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Adaptations rap: Yusuf, Zakariyya H, Aaneesh, Amir

Ai, listen
I’m the fennec fox, I got big ears and I got small eyes
I’m putting in the work, stalking my prey, Yh I’m up all night
Eating the birds, lizards rodents, and yeah they all right
I’m not up in the day you wont catch me in the light

Ai, come on,

This is the camel, I am a warm-blooded mammal
Got a big hump on the back, filled up to the brim with fat
Mouth and tongue that feels like rubber
So I can have spiky cactus for supper

Ai, let’s go,

Shovel-snouted lizard, with a snout like a shovel
Through the sand I shiffle and shuffle,
When i’m on the sand I do a lil dance
On the sand I prince and prance

Ai, come listen

it’s the snake side-winding
With my look I can be quite binding
In the sand my eyes are not covered
So the rats and rodents will have suffered

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