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Anatomy &physiology lab.(1) MLT dept.

ANATOMY: is the study of the body structures and the relationships among structures. And it divided in
to following categories
1-. Sagittal planes are vertical planes that pass through the body from front to back. The median or
midsagittal plane is the vertical plane that divides the body into right and left halves.
2-. Horizontal (transverse) planes are parallel to the floor. They are perpendicular to both the sagittal and
frontal planes.
3-. Frontal (coronal) planes are vertical planes which pass through the body from side to side. They are
perpendicular to the sagittal plane.
Anatomy &physiology lab.(1) MLT dept.
DIRECTIONS of the human body
a. Superior, Inferior. Superior means above, Inferior means below.
b. Anterior, Posterior.
(1) Anterior (or ventral) refers to the front of the body.
(2) Posterior (or dorsal) refers to the back of the body.
c. Medial, Lateral. Medial means toward or nearer the midline of the body. Lateral means away from the
midline or toward the side of the body.
d. Superficial, Deep.
Superficial means closer to the surface of the body.
Deep means toward the center of the body or body part.
e. Proximal, Distal.
Proximal and distal are terms applied specifically to the limbs. Proximal means nearer to the shoulder joint
or the hip joint.
Distal, means further away from the shoulder joint or the hip joint
Anatomy &physiology lab.(1) MLT dept.
The BODY CAVITIES house and protect the internal organs.
The two main body cavities are: VENTRAL and DORSAL.
1. The ventral (ANTERIOR) cavity is located in the front aspect of the body and divided into:
a. Thoracic cavity: = upper cavity. It is composed of:
1.) Pericardial cavity: Contains the heart.
2.) Pleural cavity (2): Contains the lungs.
3.) The mediastinum: Region or space between the lungs, the thoracic inlet, and the diaphragm.
b. Abdominal cavity = lower ventral cavity. It is lined by a serous membrane called the peritoneum. It is
subdivided into two portions:
I. The Abdominal Cavity
II. The Pelvic Cavity
2-Dorsal cavity include cranial and vertebral cavities

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