotation of the Driving Gear.
Gear Ratio - Examples

Driven 75 3
= = → 3 :1
Driving 25 1

What does this mean? For every 3

rotations of the driving gear, the driven
gear makes one rotation.
Gear Ratio - Examples
Driven 80 4
= = → 4 :1
Driving 20 1

What does this mean? For every 4 rotations

of the driving gear, the driven gear makes 1
Working out RPMs (revolutions per minute)

In the example shown, the

DRIVER gear is larger than the
DRIVEN gear. The general rule
is - large to small gear means
'multiply' the velocity ratio by
the rpm of the first gear.
Divide 60 teeth by 30 teeth to
find the velocity ratio(1:2).
Multiply this number (2) by
the rpm (120). This gives an
answer of 240rpm
Working out RPMs (revolutions per minute)

In the example shown, the

DRIVER gear is smaller
than the DRIVEN gear. The
general rule is - small to
large gear means 'divide'
the velocity ratio(3:1) by
the rpm of the first gear.
Divide 75 teeth by 25
teeth to find the velocity
ratio. divide the 60rpm by
the velocity ration (3). The
answer is 20rpm.
Working out RPMs (revolutions per minute)

If A revolves at 100 revs/min what is B ?

(Remember small gear to large gear decreases
Compound Gear Ratios
When faced with three gears the question can
be broken down into two parts. First work on
Gears A and B. When this has been solved
work on gears B and C.
The diagram shows a gear train
composed of three gears. Gear A revolves
at 60 revs/min in a clockwise direction.

What is the output in revolutions per

minute at Gear C?

In what direction does Gear C revolve ?

Compound Gear Ratios
20 teeth 60 teeth 10 teeth

Driven 60 3
= = → 3 :1
Driving 20 1

This means that for every THREE revolutions of GEAR A, Gear B travels once.
Since we are going from a SMALLER gear to a LARGER gear we DIVIDE the
Now find the gear ratio for B & C.
60 rev / min
= 20 rev / min Driven 10 1
3 = = → 1: 6
Driving 60 6

This means for every ONE rotation

of gear B, gear C makes SIX rotations.
20 rev / min • 6 = 120 rev / min
Is there an easier way?

Driven 60 10 10 1
= • = = → 1: 2
Driving 20 60 20 2

You can also multiply the two gear ratios together to get the TOTAL gear
ratio. In the above figure we see that gear C will make TWO rotations for
every one rotation of gear A. And since gear C is smaller than gear A we

60 rev/ min• 2 = 120rev/ min

Compound Gear Ratios
Below is a question regarding 'compound gears'. Gears C and B
represent a compound gear as they appear 'fixed' together.
When drawn with a compass they have the same centre. Two
gears 'fixed' together in this way rotate together and at the
same RPM. When answering a question like this split it into
two parts. Treat gears A and B as one question AND C and D
as the second part.

What is the output in revs/min at D

and what is the direction of
rotation if Gear A rotates in a
clockwise direction at 30
Compound Gear Ratios
Gear A Gear B Gear C Gear D
120 teeth 40 teeth 80 teeth 20 teeth

Driven 40 1
= =
Driving 120 3
Driven 20 1
= =
Driving 80 4

Considering that Gear B is smaller than Gear A we can conclude that the
RPMs for gear B is 30*3 = 90 rev/min

Since Gear B is at 90rev/min and has the SAME rotational speed as gear C
Multiply by 4 to get Gear D’s speed. Thus, Gear D moves at 90*4 = 360 rev/min

OR 1 1 1 Since Gear A moves at 30rpms and Gear D

• = is SMALLER. We multiply by 12. 30*12 =
3 4 12 360 rev/min
Try this one
Gear A Gear B Gear C Gear D
100T 25T 50T 150T
100 rpm

Driven 25 1
= = → 1: 4
Driving 100 4
100 • 4 = 400rpm = gear b
If Gear A turns CCW, then gear B
turns CW along with gear C as Driven 150 3
they are a compound gear. = = → 3 :1
Therefore, Gear D rotates CCW. Driving 50 1
= 133.3rpm = gear D
This is a sample test for you to get prepared for the ‘real’ Mechanical Reasoning test
for BCIT Trades Programs. (Test has 70 questions with a time limit of 60 minutes).


1-B; 2-A; 3-C; 4-A; 5-A; 6-B; 7-B; 8-B; 9-A; 10-B

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