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The lower end of the spinal cord (adult) is at the

a) L5
b) L3
c) L2
d) L1

2. Where is placed the 1st neuron of the tractus spinothalamicus anterior?

a) In cortex cerebri
b) In tuberculum gracile
c) In ganglion sensitivum
d) In skin

3. Where is placed the 1st neuron of the tractus rubrospinalis?

a) In nucleus ruber
b) In nuclei motorii
c) In nucleus lateralis thalami
d) In ganglion sensitivum

4. How many segments are in the spinal cord?

a) 32
b) 33
c) 30
d) 31

5. The 2nd neuron of the fasciculus cuneatus is placed:

a) In ganglion sensitivum
b) In medulla oblongata
c) In pons
d) In mesencephalon

6. N. vagus consists of next nuclei and fibres:

a) Sensory
b) Motor
c) Mixed
d) autonomic

7. The cavity of mesencephalon is:

a) Ventriculus tertius
b) Ventriculus quartus
c) Aquaeductus mesencephalic
d) Ventriculus lateralis
9. Which of the following isn’t one of the basal nuclei?
a) Nucleus lentiformis
b) Corpus callosum
c) Claustrum
d) Nucleus caudatus

10.Lamina tecti belongs to:

a) Diencephalon
b) Mesencephalon
c) Telencephalon
d) Metencephalon

11.Corpus amygdaloideum is present in:

a) Lobus frontalis
b) Lobus parietalis
c) Lobus temporalis
d) Lobus occipitalis

12.Subcortical hearing centers are placed in:

a) Cuneus
b) Corpus geniculatum mediale
c) Colliculi superiors
d) Corpus geniculatum laterale

13.To nuclei motorii of spinal cord go:

a) Fasciculus gracilis
b) Tractus corticospinalis
c) Tractus corticopontinus
d) Tractus tectospinalis

14.Pedunculi cerebellares medii connect cerebellum with:

a) Medulla spinalis
b) Pons
c) Medulla oblongata
d) Mesencephalon

15.In mesencephalon are present nuclei of the next cranial nerves:

a) VII
b) III
c) VI
d) IV


19.Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior goes through:

a) Pedunculi cerebri
b) Pedunculi cerebellares superiores
c) Pedunculi cerebellares medii
d) Pedunculi cerebellares inferiors

20.Nucleus salivatorius inferior is for nerve:

a) VII
b) IX
d) X
21.Parts of fornix are:
a) Splenium
b) Columnae
c) Crura
d) Genu

22.Where is placed the intumescentia cervicalis?

a) C1-C3
b) C3-Th2
c) C5-C7
d) C7-Th1

23.Where are placed 80% crossed fibers of tractus corticospinalis?

a) Medulla oblongata (decussatio lemniscorum)
b) Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti dorsalis)
c) Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti ventralis)
d) Medulla oblongata (decussatio pyramidum)

24.Corpora mammilaria are:

a) Subcortical hearing center
b) Subcortical visual center
c) Subcortical smell center
d) Balance center
25.Extrapyramidal structures aren’t:
a) Substrantia nigra
b) Nucleus ruber
c) Corpus trapedzoideum
d) Corpus pineale

28.Cortical balance centre is located in:
a) Corpus geniculatum laterale
b) Nucleus anterior thalami
c) Gyrus temporalis superior
d) Gyrus temporalis medius

29.Extrapyramidal pathway is:

a) Nucleus motorius n. trigemini (V)
b) Tractus corticospinalis
c) Tractus rubrospinalis
d) Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior

30.N. glossopharyngeus exits at the:

a) Sulcus basilaris
b) Sulcus anterolateralis
c) Sulcus posterolateralis
d) Sulcus medianus
33.Falx cerebri goes
a) in fissure longitudinalis cerebri
b) from protuberantia occipitalis interna
c) to crista galli
d) sickle-shape

34.Diaphragma sellae is present:

a) Behind clivus
b) Above sella turcica
c) Around infundibulum
d) Under fossa hypophysialis

35.Confluens sinuum is:

a) The place of fusion of 2 sinuses
b) Dilate junction of tributary sinuses (Sinus sagittalis superior and Sinus
c) The place of fusion of 4 sinuses
d) The place of fusion of 3 sinuses

41.Spatium subarachnoidale is:
a) Filled with fat
b) Filled with liquor cerebrospinalis
c) Above pia mater
d) Under dura mater

42.Falx cerebelli:
a) Is formation of pia mater
b) Attaches to the lower surface of tentorium cerebelli
c) Goes to foramen magnum
d) Posterior margin contains sinus occipitalis

43.Fibers that form fasciculus gracilis, cross at the:

a) Medulla oblongata (decussatio lemniscorum)
b) Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti dorsalis)
c) Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti ventralis)
d) Medulla oblongata (decussatio pyramidum)

44.How many openings has the IVth ventricle?

a) 5
b) 4
c) 3 (apertura mediana, 2 aperturae laterales)
d) 2

45.Through funiculus anterior medullae spinalis pass:

a) Tractus rubrospinalis
b) Tractus tectospinalis
c) Tractus vestibulospinalis
d) Tractus olivospinalis
46.Through funiculus lateralis meduallae spinalis pass:
a) Fasciculus gracilis
b) Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior
c) Tractus rubrospinalis
d) Tractus spinothalamicus anterior

47.Pedunculi cerebellares inferiors connect cerebellum with:

a) Pons
b) Mesencephalon
c) Medulla oblongata
d) thalamus

48.The 2nd neuron of the tractus spinocerebellaris posterior lies at the:

a) Ganglion sensitivus
b) Nucleus thoracicus
c) Nucleus intermediomedialis
d) Nucleus priorius

49.In brain basal nuclei are:

a) Nucleus caudatus
b) Nucleus lentiformis
c) Claustrum
d) Corpus amygdaloideum

50.Nervus glossopharyngeus and nervus vagus have common nuclei:

a) Nucleus ambiguus (motor)
b) Nucleus tractus solitarii (sensory)
c) Nucleus salivatorius inferior (parasympathetic)
d) Nucleus dorsalis (posterior) n. vagi (parasympathetic)

51.Branches of the spinal nerve are:

a) Ramus meningeus
b) Remus ventralis s. anterior
c) Ramus dorsalis s. posterior
d) Ramus communicans albus

52.Structure of medulla oblongata is:

a) Sulcus basilaris
b) Sulcus anterolateralis
c) Sulcus posterolateralis
d) Fissura mediana anterior

53.2nd neurons of fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus are in:

a) thalamus
b) medulla oblongata
c) pons
d) mesencephalon

57.Fasciculus gracilis is responsible for:
a) Deep proprioreceptors
b) Conducting impulses from lower part of trunk and lower limbs
c) Conducting impulses from upper part of trunk and upper limbs
d) Epicritic sensibility

58.Uncus is center of:

a) Cortical vision
b) Olfactory
c) Hearing
d) Taste

59.Tractus cerebellorubralis pass through:

a) Pedunculi cerebri
b) Pedunculi cerebellaris superiores
c) Pedunculi cerebellaris inferiores
d) Pedunculi cerebellaris mediales

The aqueducts cerebra is the cavity of:

• Telenencephalon
• Diencephalon
• Mesenencephalon
• Rhombenencephalon

Specify nuclei of the posterior horns of the spinal cord:

• Nucleus thoracicus
• Nucleus proprius
• Nucleus intermediomedialis
• Nucleus intermediolateralis

Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface hemispheres of

cerebrum present?

• Precuneus X
• Gyrus cinguli X
• Sulcus calcarinus X
• Gyrus angularis

Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?

• Gyrus precentralis
• Lobulus parietalis superior
• Gyrus postcentralis X
• Sulcus calcarinus

Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?

• Gyrus angularis
• Gyrus temporalis superior X
• Gyrus temporalis medius
• Lobulus parietalis superior

Where is the cortical center responding for complex professional skills


• Gyrus angularis
• Gyrus supermarginalis
• Gyrus frontalis inferior
• Gyrus temporalis superior X

Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral
speech situated?

• Gyrus frontalis medius

• Gyrus frontalis inferior X
• Gyrus occipitales

Where is the cortical center of smell analyzer situated?

• Gyrus fornicatus
• Uncus X
• Gyrus occipitiotemporalis lateralis
• Gyrus postcentralis

Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer of oral speech situated?

• Gyrus temporalis superior

• Gyrus temporalis medius
• Gyrus frontalis medius
• Gyrus frontalis inferior X

Which gyro can be found in the inferior parietal lobus?

Gyrus supramarginalis X
• Gyrus fornicatus
Gyrus angularis X
• Gyrus postcentralis

What are the parts of the gyrus fornicatus?

• Gyrus dentaus
• Gyrus cinguli X
• Istmus X
• Gyrus papahippocampalis X

Specify rem formations limiting internal capsule of the brain:

• Caput nuclei caudati X

• Thalamus X
• Nucelues letiformis X
• Claustrum
What is concern to the central part of the rhinencephalon?

• Gyrus denatus
• Trigonum olfactorium X
• Gyrus fornicatus
• Bulbus olfactorius X

What is concern to the diencephalon?

• Oliva
• Thalamus X
• Corpus mamillaris X
• Chiasma opticum X

Which parts of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third ventricle?

• Hypothalamus X
• Columnae fornicis X
• Thalamus X
• Corpus callosum

What is concern to the mesencephalon?

• Substantia nigra X
• Pedunculi cerebri X
• Corpus trapezoideum
• Velum medullary superius

25 Mixed nerve is:

N. vagus X
27 Liquor cerebrospinalis is produced by

pexus coronoideus

28 Dura mater encephali forms next processes:

falx cerebri, falx cerebelli, tentorium cerebelli, diaphragma sallae

29 On facies inferior cerebri is placed:

Sulcus hippocampi, gyrus parahippocampalis, sulcus collateralis, gyrus

occipitiotemporalis medius, sulcus occipitiotemporalis, gyrus
occipitiotemporalis lateralis

32 In spinal cord cauda equina is formed by roots of:

motor root and sensory root of lumbal, sacral, coccygeal segment

33 Structure of hypothalamus is:

corpus mammillare, neurohypophysis, chiasma opticum, tractus opticus, tuber


38 Which of the following areas is involved in sensory speech?

Wernicke’s area

39 Which of the following structures separates the cerebral hemispheres?

Sulcus centralis, sulcus parietooccipitalis, sulcus lateralis

40 The midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata from:


41 The vital centers for the control of visceral activities (heart rate, breathing,
ect.) are located in
pons, medulla oblongata

48 The pyramidal motor pathway is:

tractus corticospinalis, tractus cortico nuclearis

49 Cisterna interpeduncularis is space

space between pedunculi cerebri

50 Radix sensoria and radix motoria are roots of:

n. trigemini
1. Which tracts form the trapezoid body?
a. Corticospinalis (pyramidal)
b. Tr. Cochlearis
c. Leminiscus medialis
d. Tr. Pontocerebellaris

2. The nuclei of which cranial nerves are situated in the pons?

a. VII
b. IX
c. VI
d. X
3. To which part of the brain do the superior cerebellar pedunculi belong?
a. Mesencephalon
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Thalamus
d. Cerebellum
4. Specify nuclei of the facial nerve (VII+XIII)
a. Nucelus tr. Solitarii
b. Nucleus mesencephalicus
c. Nucleus salvatorius superior
d. Nucleus motorius
5. Specify nuclei located in medulla oblongata
a. Nucleus olivaris
b. Nucleus gracilis
c. Nucleus trapezoidei
d. Nucleus cuneiformis
6. Where is the superior salvatorius nucleus situated?
a. Pons
b. Diencephalon
c. Mesencephalon
d. Medulla oblongata
7. Specify nuclei of vagus nerve
a. Nucleus ambiguus
b. Nucleus tr. Solitarii
c. Nucleus spinalis
d. Nucleus dorsalis n. vagi
8. Specify long associative fibers
a. Fasciculus longtitudinalis superior
b. Fasciculus longtitudinalis inferior
c. Fasciculus uncinatus
d. Fasciculi medullae spinalis
9. Which tracts pass through the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord?
a. Tr. Spinothalamicus lateralis
b. Tr. Spinocerebellaris anterior
c. Tr. Vestibulospinalis
d. Tr. Rubrospinalis
10.Which tracts pass through the tegmentum of mesencephalon?
a. Tr. Corticospinalis
b. Leminiscus medialis
c. Tr. Spinocerebellaris anterior
d. Tr. Corticonuclearis
11.Which tracts form the ventral decussation of tegmentum of the
a. Fasciculus longtitudinalis posterior
b. Tr. Corticospinalis
c. Tr. Rubrospinalis
d. Leminiscus medialis
12.Specify the tracts passing through the genu of internal capsule
a. Tr. Spinothalamicus anterior
b. Tr. Corticothalamicus
c. Tr. Frontopontinus
d. Tr. Corticonuclearis
13.Specify tracts passing through anterior crus of internal capsule
a. Tr. Spinothalamicus anterior
b. Tr. Corticothalamicus
c. Tr. Frontopontinus
14.Through which parts of the spinal cord does the corticospinal tract pass?
a. Funiculus lateralis
b. Funiculus anterior
c. Funiculus posterior
15.The medial leminiscus formed by processes of:
a. Nuclei propria
b. Nucleus cuneatus
c. Nucleus gracilis
d. Nucleus motorius n. trigemini
16.Specify structures of the brain secreting the cerebrospinal fluid
a. Arachnoidea
b. Plexus choroideus of the lateral ventricle
c. Plexus choroideus of the third ventricle
d. Plexus choroideus of the fourth ventricle
17.Specify foramens connecting the cavity of the fourth ventricle and
sunarachnoid space
a. Apertura aqueductus cerebri
b. Apertura laterals
c. Apertura mediana
d. Foramina interventricularia
18.What is true for the dura mater of the brain?
a. Close fusing with the bones of the skull
b. Presence of sinus venosus
c. Presence of processes
d. Presence of ligamenta dentasa
19.Specify processes of the dura mater if the brain
a. Tentorium cerebelli
b. Falx cerebri
c. Falx cerebelli
d. Diaphragma sellae
20.Specify fibers passing through the middle pedunculi of the cerebellum:
a. Tr. Spinocerebellares anterior
b. Tr. Cerebellotegmentalis
c. Tr. Pontocerebellaris
d. Fibrae arcuatae externae
21.Indicate levels of position of sacral and coccygeal segments in the vertebral
a. Bodies of 10th-11th thoracic vertebrae
b. Body of 12th thoracic vertebra
c. Body of 1st lumbar vertebra
d. Body of 1st sacral vertebra
22.What cranial nerves exit brainstem behind an olive?
a. 9th pair of nerves
b. 10th pair of nerves
c. 12th pair of nerves
d. 11th pair of nerves
23.Indicate gyri on the inferior surface of cerebral hemispheres
a. Precuneus
b. Gyrus rectus
c. Gyri orbitales
d. Gyrus cynguli
24.What anatomical structures belong to metathalamus?
a. Hypophysis
b. Corpus pineale
c. Corpus geniculatum mediale
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale
25.The aqueductus cerebri is the cavity of:
a. Telencephalon
b. Diencephalon
c. Mesencephalon
d. Rhomboncephalon
26.Which parts of the spinal cord have thickening?
a. Cervical
b. Thoracal
c. Lumbosacral
d. Coccygeal
27.What is the level of lumbar puncture?
a. Between spinous processes of I and II lumbar vertebra
b. Between spinous processes of IV and V lumbar vertebra
c. Between spinous processes of III and IV lumbar vertebra
d. Between spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebra
28.Specify anatomical formation of the spinal cord, which are the remnants of
the cavity of nervous tube?
a. Filum terminale
b. Ventriculus terminalis
c. Canalis centralis
d. Spatium subarachnoidale
29.Specify nuclei of the posterior horns of the spinal cord
a. Nucleus thoracicus
b. Nucleus proprius
c. Nucleus intermediomedialis
d. Nucleus intermediolateralis
30.At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in adult?
a. Level of X thoracic
b. Level of II lumbar
c. Level of XII thoracic
d. Level of II sacral
31.What is in the epidural space of the spinal cord?
a. Liquor cerebrospinalis
b. Plexus venosi vertebrales interni
c. Fatty tissue
d. Cartilage
32.Which parts of the brain develop from the rhombencephalon?
a. Telencephalon
b. Diencephalon
c. Medulla oblongata
d. Metencephalon
33.What are the parts of the cerebrum?
a. Basal nuclei
b. Corpus callosum
c. Rhinencephalon
d. Insula
34.Specify structures, which connect the hemispheres of the cerebrum?
a. Comissura cerebri anterior
b. Comissura cerebri posterior
c. Corpus callosum
35.Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface of hemispheres of
cerebrum present?
a. Precuneus
b. Gyrus cinguli
c. Sulcus calcarinus
d. Gyrus angularis
36.What is belonging to the frontal lobe of hemispheres of cerebrum?
a. Gyrus rectus
b. Cuneus
c. Uncus
d. Gyrus precentralis
37.Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus precentralis
b. Lobulus parietalis superior
c. Gyrus postcentralis
d. Sulcus calcarinus
38.Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus angularis
b. Gyrus temporalis superior
c. Gyrus temporalis medius
d. Lobulus parietalis superior
39.Where is the cortical center responding to complex professional skills
a. Gyrus angularis
b. Gyrus supramarginalis
c. Gyrus frontalis inferior
d. Gyrus temporalis superior
40.Where is the center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral speech
a. Gyrus frontalis medius
b. Gyrus frontalis inferior
c. Gyri occipitalis
41.Where is the cortical center of acoustical analyzer of oral speech situated?
a. Gyrus temporalis superior
b. Gyrus temporalis medius
c. Gyrus frontalis medius
d. Gyrus frontalis inferior
42.Which gyri can be found in the inferior parietal lobulus?
a. Gyrus supramarginalis
b. Gyrus fornicates
c. Gyrus angularis
d. Gyrus postcentralis
43.What are the parts of gyrus fornicatus?
a. Gyrus dentatus
b. Gyrus cinguli
c. Isthmus
d. Gyrus parahuppocampalis
44.Specify anatomical formations limiting internal capsula of the brain
a. Caput nuclei caudate
b. Thalamus
c. Nucleus lentiformis
d. Claustrum
45.What is concern to the central part of the rhinencephalon?
a. Gyrus dentatus
b. Trigonum olfactorium
c. Gyrus fornicates
d. Bulbus olfactorius
46.What is concern to the diencephalon?
a. Oliva
b. Thalamus
c. Corpus mammillaris
d. Chiasma opticum
47.Which parts of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third
a. Hypothalamus
b. Columnae fornicis
c. Thalamus
d. Corpus callosum
48.What is concern to the mesencephalon?
a. Substantia nigra
b. Pedunculi cerebri
c. Corpus trapezoideum
d. Velum medullare superius
49.What are the subcortical centers of hearing?
a. Corpora geniculate laterala
b. Thalamus
c. Corpora geniculate mediana
d. Colliculi inferiores
1. Hypothalamus includes:
a. Tractus opticus
b. Fornix
c. Tuber cinercum
d. Hypophysis
2. Nuclei of n. trigreminus are:
a. Nucleus spinalis
b. Nucleus motorius
c. Nucleus principalis
d. Nucleus mesencephalicus
3. The midbrain, pons and medulla oblangata are connected to the:
a. Diencephalon
b. Trunctus cerebri
c. Hypothalami
d. Cerebellum
4. Which of the following structures separate the cerebral hemisphere from the
a. Sulcus centralis
b. Septinum pedunculi
c. Fissura transversa cerebri
d. Fissura longtidunales cerebri
5. Which of the following mennings forms the second and third brain coverings:
a. Pia mater
b. Arachnoidea mater
c. Dura mater
d. Flax cerebri
6. The parts of the diencephalon:
a. Metathalamus
b. Epithalamus
c. Pedunculi cerebri
d. Clivus
7. Identify the columns of white matter that along the sides of the spinal cord, between
the nerve roots:
a. Funiculis lateralis
b. Funiculis anterior
c. Canalis centralis
d. Nucleus parasymphatica sacrales
e. Nucleus intermediolateralis
8. Identify the small [unkown word] of gray matter that occurs between the dorsal and
ventral horns in spinal segments C5-L2:
a. Cornu anterior
b. Cornu posterior
c. Cornu Laterale
9. Identify the efferent neuron:
a. Neurons which carries impulses from the spinal cord to the muscle
b. Neurons which carries impulses from muscle to the spinal cord
10. Which of the following is not a part of a neuron?
a. dendrite
b. Axon
c. myelin
d. Pons
11. What anatomical structures belong to metathalamus?
a. Hypophysis
b. Corpus pineale
c. Corpus geniculatum mediale
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale
12. Indicate gyri on the inferior surface of the cerebral hemisphere
a. Precuneus
b. Gyrus rectus
c. Gyri orbitale
d. Gyrus cinguli
13. What cranial nerves exit brainstem behind an olive
a. 9th pair of nerves
b. 10th pair of nerves
c. 12th pair of nerves
d. 11th pair of nerves
14. Indicate levels of position of sacral and coccygeal segments in the vertebral canal
a. Bodies of 10th-11th thoracic vertebrae
b. Body of 12th thoracic vertebra
c. Body of the 1st lumbar vertebra
d. Body of the 1st sacral vertebra
15. Specify processes of the dura mater of the brain
a. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior
b. Tr. cerebellotegmentalis
c. Tr. pontocerebellaris
d. Fibrae arcuatae externae
16. What is true for the dura mater of the brain?
a. Close fusing with bones of the base of skull
b. Presence of sinus venosus
c. Presence of processes
d. Presence of ligamenta dentata
17. Specify foramens connecting the cavity of the fourth ventricle and subarachnoid
a. Apertura aqueductus cerebri
b. Aperturae laterales
c. Apertura mediana
d. Foramina interventricularia
18. Specify structures of the brain, secreting the cerebrospinal fluid
a. Arachnoidea
b. Plexus choroideus of the lateral ventricles
c. Plexus choroideus of the third ventricle
d. Plexus choroideus of the fourth ventricle
19. The medial lemniscus is formed by the processes of
a. Nuclei proprii
b. Nucl. cuneatus
c. Nucl. gracilis
d. Nucl. motorius n. trigemini
20. Through which parts of the spinal cord does the corticospinal tract pass?
a. Funiculus lateralis
b. Funiculus anterior
c. Funiculus posterior
21. Specify tracts passing through anterior crus of internal capsula
a. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior
b. Tr. corticothalamicus
c. Tr. frontopontinus
22. Specify tracts passing through the genu of internal capsula?
a. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior
b. Tr. corticothalamicus
c. Tr. frontopontinus
d. Tr. corticonuclearis
23. Which tracts pass through the tegmentum of mesencephalon?
a. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior
b. Tr. corticospinalis
c. Tr. rubrospinalis
d. Lemniscus medialis
24. Which tracts pass through the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord?
a. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis
b. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior
c. Tr. vestibulospinalis
d. Tr. rubrospinalis
25. Specify long associative fibres
a. Fasciculus longitudinalis superior
b. Fasciculus longitudinalis anterior
c. Fasciculus uncinatus
d. Fasciculus medullae spinalis
26. Specify nuclei of vagus nerve
a. Nucl. ambiguus
b. Nucl. tractus solitarii
c. Nucl. spinalis
d. Nucl. dorsalis n.vagi
27. Where is the superior salivatorius nucleus situated?
a. Pons
b. Diencephalon
c. Mesencephalon
d. Medulla oblongata
28. Specify nuclei of the facial nerve (7+13)
a. Nucl. tractus solitarii
b. Nucl. mesencephalicus
c. Nucl. salivatorius superior
d. Nucl. motorius
29. Specify nuclei locating in medulla oblongata?
a. Nucl. olivaris
b. Nucl. gracilis
c. Nuclei trapezoidei
d. Nucl. cuneiformis
30. To which part of the brain do the superior cerebellar pedunculi belong?
a. Mesencephalon
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Thalamus
d. Cerebellum
31. The nuclei of which cranial nerves are in the pons situated?
a. 12 pairs (n. facialis)
b. 9 pairs (n. glossopharyngeus)
c. 6 (n. abducens​)
d. 10 pairs (n. vagus)
32. Which​ tracts form the trapezoid body?
a. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis)
b. Tr. cochlearis (auditory​)
c. Lemniscus medialis
d. Tr. pontocerebellaris
33. What are the subcortical centers of hearing?
a. Corpora geniculata lateralis
b. Thalamus
c. Corpora geniculata medialis
d. Colliculi inferioris
34. What is concern to the mesencephalon?
a. Substantia nigra
b. Pedunculus cerebri
c. Corpus trapezoideum
d. Velum medullare superior
35. Which part of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third ventricle?
a. Hypothalamus
b. Columnae fornicis
c. Thalamus
d. Corpus callosum
36. What is concern to the Diencephalon?
a. Oliva
b. Thalamus
c. Corpus mamillare
d. Chiasma opticum
37. What is concern to the central part of the Rhombencephalon?
a. Gyrus dentatus
b. Trigonum olfactorium
c. Gyrus fornicatus
d. Bulbus olfactorius
38. Specify anatomical formations limiting internal capsula of the brain
a. Caput nuclei caudati
b. Thalamus
c. Nucleus lentiformis
d. Claustrum
39. What are the parts of gyrus fonicatus
a. Gyrus dentatus
b. Gyrus cinguli
c. Isthmus
d. (Gyrus parahippocampalis, uncus)
40. Which guri can be found in the inferior parietal lobules?
a. Gyrus supramarginalis
b. Gyrus fornicatus
c. Gyrus angularis
d. Gyrus postcentralis
41. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer of oral speech situated?
a. Gyrus temporalis superior
b. Gyrus temporalis medius
c. Gyrus frontalis medius
d. Gyrus frontalis inferior
42. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral speech
a. Gyrus frontalis medius
b. Gyrus frontalis inferior
c. Gyri occipitales
43. Where is the cortical center responding for complex professional skills situated?
a. Gyrus angularis
b. Gyrus supramarginalis
c. Gyrus frontalis inferior
d. Gyrus temporalis superior
44. Where is the cortical center of the smell analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus fornicatus
b. Uncus
c. Gyrus occipitotemporal lateralis
d. Gyrus postcentralis
45. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus angularis
b. Gyrus temporalis superior
c. Gyrus temporalis inferior
d. Lobulus parietalis superior
46. Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus precentralis
b. Lobulus parietalis superior
c. Gyrus postcentralis
d. Sulcus calcarinus
47. What is belonging to the frontal lobe of hemisphere of cerebrum?
a. Gyrus rectus
b. Cuneus
c. Uncus
d. Gyrus precentralis
48. Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface of hemispheres of cerebrum
a. Precuneus
b. Gyrus cinguli
c. Sulcus calcarinus
d. Gyrus angularis
49. Specify structures, which connects the hemisphere of the cerebrum?grsmu
a. Commissura cerebri posterior
b. Commissura cerebri anterior
c. Corpus callosum
50. What are the parts of cerebrum?
a. Insula
b. Corpus callosum
c. Rhombencephalon
d. Basal nuclei
51. Which parts of the brain develop from the rhombencephalon?
a. Telencephalon
b. Diencephalon
c. Medulla oblongata
d. Mesencephalon
52. What is in the epidural space of the spinal cord
a. Liquor cerebrospinalis
b. Plexus venosi vertebrales interni
c. Fatty tissue
d. Cartilage
53. At what level does the conus medullaris terminale in adult
a. Level of 10 thoracic
b. Level of 2 lumbar
c. Level of 12 thoracic
d. Level of 2 sacral
54. Specify nuclei of the posterior horns spinal cord
a. Nucleus thoracicus
b. Nucleus proprius
c. Nucleus intermediomedialis
d. Nucleus intermediolateralis
55. Specify anatomical formation of the spinal cord,which are the remnants of the cavity
of nervous tube
a. Filum terminale
b. Ventriculus terminalis
c. Canalis centralis
d. Septum subarachnoidale
56. What is the level of lumbar puncture?
a. Between spinous processes of 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae
b. Between spinous processes of 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae
c. Between spinous processes of 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae
d. Between spinous processes of 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae
57. Which parts of the spinal cord have thickenings
a. Cervical
b. Thoracal
c. Lumbosacral
d. Coccygeal
58. The aqueductus cerebri is the cavity of
a. Telencephalon
b. Diencephalon
c. Mesencephalon
d. Rhombencephalon
59. Axon:
a. Send messages
b. Recieve messages
c. Process infromation
d. Impulse neurons
60. Which part of the nervous system controls voluntary messages
a. Autonomic
b. Sympathetic
c. Parasympathatic
d. Somatic
61. The Central Nervous System consist of the:
a. Brain and peripheral nerves
b. Autonomic and somatic nervous system
c. Brain and spinal cord
d. Pons and frontal lobe
62. Which of the following is not part of the limbic system
a. Corpus amygdaloideum
b. Hippocampus
c. Hypothalamus
d. Cerebellum
63. Nucleus proprius cornu posterior is:
a. The second neuron in the tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
b. The second neuron in the tractus spinothalamicus anterior
c. In the second neuron in the tractus spinothalamicus posterior
d. In the first neuron in the tractus corticospinalis
64. The difference between the 2nd neuron of spinocerebellaris anterior and posterior?
a. In the tractus spinocerebellaris anterior 2nd neuron is nucleus thoracicus
posterior, in tractus spinocerebellaris posterior - nucleus intermediomedalis
b. Information from both tracti is conducted through intermediolateralis
c. In tractus spinocerebellaris anterior the 2nd neuron is nucleus
intermediomedalis is tractus spinocerebellaris posterior - nucleus
thoracicus posterior
d. Information from both tracti is conducted through nucleus thoracics posterior
65. Where in the white matter of spinal cord is tractus corticospinalis anterior?
a. Funiculus lateralis
b. Funiculus anterior
c. Funiculus posterior
66. [unknown word], that takes part in the touch pathway?
a. Tractus spinothalamicus anterior
b. Tractus corticospinalis anterior
c. Tractus olivospinalis
67. Identify all ascending tractus:
a. fasciculus gracilis, fasciculus cuneatus, tractus spinocerebellaris posterior,
tractus reticulospinalis
b. fasciculus gracilis, tractus spinocerebellaris, tractus spinocerebellaris anterior,
tractus reticulospinalis
c. fasciculus gracilis, fasciculus cuneatus, tractus spinocerebellaris posterior,
tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
68. Identify the structures that develop from Diencephalon:
a. Thalamus, Subthalamus, Epithalamus
b. Epithalamus, metathalamus
c. Subthalamus, Epithalamus
69. In sulcus posterolateralis medullae oblongatae emerges cranial nerves:
a. n. vagus, n. Hypoglossus
b. n. Accessorius, n. Glossopharyngeus
c. n. Olivaris, n. Hypoglossus
70. n. facialis emerges [unknown word] out:
a. In sulcus medius posterior (not sure about this)
b. In fissura mediana med oblongata
c. Sulcus bulbopontinus
71. The superior part of fossa rhomboidea is limited by:
a. Pedunculi cerebri (not sure if the answer is correct)
b. pedunculi cerebellares superiores
c. Medulla oblongata
72. Where emerges ​IV ​cranial nerve?:
a. Sulcus posterolateralis medullae oblongatae
b. Sulcus bulbopontinus
c. Sulcus
73. Where is located nucleus tractus abducentis?
a. eminentia medialls
b. Area vestibulares
c. Colliculus fascialis
d. Trigonum n. hypoglossi
74. How many opening has ventriculus quartus?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 3
d. 6
75. For which functions is responsible nucleus emboliformis?
a. Coordination of the movements of the limbs
b. Provides balance
c. Coordination of the movements of the trunk
76. Identify the vision centers
a. Colliculus superior et corpus geniculatum laterale
b. Colliculus inferior et corpus geniculatum mediale
c. Cuneus, gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
d. Uncus, gyrus fornicatus
77. Identify the smell/olfactory centers
a. Corpus amygdaloideum
b. Uncus
c. Gyrus fornicatus
d. Corpus mamillare
78. Which structure lies between lamina tecti colliculus?
a. Epiphysis s. corpus pineale
b. Neurohypophysis s. glandula pituitaria
79. Everything is true about n. Ruber, except:
a. It contains iron pigments
b. Located in diencephalon region
c. Forms tractus rubospinalis
d. Part of the extrapyramidal system
e. Lies in tegmentum mesencephali
80. Where are located nuclei of the IIIrd cranial nerve?
a. In fossa rhomboidea above striae medullaris
b. In fossa rhomboidea below striae medullaris
c. In tegmentum mesencephali
81. Crossing space in tractus rubrospinalis is called
a. Decussatio rubratum
b. Decussatio lemniscorum
c. Decussatio tegmentum posterior
d. Decussatio tegmentalis anterior
82. Which part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information
a. Temporal lobe
b. Occipital lobe
c. Parietal lobe
d. Medulla
83. Which part of the brain is responsible for hearing and sensory speech?
a. Occipital lobe
b. Cerebellum
c. Temporal lobe
d. Frontal lobe
84. Identify two ways, how venous blood from confluens sinuum can achieve foramen
a. Through sinus transversus et sigmoideus
b. Through sinus sagittalis superioris et inferioris
c. Through sinus occipitalis
d. Through sinus rectus
85. Sinus circularis is formed from:
a. sinus cavernosus et infracavernosus
b. Sinus petrosus superior et inferior et plexus basilaris
86. Name the one paired cistern (dilation of subarachnoid space):
a. Cisterna interpeduncularis
b. cisterna fossae lateralis
c. Cisterna chiasmatica
87. Name the cistern where opens aperture mediana et lateralis ventriculi quarti (IV):
a. Cisterna cerebellomedullaris
b. Cisterna chiasmatica
c. Cisterna pericallosa
d. Cisterna pontis, s pontocerebellaris.
88. Liquor cerebrospinalis can be found in:
a. Spatium subarachnoideum
b. Ventricles of the brain
c. Canalis centralis medulla spinalis
89. What’s the difference between pathways that reach subcortical centres with those
who reach cortical centers
a. There is no difference
b. Pathways that reach cortical centers responsible for conscious
feelings/movements. Subcortical - unconcious
c. Pathways that reach cortical centers are crossing. Subcortical - do not cross
90. Identify the tracts/pathways that is not crossing:
a. Tractus rubrospinalis
b. Tractus corticospinalis
c. Tractus corticopontinus
d. Tractus tractus vestibulospinalis
e. Tractus spinothalamicus anterior
91. Which fibers of epicritic sensibility pathway are crossing
a. Fibrae arcuatae externae
b. Fibrae arcuatae internae
92. Which of the mentioned pathways has 3 neuron chain and 1 crossing?:
a. Tractus frontopontinus
b. Tractus corticospinalis lateralis
c. Fasciculus gracillis
d. Fasciculus cuneatus
e. Tractus rubrospinalis
93. Nucleus ambiguus is contained by:
a. n. Vagus, n. Glossopharyngeus, n. accessorius
b. N. vagus, n. Hypoglossus, n.trigeminus
c. n. Vagus, n. Glossopharyngeus
d. Only for n. Vagus
94. Which nucleus is contained by both n. Vagus, n. Glossopharyngeus:
a. Nucleus ambiguus
b. nucleus tractus solitarii
c. Nucleus dorsalis
d. Nucleus vestibularis
95. The lower part of the spinal cord (adult) is at the
a. 5
b. L3
c. L2
d. L1
96. Where is placed 1st neuron of the tractus spinothalamicus anterior
a. In cortex cerebri
b. In tuberculum gracile
c. In ganglion sensitivum
d. In skin
97. Where is placed the 1st neuron of the tractus rubrospinalis
a. In nucleus ruber
b. In nuclei motorii
c. In nucleus lateralis thalami
d. In ganglion sensitivum
98. The 2nd neuron of the fasciculus cuneatus is placed
a. In ganglion sensitivum
b. In medulla oblongata
c. In pons
d. In mescosephalon
99. In mesencephalon are present nuclei of the next cranial nerves
a. 7 (facial)
b. 3 (oculamotor​)
c. 4 (trochlear​)
d. 6 (abducens)
100. Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior goes through
a. Pedunculi cerebri
b. Pedunculi cerebellares medii
c. Pedunculi cerebellares inferiores
d. Pedunculi cerebellaris superiores
101. Nucleus salivatorius inferior is for nerve
a. 7
b. 8
c. 10
d. 9
102. Parts of fornix are
a. Crura
b. Genu
c. Splenium
d. Columnae
103. Where is placed intumescentia cervicalis
a. C1-C3
b. C3-Th2
c. C5-C7
d. C7-Th1
104. Where are placed 80% crossed fibers of tractus corticospinalis
a. Medulla oblongata (decussatio lemniscorum)
b. Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti dorsalis)
c. Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti ventralis)
d. Medulla oblongata (decussatio pyramidum)
105. Pedunculi cerebellares medii connect cerebellum with
a. Medulla spinalis
b. Pons
c. Medulla oblongata
d. mesencephalon
106. Subcortical hearing centers are placed in
a. Cuneus
b. Corpus geniculatum mediale
c. Colliculi superiores
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale
107. Subcortical hearing centers are placed in
a. Cuneus
b. Corpus geniculatum mediale
c. Colliculi superiores
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale
108. Corpus amygdaloideum is present in
a. Lobus frontalis
b. Lobus parietalis
c. Lobus temporalis
d. Lobus occipitalis
109. Corpora mammilaria are
a. Subcortical hearing center
b. Subcortical visual center
c. Subcortical smell center
d. Balance center
110. Extrapyramidal structures are not
a. Substantia nigra
b. Nucleus ruber
c. Corpus trapezoideum
d. Corpus pineale
111. Cortical balance center is located in
a. Corpus geniculatum laterale
b. Nucleus anterior thalami
c. Gyrus temporalis superior
d. Gyrus temporalis medius
112. Extrapyramidal pathway is
a. Nucleus motorius n. trigemini (5)
b. Tractus corticospinalis
c. Tractus rubrospinalis
d. Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
113. N. glossopharyngeus exits at the
a. Sulcus basilaris
b. Sulcus anterolateralis
c. Sulcus posterolateralis
d. Sulcus medianus
114. Mixed nerve is
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 8
115. In capsula interna is not present
a. Genu
b. Crus anterius
c. Rostrum
d. Crus posterius
116. Liquor cerebrospinalis is produced by
a. Plexus tympanicus
b. Plexus choroideus ventriculi quarti
c. Plexus choroideus ventriculi lateralis
d. Plexus basilaris
117. Dura mater encephali forms next processes
a. Diaphragma
b. Arachoidea
c. Falx cerebri
d. Falx cerebelli
118. On facies inferior cerebri is placed
a. Sulcus collateralis
b. Sulcus centralis
c. Sulcus lateralis
d. Sulcus olfactorius
119. On lobus frontalis next gyrus
a. Gyrus longus
b. Gyri occipitales
c. Gyrus precentralis
d. Gyrus frontalis medius
120. Restrum has
a. Gyrus cinguli
b. Corpus callosum
c. Gyrus supramarginalis
d. Gyrus angularis
121. In spinal cord cauda equina is formed by roots of
a. Cervical and thoracic parts
b. Lumbar, sacral and coccygeal parts
c. Thoracal and lumbar parts
d. Sacral and coccygeal parts
122. Structure of hypothalamus is
a. Epiphysis
b. Adhesio interthalamica
c. Hypophysis
d. Habenulae
123. Processes that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body are called
a. Dendrites
b. Axons
c. Synapses
d. Myelin sheats
124. In the reflex arc a muscle or gland is considered to be the
a. Receptor
b. Interneuron
c. Motor neuron
d. Effector
125. The parts of the diencephalon are
a. Perithalamus
b. Epithalamus
c. Hypothalamus
d. Pedunculi cerebri
126. Which of the following meninges forms the loose, mid-layer brain covering
a. Pia mater
b. Dura mater
c. Arachonoidea
d. Falx cerebri
127. Which of the following areas is involved in sensory speech
a. Colliculi superiores
b. Corpus geniculatum mediale
c. Wernicke’s area
d. Broca’s area
128. Which of the following structures separates the cerebral hemispheres
a. Sulcus centralis
b. Septum pellucidum
c. Fissura transversa cerebri
d. Fissura longitudinalis cerebri
129. The midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata form
a. Diencephalon
b. Truncus cerebri
c. Hypothalamus
d. Cerebellum
130. The vital centers for the control of visceral activities (heart rate, breathing etc.)
are located in:
a. Pons
b. Cerebellum
c. Mesencephalon
d. Medulla oblongata
131. What is the number of the pairs of the cranial nerves
a. 12
b. 16
c. 21
d. 31
132. Which of the following are parts of the neuron
a. cortex , medulla and sheaths
b. Brain, spinal cord and vertebral column
c. Sensory and motor systems
d. dendrite , axon and cell body
133. The peripheral nervous system consists of
a. Cranial and spinal nerves
b. Brain and spinal cord
c. Sympathetic neuron
d. Parasympathetic neuron
134. Fasciculus cuneatus conducts impulses from
a. Cortex cerebri
b. The upper part of the trunk and the upper limbs
c. The lower part of the trunk and lower limbs
d. Mesencephalon
135. Nucleus of n. abducens is
a. Nucleus ambiguus
b. Nucleus motorius
c. Nucleus n. abducentis
d. Nucleus mesencephalicus
136. N. opticus includes:
a. Tractus opticus
b. Lamina tecti
c. Tuber cinereum
d. Insula
137. The pyramidal motor pathway is
a. Tractus rubrospinalis
b. Fasciculus gracilis
c. Tractus reticulospinalis
d. Tractus corticospinalis
138. Cisterna interpeduncularis is space
a. Between medulla oblongata and cerebellum
b. In front of optic chiasma
c. Space above corpus callosum
d. Space between cerebral peduncules
139. Radix sensoria and radix motoria are roots of
a. N. trigeminus
b. N. accessorius
c. N. vestibulocochlearis
d. N. vagus
140. Lamina tecti belongs to
a. ​Mesencephalon
b. Diencephalon
c. Telencephalon
d. Metencephalon
141. Which of the following is not one of the basal nuclei
a. Nucleus lentiformis
b. Corpus callosum
c. Nucleus caudatus
d. Claustrum
142. How many segments are in spinal cord
a. 32
b. 33
c. 30
d. 31
143. The cavity of mesencephalon is
a. Ventriculus tertius
b. Ventriculus quartus
c. Aqueductus mesencephali
d. Ventriculus lateralis
144. N.vagus consist of next nuclei and fibres
a. Sensory
b. Motor
c. Mixed
d. Autonomic
145. Which tracts form the trapezoid body?
a. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis)
b. Tr. cochlearis (auditory)
c. Lemniscus medialis
d. Tr. pontocerebellaris
146. Processes that transmit nerve impulses to the cell body are called:
a. Dendrites
b. Axons
c. Synapses
d. Myelin sheats
147. Glands with hormonal activity are:
a. Epiphysis
b. Adhesio interthalamica
c. Habenulae
d. Hypophysis
148. İn spinal cord, cauda equina is formed by roots of:
a. Cervical and thoracical parts
b. Lumbar,sacral and coccygeal parts
c. Thoracal and lumbar parts
d. Sacral and coccygeal parts
149. İn mesencephalon are included following structures:
a. Substantia nigra
b. Nucleus ruber
c. Corpus trapezoideum
d. Corpus pineale
150. Corpora mamilaria are:
a. Voluntary movement centers
b. Subcortical auditory centers
c. Subcortical visual centers
d. Subcortical olfactory centers
151. Where are placed crossed fibers of fasciculus cuneatus:
a. Medulla oblongata(Decussatio lemniscoformis)
b. Mesencephalon(decussatio tegmenti Dorsales)
c. Mesencephalon(decussatio tegmenti ventrales)
d. Mesencephalon(decussatio pyramidum)
152. Where is placed the intumescentia lumbosacralis
a. L3-cocyg1
b. Th5-L5
c. Th10-cocyg1
d. Th12-conus medullaris
153. Parts of corpus callosum:
a. Splenium
b. Truncus
c. Genu
d. Crurs
154. On sulcus posterolateralis following nerves emerge:
a. 7
b. 9
c. 8
d. 10
155. Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior goes through:
a. Pedunculi cerebri
b. Pedunculi superiores
c. Pedunculi medi
d. Pedunculi inferiores
156. Mixed cranial nerves are:
a. 7
b. 3
c. 6
d. 5

157. Falx cerebri goes: between the cerebri, fissura longitundalae cerebri
158. Diaphragma sellae is present: over sella turcica
159. Confluens sinuum is: sinus sagittalis superior and rectus
160. Spatium sinuum is: space for the sinuses?
161. Spatium subarachnoidale is: between arachnoida mater and pia mater
162. Falx cerebelli: is on the posterior side of cranium and is sagital between the
163. How many pairs of spinal nerves emerge from spinal cord? 12
164. Fibers that form fasciculus gracilis cross at the: dec. lemnisci
165. The 1st neuron of the tractus corticospinalis lies: cortex
166. Nucleus posterior thalami is:
167. How many openings has IV-th ventricle: 3
168. Through funiculus anterior medullae spinalis pass:
169. Through funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis pass:
170. Pedunculi cerebellares inderiorres connect cerebellum with: medulla
171. The 2nd neuron of the tractus spinocerebellaris posterior lies at the:
172. In brain basal nuclei are:
173. Nervus glossopharyngeus and nervus vagus have common nuclei: ambiguus
174. Branches of the spinal nerve are:
175. Structure of the medulla oblongata is: s. anterolateralis o posterolateralis,
pyramis, oliva ...
176. 2nd neurons of the fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus are in:
177. Fasciculus gracilis is responsible for: sensory for lower thorasic sacral spinal
178. Uncus is center of: smell
179. Tractus Cerebellorubralis pass through:
180. Nerve, that exists on the dorsal surface of the brain out. Is nerve with number:
181. Part of diencephalon isn’t:



1. During phylogenesis the nodal nervous system has appeared:
a. At the coelenterates;
b. At worms;
c. At fishes​;
d. At mammals;
2. During phylogenesis the tubular nervous system for the first time has appeared:
a. At the coelenterates;
b. At molluscums;
c. At chordates;
d. At fishes;
3. Specify, which part of the brain develops under influence of the olfactory receptor:
a. Prosencephalon;
b. Mesencephalon;
c. Metencephalon;
d. Myelencephalon;
4. Which part of the brain develops under influence of the visual receptor?
a. Prosencephalon;
b. Mesencephalon;
c. Rhombencephalon;
d. Myelencephalon;
5. Which part of the brain develops under influence of the acoustical analyzer?
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon;
6. From which medullary vesicle does the diencephalon develop?
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon;
7. From which medullary vesicle does the mesencephalon develop?
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon;
8. From which medullary vesicle does the telencephalon develop?
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon;
9. The aqueductus cerebri is the cavity of:
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon;
10. The lateral ventricles are the cavity of:
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon;
11. Specify, in which part of nervous tube the internuncial neurons of the simple reflex
arc develop:
a. Dorsal part;
b. Ventral part;
c. Lateral part of the gray matter of nervous tube;
d. Brainstaim;
12. Specify, from which part of nervous tube the neurones for formation of nervous
ganglion develop:
a. Dorsal part;
b. Ventral part;
c. Lateral part of the gray matter of nervous tube;
d. Brainstaim;
13. Which parts of the spinal cord have thickenings?
a. Cervical;
b. Thoracal;
c. Lumbosacral;
d. Coccygeal;
14. Specify anatomical structures on surface of the spinal cord:
a. Sulcus posterolateralis;
b. Sulcus anterolateralis;
c. Sulcus medianus posterior;
d. Fissura medina anterior;
15. What is the level of lumbar pucture?
a. Between spinous processes of I and II lumbar vertebrae;
b. Between spinous processes of IV and V lumbar vertebrae;
c. Between spinous processes of III and IV lumbar vertebrae;
d. Between spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae;
16. What are the parts of the white matter of the spinal cord?
a. Funiculus anterior;
b. Funiculus lateralis;
c. Funiculus posterior;
d. Comissura alba;
17. Specify anatomical formations of the spinal cord, which are the remnants of the cavity
of nervous tube:
a. Filum terminale;
b. Ventriculus terminalis;
c. Canalis centralis;
d. Cavitas subarachnoidalis;
18. Specify nuclei of the anterior horns of the spinal cord:
a. Nucleus intermediolateralis;
b. Nucleus thoracicus;
c. Anteromedial nuclei;
d. Anterolateral nuclei;
19. Specify nuclei of the posterior horns of the spinal cord:
a. Nucleus thoracicus;
b. Nuclei proprii;
c. Nucleus intermediomedialis;
d. Nucleus intermediolateralis;
20. On which level the lateral horn of spinal cord can be found?
a. II-IV Cervical;
b. Thoracic​;
c. II-IV sacral​;
d. Coccygeal;
21. At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in adult?
a. Level of X thoracic;
b. Level of II lumbar​;
c. Level of XII thoracic;
d. Level of II sacral;
22. At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in newborn?
a. Level of XII thoracic;
b. Level of II lumbar;
c. Level of III lumbar​;
d. Level of II sacral;
23. What is in the epidural space of the spinal cord?
a. Liquor cerebrospinalis;
b. Plexus venosi vertebrales interni;
c. Fatty tissue​;
d. Cartilage;
24. Specify the locating of lig. denticulatum:
a. Between anterior and posterior roots of the spinal cord;
b. Between arachnoid and pia matter of the spinal cord;
c. In subarachnoid space;
d. In the subdural space;
25. Which parts of the brain develop from the rhombencephalon?
a. Telencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Medulla oblongata;
d. Metencephalon​;
26. Specify departments of the brain, to which pedunculi cerebri concern:
a. Mesencephalon;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Telencephalon;
d. Rhombencephalon​;
27. What are the parts of the cerebrum?
a. Insula;
b. Corpus callosum;
c. Rhinencephalon;
d. Basal nuclei;
28. What are the parts of the telencephalon?
a. Hemispheria cerebri​;
b. Basal nuclei;
c. Capsula interna;
d. Fornix;
29. Specify structures, which connect the hemispheres of the cerebrum?
a. Comissura cerebri anterior;
b. Comissura cerebri posterior;
c. Corpus callosum;
d. Comissura interthalamica;
30. Which sulcuses can be present on superolateral surface of the hemispheres of
a. Sulcus rhinalis;
b. Sulcus centralis;
c. Sulcus frontalis interior;
d. Sulcus cinguli;
31. Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface of hemispheres of cerebrum
a. Precuneus;
b. Gyrus cinguli;
c. Sulcus carcarinus;
d. Gyrus angularis;
32. Which gyruses are on the m;
a. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
b. Gyrus angularis;
33. What is belonging to the frontal lobe of hemispheres of cerebrum?
a. Operculum;
34. Pars triangularis;edial surface of hemispheres of cerebrum present?
a. Precuneus;
b. Lobulus paracentralis
c. Uncus;
d. Gyrus precentralis;
35. Where is the cortical center of motor analyzer situated?
a. Lobulus paracentralis;
b. Gyrus postcentralis;
c. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
d. Gyrus precentralis;
36. Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus precentralis;
b. Lobulus parietalis superior;
c. Gyrus postcentralis;
d. Sulcus calcarinus;
37. Where is the cortical center of the visual analyzer situated?
a. Cuneus;
b. Gyrus lingualis;
c. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
d. Gyri occipitales laterales;
38. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?
a. Operculum;
b. Gyrus temporalis superior;
c. Gyrus temporalis medius;
d. Lobulus parietalis superior;
39. Where is the cortical center of the olfactory analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus temporalis superior;
b. Gyrus frontalis medius;
c. Uncus gyrus parahippocampalis;
d. Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis;
40. Where is the cortical center of the taste analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus fornicatus;
b. Uncus gyrus parahippocampalis;
c. Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis;
d. Gyrus postcentralis;
41. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer responding for combined turn of
the head and eyes situated?
a. Gyrus postcentralis;
b. Gyrus precentralis;
c. Gyrus frontalis medius;
d. Gyrus angularis;
42. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer responding for complex
professional and sports locomotions situated?
a. Gyrus angularis;
b. Gyrus supramarginalis;
c. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
d. Gyrus temporalis superior;
43. Where is the cortical center of the interoceptive analyzer situated?
a. Gyrus angularis;
b. Lobulus parietalis inferior;
c. Gyrus precentralis;
d. Gyrus postcentralis;
44. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral speech
a. Gyrus frontalis medius;
b. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
c. Pars opercularis;
d. Pars triangularis;
45. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of written speech situated?
a. Gyrus frontalis medius;
b. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
c. Pars opercularis;
d. Pars triangularis;
46. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer of oral speech situated?
a. Gyrus temporalis superior;
b. Gyrus temporalis medius;
c. Gyrus frontalis medius;
d. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
47. Where is the cortical center of the visual analyzer of written speech situated?
a. Gyrus temporalis superior;
b. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
c. Lobulus parietalis inferior;
d. Gyrus angularis;
48. Which gyruses can be found in the inferior parietal lobulus?
a. Gyrus supramarginalis;
b. Gyrus fornicatus;
c. Gyrus angularis;
d. Gyrus postcentralis;
49. What are the parts of the fornix?
a. Corpus fornicis;
b. Crura fornicis;
c. Genu couporis callosi;
d. Columnae fornicis;
50. What are the parts of the gyrus fornicates?
a. Gyrus dentatus;
b. Gyrus cinguli;
c. Istmus;
d. Gyrus parhippocampalis;
51. Which gyruses can be found in the temporal lobe of hemispheres?
a. Gyrus supramarginalis;
b. Gyri transversi;
c. Gyrus angularis;
d. Pars triangularis;
52. Specify anatomical formations limiting internal capsula of the brain:
a. Caput n. caudati;
b. Thalamus;
c. N. lentiformis;
d. Claustrum;
53. Which anatomical structures concern to the basal nuclei of hemispheres?
a. N.n. rubri;
b. Corpus stuiatum;
c. Corpus amygdaloideum;
d. Claustrum;
54. What is concern to the central part of the rhinencephalon?
a. Gyrus dentatus;
b. Trigonum olfactorium;
c. Gyrus fornicatus;
d. Bulbus olfactorius;
55. Specify parts of the corpus collosum:
a. Truncus;
b. Splenium;
c. Genu;
d. Rostrum;
56. Specify anatomical structures, which participate in formation of the medial and lateral
walls of anterior horn of the lateral ventricle:
a. Hippocampus;
b. Septum pellucidum;
c. Caput nuclei caudati;
d. Calcar avis;
57. Which anatomical structures take part in formation of walls of the central part of the
lateral ventricle?
a. Thalamus;
b. Corpus fornicis;
c. Corpus callosum;
d. Nucleus caudatus;
58. Which anatomical structures take part in formation of walls of the inferior horn of the
lateral ventricle?
a. Fibria hippocampi;
b. Corpus callosum;
c. Crura fornicis;
d. Hippocamp;
59. What is concern to the diencephalon?
a. Oliva;
b. Thalamus;
c. Corpus mamillaris;
d. Chiasma opticum;
60. What is concern to the hypothalamus?
a. Tuber cinereum;
b. Corpora mamillaria;
c. Infundibulum;
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale;
61. Which parts of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third ventricle?
a. Hypothalamus;
b. Columnae fornicis;
c. Thalamus;
d. Corpus callosum;
62. What is concern to the limbic system?
a. Gyrus dentatus;
b. Substantia perforata anterior;
c. Hippocampus;
d. Bulbus olfactorius;
63. What is concern to the mesencephalon?
a. Substantia nigra;
b. Pedunculi cerebri;
c. Corpus trapezoideum;
d. Velum medullare superius;
64. Specify nuclei locating in tegmentum of the mesencephalon:
a. Nucleus of VI pair of cranial nerves (n. abducens);
b. Nuclei rubri;
c. Nucleus mesencephalicus n. trigemini;
d. Nucleus of IV pair of cranial nerves (n. trochlearis);
65. Which conducting tracts pass through the basis pedunculi cerebri?
a. Tr. frontopontinus;
b. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
c. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
d. Tr. cochlearis;
66. What are the subcortical centers of hearing?
a. Corpola geniculata lateralia;
b. Thalamus;
c. Corpola geniculata medialia;
d. Colliculi inferiores;
67. Which anatomical structures, which concern to the isthmus of the rhombencephalon:
a. Velum medullare superius;
b. Trigonum lemnisci;
c. Pedunculi cerebelli superiores;
d. Brachii collicules inferiores;
68. Which conducting paths form the trapezoid body?
a. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
b. Tr. cochlearis;
c. Lemniscus medialis;
d. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
69. Which anatomical structures are in the ventral part of the pons situated?
a. Tr. corticospinalis;
b. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
c. Nuclei proprii;
d. N. pontinus n. trigemini;
70. The nuclei of which cranial nerves are in the pons situated?
a. VII pair (n. facialis);
b. IX pair (n. glossopharyngeus);
c. VI (n. abducens);
d. X pair (n. vagus);
71. Specify nuclei of the cerebellum:
a. Nucl. emboliformis;
b. Nuclei reticulares;
c. Nucl. fastigii;
d. Nucl. dorsalis corporis trapezoidei;
72. To which part of the brain do the superior cerebellar pedunculi belong?
a. Mesencephalon​;
b. Medulla oblongata;
c. Thalamus;
d. Pons;
73. To which part of the brain do the inferior cerebellar pedunculi pass?
a. Pons;
b. Medulla oblongata​;
c. Cerebellum;
d. Mesencephalon;
74. Specify nuclei locating in myelencephalon:
a. Nucl. olivaris;
b. Nucl. gracilis;
c. Nuclei trapezoidei;
d. Nucl. cuneiformis;
75. Where is the motor nucleus of accessory nerve situated?
a. Mesencephalon;
b. Medulla oblongata;
c. Pons;
d. Upper segments of the spinal cord;
76. Specify nuclei of the trigeminal nerve:
a. Nucl. solitarius;
b. Nucl. mesencephalicus;
c. Nucl. spinalis;
d. Nucl. motorius;
77. For which cranial nerves the solitarius nucleus is the common?
a. N. hypoglossus;
b. N. glossopharingeus;
c. N. acessorius;
d. N. vagus;
78. Where is the superior salivatorius nucleus situated?
a. Pons;
b. Diencephalon;
c. Mesencephalon;
d. Medulla oblongata;
79. Where is the inferior salivatorius nucleus situated?
a. Pons;
b. Mesencephalon;
c. Medulla oblongata;
d. Diencephalon;
80. Specify nuclei of vagus nerve:
a. Nucl. ambiguous;
b. Nucl. solitarius;
c. Nucl. spinalis;
d. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
81. Through which anatomical structures do the commissural fibers pass?
a. Corpus callosum;
b. Comissura cerebri anterior;
c. Capsula interna;
d. Comissura fornicis;
82. Specify long associative fibers:
a. Fasciculus longitudinalis superior;
b. Fasciculus longitudinalis interior;
c. Fasciculus uncinatus;
d. Fasciculi medullae spinalis;
83. Which conducting tracts pass through the posterior funiculi of the spinal cord?
a. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
b. Fasciculus gracilis;
c. Tr. Spinocerebellaris posterior;
d. Fasciculus cuneatus;
84. Which conducting tracts pass through the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord?
a. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;
b. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
c. Tr. vestibulospinalis;
d. Tr. rubrospinalis;
85. Which conducting tracts pass through the anterior funiculi of the spinal cord?
a. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
b. Tr. tectospinalis;
c. Tr. corticospinalis anterior;
d. Tr. vestibulospinalis;
86. Which conducting tracts pass through the tegmentum of mesencephalon?
a. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
b. Lemniscus medialis;
c. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
d. Tr. corticonuclearis;
87. Which conducting tracts pass through the inferior cerebellar pedunculi?
a. Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior;
b. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
c. Fibrae arcuatae interni;
d. Fibrae arcuatae externi;
88. Which tracts form the ventral decussation of tegmentum of the mesencephalon?
a. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
b. Tr. corticospinalis;
c. Tr. rubrospinalis;
d. Lemniscus medialis;
89. Which tracts form the dorsal decussation of tegmentum of the mesencephalon?
a. Tr. rubrospinalis;
b. Tr. tectospinalis;
c. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
d. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;
90. Specify conducting tracts passing through the genu of internal capsula:
a. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
b. Tr. corticothalamicus;
c. Tr. frontopontinus;
d. Tr. corticonuclearis;
91. Specify conducting tracts passing through posterior crus of internal capsula:
a. Tr. cochlearis;
b. Tr. corticospinalis;
c. Tr. frontopontinus;
d. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;
92. Specify conducting tracts passing through anterior crus of internal capsula:
a. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
b. Tr. corticothalamicus;
c. Tr. frontopontinus;
d. Tr. cochlearis;
93. Through which anatomical structures does the corticospinal tract pass?
a. Capsula interna;
b. Basis pedunculi cerebri;
c. Tegmentum;
d. Pedunculi cerebelli inferiores;
94. Through which parts of the spinal cord does the corticospinal tract pass?
a. Funiculus lateralis;
b. Funiculus anterior;
c. Funiculus posterior;
d. Comissura alba;
95. Specify second neurones of pyramidal tracts:
a. Vegetative nuclei of the brainstem;
b. Motor nuclei of the brainstem (nuclei anteriores);
c. nuclei of lateral horns of the spinal cord;
d. Nuclei of anterior horns of the spinal cord;
96. The medial lemniscus is formed by the processes of:
a. Nuclei proprii;
b. Nucl. cuneatus;
c. Nucl. gracilis;
d. Nucl. motorius n. trigemini;
97. Where does the lateral lemniscus terminate?
a. Corpus geniculatum mediale;
b. Nuclei colliculi superiores;
c. Motor nucleus of the n. oculomotorius;
d. Nuclei colliculi inferiores;
98. Specify structures of the brain, secreting the cerebrospinal fluid:
a. Arachnoidea;
b. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the lateral ventricles;
c. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the third ventricle;
d. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the fourth ventricle;
99. From which cavity of the brain does the cerebrospinal fluid flow out in subarachnoid
a. From the fourth ventricle (ventriculus quartus);
b. From the third ventricle (ventriculus tertius);
c. From lateral ventricles (ventriculi laterales);
d. From aqueductus cerebri;
100. Specify foramens connecting the cavity of the fourth ventricle and subarachnoid
a. Apertura aqueductus cerebri;
b. Aperturae laterales;
c. Apertura mediana;
d. Foramina interventricularia;
101. Specify subarachnoid cysterns locating on the basal surface of the brain:
a. Cisterna interpeduncularis;
b. Cisterna cerebellomedullaris;
c. Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebra;
d. Cisterna chiasmatis;


1. The vegetative nervous system innervates:
a. Skeletal muscles;
b. Smooth muscular fibers of internal organs;
c. Smooth muscular fibers of vessels;
d. Glandular tissue;
2. Specify a location of bodies of sensitive (1st) neurons of vegetative reflex arches:
a. Spinal ganglion;
b. Posterior horns of the spinal cord;
c. Sensory ganglions of cranial nerves;
d. Vegetative ganglions;
3. Specify a location of bodies of intermedian neurons of vegetative reflex arches:
a. Nuclei of the posterior horn of the spinal cord;
b. Intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord;
c. Vegetative nucleus of cranial nerves;
d. Spinal ganglions;
4. Specify a location of bodies of motor neurons of vegetative reflex arches:
a. Vegetative nucleus of cranial nerves;
b. Intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord;
c. Nuclei of anterior horn of the spinal cord;
d. Vegetative ganglions;
5. Which type of ganglions concern to sympathetic nervous system?
a. Paravertebral (1st order);
b. Prevertebral (2nd order);
c. Paraorganic;
d. Intraorganic;
6. Specify functions of vegetative ganglion:
a. Reflex;
b. Switching an impulse from pre- to postganglionar fiber;
c. Receptor;
d. Conducting;
7. Which segmentary centers are parasympathetic?
a. Mesencephalic center;
b. Bulbar center;
c. Thoracolumbar center;
d. Sacral center;
8. Specify vegetative nuclei of bulbar center:
a. Nucl. accessorius n. oculomotorii;
b. Nucl. Salivatorius superior;
c. Nucl. Salivatorius inferior;
d. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
9. Specify the location of the episegmentary vegetative centers:
a. Medulla oblongata;
b. Cerebellum;
c. Hypothalamus;
d. Nuclei of colliculi of the midbrain;
10. What is true for the vegetative nervous system?
a. Segmentary location of the centers;
b. Thin myelin coat of nervous fibers;
c. Presence of peripheral reflex arches;
d. Principle of polisegmentar innervations of the organs;
11. What is true for the sympathetic department of VNS:
a. Short postganglionar fibers;
b. Universality of distribution;
c. Guarding role;
d. Adaptation and trophic function;
12. To which ganglions of the sympathetic trunk do the white communicating branches
a. G. cervicale superius;
b. G. cervicale medium;
c. Gg. thoracica;
d. Gg. sacralia;
13. Specify, which ganglions of a sympathetic trunk have grey connecting branches:
a. Gg. cervicalia;
b. Gg. thoracica;
c. Gg. lumbalia;
d. Gg. sacralia;
14. Specify branches, which depart from the sympathetic trunk:
a. Rr. communicantes albi;
b. Rr. meningei;
c. Rr. communicantes grisei;
d. Nn. splanchnici;
15. Which nerves contain preganglionar sympathetic fibers?
a. Rr. communicantes grisei;
b. Rr. communicantes albi;
c. N. petrosus profundus;
d. Nn. splanchnici;
16. Specify branches, which depart from the superior cervical ganglion:
a. Rr. communicantes albi;
b. Rr. communicantes grisei;
c. N. vertebralis;
d. N. caroticus internus;
17. Specify branches, which depart from cervicothoracic (stellate) ganglion:
a. N. vertebralis;
b. N. cardiacus cervicalis inferior;
c. Nn. carotici externi;
d. Rr. laryngopharyngei;
18. Specify the branches departing from the internal carotid plexus:
a. N. petrosus major;
b. N. tympanicus;
c. Nn. caroticotympanici;
d. N. petrosus profundus;
19. What are the branches of thoracic part of the sympathetic trunk?
a. N. splanchnicus major;
b. N. phrenicus;
c. Nn. cardiaci thoracici;
d. Rr. communicantes grisei;
20. Which type of fibers can be found in nn. splanchnici major et minor:
a. Parasympathetic fibers;
b. Sympathetic fibers;
c. Somatic omotor fibers;
d. Sensory fibers;
21. which vegetative ganglions take part in formation of plexus coeliacus?
a. G. mesentericum superius;
b. G. mesentericum inferius;
c. Gg. coeliaci;
d. Gg. aorticorenalia;
22. Specify the nerves participating in formation of the plexus coeliacus:
a. N. vagus;
b. N. phrenicus;
c. N. splanchnicus major;
d. Nn. splanchnici lumbales;
23. Which ganglions are present in plexus hypogastricus inferior?
a. Gg. coeliaci;
b. G. mesentericum inferius;
c. Gg. sacralia trunci sympathici;
d. Paraorganic pelvic ganglions;
24. Which structures participate in formation of plexus hypogastricus inferior?
a. Nn. splanchnici sacrales;
b. Nn. splanchnici pelvini;
c. Plexus mesentericus inferior;
d. N. vagus;
25. Which ganglions are parasympathetic?
a. G. oticum;
b. G. pterygopalatinum;
c. G. ciliare;
d. Gg. coeliaci;
26. Which branches depart from g. pterygopalatinum?
a. Nn. palatini;
b. Rr. pharyngei;
c. Nn. ciliares breves;
d. Rr. nasales posteriores;
27. Which muscles does the parasympathetic nervous system innervate?
a. M. dilatator pupillae;
b. M. stapedius;
c. M. ciliaris;
d. M. sphincter pupillae;
28. Which type of fibers is present in vagus nerve?
a. Somatomotor;
b. Sensory;
c. Parasympathetic;
d. Sympathetic;
29. Which type of fibers is present nn. splanchnici pelvini?
a. Somatomotor;
b. Sensory;
c. Sympathetic;
d. Parasympathetic;
30. Where is localization of bodies of first neurons of interceptive analyzer?
a. Vegetative ganglions;
b. Spinal ganglions;
c. Ganglions of cranial nerves;
d. Intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord;
31. Where bodies of second neurons of interceptive analyzer are situated?
a. Nuclei of posterior horns of the spinal cord;
b. Nucl. gracilis et cuneatus;
c. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the spinal cord;
d. Nuclei of anterior horns of the spinal cord;
32. Where is the cortical center of interceptive analyzer:
a. Gyrus precentralis;
b. Gyrus temporalis superior;
c. Gyrus angularis;
d. Gyrus postcentralis;
33. Specify sympathetic and parasympathetic segmentary centers for organs of the
abdominal cavity innervation:
a. Nuclei intermediolaterales of thoracic segments of the spinal cord;
b. Nuclei intermediolaterales of lumbar segments of the spinal cord;
c. Nuclei intermediolaterales of sacral segments of the spinal cord;
d. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
34. Specify the parasympathetic segmentary centers for organs of pelvis:
a. Nuclei intermediolaterales of lumbar segments of the spinal cord;
b. Nuclei intermediolaterales of sacral segments of the spinal cord;
c. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
d. Vegetative ganglions of the pelvis;
35. Specify the locations of sensory neurons for organs of pelvis:
a. Plexus hypogastricus inferior;
b. G. mesentericum inferius;
c. Lumbar spinal ganglions;
d. Sacral spinal ganglions;
36. Specify ganglion from which the secretary fibers to the lacrimal gland begin:
a. G. ciliare;
b. G. pterygopalatinum;
c. G. oticum;
d. G. submandibulare;
37. Which nerve innervates the parotid gland pass?
a. N. petrosus major;
b. N. petrosus minor;
c. Chorda tympani;
d. N. petrosus profundus;
38. In structure of which nerve do the preganglionar parasympathetic fibers for sublingual
Salivary gland pass?
a. N. petrosus minor;
b. N. petrosus major;
c. N. tympanicus;
d. Chorda tympani;
39. Specify the sympathetic and parasympathetic segmentary centers for innervation of
a. Cervical ganglions of the sympathetic trunk;
b. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord;
c. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the lower thoracic segments of the spinal cord;
d. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
40. Specify vegetative ganglions from which postganglionar sympathetic fibers to the
heart begin:
a. G. cervicale superius;
b. G. cervicale medium;
c. G. cervicale inferius;
d. Gg. thoracica trunci sympathici;
41. Specify the locations of sensory neurons for the heart:
a. Ganglions of the sympathetic trunk;
b. Cervical spinal ganglions;
c. Thoracic spinal ganglions;
d. Ganglions of the vagus nerve;
42. Specify vegetative ganglions from which postganglionar sympathetic fibers to lungs
a. G. cervicale superius;
b. G. cervicothoracicum;
c. Gg. thoracica trunci sympathici;
d. Gg. terminalia;
43. Specify the segmentary centers of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of
sigmoid colon:
a. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
b. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the lower thoracic segments of the spinal cord;
c. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the upper lumbar segments of the spinal cord;
d. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the sacral segments of the spinal cord;
44. specify nervous fibers, supplying rectum:
a. Sensory;
b. Somatomotor;
c. Parasympathetic;
d. Sympathetic;
45. Specify vegetative ganglions from which the postganglionar sympathetic fibers to the
testis begin:
a. Gg. trunci sympathici;
b. Gg. aorticorenalia;
c. G. mesentericum inferius;
d. Plexus hypogastricus inferior;
46. Specify the sympathetic and parasympathetic segmentary centers for the urinary
bladder innervation:
a. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;
b. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the lower thoracic segments of the spinal cord;
c. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the lumbar segments of the spinal cord;
d. Nuclei intermediolaterales of the sacral segments of the spinal cord;
47. Specify vegetative ganglions, from which the postganglionar fibers to urinary bladder
a. Gg. coeliaci;
b. G. mesentericum inferius;
c. plexus hypogastricus inferior;
d. Gg. terminalia;

Head of the Normal Anatomy Department

Associate professor D. Volchkevich

Discussed at a meeting of the department

"03" january 2014, protocol № 10



1. During phylogenesis the nodal nervous system has appeared:

1. At the coelenterates;
2. At worms;
3. At fishes;
4. At mammals;

2. During phylogenesis the tubular nervous system for the first time has
1. At the coelenterates;
2. At molluscums;
3. At chordates;
4. At fishes;

3. Specify, which part of the brain develops under influence of the olfactory
1. Prosencephalon;
2. Mesencephalon;
3. Metencephalon;
4. Myelencephalon;

4. Which part of the brain develops under influence of the visual receptor?
1. Prosencephalon;
2. Mesencephalon;
3. Rhombencephalon;
4. Myelencephalon;
5. Which part of the brain develops under influence of the acoustical analyzer?
1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

6. From which medullary vesicle does the diencephalon develop?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

7. From which medullary vesicle does the mesencephalon develop?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

8. From which medullary vesicle does the telencephalon develop?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

9. The aqueductus cerebri is the cavity of:

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

10. The lateral ventricles are the cavity of:

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

11. Specify, in which part of nervous tube the internuncial neurons of the simple
reflex arc develop:
1. Dorsal part;
2. Ventral part;
3. Lateral part of the gray matter of nervous tube;
4. Brainstaim;

12. Specify, from which part of nervous tube the neurones for formation of
nervous ganglion develop:
1. Dorsal part;
2. Ventral part;
3. Lateral part of the gray matter of nervous tube;
4. Brainstaim;

13. Which parts of the spinal cord have thickenings?

1. Cervical;
2. Thoracal;
3. Lumbosacral;
4. Coccygeal;

14. Specify anatomical structures on surface of the spinal cord:

1. Sulcus posterolateralis;
2. Sulcus anterolateralis;
3. Sulcus medianus posterior;
4. Fissura medina anterior;

15. What is the level of lumbar pucture?

1. Between spinous processes of I and II lumbar vertebrae;
2. Between spinous processes of IV and V lumbar vertebrae;
3. Between spinous processes of III and IV lumbar vertebrae;
4. Between spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae;

16. What are the parts of the white matter of the spinal cord?
1. Funiculus anterior;
2. Funiculus lateralis;
3. Funiculus posterior;
4. Comissura alba;

17. Specify anatomical formations of the spinal cord, which are the remnants of
the cavity of nervous tube:
1. Filum terminale;
2. Ventriculus terminalis;
3. Canalis centralis;
4. Cavitas subarachnoidalis;

18. Specify nuclei of the anterior horns of the spinal cord:

1. Nucleus intermediolateralis;
2. Nucleus thoracicus;
3. Anteromedial nuclei;
4. Anterolateral nuclei;

19. Specify nuclei of the posterior horns of the spinal cord:
1. Nucleus thoracicus;
2. Nuclei proprii;
3. Nucleus intermediomedialis;
4. Nucleus intermediolateralis;

20. On which level the lateral horn of spinal cord can be found?
1. II-IV Cervical;
2. Thoracic;
3. II-IV sacral;
4. Coccygeal;

21. At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in adult?

1. Level of X thoracic;
2. Level of II lumbar;
3. Level of XII thoracic;
4. Level of II sacral;

22. At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in newborn?

1. Level of XII thoracic;
2. Level of II lumbar;
3. Level of III lumbar;
4. Level of II sacral;

23. What is in the epidural space of the spinal cord?

1. Liquor cerebrospinalis;
2. Plexus venosi vertebrales interni;
3. Fatty tissue;
4. Cartilage;

24. Specify the locating of lig. denticulatum:

1. Between anterior and posterior roots of the spinal cord;
2. Between arachnoid and pia matter of the spinal cord;
3. In subarachnoid space;
4. In the subdural space;

25. Which parts of the brain develop from the rhombencephalon?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Medulla oblongata;
4. Metencephalon;

26. Specify departments of the brain, to which pedunculi cerebri concern:

1. Mesencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Telencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

27. What are the parts of the cerebrum?
1. Insula;
2. Corpus callosum;
3. Rhinencephalon;
4. Basal nuclei;

28. What are the parts of the telencephalon?

1. Hemispheria cerebri;
2. Basal nuclei;
3. Capsula interna;
4. Fornix;

29. Specify structures, which connect the hemispheres of the cerebrum?

1. Comissura cerebri anterior;
2. Comissura cerebri posterior;
3. Corpus callosum;
4. Comissura interthalamica;

30. Which sulcuses can be present on superolateral surface of the hemispheres

of cerebrum?
1. Sulcus rhinalis;
2. Sulcus centralis;
3. Sulcus frontalis interior;
4. Sulcus cinguli;

31. Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface of hemispheres of

cerebrum present?
1. Precuneus;
2. Gyrus cinguli;
3. Sulcus carcarinus;
4. Gyrus angularis;

32. Which gyruses are on the medial surface of hemispheres of cerebrum

1. Precuneus;
2. Lobulus paracentralis;
3. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyrus angularis;

33. What is belonging to the frontal lobe of hemispheres of cerebrum?

1. Operculum;
2. Pars triangularis;
3. Uncus;
4. Gyrus precentralis;

34. Where is the cortical center of motor analyzer situated?
1. Lobulus paracentralis;
2. Gyrus postcentralis;
3. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyrus precentralis;

35. Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus precentralis;
2. Lobulus parietalis superior;
3. Gyrus postcentralis;
4. Sulcus calcarinus;

36. Where is the cortical center of the visual analyzer situated?

1. Cuneus;
2. Gyrus lingualis;
3. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyri occipitales laterales;

37. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?

1. Operculum;
2. Gyrus temporalis superior;
3. Gyrus temporalis medius;
4. Lobulus parietalis superior;

38. Where is the cortical center of the olfactory analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus temporalis superior;
2. Gyrus frontalis medius;
3. Uncus gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis;

39. Where is the cortical center of the taste analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus fornicatus;
2. Uncus gyrus parahippocampalis;
3. Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis;
4. Gyrus postcentralis;

40. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer responding for combined
turn of the head and eyes situated?
1. Gyrus postcentralis;
2. Gyrus precentralis;
3. Gyrus frontalis medius;
4. Gyrus angularis;

41. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer responding for complex
professional and sports locomotions situated?
1. Gyrus angularis;
2. Gyrus supramarginalis;
3. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
4. Gyrus temporalis superior;

42. Where is the cortical center of the interoceptive analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus angularis;
2. Lobulus parietalis inferior;
3. Gyrus precentralis;
4. Gyrus postcentralis;

43. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral
speech situated?
1. Gyrus frontalis medius;
2. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
3. Pars opercularis;
4. Pars triangularis;

44. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of written speech
1. Gyrus frontalis medius;
2. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
3. Pars opercularis;
4. Pars triangularis;

45. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer of oral speech
1. Gyrus temporalis superior;
2. Gyrus temporalis medius;
3. Gyrus frontalis medius;
4. Gyrus frontalis inferior;

46. Where is the cortical center of the visual analyzer of written speech situated?
1. Gyrus temporalis superior;
2. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
3. Lobulus parietalis inferior;
4. Gyrus angularis;

47. Which gyruses can be found in the inferior parietal lobulus?

1. Gyrus supramarginalis;
2. Gyrus fornicatus;
3. Gyrus angularis;
4. Gyrus postcentralis;

48. What are the parts of the fornix?
1. Corpus fornicis;
2. Crura fornicis;
3. Genu couporis callosi;
4. Columnae fornicis;

49. What are the parts of the gyrus fornicates?

1. Gyrus dentatus;
2. Gyrus cinguli;
3. Istmus;
4. Gyrus parhippocampalis;

50. Which gyruses can be found in the temporal lobe of hemispheres?

1. Gyrus supramarginalis;
2. Gyri transversi;
3. Gyrus angularis;
4. Pars triangularis;

51. Specify anatomical formations limiting internal capsula of the brain:

1. Caput n. caudati;
2. Thalamus;
3. N. lentiformis;
4. Claustrum;

52. Which anatomical structures concern to the basal nuclei of hemispheres?

1. N.n. rubri;
2. Corpus stuiatum;
3. Corpus amygdaloideum;
4. Claustrum;

53. What is concern to the central part of the rhinencephalon?

1. Gyrus dentatus;
2. Trigonum olfactorium;
3. Gyrus fornicatus;
4. Bulbus olfactorius;

54. Specify parts of the corpus collosum:

1. Truncus;
2. Splenium;
3. Genu;
4. Rostrum;

55. Specify anatomical structures, which participate in formation of the medial

and lateral walls of anterior horn of the lateral ventricle:
1. Hippocampus;
2. Septum pellucidum;
3. Caput nuclei caudati;
4. Calcar avis;
56. Which anatomical structures take part in formation of walls of the central
part of the lateral ventricle?
1. Thalamus;
2. Corpus fornicis;
3. Corpus callosum;
4. Nucleus caudatus;

57. Which anatomical structures take part in formation of walls of the inferior
horn of the lateral ventricle?
1. Fibria hippocampi;
2. Corpus callosum;
3. Crura fornicis;
4. Hippocamp;

58. What is concern to the diencephalon?

1. Oliva;
2. Thalamus;
3. Corpus mamillaris;
4. Chiasma opticum;

59. What is concern to the hypothalamus?

1. Tuber cinereum;
2. Corpora mamillaria;
3. Infundibulum;
4. Corpus geniculatum laterale;

60. Which parts of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third
1. Hypothalamus;
2. Columnae fornicis;
3. Thalamus;
4. Corpus callosum;

61. What is concern to the limbic system?

1. Gyrus dentatus;
2. Substantia perforata anterior;
3. Hippocampus;
4. Bulbus olfactorius;

62. What is concern to the mesencephalon?

1. Substantia nigra;
2. Pedunculi cerebri;
3. Corpus trapezoideum;
4. Velum medullare superius;

63. Specify nuclei locating in tegmentum of the mesencephalon:
1. Nucleus of VI pair of cranial nerves (n. abducens);
2. Nuclei rubri;
3. Nucleus mesencephalicus n. trigemini;
4. Nucleus of IV pair of cranial nerves (n. trochlearis);

64. Which conducting tracts pass through the basis pedunculi cerebri?
1. Tr. frontopontinus;
2. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
3. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
4. Tr. cochlearis;

65. What are the subcortical centers of hearing?

1. Corpola geniculata lateralia;
2. Thalamus;
3. Corpola geniculata medialia;
4. Colliculi inferiores;

66. Which anatomical structures, which concern to the isthmus of the

1. Velum medullare superius;
2. Trigonum lemnisci;
3. Pedunculi cerebelli superiores;
4. Brachii collicules inferiores;

67. Which conducting paths form the trapezoid body?

1. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
2. Tr. cochlearis;
3. Lemniscus medialis;
4. Tr. pontocerebellaris;

68. Which anatomical structures are in the ventral part of the pons situated?
1. Tr. corticospinalis;
2. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
3. Nuclei proprii;
4. N. pontinus n. trigemini;

69. The nuclei of which cranial nerves are in the pons situated?
1. VII pair (n. facialis);
2. IX pair (n. glossopharyngeus);
3. VI (n. abducens);
4. X pair (n. vagus);

70. Specify nuclei of the cerebellum:

1. Nucl. emboliformis;
2. Nuclei reticulares;
3. Nucl. fastigii;
4. Nucl. dorsalis corporis trapezoidei;
71. To which part of the brain do the superior cerebellar pedunculi belong?
1. Mesencephalon;
2. Medulla oblongata;
3. Thalamus;
4. Pons;

72. To which part of the brain do the inferior cerebellar pedunculi pass?
1. Pons;
2. Medulla oblongata;
3. Cerebellum;
4. Mesencephalon;

73. Specify nuclei locating in myelencephalon:

1. Nucl. olivaris;
2. Nucl. gracilis;
3. Nuclei trapezoidei;
4. Nucl. cuneiformis;

74. Where is the motor nucleus of accessory nerve situated?

1. Mesencephalon;
2. Medulla oblongata;
3. Pons;
4. Upper segments of the spinal cord;

75. Specify nuclei of the trigeminal nerve:

1. Nucl. solitarius;
2. Nucl. mesencephalicus;
3. Nucl. spinalis;
4. Nucl. motorius;

76. For which cranial nerves the solitarius nucleus is the common?
1. N. hypoglossus;
2. N. glossopharingeus;
3. N. acessorius;
4. N. vagus;

77. Where is the superior salivatorius nucleus situated?

1. Pons;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Medulla oblongata;

78. Where is the inferior salivatorius nucleus situated?

1. Pons;
2. Mesencephalon;
3. Medulla oblongata;
4. Diencephalon;

79. Specify nuclei of vagus nerve:
1. Nucl. ambiguous;
2. Nucl. solitarius;
3. Nucl. spinalis;
4. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;

80. Through which anatomical structures do the commissural fibers pass?

1. Corpus callosum;
2. Comissura cerebri anterior;
3. Capsula interna;
4. Comissura fornicis;

81. Specify long associative fibers:

1. Fasciculus longitudinalis superior;
2. Fasciculus longitudinalis interior;
3. Fasciculus uncinatus;
4. Fasciculi medullae spinalis;

82. Which conducting tracts pass through the posterior funiculi of the spinal
1. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
2. Fasciculus gracilis;
3. Tr. Spinocerebellaris posterior;
4. Fasciculus cuneatus;

83. Which conducting tracts pass through the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord?
1. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;
2. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
3. Tr. vestibulospinalis;
4. Tr. rubrospinalis;

84. Which conducting tracts pass through the anterior funiculi of the spinal cord?
1. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
2. Tr. tectospinalis;
3. Tr. corticospinalis anterior;
4. Tr. vestibulospinalis;

85. Which conducting tracts pass through the tegmentum of mesencephalon?

1. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
2. Lemniscus medialis;
3. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
4. Tr. corticonuclearis;

86. Which conducting tracts pass through the inferior cerebellar pedunculi?
1. Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior;
2. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
3. Fibrae arcuatae interni;
4. Fibrae arcuatae externi;
87. Which tracts form the ventral decussation of tegmentum of the
1. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
2. Tr. corticospinalis;
3. Tr. rubrospinalis;
4. Lemniscus medialis;

88. Which tracts form the dorsal decussation of tegmentum of the

1. Tr. rubrospinalis;
2. Tr. tectospinalis;
3. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
4. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;

89. Specify conducting tracts passing through the genu of internal capsula:
1. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
2. Tr. corticothalamicus;
3. Tr. frontopontinus;
4. Tr. corticonuclearis;

90. Specify conducting tracts passing through posterior crus of internal

1. Tr. cochlearis;
2. Tr. corticospinalis;
3. Tr. frontopontinus;
4. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;

91. Specify conducting tracts passing through anterior crus of internal capsula:
1. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
2. Tr. corticothalamicus;
3. Tr. frontopontinus;
4. Tr. cochlearis;

92. Through which anatomical structures does the corticospinal tract pass?
1. Capsula interna;
2. Basis pedunculi cerebri;
3. Tegmentum;
4. Pedunculi cerebelli inferiores;

93. Through which parts of the spinal cord does the corticospinal tract pass?
1. Funiculus lateralis;
2. Funiculus anterior;
3. Funiculus posterior;
4. Comissura alba;

94. Specify second neurones of pyramidal tracts:
1. Vegetative nuclei of the brainstem;
2. Motor nuclei of the brainstem (nuclei anteriores);
3. Nuclei of lateral horns of the spinal cord;
4. Nuclei of anterior horns of the spinal cord;

95. The medial lemniscus is formed by the processes of:

1. Nuclei proprii;
2. Nucl. cuneatus;
3. Nucl. gracilis;
4. Nucl. motorius n. trigemini;

96. Where does the lateral lemniscus terminate?

1. Corpus geniculatum mediale;
2. Nuclei colliculi superiores;
3. Motor nucleus of the n. oculomotorius;
4. Nuclei colliculi inferiores;

97. Specify structures of the brain, secreting the cerebrospinal fluid:

1. Arachnoidea;
2. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the lateral ventricles;
3. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the third ventricle;
4. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the fourth ventricle;

98. From which cavity of the brain does the cerebrospinal fluid flow out in
subarachnoid space?
1. From the fourth ventricle (ventriculus quartus);
2. From the third ventricle (ventriculus tertius);
3. From lateral ventricles (ventriculi laterales);
4. From aqueductus cerebri;

99. Specify foramens connecting the cavity of the fourth ventricle and
subarachnoid space:
1. Apertura aqueductus cerebri;
2. Aperturae laterales;
3. Apertura mediana;
4. Foramina interventricularia;

100. Specify subarachnoid cysterns locating on the basal surface of the brain:
1. Cisterna interpeduncularis;
2. Cisterna cerebellomedullaris;
3. Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebra;
4. Cisterna chiasmatis;

101. What is true for the dura mater of the brain?
1. Close fusing with bones of the base of skull;
2. Presence of sinus venosus;
3. Presence of processes;
4. Presence of ligamenta dentata;

102. Specify sinuses of the dura mater, which form confluens sinuum:
1. Sinus transversus;
2. Sinus sigmoideus;
3. Sinus sagittalis superior;
4. Sinus rectus;

103. Specify processes of the dura materl of the brain:

1. Tentorium cerebelli;
2. Falx cerebelli;
3. Falx cerebri;
4. Diaphragma sellae;

104. Specify parameters describing age features of the brain:

1. Mass of the brain in relation to mass of the body at neonatal makes 1:8;
2. Mass of the brain in relation to mass of the body at neonatal makes 1:40;
3. The fine gyruses at neonatal are advanced weakly;
4. The myelination of efferent fibers terminates until 7 years;

105. Specify parameters describing age features of the dura mater of the brain
in newborn:
1. The dura mater thin, is dense fised with bones of the skull;
2. The processes of the dura materl are advanced weakly;
3. Sinuses rather wide;
4. Sinuses project the same as at the adult;

106. Which fibers pass through superior pedunculi of the cerebellum?

1. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
2. Tr. cerebellotegmentalis;
3. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
4. Fibrae arcuatae externae;

107. Specify fibers passing through the middle pedunculi of the cerebellum:
1. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
2. Tr. cerebellotegmentalis;
3. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
4. Fibrae arcuatae externae;

108. Specify fibers passing through inferior pedunculi of the cerebellum:

1. Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior;
2. Fibrae arcuatae externae;
3. Fibrae arcuatae internae;
4. Fibrae olivocerebellares;
Key to the test on “Central nervous system”

1. 2 24. 123 47. 13 70. 13 93. 124

2. 3 25. 34 48. 124 71. 4 94. 4
3. 1 26. 1 49. 234 72. 23 95. 23
4. 2 27. 1234 50. 2 73. 124 96. 14
5. 3 28. 1234 51. 123 74. 24 97. 234
6. 2 29. 123 52. 234 75. 234 98. 1
7. 3 30. 23 53. 13 76. 24 99. 2
8. 1 31. 123 54. 1234 77. 1 100. 1234
9. 3 32. 12 55. 23 78. 3 101. 123
10. 1 33. 124 56. 134 79. 124 102. 34
11. 1 34. 14 57. 1234 80. 124 103. 1234
12. 1 35. 23 58. 234 81. 123 104. 134
13. 13 36. 12 59. 123 82. 24 105. 1234
14. 1234 37. 2 60. 123 83. 124 106. 12
15. 3 38. 3 61. 1234 84. 234 107. 3
16. 1234 39. 2 62. 12 85. 2 108. 124
17. 23 40. 3 63. 234 86. 14
18. 34 41. 2 64. 13 87. 3
19. 123 42. 34 65. 34 88. 2
20. 23 43. 234 66. 123 89. 4
21. 2 44. 1 67. 2 90. 124
22. 3 45. 1 68. 123 91. 23
23. 23 46. 34 69. 13 92. 12


Anatomy - Colloquium 1 - CSN

The aqueductus cerebri is the cavity of:

a) Thelencephalon
b) Diencephalon
c) Mesencephalon
d) Rhombencephalon
Comment; hence in all texts aqueductus mecencephali

Which parts of the spinal cord have thickenings?

a) Cervical
b) Thoracal
c) Lumbosacral
d) Coccygeal
Comment: p.269 thieme cervical and lumbosacral enlargement

1)Intumescentia cervicalis from the 3rd cervical to the 2nd thoracic segments
2. Intumescentia lumbosacralis from the 12th thoracic segment to conus medullaris.

What is the level of lumbar puncture?

a) Between spinous processes of I and II lumbar vertebrae
b) Between spinous processes of IV and V lumbar vertebrae
c) Between spinous processes of III and IV lumbar vertebrae
d) Between spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae


Noggrann förberedelse med palpation av stickställe. LP görs i L3-L4 som finns i linje mellan de båda crista iliaca,
eller L4-L5, L5-S1. Vid behov kan LP göras i L2-L3 men ej högre (ryggmärgen slutar ungefär vid L1).

Specify anatomical formations of the spinal cord, which are the remnants of the cavity of the nervous tube?

a) Filum terminale (part of pia matter that arrives from mesodermal mesenchyme)
b) Ventriculus terminalis
c) Canalis centralis (neural tube)
d) Spatium subarachnoidale

Specify nuclei of the posterior horns of the spinal cord:

a) Nucleus thoracicus
b) Nucleus proprius
c) Nucleus intermediomedialis
d) Nucleus intermediolateralis

Those nuclei in the posterior horn are;
- Nucleus marginalis
- Substantia gelatinosa
- Nucleus propius

- Nucleus thoracicus posterior

- Nucleus intermediomedialis
The nucleus intermediomedialis is at the end of the cornu posterior .

At what level is the conus medullaris terminale in adult located?

a) Level of X thoracic
b) Level of II lumbar
c) Level of XII thoracic
d) Level of II sacral

Comment according to the RSU Script (L1 to /or L2 hence b right answer)

What is the epidural space of the spinal cord?

a) Liquor cerebrospinalis
b) Plexus venosi vertebralis interni
c) Fatty tissue
d) Cartilages

Comment: Areolar tissue containing the internal vertebral venous plexus in the epidural space

What parts of the brain develop from the rhombencephalon?

a) Telencephalon
b) Diencephalon
c) Medulla Oblongata ( + Pons & cerebellum)
d) Mesencephalon

What are the parts of the cerebrum?

a) Insula
b) Corpus callosum ( part of telencephalon)
c) Rhinencephalon (The rhinencephalon includes the olfactory and limbic systems)
d) Basal nuclei

Comment; telencephalon = cerebrum consists of Cerebral Cortex, white matter basal Ganglia (Globus Pallidus,
putamen, Nucleus Caudatus)

Snell; the cerebrum, the largest part of the brain, consists of two cerebral hemispheres, which are connected by a
mass of white matter called
the corpus callosum

Specify structures, which connect the hemispheres of the cerebrum:

a) Comissura cerebri anterior
b) Comissura cerebri posterior
c) Corpus callosum

Comment: corpus callosum is a mass of axons connecting the telencephalon.

Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface of hemispheres of cerebrum present?

a) Precuneus
b) Gyrus Cinguli
c) Sulcus Calcarinus
d) Gyrus precentralis

What is belonging to the frontal lobe of hemispheres of cerebrum?

a) Gyrus rectus
b) Cuneus
c) Uncus
d) Gyrus precentralis

Comment: Very nice

Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?

a) Gyrus precentralis ( general motor cortex; primary)


b) Lobus Parietalis superior

c) Gyrus postcentralis ( primary sensory cortex)
d) Sulcus calcarinus ( vision cortex)

Comment from wiki ;

The postcentral gyrus includes the primary somatosensory cortex (Brodmann areas 3, 2 and 1) collectively
referred to as S1.

BA3 receives the densest projections from the thalamus. BA3a is involved with the sense of relative position of
neighboring body parts and amount of effort being used during movement. BA3b is responsible for distributing
somatosensory information, it projects texture information to BA1 and shape and size information to BA2.

+ amygdala and insular cortex.

Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?

a) Gyrus angularis
b) Gyrus temporalis superior
c) Gyrus temporalis medius
d) Lobulus parietalis superior

Comment; the auditory cortex is located between the Gyrus angularis & the gyrus temporalis superior

Where is the cortical center of the smell analyzer situated?

a) Gyrus fornicatus
b) Uncus
c) Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis
d) Gyrus postcentralis

The uncus houses the olfactory cortex which includes the piriform cortex (posterior orbitofrontal cortex),
amygdala, olfactory tubercle, and parahippocampal gyrus.

Where is the cortical center responding for complex professional skills situated?
a) Gyrus angularis
b) Gyrus supramarginalis
c) Gyrus frontalis inferior
d) Gyrus temporalis superior

Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral speech situated?
a) Gyrus frontalis medius
b) Gyrus frontalis inferior
c) Gyri occipitales


Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer of oral speech situated?
a) Gyrus temporalis superior
b) Gyrus temporalis medius
c) Gyrus frontalis inferior

Which gyri can be found in the inferior parietal lobulus:

a) Gyrus supramarginalis
b) Gyrus forniculus
c) Gyrus angularis
d) Gyrus postcentralis

What are the parts of the gyrus fornicatus?

a) Gyrus dentatus
b) Gyrus cinguli
c) Isthmus
d) Gyrus parahippocampalis

Specify anatomical formations limiting internal capsula of the brain:

a) Caput nuclei caudati
b) Thalamus
c) Nucleus lentiformis
d) Claustrum

What is the concern of the central part of the rhinencephalon?

a) Gyrus dentatus
b) Trigonum olfactorium
c) Gyrus fornicatus
d) Bulbus olfactorius

Which tracts pass through the medial cerebellar pedunculi?

a) Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior

b) Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior

c) Fibrae arcuatae internae
d) Tr. pontocerebellares

Which tracts form the dorsal decussation of tegmentum of the mesencephalon?

a) Tr. rubrospinalis
b) Tr. tectospinalis
c) Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis)
d) Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis

Specify tracts passing through posterior crus of internal capsula:

a) Radiatio optica
b) Tr. corticospinalis
c) Tr. frontopontinus

Through which anatomical structures does the corticospinal tract pass?

a) Capsula interna
b) Basis pedunculi cerebri
c) Tegmentum
d) Pedunculi cerebellares inferiores

Specify second neurones of pyramidal tracts:

a) Vegetative nuclei of the brainstem
b) Nuclei of lateral horns of the spinal cord
c) Nuclei of anterior horns of the spinal cord

Where does the lateral lemniscus terminate?

a) Corpus geniculatum mediale
b) Nuclei colliculi superiores
c) Motor nucleus of the n. oculomotorius
d) Nuclei colliculi inferiores

From which cavity of the brain does the cerebrospinal fluid circulate in subarachnoid space?
a) From the fourth ventricle (ventriculus quartus)
b) From the third ventricle (ventriculus tertius)
c) From lateral ventricles (ventriculi laterales)
d) From aquaeductus cerebri

Specify subarachnoid cisterns locating on the basal surface of the brain:

a) Cisterna interpeduncularis
b) Cisterna cerebellomedullaris
c) Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri
d) Cisterna chiasmatis

Specify sinuses of the dura mater, which form confluens sinuum:

a) Sinus transversus
b) Sinus sigmoideus
c) Sinus sagittalis superior

d) Sinus rectus

Specify fibers passing through inferior pedunculi of the cerebellum:

a) Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior
b) Fibrae arcuatae externae
c) Fibrae arcuatae internae
d) Tr. olivocerebellaris

Between what sulci the precuneus is located?

a) Sulcus parietooccipitalis
b) Sulcus cinguli
c) Sulcus corporis callosi
d) Sulcus occipitotemporalis

Flicate sulci on the superolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere:

a) Sulcus corporis callosi
b) Sulcus centralis
c) Sulcus frontalis inferior
d) Sulcus cinguli

What anatomical structures belong to epithalamus?

a) Trigonum habenulae
b) Corpus geniculatum mediale
c) Adhesio interthalamica
d) Corpus pineale

What structures form walls of the third ventricle?

a) Hypothalamus
b) Columna fornicis
c) Thalamus
d) Corpus callosum

Where is the cortical center of the stereo analyzer (3D) situated?

a) Gyrus angularis
b) Lobulus parietalis superior
c) Gyrus precentralis
d) Gyrus postcentralis

Where is the cortical center of the motor speech situated?

a) Gyrus frontalis medius
b) Gyrus frontalis inferior
c) Gyrus postcentralis
d) Gyrus precentralis

Where is the cortical center of the sensory speech situated?

a) Gyrus temporalis superior
b) Gyrus frontalis inferior
c) Lobulus parietalis inferior
d) Gyrus angularis

What are the parts of the fornix?

a) Corpus fornicis
b) Crura fornicis
c) Genu corporis callosi
d) Columnae fornicis

Which gyri can be found in the temporal lobe of hemispheres?

a) Gyrus supramarginalis
b) Gyrus rectus
c) Gyrus angularis
d) Lobulus paracentralis

Which anatomical structures concern to the basal nuclei of hemispheres?

a) Nucleus ruber
b) Corpus striatum
c) Corpus amygdaloideum
d) Claustrum

Specify parts of the corpus collosum:

a) Truncus
b) Splenium
c) Genu
d) Rostrum

What are the elements of the hypothalamus?

a) Tuber cinereum
b) Corpora mamillaria
c) Infundibulum
d) Corpus geniculatum laterale

What are the elements of the limbic system?

a) Gyrus dentatus
b) Substantia perforata anterior
c) Hippocampus
d) Bulbus olfactorius

Which conducting tracts pass through the basis pedunculi cerebri?

a) Tr. frontopontinus
b) Tr. spinothalamicus anterior
c) Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis)
d) Tr. corticonuclearis

Specify anatomical structures, which belong to the isthmus of rhombencephalon:

a) Velum medullare superius
b) Trigonum lemnisci
c) Pedunculi cerebellares superiores
d) Brachii colliculi inferiores

What is concern to the diencephalon?

a) Oliva
b) Thalamus
c) Corpus mamillaris
d) Chiasma opticum

Which parts of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third ventricle?
a) Hypothalamus
b) Columnae fornicis
c) Thalamus
d) Corpus callosum

What is the concern of the mesencephalon?

a) Substantia nigra
b) Pedunculi cerebri
c) Corpus trapezoideum
d) Velum medullare superius

What are the subcortical centers of hearing?

a) Corpora geniculata lateralia
b) Thalamus
c) Corpora geniculata medialia
d) Colliculi inferiores

Nerve, that exists on the dorsal surface of the brain (out) is nerve with number:
a) CN IV
b) CN X
c) CN V

Falx cerebri goes:

- Fissura longitudinales cerebri

Diaphragma sellae is present:

- Above sella turcica

Confluens sinuum is:

- The dilate junction of tributary sinuses: sinus sagittalis superior, sinus rectus.
Spatium subarachnoideum is:
- Filled by liquor cerebrospinalis.
- The space between the arachnoid membrane and pia mater, and contains the large blood vessels that
supply the brain and spinal cord.

Falx cerebelli:
- Is a small triangular process between cerebellar hemispheres attached to the lower surface of tentorium
- Arises from protuberantia occipitalis interna and goes along crista occipitalis interna to foramen magnum.
The posterior margin of it contains sinus occipitalis.

How many pairs of spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord?
- 31 pairs.

Fibers that form fasciculus gracilis, cross at the:

- Superior part of the medulla oblongata.
- The fibres are called the internal arcuate fibres.
- Ascend as lemniscus medialis.

The 1st neuron of the tractus corticospinalis lies:

- Pyramidal cells of cortex cerebri.

Nucleus posterior thalami is:

- Grey matter
- Posterior group subcortical visual center.

How many openings has the IVth ventricle?

- 3 openings;
- (1) apertura mediana and (2) apertura laterale.

Through funiculus anterior medullae spinalis pass:

- Tr. spinothalamicus anterior - sensory/afferent/ascendens
- Tr. corticospinalis anterior - motory/efferens/descendens
- Tr. tectospinalis - motory/efferens/descendens
- Tr. recticulospinalis - motory/efferens/descendens
- Tr. olivospinalis - motory/efferens/descendens
- Tr. vestibulospinalis - motory/efferens/descendens
- Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - motory/efferens/descendens

Pedunculi cerebellares inferiores connect cerebellum with:

- Medulla oblongata

Cerebellum is connected to the other parts of the brain by three pairs of peduncles:

1. Pedunculi cerebellares superiores to mesencephalon;

2. Pedunculi cerebellares medii to pons;

3. Pedunculi cerebellares inferiores to medulla oblongata.

The 2nd neuron of the tractus spinocerebellaris posterior lies at the:

- Nucleus thoracicus posterior, (spinal cord).

In brain (telencephalon), basal nuclei are:

- Nucleus caudatus
- Nucleus lentiformis
- Claustrum
- Corpus amygdaloideum

a) Gyrus frontalis superior

b) Gyrus frontalis medius
c) Gyrus frontalis inferior
d) Gyrus precentralis

Nervus glossopharyngeus and nervus vagus have common nuclei:

1. nucleus ambiguus (motor)
2. nucleus tractus solitarii (sensory)
3. nucleus salivatorius inferior (parasympathetic)

Branches of the spinal nerve are:

- Ramus ventralis s. anterior
- Ramus dorsalis s. posterior
- Ramus communicans albus
- Ramus meningeus

2nd neurons of fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus are in:

- Nucleus gracilis - (medulla oblongata - tuberculum gracile)
- Nucleus cuneatus - (medulla oblongata - tuberculum cuneatum)

Fasciculus gracilis is responsible for:

- Epicritic sensibility - gives information about the position of the body parts and their movements.
- Deep sensation.
- Partly tactile pathway.
The gracile fasciculus is responsible for transmitting vibration, conscious proprioception, and fine (discriminative)
touch sensations from the lower body.

Uncus is center of:

- Olfactory cortex.
- The limbic system is a set of brain structures which supports a variety of functions including emotion,
behaviour, long term memory and olfaction.

Tractus cerebellorubralis pass through:

- Pedunculi cerebellaris superiores.
- Cross in velum medullare superius.
- To nucleus ruber, mesencephalon.

Part of diencephalon :
Parts of diencephalon are:
- Subthalamus
- Epithalamus
- Metathalamus
- Hypothalamus

Ganglion sensorium is located:

- In the sensory root (radix sensoria) of the spinal nerves.

Tractus corticospinalis regulates:

- Voluntary motor control.

Tractus vestibulospinalis is:

- Involved in involuntary movements concerned with the balance and posture (balance pathway).

From sulcus anterolateralis medullae oblongatae exits:

- The XIIth cranial nerve - n. hypoglossus.

Nucleus intermediolateralis is in:

- Medulla spinalis, substantia grisea, columna intermedia (C8 - L2 segment).

Between arachnoidea mater spinalis and pia mater spinalis is:

- Subarachnoid space - spatium subarachnoideum.
- Spatium subarachnoideum - filled by liquor cerebrospinalis.

Fibrae arcuatae externae go to:

- Run through pedunculi cerebellares inferiores to cerebellum.

Nucleus dentatus and nucleus emboliformis are located in:

- Cerebellum
- Grey matter and white matter.

Vermis connects:
- The two hemispheres of cerebellum.

Nuclei of extrapyramidal system are:

1. Nucleus ruber - axons of this nucleus form tr. rubrospinalis.
2. Substantia nigra
3. Nucleus caudatus
4. Nucleus lentiformis
To extrapyramidal system belong: corpus striatum, subthalamus, nucleus ruber, substantia nigra, formatio

In thalamus, anterior nuclei group is present:

- Subcortical olfactory center
- Grey matter

Insula is:
- Small and triangular region of the cerebral cortex located deep within the lateral sulcus, which is a large
fissure that separates the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe.
- Insula has gyrus longus insulae and gyri breves insulae.

In cuneatus area is present cortical:

- The cuneate fasciculus is located laterally in C1 to T6 spinal cord segments
- It contains afferents from the upper trunk and extremities.

The lower end of the spinal cord (adult) is at the:

- The spinal cord ends at the level of vertebrae L1 L2.

Of the cranial nerve pairs listed below, which nerve, along with XI and XII, relays only on somatic motor
a) I
b) II
c) IV
d) V

Specify branches of the plexus cervicalis:

a) N. auricularis magnus
b) N. transversus colli
c) N. occipitalis major
d) Nn. supraclaviculares

Damage to which cranial nerve pairs can cause difficulties in speech and swallowing?
a) IV
b) IX
c) XI
d) XII

Indicate nuclei of vagus nerve:

a) Nucleus tractus solitarii
b) Nucleus salivatorius inferior
c) Nucleus ambiguus
d) Nucleus dorsalis

Which cranial nerve pair, similar to the cranial nerve II, runs through a canal that hears the same name?
a) IV
c) XI
d) XII

Damage to which cranial nerve pair can cause problems with equilibrium?
a) IV
b) V
d) XI

Which cranial nerve pair is characterized by sensory fibers crossing?

a) I
b) II
c) V

Which of these cranial nerve pairs pass through the superior orbital fissure?
a) N. abducentis
b) N. opticus
c) N. oculomotoris
d) N. trochlearis

Which cranial nerve pair has two sensory branches which both pass through the internal acoustic meatus?

a) I
b) II
c) V

Which cranial nerve pair along with the vagus nerve and glossopharyngeal nerves, exit through the jugular
a) V
c) XI
d) XII

Sensory fibers of which cranial nerve pair pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone?
b) II
c) I

What cranial nerves have fibers that relay on somatic motor impulses to pharyngeal muscles during
a) I and II
b) V and XII
c) VI and VIII
d) IX and X

Which tracts form the trapezoid body?

a) Tr. Corticospinalis (pyramidales)
b) Tr. Cochlearis (auditory)
c) Lemniscus medialis
d) Tr. Pontocerebellaris

The nuclei of which cranial nerves are in the pons situated?

a) VII pair (n. facialis)
b) IX pair (n. glossopharyngeus)
c) VI (n. abducens)
d) X pair (n. vagus)
To which part of the brain do the superior cerebellar pedunculi belong?
a) Mesencephalon
b) Medulla oblongata
c) Thalamus
d) Cerebellum

Specify nuclei located in medulla oblongata?

a) Nucl. Olivares
b) Nucl. Gracilis
c) Nuclei trapezoidei
d) Nucl. Cuneiformis

Specify nuclei of the facial nerve (VII + XIII):

a) Nucl. Tractus solitarii
b) Nucl. Mesencephalicus
c) Nucl. Salivatorius superior

d) Nucl. Motorius

Where is the superior salivatorius nucleus situated?

a) Pons
b) Diencephalon
c) Mesencephalon
d) Medulla oblongata

Specify nuclei of vagus nerve:

a) Nucl. Ambiguus
b) Nucl. Tractus solitarii
c) Nucl. Spinalis
d) Nucl. Dorsalis n. vagi

Specify long associative fibres:

a) Fasciculus longitudinalis superior
b) Fasciculus longitudinalis inferior
c) Fasciculus uncinatus
d) Fasciculi medullae spinalis

Which tracts pass through the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord?
a) Tr. Spinothalamicus lateralis
b) Tr. Spinocerebellaris anterior
c) Tr. Vestibulospinalis
d) Tr. Rubrospinalis
Which tracts pass through the tegmentum of mesencephalon?
a) Tr. Corticospinalis (pyramidalis)
b) Lemniscus medialis
c) Tr. Spinocerebellaris anterior
d) Tr. Corticonuclearis

Which tracts form the ventral decussation of tegmentum of the mesencephalon?

a) Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior
b) Tr. Corticospinalis
c) Tr. Rubrospinalis
d) Lemniscus medialis

Specify tracts passing through the gene of lateral capsula:

a) Tr. Spinothalamicus anterior
b) Tr. Corticothalamicus
c) Tr. Corticonuclearis
d) Tr. Frontopontinus

Which anatomical structures belong to metathalamus?

a) Hypophysis
b) Corpus pineale
c) Corpus geniculatum mediale
d) Corpus geniculatum laterale

Indicate gyri on the inferior surface of cerebral hemispheres:

a) Precuneus
b) Gyrus rectus
c) Gyri orbitales
d) Gyrus cinguli

What cranial nerves exit the brainstem behind an olive?

a) 9th pair of nerves
b) 10th pair of nerves
c) 12th pair of nerves
d) 11th pair of nerves

Indicate levels of position of sacral and coccygeal segments in the vertebral canal:
a) Bodies of 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae
b) Body of 12th thoracic vertebra
c) Body of 1st lumbar vertebra
d) Body of 1st sacral vertebra

Specify fibres passing through the middle pedunculi of the cerebellum:

a) Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior
b) Tr. cerebellotegmentalis
c) Tr. pontocerebellaris
d) Fibrae arcuatae externae

Through which parts of the spinal cord does the corticospinal tract pass?
a) Funiculus lateralis
b) Funiculus anterior
c) Funiculus posterior

The medial lemniscus is formed by the processes of:

a) Nuclei proprii
b) Nucl. Cuneatus
c) Nucl. Gracilis
d) Nucl. Motorius n. trigemini

Specify structures of the brain, secreting the cerebrospinal fluid:

a) Arachnoidea
b) Plexus choroideus of the lateral ventricles
c) Plexus choroideus of the third ventricle
d) Plexus choroideus of the fourth ventricle

Specify foramens connecting the cavity of the fourth ventricle and subarachnoid space:
a) Apertura aqueductus cerebri
b) Aperturae laterales
c) Apertura mediana
d) Foramina interventricularia

What is true for the dura mater of the brain?

a) Close fusing with bones of the base of the skull

b) Presence of sinus venosus

c) Presence of processes
d) Presence of ligamenta dentata

Specify processes of the dura mater of the brain:

a) Tentorium cerebelli
b) Falx cerebelli
c) Falx cerebri
d) Diaphragma sellae

The lower cord of the spinal cord (adult) is at the?

a) L5
b) L3
c) L2
d) L1

Where is placed the 1st neuron of the tractus spinothalamicus anterior?

a) In cortex cerebri
b) In tuberculum gracile
c) In ganglion sensitivum
d) In skin

Where is placed the 1st neuron of the tractus rubrospinalis?

a) In nucleus ruber
b) In nuclei motorii
c) In nucleus lateralis thalami
d) In ganglion sensitivum

How many segments are in the spinal cord?

a) 32
b) 33
c) 30
d) 31

The 2nd neuron of the fasciculus cuneatus is placed:

a) In ganglion sensitivum
b) In medulla oblongata
c) In pons
d) In mesencephalon

N. Vagus consists of next nuclei and fibres?

a) Sensory
b) Motor
c) Mixed
d) Autonomic

The cavity of mesencephalon is?

a) Ventriculus tertius

b) Ventriculus quartus
c) Aqueductus mesencephali
d) Ventriculus lateralis

a) Nucleus lentiformis
b) Corpus callosum
c) Claustrum
d) Nucleus caudatus

Lamina tecti belongs to:

a) Diencephalon
b) Mesencephalon
c) Telencephalon
d) Metencephalon

Corpus amygdaloideum is present in?

a) Lobus frontalis
b) Lobus parietalis
c) Lobus temporalis
d) Lobus occipitalis

Subcortical hearing centers are placed in?

a) Cuneus
b) Corpus geniculatum mediale
c) Colliculi superiores
d) Corpus geniculatum laterale

To nuclei motorii of spinal cord go:

a) Fasciculus gracilis
b) Tractus Corticospinalis
c) Tractus corticopontinus
d) Tractus tectospinalis

Pedunculi cerebellares medii connect cerebellum with:

a) Medulla spinalis
b) Pons
c) Medulla oblongata
d) Mesencephalon

In mesencephalon are present nuclei of the next cranial nerves:

a) VII
b) III
c) VI
d) IV

Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior goes through:


a) Pedunculi cerebri
b) Pedunculi cerebellares superiores
c) Pedunculi cerebellares medii
d) Pedunculi cerebellares inferiores

Nucleus salivatorius inferior is for nerve:

a) VII
b) IX
d) X

Parts of fornix are:

a) Splenium
a) Columnae
b) Crura
c) Genu

Where is placed the intumescentia cervicalis?

a) C1 C3
b) C3 Th2
c) C5 C7
d) C7 Th1

Where are placed 80% crossed fibers of tractus Corticospinalis:

a) Medulla oblongata (decussatio lemniscorum)
b) Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti dorsalis)
c) Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti ventralis)
d) Medulla oblongata (decussatio pyramidum)

Corpora mammillaria are?

a) Subcortical hearing centre
b) Subcortical visual centre
c) Subcortical smell centre
d) Balance centre

Extrapyramidal pathway is:

a) Nucleus motorius n. trigemini (V)
b) Tractus Corticospinalis
c) Tractus Rubrospinalis
d) Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior

N. Glossopharyngeus exits at the:

a) Sulcus basilaris
b) Sulcus anterolateralis
c) Sulcus posterolateralis
d) Sulcus medianus

Mixed nerve is:

a) III

b) IV
c) II

a) Genu
b) Crus anterior
c) Rostrum
d) Crus posterius

The cerebral spinal fluid is produced by:

a) Plexus tympanicus
b) Plexus choroideus ventriculi quarti
c) Plexus choroideus ventriculi lateralis
d) Plexus basilaris

Dura mater encephali forms next processes:

a) Falx cerebelli
b) Falx cerebri
c) Diaphragma
d) Arachnoidea

On facies inferior cerebri is placed:

a) Sulcus collateralis
b) Sulcus centralis
c) Sulcus lateralis
d) Sulcus olfactorius

On lobus frontalis are next gyrus:

a) Gyrus longus
b) Gyri occipitales
c) Gyrus precentralis
d) Gyrus frontalis medius

Rostrum has:
a) Gyrus cinguli
b) Corpus callosum
c) Gyrus supermarginalis
d) Gyrus angularis

In spinal cord cauda equina is formed by roots of:

a) Cervical and thoracic parts
b) Lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal parts
c) Thoracic and lumbar parts
d) Sacral and coccygeal parts

Structure of hypothalamus is:


a) Epiphysis
b) Adhesio interthalamica
c) Habenulae
d) Hypophysis

Process that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body are called:
a) Dendrites
b) Axons
c) Motor neuron
d) Effector

The parts of diencephalon are:

a) Perithalamus
b) Epithalamus
c) Hypothalamus
d) Pedunculi cerebri

Which of the following meninges forms the loose, mid layer brain covering?
a) Pia mater
b) Dura mater
c) Arachnoidea
d) Falx cerebri

Which of the following areas are involved in sensory speech?

b) Colliculi superiores
c) Corpus geniculatum mediale

Which of the following structures separates the cerebral hemispheres?

a) Sulcus centralis
b) Septum pellucidum
c) Fissura transversa cerebri
d) Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

The midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata form:

a) Diencephalon
b) Truncus cerebri
c) Hypothalamus
d) Cerebellum

The vital centres for the control of visceral activities (heart rate, breathing, etc.) are located in:
a) Pons
b) Cerebellum
c) Mesencephalon
d) Medulla oblongata

What is the number of pairs of cranial nerves?

a) 2
b) 16

c) 21
d) 31

Which of the following are the parts of neuron?

a) Cortex, medulla, and sheath
b) Brain spinal cord, and vertebral column
c) Sensory and motor systems
d) Dendrite, axon, and cell body

The peripheral nervous system consists of the:

a) Cranial and spinal nerves
b) Brain and spinal cord
c) Sympathetic neurons
d) Parasympathetic neurons

Fasciculus cuneatus conducts impulses from:

a) Cortex cerebri
b) The upper part of the trunk and the upper limbs
c) The lower part of the trunk and the lower limbs
d) Mesencephalon

Nucleus of n. abducens is:

a) Nucleus ambiguus
b) Nucleus motorius
c) Nucleus n. abducentis
d) Nucleus mesencephalicus

N. opticus includes:
a) Tractus opticus
b) Lamina tecti
c) Tuber cinereum
d) Insula

The pyramidal motor pathway is:

a) Tractus rubrospinalis
b) Fasciculus gracilis
c) Tractus reticulospinalis
d) Tractus corticospinalis

Cisternae interpeduncularis is space:

a) Between medulla oblongata and cerebellum
b) In front of optic chiasma
c) Space above corpus callosum
d) Space between cerebral peduncules

Radix sensoria and radix motoria are roots of:

a) N. vagus
b) N. trigeminus
c) N. accessorius

d) N. vestibulocochlearis

Which anatomical structures are in the ventral part of the pons situated?
a) Tr. corticospinalis
b) Tr. pontocerebellaris
c) Nuclei motorii

Where is the nucleus salivatorius inferior situated?

a) Pons
b) Mesencephalon
c) Medulla oblongata
d) Diencephalon

Specify nuclei of the cerebellum:

a) Nucleus emboliformis
b) Nuclei reticulares
c) Nucleus fastigii
d) Nucleus dorsalis corporis trapezoidei

The commissural fibres pass through following structures:

a) Corpus callosum
b) Comissura cerebri anterior
c) Capsula interna
d) Comissura fornicis

To which part of the brain do the inferior cerebellar pedunculi pass?

a) Pons
b) Medulla oblongata
c) Cerebellum
d) Mesencephalon

Where is the motor nucleus of the accessory nerve situated?

a) Mesencephalon
b) Medulla oblongata
c) Pons
d) Upper segments of the spinal cord

For which cranial nerves the nucleus tractus solitarii is common:

a) N. hypoglossus
b) N. glossopharyngeus
c) N. accessorius
d) N. vagus

Which tracts pass through the posterior funiculi of the spinal cord:
a) Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior
b) Fasciculus gracilis

c) Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior

d) Fasciculus cuneatus

Which tracts pass through the anterior funiculi of the spinal cord?
a) Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis
b) Tr. tectospinalis
c) Tr. corticospianlis anterior
d) Tr. vestibulospinalis

Identify the columns of white matter that run along the sides of the spinal cord between the nerve roots.
a) funiculus lateralis
b) funiculus anterior
c) canalis centralis
d) nucleus parasymphatici sacrales
e) nucleus intermediolateralis

Identify the small bulges of grey matter that occur between the dorsal and ventral horns in spinal segments C5-
a) cornu anterior
b) cornu laterale
c) cornu posterior

Identify the efferent neuron?

a) neuron, which carries impulses from the spinal cord to the muscle.
b) neuron, which carries impulses from muscle to the spinal cord.

Which of the following is not a part of a neuron?

a) dendrite
b) axon
c) myelin
d) pons

a) receive messages
b) send messages
c) process information
d) insulate neurons

Which part of the nervous system controls voluntary movement?

a) autonomic
b) sympathetic
c) parasympathetic
d) somatic

The central nervous system consist of the:

a) brain and peripheral nerves
b) autonomic and somatic nervous system
c) brain and spinal cord
d) pons and frontal lobe

Which of the following is NOT part of the limbic system:

a) corpus amygdalodeus
b) hippocampus
c) hypothalamus
d) cerebellum

Nucleus proprius cornu posterior is:

a) the second neuron in tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
b) the second neuron in tractus spinothalamicus anterior
c) is the second neuron in tractus spinocerebellaris posterior
d) is the first neuron in tractus spinocerebellaris posterior

The difference between 2nd neurons in tractus spinocerebellaris anterior et posterior?

a) in tractus spinocerebellaris anterior the 2nd neuron in nucleus thoracicus posterior, in tractus
spinocerebellaris posterior-nucleus intermediomedialis
b) infromation from both tractus is conducted through nucleus intermediolateralis
c) in tractus spinocerebellaris anterior the 2nd neuron is nucleus intermedials, in tractus spinocerebellaris
posterior-nucleus thoracicus posterior
d) information from both tractus is conducted through nucleus thoracicus posterior

Where in the white matter of the spinal cord is located tractus corticospinalis anterior?
a) funiculus lateralis
b) funiculus anterior
c) funiculus posterior

Tract, that takes part in formation of touch pathway

a) tractus spinothalamicus anterior
b) tractus corticospinalis anterior
c) tractus olivospinalis

Identify all asceding tractus

a) funiculus gracilis, funiculus cuneatus, tractus spinocerebellaris posterior, tractus reticuluspinalis
b) funiculus gracilis, tractus spinocerebellaris, tractus spinocerebellaris posterior, tractus reticulospinalis
c) funiculus gracilis, funiculus cuneatus, tractus spinocerebellaris posterior, tractus spinothalamicus lateralis

Identify the structures that develops from diencephalon:

a) thalamus, epithalamus, cerebellum
b) epithalamus, metencephalon
c) subthalamus, epithalamus

In sulcus posterolateralis medulla oblongata emerge several nerves

a) n.vagus, n.hypoglossus
b) n.accessories, n.glossopharyngus
c) n.hypoglossus, n.abduceris

N.facialis emerges (comes out):

a) in sulcus bulbopontinus
b) in sulcus anterolateralis med.oblongata
c) in fissura mediana med.oblongata

Name functions of formation reticularis

a) voluntary control of skeletal muscles
b) controlling heart beat, respiratory rate
c) controlling level of consciousiness

Superior part of fossa rhomboidea is limited by

a) pedunculi cerebri
b) pedunculi cerebellaris anterior
c) medulla oblongata
Where emerges III cranial nerve?
a) sulcus posterolateralis med.oblongat
b) sulcus bulbopontinus
c) sulcus occulomotorius

Nucleus Ambiguus is common for

a) n.vagus, n.glossopharyngeus, n.accessorius
b) n.vagus, n. trigeminus, n.hypoglossus
c) n.glossopharyngeus, n.vagus
d) only for vagus

Which nucleus is common for both n.vagus and n.glossopharyngus

a) nucleus ambiguus
b) nucleus tractus solitari
c) nucleus vestibulares
d) nucleus dorsalis

Where is located nucleus tractus abducentis?

a) eminentia medialis
b) area vestibulares
c) colliculus fascialis
d) trigonum n.hypoglossi

How many openings have ventriculus quartus?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 3
d) 6

For which functions is the responsible nucleus emboliformis?

a) coordination of the movements of the limbs
b) provides balance
c) coordination of the movements of the trunk

Identify the vision centers:

a) colliculus superior et corpus geniculatum
b) colliculus inferior et corpus geniculatum mediale
c) cuneus, gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis
d) uncus, gyrus fornicatus

Identify the smell/olfactory centers:

a) corpus amygdaloideus
b) uncus
c) gyrus fornicatus
d) corpus mamillare

What structure lies between lamina tecti colliculs?

a) epiphysis s.corpus pineable
b) neurohypophysis s.glandula pituitaria

Everything is true about n.ruber, except:

a) it contains iron pigments
b) located in diencephalon region
c) forms tractus rubrospinalis
d) part if the extrapyramidal system
e) lies in tegmentum mesencephali

Where are located nuclei of the IIIrd cranial nerve?

a) in fossa rhomboidea above striae medullaris
b) in fossa rhomboidea below striae medullaris
c) in tegmentum mesencephali

Crossing space in tractus rubrospinalis is called:

a) decussatio rubrarum
b) decussatio lemniscorum
c) decussatio tegmentalis posterior
d) decussatio tegmentalis anterior

Which part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information?

a) temporal lobe
b) occipital lobe
c) parietal lobe
d) medulla

Which part of the brain is responsible for hearing and sensory speech?
a) occipital lobe
b) cerebellum
c) temporal lobe
d) frontal lobe

Identify two ways, how venous blood from confluens sinuum can achieve foramen magnum?
a) through sinus transversus et sigmoideus

b) through sinus sagittalis superioris et inferioris

c) through sinus occipitalis
d) through sinus rectus

Sinus circularis is formed from:

a) sinus cavernosus et intercavernosus
b) sinus petrosus superior et inferior et plexus basilaris

Name the one paired cistern (dilatation of subarachoid space):

a) cisterna interpeduncularis
b) cisterna fossa lateralis
c) cisterna chiasmatica

Name the cisterna where opens aperture mediana et lateralis ventriculi quatri (IV)?
a) cisterna cerebellomedullaris
b) cisterna chiasmatica
c) cisterna pericallosa
d) cisterna pontis s. pantocerebellaris

Liquor cerebrospinalis can be found in:

a) spatium subarachnoideum
b) ventriculs of the brain
c) canalis centralis medulla spinalis

What is the difference between pathways that reach subcortical centres from those who reach cortical centres?
a) there is no difference
b) pathways that reach cortical centres responsible for conscous feelings/movements subcortical unconsious
c) pathways that reach costical centres are crossing subcortical-do not cross

Identify the tracfu(s)/pathway(s) that is not crossing:

a) tractus rubrospinalis
b) tractus corticospinalis
c) tractus corticopontinus
d) tractus vestibulospinalis
e) tractus spinothalamicus anterior

Which fibers of epicritic sensibitility pathway are crossing?

a) fibrae arcuatae internae
b) fibrae arcuatae externae

Which of the mentioned pathways has 3 neuron chains and 1 crossing?

a) tractus frontopontinus
b) tractus corticospinalis lateralis
c) fasciculus gracilis
d) fasciculus cuneatus

e) tractus rubrospinalis

Uncus is present in:

- Anterior extremity of gyrus parahippocampalis; it is a part of the olfactory cortex.

Fornix connects:
- Corpus mamillare and uncus.

Fornix consists of:

columnae fornicis (2)
corpus fornicis (1)
crura fornicis (2)

Epiphysis cerebri is present in:

- Epithalamus
- It has influence on the development of telencephalon, intellectual ability, proportional development of
the body, inhibits maturation of the genitalia before puberty, acts as biological rhythm regulator, is
responsible for skin pigmentation.

Which suturing structures separates the cerebral hemispheres?

- Both hemispheres are separated by a deep cleft fissura longitudinalis cerebri.

Sulci orbitales are present in:

- Inferior surface of lobus frontalis, telencephalon.

Decussatio tegmenti dorsalis is formed by:

- Tractus rubrospinalis, by axons of nucleus ruber.
- In mesencephalon.

Reading centre is located in:

- Telencephalon - Pallium
- Lobus parietalis - lobulus parietalis inferior - gyrus angularis.

Capsula interna is made of:

- White matter
- Descending and ascending tracts pass through

In cuneus area is present cortical:

- Primary somatosensory cortex (sensory homunculus of gyrus postcentralis

Colloq MCQ 2020-05-05

In which part of the spinal cord there are 5 segments:

a. Sacral
b. Thoracic
c. Lumbar
d. Coccygeal

Which tracts go through basis pedunculi cerebri:

a. Tractus spinothalamicus anterior
b. Tractus corticothalamicus
c. Tractus frontopontinus
d. Tractus corticospinalis

Which structures belong to the hypothalamus:

a. Tuber cinereum
b. Corpora mamillaria
c. Infundibulum
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale

Where is intumescencia lumbosacralis located:

a. L3-coccyg1
b. Th5-L5
c. Th10-Coccyg1
d. Th12-conus medullaris

How many pairs of spinal nerves are typical for human:

a. 12
b. 16
c. 31
d. 36

Capsula interna is limited by:

a. Caput nuclei caudati
b. Thalamus
c. Nucleus lentiformis
d. Claustrum

Ganglion sensorium is located on:

a. N.spinalis
b. Radix dorsalis
c. Radix ventralis
d. Ramus meningeus

What are parts of N.olfactorius (l).

a. Gyrus dentatus (sulcus hippocampi)
b. Trigonum olfactorium
c. Chiasma (eyes)
d. Bulbus olfactorius

Part of the fibers of tractus corticospinalis form crossing at:


a. Medulla oblongata (decussatio lemniscorum)

b. Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti anterior)
c. Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti posterior)
d. Medulla oblongata (decussatio pyramidum)

Which structures belong to the diencephalon:

a. Oliva
b. Thalamus
c. Corpora mamillaria
d. Glandula pinealis

Pathway of movement coordination is:

a. Tractus rubrospinalis
b. Fasciculus gracilis (epicritic sensibility)
c. Tractus reticulospinalis (consciousness + connection to formatio ret. spinalis)
d. Tractus tectospinalis

What are parts of the white matter of the spinal cord:

a. Funiculus anterior
b. Funiculus lateralis
c. Funiculus medialis
d. Funiculus posterior

In metathalamus can be found:

a. Corpus geniculatum mediale
b. Colliculus superior (mesencephalon)
c. Corpus geniculatum laterale
d. Cuneus (cerebrum on lobus occiptalis)

Nuclei of colliculi superiores are:

a. Subcortical auditory center (colliculi inferiores)
b. Subcortical sensory center
c. Subcortical autonomic center
d. Subcortical visual center

1st neuron of tractus corticopontinus is located in:

a. Lobus frontalis
b. Lobus parietalis
c. Lobus temporalis
d. Lobus occipitalis

Corpus amygdaloideum is located in:

a. Lobus frontalis
b. Lobus parietalis
c. Lobus temporalis
d. Lobus occipitalis

Lamina tecti is part of:

a. Diencephalon
b. Mesencephalon
c. Telencephalon

d. Metencephalon

Which fibers pass through pedunculi cerebellares superiores:

a. Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
b. Tractus cerebellotegmentalis
c. Tractus pontocerebellaris
d. Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior (inferiores)

Caput nuclei caudati is located in:

e. Lobus frontalis
f. Lobus parietalis
g. Lobus temporalis
h. Lobus occipitalis

How many pairs of spinal nerves emerge from the cervical part of the spinal cord:
a. 7
b. 12
c. 5
d. 8

On sulcus posterolateralis are present following nerves:

a. N.facialis (VII)
b. N.glossopharyngeus (IX)
c. N.vestibulocochlearis (VII)
d. N. vagus (X)

Pedunculi cerebellares superiores connect cerebellum with:

a. Medulla spinalis
b. Pons (medii)
c. Medulla oblongata (inferiores)
d. Mesencephalon

Tractus spinocerebellaris posterior goes through.

a. Pedunculi cerebri
b. Pedunculi cerebellares superiores
c. Pedunculi cerebellares medii
d. Pedunculi cerebellares inferioris

Specify nuclei that are located in medulla oblongata:

a. Nucleus olivaris
b. Nucleus gracilis
c. Nucleus cuneatus
d. Nucleus corporis trapezoidei

Which pathway go through funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis

a. Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
b. Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
c. Tractus vestibulospinal
d. Tractus rubrospinalis

Nuclei of which cranial nerves are located in pons:


a. N.facialis (VII) (between pons + medulla oblongata but also white matter of pons)
b. N.glossopharyngeus (IX)
c. N. abducens (VI) (between pons + medulla oblongata but also white matter of pons)
d. N. vagus (X)

Nuclei posteriores thalami are responsible for:

a. Subcortical visual center
b. Subcortical olfactory center
c. Subcortical auditory center
d. Reading center

Aquaeductus cerebri connects:

a. Ventriculus quartus
b. Ventriculus lateralis
c. ventriculus tetrius
d. Spatium subdurale

Specify nuclei of cornu posterius medullae spinalis:

a. Nucleus intermediomedialis
b. Nucleus thoracicus posterior
c. Nuclei motorii
d. Nucleus proprius

Where is center of complex professional skills (praxis) located:

a. Gyrus angularis (language, number processing, spatial cognition, memory reterieval, attention & theory of
b. Gyrus supramarginalis (language perception)
c. Gyrus frontalis inferior (speech production, comprehension)
d. Gyrus temporalis superior (reading center + possibility to understand words)

Cerebellum comprises following parts:

a. Two hemispheres
b. Arbor vitae
c. Cortex cerebelli
d. Vermis cerebelli

Specify pathways that go through capsula interna:

a. Tractus frontopontinus
b. Tractus corticospinalis
c. Tractus corticonuclearis
d. Tractus spinothalamicus anterior

Cuneus is limited by:

a. Sulcus calcarinus
b. Sulcus parietooccipitalis
c. Sulcus collateralis
d. Sulcus cinguli

Where is motor nucleus of n. Accessorius located:

a. Mesencephalon
b. Medulla oblongata

c. Pons
d. Upper segments of medulla spinalis

Through which part does tractus spinothalamicus go:

a. Funiculus lateralis
b. Funiculus anterior
c. Funiculus posterior
d. Funiculus proprius

Insula is:
a. Cavity of the brain
b. Olfactory part of the brain
c. Lobe of the brain
d. Subcortical nucleus

What does brachium colliculi superioris connect:

a. Pons
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Mesencephalon
d. Metathalamus

Which tracts are part of common movement coordination pathway:

a. Tractus corticospinalis (voluntary control)
b. Tractus rubrospinalis
c. Tractus pontocerebellaris
d. Lemniscus medialis (part of deep sensation pathway)

Nucleus intermediolateralis is located in:

a. Cornu laterale medullae spinalis
b. Tuberculum gracile
c. Oliva
d. Cornu posterius medullae spinalis

The 3rd ventricle belongs to:

a. Telencephalon
b. Diencephalon
c. Rhombencephalon
d. Mesencephalon

Cauda nuclei caudati is located in:

a. Lobus frontalis
b. Lobus parietalis
c. Lobus temporalis
d. Lobus occipitalis

Fibrae projectiones connect:

a. Different structures
b. Symmetrical areas
c. Cortex with lower parts of the brain
d. Adjacent gyri

Fibrae commissurales connect:

a. Different structures
b. Symmetrical areas
c. Cortex with lower parts of the brain
d. Adjacent gyri

2nd neuron for tractus pyramidalis are:

a. Autonomic nuclei of the brainstem
b. Motor nuclei in the brainstem
c. Nuclei of the lateral horn in spinal cord
d. Nuclei of the anterior horn in spinal cord (Nn. Motorii)

Which parts of the brain take part in formation of the 3rd ventricle:
a. Hypothalamus
b. Columnae fornicis
c. Thalamus
d. Corpus callosum

Nuclei posteriores thalami are responsible for:

a. Subcortical visual center
b. Subcortical olfactory center
c. Subcortical auditory center
d. Reading center

In metathalamus can be found:

a. Corpus geniculatum mediale
b. Colliculus superior
c. Corpus geniculatum laterale
d. Cuneus (part of telencephalon)

Specify anatomical structures on the surface of medulla oblongata:

a. Sulcus posterolateralis
b. Sulcus anterolateralis
c. Sulcus medianus posterior
d. Fissura mediana anterior

How many nuclei does n.trigeminus have:

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5

Radix cranialis and radix spinalis are roots of:

a. N.vagus (X)
b. N.trigeminus (V)
c. N.accessorius (XI)
d. N.vestibulocochlearis (VIII)

Nuclei parasympathici sacrales are located in:

a. L1-L5
b. S2-S4

c. S1-S5
d. Th12-L2

The 2nd neuron of fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus is located in:

a. Thalamus
b. Pons
c. Medulla oblongata (tuberculum gracile + cuneatum)
d. Medulla spinalis

Subcortical auditory centers are located in:

a. Nucleus posterior thalami
b. Corpus geniculatum mediale
c. Colliculi inferiores
d. Corpus geniculatum laterale

Medulla oblongata has following surfaces:

a. Ventral
b. Medial
c. Lateral
d. Dorsal

Hypothalamus includes:
a. Tractus opticus
b. Fornix
c. Tuber cinereum
d. Hypophysis

Subcortical visual centers are located in:

a. Corpus geniculatum mediale
b. Colliculus superior
c. Corpus geniculatum laterale
d. Cuneus

Unpaired cortical centers are present in:

a. Gyrus temporalis superior
b. Gyrus temporalis medius
c. Gyrus frontalis (står frontalis) medius
d. Gyrus frontalis (står frontalis) inferior

Pedunculi cerebellares superiores connect cerebellum with:

a. Medulla spinalis
b. Pons (medii)
c. Medulla oblongata (inferiores)
d. Mesencephalon

Specify nuclei that are located in medulla oblongata:

a. Nucleus olivaris
b. Nucleus gracilis
c. Nucleus cuneatus
d. Nucleus corporis trapezoidei (PONS)

Corpora mamillaria are:

a. Voluntary movement center
b. Subcortical auditory center
c. Subcortical visual center
d. Subcortical olfactory center

Between medulla oblongata and pons exit:

a. N.abducens (VI)
b. N.facialis (VII)
c. N.hypoglossus (XII)
d. N.vestibulocochlearis (VIII)

Subcortical auditory centers are:

a. Corpora geniculata lateralia
b. Thalamus
c. Corpora geniculata medialia
d. Colliculi inferiores

Uncus is center of:

a. Balance
b. Vision
c. Olfactory
d. Auditory

Through which part of the spinal cord does tractus corticospinalis pass:
a. Funiculus anterior (corticospinalis anterior 20%)
b. Funiculus lateralis (corticospinalis lateralis 80%)
c. Funiculus posterior
d. Commissura alba

Which pathways go through funiculus lateralis medullae spinalis:

a. Tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
b. Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior
c. Tractus vestibulospinalis
d. Tractus rubrospinalis

Specify substantia alba of cerebellum:

a. Nucleus emboliformis (all nuclei are grey matter)
b. Arbor vitae (cerebellar white matter, the TREE OF LIFE)
c. Nucleus fastigii
d. Tractus spinocerebellaris anterior (ends at cortex vermis)

How many nuclei does n.trigeminus have:

a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5

Specify nucleu of cornu posterius medullae spinalis:

a. Nucleus interomediomedialis (Enl. ryska varianterna är denna rätt också)
b. Nucleus thoracicus posterior

c. Nuclei motorii
d. Nucleus proprius

Sensory speech area is:

b. Colliculi superiores
c. Corpus geniculatum mediale

Fibrae arcuatee externae go to:

a. Pons
b. Mesencephalon
c. Cerebellum
d. Diencephalon

Which anatomical structures are located in ventral part of medulla oblongata:

a. Tractus corticospinalis
b. Tractus pontocerebellaris
c. Nucleus gracilis
d. Oliva

What does epithalamus include:

a. Trigonum habenulae
b. Corpora mamillaria
c. Habenulae
d. Corpus geniculatum mediale

Trigonum lemnisci lateralis is bordered by:

a. Brachium colliculi superioris
b. Pedunculi cerebellares superiores
c. Sulcus lateralis mesencephali
d. Brachium colliculi inferioris

Common nuclei for n.vagus and n.glossopharyngeus are:

a. Nucleus ambiguus
b. Nucleus salivatorius superior
c. Nucleus tractus solitarii
d. Nucleus salivatorius inferior

On lobus frontalis are located following sulci:

a. Sulcus frontalis medius
b. Sulcus frontalis inferius
c. Sulcus infraperietalis
d. Sulcus olfactorius

The 2nd neuron of tractus corticospinalis is located in:

a. Cortex cerebri
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Thalamus
d. Nuclei motorii

Parts of the diencephalon are:

a. Metathalamus
b. Epithalamus
c. Pedunculi cerebri
d. Oliva

Specify nuclei of cerebellum:

a. Nucelus emboliformis
b. Nuclei reticulares
c. Nuclei fastigii
d. Nuclei dorsalis corporis trapezoidei

At which level does conus medullare terminate in adults:

a. Th12
b. Th10
c. L2
d. S2

Specify nuclei of the N.facialis ( VII + XIII):

a. Nucelus tractus solitarii
b. Nucleus salvitorius superior
c. Nucleus mesencephalicus
d. Nucleus salivatorius inferior

Center of motor speech is located:

a. Gyrus frontalis medius
b. Gyrus frontalis inferior
c. Gyrus temporalis superior
d. Gyrus angularis

At which level does conus medullare terminate in adults:

a. Th12
b. Th10
c. L2
d. S2

Branches of n.spinalis are:

a. Ramus meningeus
b. Ramus ventralis
c. Rammus communicantes albus
d. Ramus collateralis

Fibres of fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus form crossing at:

a. Medulla oblongata (decussatio lemnisocorum)
b. Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti anterior)
c. Mesencephalon (decussatio tegmenti posterior)
d. Medulla oblongata (decussatio pyramidum)

Parts of corpus callosum are:

a. Splenium
b. Truncus
c. Crura
d. Genu

Corpora mamillaria are:

a. Voluntary movement center
b. Subcortical auditory center
c. Subcortical visual center
d. Subcortical olfactory center

Nucleus tractus solitarii is common for following nerves:

a. N.facialis (VII)
b. N.vagus (X)
c. N.glossopharyngeus (IX)
d. N.oculomotorius (III)

Which structures belong to the parietal lobe:

a. Lobolus parietalis superior
b. Cuneus
c. Uncus
d. Gyrus postcentralis

What belongs to the mesencephalon:

a. Substantia nigra
b. Corpus trapezoideum
c. Nucleus ruber
d. Nucleus olivaris

Which nuclei belong to the autonomic nervous system:

a. Nucleus thoracicus posterior
b. Nucleus proprius
c. Nucleus intermediomedialis
d. Nucleus intermediolateralis

Specify nuclei n.trigeminus (V):

a. Nucleus spinalis
b. Nucleus mesencephalicus
c. Nucleus sensorius
d. Nucleus motorius

In sulcus hippocampalis lies:

a. Gyrus cinguli
b. Gyrus dentatus
c. Uncus
d. Hippocampus

Tractus rubrospinalis passes through:

a. Pons
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Cerebellum
d. Mesecephalon

To which part of the brain does pedunculi cerebellares inferiores go:

a. Pons
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Mesencephalon
d. Metencephalon

Forceps occipitalis s. Major is formed by:

a. Corpus collosum
b. Nucleus caudatus
c. Corpus amygdaloideum
d. Fornix

Which nuclei belong to the autonomic nervous system:

a. Nucleus thoracicus anterior
b. Nucleus proprius
c. Nucleus intermdeiomedialis
d. Nucleus intermediolateralis

Medially from pedunculi cerebri arises:

a. 4th cranial
b. 3rd cranial
c. 6th cranial nerve
d. 10th cranial nerve

Which of the following are motor nerves:

e. N.abducens (VI)
f. N.glossopharyngeus (IX)
g. N.hypoglossus (XII)
h. N.vestibulocochlearis (VIII)

Insula has following structures:

a. Gyrus cinguli
b. Gyrus longus
c. Gyri breves
d. Gyrus angularis

Which structures belong to the parietal lobe:


a. Lobulus parietalis superior

b. Cuneus
c. Uncus
d. Gyrus postcentralis

Lemniscus medialis is formed by processes of:

a. Nucleus proprii
b. Nucleus gracilis
c. Nucleus cuneatus
d. Nuclei motorii n.trigemini

From lamina tecti starts:

a. Reflex balance pathway
b. Tractus tectospinalis
c. Lemniscus trigeminalis
d. Tractus rubrospinalis

Open questions:

1. Medulla oblongata - external description of the ventral surface.

The medulla Oblongata is 3cm in length and 2 cm in diameter. The superior border against
pons stats superior and posteriorly at the level of the Pedunculi cerebellaris inferior thus forming the inferior half
of Ventriculus Quartus.
The inferior border of the medulla spinalis and medulla oblongata is at the roots of the first Cervical Spinal Nerve

Structures: anteriorly; the Oliva, the Pyramis

and the decussation of the Pyramis can be perceived. At the Oliva 1 can find; nuclei olivaris inferioris.

Cranial nerve roots;

1) Nervus abduces CN VI, facialis CN VII, Vestibulocochlearis CN VIII ( at pontomedullary junction).

2) More caudally and posterolateral we can find N. Glossopharyngeus CN IX, Vagus CN X, Acessorius CN XI,
Hypoglossus CN XII


Here Tuberculum Gracile and Cuneatus can be found, formed by the axons of faciculus gracilis and Cuneatus.

Fissure mediana anterior & posterior.

2. Medulla spinalis tracts funiculus lateralis.

At the level of medulla oblongata several ascending and descending tracts can be seen and some nuclei.


Nucleus gracilis; formed by the second order neurons that receive impulses from the faciculus Gracilis from lower
limb (I-order neuron) of fine touch, vibration localization and positioning.

Nucleus Cuneatus: formed by the second order neurons that receive impulses from the faciculus Cuneatus from
upper limb (I-order neuron) of fine touch, vibration localization and positioning.

Spinal Nucleus of N. Trigemini CN V. ; The spinal trigeminal nucleus is a nucleus in the medulla that receives
information about deep/crude touch, pain, and temperature from the ipsilateral face. In addition to the
trigeminal nerve (CN V), the facial (CN VII), glossopharyngeal (CN IX), and vagus nerves (CN X) also convey pain
information from their areas to the spinal trigeminal nucleus.[1] Thus the spinal trigeminal nucleus receives input
from cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X.

Dorsal Vagal Nucleus CN X(nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi): lies ventral to the floor of the fourth ventricle. It mostly
serves parasympathetic vagal functions in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and other thoracic and abdominal
vagal innervations. The cell bodies for the preganglionic parasympathetic vagal neurons that innervate the heart
reside in the nucleus ambiguus.

Nucleus Ambiguus:
A group of large motor neurons, situated deep in the medullary reticular formation named by Jacob Clarke.[

Nucleus N. Hypoglossus CN IX ;

Dorsal accessory nucleus:


1. Faciuculus gracilis ( forme here lemeniscus medialis and its decussation)

2. Fasciculus Cuneatus
3. Spinal tract of trigeminal nerve; CN V
4. Medial longuitudinal Faciculus ;

The medial longitudinal fasciculus fasciculus longuitudinalis medialis) carries information about the direction that
the eyes should move. It connects the cranial nerve nuclei III (N. occulomotorius CN III), IV ( nervus Trochlearis)
and VI (Nervus Abducens) together, and integrates movements directed by the gaze centers (frontal eye field) and
information about head movement (from cranial nerve VIII, Vestibulocochlear nerve). It is an integral component
of saccadic eye movements as well as vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic reflexes. It also carries the descending
tectospinal tract and medial vestibulospinal tracts into the cervical spinal cord, and innervates some muscles of
the neck and upper limbs.

5. Posterior spinocerebellar ; unconscious proprioception of skeletal muscles

6. Anterior spinocerebellar; unconscious proprioception of skeletal muscles

7. Lateral corticospinal tract ( Hence Pyramis and decussation)

8. Tecto spinal tract; tract is believed to concern postural reflex movements in response to visual stimuli and
head movements. Unconscious coordination of head and eye movements
9. Lateral spinothalamic tract ( Pain and Temperature sensation)

3. Cortical Centers - all gyri + functions.

Gyrus frontalis superior - (self-awareness )

Gyrus frontalis medius; medius also related to speech
Gyrus frontalis inferior
Gyrus precentralis : major motor cortex
Gyrus postcentralis ; major sensory cortex
Gyrus paramarginalis ;
Gyrus angularis ; related to speech
Gyrus temporalis superior; concerned with language comprehension, hence
damage can cause aphasia.
Gyrus temporalis medius

Gyrus temporalis inferior

Uncus extremity of the parahippocampal gyrus and forms part of the olfactory cortex.
Gyrus parahippocampalis -
Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis - ( visual area around sulcus calcarinus)
Precuneus : a brain region involved in a variety of complex functions,60 which include recollection and memory,
integration of information (gestalt) relating to perception of the environment, cue reactivity, mental imagery
strategies, episodic memory retrieval, and affective responses to pain.
Cuneous : lower part includes visual cortex

4. Motor coordination pathway.

of a chain of neurons:
1st order neuron Neurons from the motor cortex in the parietal, frontal, occipital and temporal sites; the axons
of the latter descend as tractus parietopontinus, tractus temporopontinus, tractus corticopontinus (tractus
frontopontinus, tractus occipitopontinus, they pass through capsula interna (telencephalon), crus cerebri and carry
information to the pons;
2d neuron nuclei pontis; axons of them form tractus pontocerebellaris, which is crossed and run to cortex
cerebelli via pedunculi cerebellares medii;
3rd neuron neural cells of cortex cerebelli; they are connected with nucleus dentatus;
4th neuron nucleus dentatus; axons from it run as tractus cerebellorubralis via pedunculi cerebellares superiores,
are crossed in velum medullare superius and reach nucleus ruber (mesencephalon);
5th neuron nucleus ruber; axons of it are crossed (decussatio tegmentalis anterior) and descend as tractus
6th neuron nuclei motorii of the anterior horns of the spinal cord; axons form spinal nerves.

5. Description of white matter in pons.

Pons as the whole brainstem contains many axons of several descend and ascending tracts( white matter) and
they can be subdivided between those that are part of the tegmentum and those of the basilar part such as;

White matter of the basilar part:

Tractus descendentes:
1. tractus corticospinalis; comes from cortex gyrus precentralis part of the pyramidal system hence tractus
corticospinalis lateralis et anterior;
2. tractus corticonuclearis; also part of the pyramidal system it synapses with the motor nuclei of the cranial
nerves ( Trigeminus V, AbducensVI, Facialis VII);
3. tractus corticopontinus it is part of the pathway for the voluntary coordination of the movements;
4. tractus pontocerebellaris it is part of the pathway for the voluntary coordination of the movements.
The 1st neurons of the pathway for coordination of the movements are in the frontal, parietal, occipital and
temporal regions of cortex cerebri; the axons of them form tractus corticopontinus and synapse to the 2nd
neurons of this pathway nuclei pontis. Axons of the 2nd neurons form tractus pontocerebellaris; they are
crossed and run to the opposite side of the cerebellum via pedunculi cerebellares medii.

The axons of the tegmentum of pons are composed of afferent and efferent tracts.

Tractus ascendentes:
1. lemniscus medialis; formed after medulla by fasciulus gracilis et cuneatus carries impulses with information
about ; Touch & proprioception

2. lemniscus spinalis ; It carries fibers of tractus spinothalamicus anterior and lateralis concerning
temperature and pain ( lateralis ) & touch and pressure ( anterior)
3. lemniscus trigeminalis fibres from the sensory nuclei of the Vth cranial nerve; they are crossed;
4. tractus spinocerebellaris anterior; Unconscious muscle sense joint, Unconscious proprioceptive pathway
5. lemniscus lateralis and corpus trapezoideum are parts of the auditory pathway.

Tractus descendentes:
1. tractus tectospinalis; start approx. at the level of superior colliculus Unconscious coordination of head and
eye movements.

2. tractus rubrospinalis; has also its start at nucleus ruber at the level superior colliculus ( I-order) to cornu
anterius ( II-order) to facilitate flexor muscle and inhibit extensor activity.
3. tractus reticulospinalis; starts from medulla oblongata and pons reticular nucleus ( formation) continues in
lateral white enters cornu anterior they inhibit/facilitate - - motor neuron activity in that way
they influence voluntary movements and reflex activity.
4. tractus vestibulospinalis; receive fibers from inner ear through n.vestibularis( concerning balance at
N.vestibularis), they descend in anterior white uncrossed corny anterius lower motor neuron convey
balance and posture to skeletal muscle.
5. fasciculus longitudinalis medialis; this is the main pathway that connects the Vestibular & cochlear (CN VIII)
nuclei with the extra ocular muscle nuclei of ( n. abducens CN VI, n.trochlearis CN IV & CN III

6. Circulation of liquor cerebrospinalis.

Liquour or CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) is produced in the plexus chorideous of ventriculus lateralis, tertius and
quartus. CSF flows through foramen (1) interventriculare of Monroe from ventriculus lateralis to V.tertius.
Ventriculus Tertius is the connected to Ventriculus Quartus trough (2) aqueductus cerebri ( of Sylvius)
Ventriculus Quartus communicates with spatium subarachnoideum trough (3) foramina lateralia (luscka) and
through the (4) apertura Mediana (of Magendie) rest flows trough the Canalis Centralis medullae spinalis.
From spatium subarachnoideum CSF will flow into the venous plexuses trough the granulationes arachnoidae ,
which will later flow into confluens sinuum . An other part of the CSF drains into lymphatic pathways trough
spinal nerve coverings.

7. Pyramidal motor pathways.

Tractus Cortico spinalis lateris & Tractus corticospinalis anterior.

Tractus corticospinalis (alternative name pyramidal tract)

Origin: pyramidal cells from primary motor cortex, (motor homunculus of gyrus precentralis); their axons pass
through corona radiata capsula interna (telencephalon) and descend as two tracts tractus corticonuclearis &
tractus corticospinalis. This tract forms the swelling at medulla oblongata called pyramis and their cross over

Interaction: most fibers cross at the level of medulla oblongata at ( they form the cross over =decussation
decussation) decussatio of pyramids and descend 20 % as anterior tractus corticospinalis & 80% tr.
Corticospinalis lateralis; is the one that crosses over and forms decussation pyramidum descends in funiculus
lateralis of spinal cord.

Second order neuron: descending fibers enter spinal cord at the motor nuclei at cornu anterius(nuclei motorii
) - - motor neurons, only a small part
of the tract synapses directly with the lower motor neuron. The second order neuron exits the cornu anterius to
target skeletal muscle fibers.

Function: Voluntary control; rapid, skilled, voluntary movements, especially distal ends of limbs.

8. Fossa rhomboidea with specific nuclei.

The nuclei of fossa rhomboidea are

1. nuclei accessorii n.oculomotorii

2. nucleus n. trochlearis (CN IV motor)
3. nucleus motorius n. trigemini
4.nucleus sensorius n. trigemini
5.nucleus mesencephalicus n. trigemini
6. nucleus spinalis n. trigemini
6. nucleus n. abducentis (CN VI- somatic/ motor)
21. nucleus n. facialis (CN VII)
22. nucleus salivatorius superior
23. nucleus tractus solitarii
24. nuclei cochleares (CN VIII)
25. nuclei vestibulares (VIII)
26. nucleus ambiguus
27. nucleus salivatorius inferior
28. nucleus dorsalis n. vagi (CN X)
29. nucleus spinalis n. accessorii (CN XI)
30. nucleus n. hypoglossi (CN XII)

1. sulcus medianus
2. sulcus limitans
3. eminentia medialis
4. colliculus facialis
5. striae medullares ventriculi quarti
6. area vestibularis
7. trigonum nervi hypoglossi
8. trigonum nervi vagi
9. pedunculus cerebellaris superior
10. pedunculus cerebellaris inferius
11. pedunculus cerebellaris medius
12. lamina tecti (mesencephalon)
13. nucleus n. oculomotorii
14. nuclei accessorii n.oculomotorii

15. nucleus n. trochlearis

16. nucleus motorius n. trigemini
17.nucleus sensorius n. trigemini
18.nucleus mesencephalicus n. trigemini
19. nucleus spinalis n. trigemini
20. nucleus n. abducentis
21. nucleus n. facialis
22. nucleus salivatorius superior
23. nucleus tractus solitarii
24. nuclei cochleares (VIII)
25. nuclei vestibulares (VIII)
26. nucleus ambiguus
27. nucleus salivatorius inferior
28. nucleus dorsalis n. vagi
29. nucleus spinalis n. accessorii
30. nucleus n. hypoglossi

9. Grey matter medulla spinalis as well as tracts of fasciculus lateralis.

10. Pathway of epicritic sensibility.

Epicritic Sensibility is formed by faciculus Gracilis and cuneatus .

Origin: I-order neuron, Faciculus gracilis receives impulses from lower limb; Fasciculus Cuneatus receives
impulses from upper body and limb. They receive signals from mechano receptors (Vater- Pacini Corpuscles)

Second order neuron; both fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus synapse at a second order neuron at the medulla
Third order neuron; Nucleus postero- lateralis thalami (VPL) fasciculi thalamocorticales -> capsula interna ->are
part of corona radiata reach cortex cerebri gyrus post centralis ends.
Interactions: This tract cross the midline at the level of medulla oblongata at their respective Nuclei and forms
part of the decussatio lemnisci medialis medial lemeniscal Tract (tractus Lemeniscus medialis)
Function: conscious vibration sensation, touch sensation, localization, and positioning. Proprioception. (Touch,
Pressure, vibration, proprioception)
Faciculus Gracilis and Cuneatus aslo called the epicritic sensibility pathway.

11. Meninges of spinal cord, structures and spaces.

Pia Mater
Arachnoida mater
Dura mater

12. Internal features of Medulla oblongata.


13. Frontal and Parietal lobe ( incl. gyrus).

Internal features of cerebellum

The cerebellum is composed of 1) cortex 2) internal substantia alba 3) nucleis

The celleberlla nuclei are; nucleus dentatus, nucleus emoboliformis, nucleus globusus and nuecleus fastigii.
The white matter is composed of the arbor vitae structurally which in turn is made of intrinsic tracts (do not
leave the cerebellum), afferent and efferent tracts.

Afferent tracts;

14. Central fluid

15. External features of Mecencephalon

Externally at the mesencephalon anteriorly you can see the fossa intepeducularim the tuber cinerum, corpora
mamillaria (part olfactory), the emergent nervus trochlearis IV & peduculus cerebri. Posteriorlly colliculus
superior- corpus geniculatum laterale ( sub-cortical visual nucleus) and inferior goes to corpus geniculatum
mediale (auditory sub-cortical nucleus).

16. Hemispheriae Cerebri: external description ( lobus temporalis, lobus occipitalis)

Lobus temporalis lies underneath the Os .temporalis and contains;

1. Gyrus temporalis superior Bordered by sulcus lateralis superiorly and inferiorly by sulcus temporalis
superior and gyrus temporalis medius the posterior half is the primary auditory cortex.
In this gyrus the sensory area of speech is also located, called Wernicke's area.
2. Gyrus temporalis medius separated by sulcus temporalis superior and sulcus temporalis inferior ->
balance center.
3. gyrus temporalis inferior sulcus temporalis inferiorsuperiorly .

Lobus occipitalis;

1. cuneus; bordered by sulcus parietooccipitalis and sulcus calcarinus (visual cortex).

2. gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis; bordered by sulcus calcarinus and sulcus collateralis.
3. gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis; bordered by sulcus collateralis and sulcus occipitotemporalis.

From script;

Facies superolateralis contains the following sulci:


lobus frontalis

1. sulcus precentralis runs parallel to and in front of sulcus centralis,

2. sulcus frontalis superior runs sagittally,
3. sulcus frontalis inferior runs sagittally below the previous sulcus;
lobus parietalis

4. sulcus postcentralis runs parallel to and behind sulcus centralis,

5. sulcus intraparietalis runs sagittally and backward to sulcus postcentralis;
lobus temporalis

6. sulcus temporalis superior runs parallel to and below sulcus lateralis,

7. sulcus temporalis inferior runs parallel and below to the previous sulcus;
lobus occipitalis the occipital lobe is small and pyramidal in shape; it is separated from lobus parietalis by
sulcus parietooccipitalis; there are some inconstant sulci occipitales separating gyri occipitales.

The sulci divide the surface into the gyri; one gyrus is surrounded by one or more sulci:
lobus frontalis
4. gyrus precentralis it lies between sulcus centralis and sulcus precentralis; medially it continues into
lobulus paracentralis; this gyrus represents the primary motor cortex;
the map of this area is called motor homunculus with the leg located close to the midline, the hand and
face area near the bottom of the gyrus; the lips, parts of the face and hands are especially large areas.
The precentral gyrus contains giant pyramidal neurons, which send long axons to the controlateral motor
nuclei of the cranial nerves (tractus corticonuclearis) and to the motor nuclei of the spinal cord (tractus
5. gyrus frontalis superior it lies above sulcus frontalis superior,
6. gyrus frontalis medius it lies between sulcus frontalis superior et inferior; there are writing and drawing
areas located,
7. gyrus frontalis inferior it lies below sulcus frontalis inferior; in posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus
is located motor area of the speech (Broca's area) that is involved in language processing, speech
production and comprehension. Broca's area is unilateral on the left side for right-handed. People
suffering from damage of this area may show a condition called motor aphasia, which makes them unable
to create complex sentences; their speech is described as telegraphic and contains little content of words;

lobus parietalis
8. gyrus postcentralis limited by sulcus postcentralis and sulcus centralis; it is the location of primary
somatosensory cortex the main receptive area for sense and touch; the map of this area is called sensory
homunculus the face is near the bottom of the gyrus, the hands and arms are along the middle of the
area and the trunk and legs fold over the midline; lips and hands are enlarged;
9. lobulus parietalis superior region above sulcus intraparietalis,
10. lobulus parietalis inferior region below sulcus intraparietalis divided into two:
a. gyrus supramarginalis arches over the end of sulcus lateralis,
b. gyrus angularis arches over the end of sulcus temporalis superior; it is location of reading center
the possibility to understand the written words; the area is responsible for understanding


lobus temporalis
11. gyrus temporalis superior it is limited by sulcus lateralis above and sulcus temporalis superior below.
In posterior half of the gyrus is primary auditory cortex.
More posteriorly to it on the left superior temporal gyrus is located sensory area of the speech (Wernicke's
area). People suffering from the damage of this area may show a condition called receptive or Wernicke's
aphasia speech remains normal grammatically, but has no recognisable meaning,
12. gyrus temporalis medius it is limited by sulcus temporalis superior and sulcus temporalis inferior; it is
location of balance center,
13. gyrus temporalis inferior it is limited by sulcus temporalis inferior above.

Facies medialis and facies inferior

1. sulcus corporis callosi it runs above corpus callosum on the medial surface,
2. sulcus hippocampi the continuation of the previous sulcus on the inferior surface,
3. sulcus cinguli it runs parallel to sulcus corporis callosi; the posterior end of sulcus cinguli goes upward
ramus marginalis,
4. sulcus paracentralis spreads form sulcus cinguli in front of ramus marginalis as branch of sulcus
5. sulcus subparietalis backward continuation of sulcus cinguli,
6. sulcus parietooccipitalis separates lobus parietalis and lobus occipitalis,
7. sulcus calcarinus at the posterior part of the medial surface; around it is located the primary visual
cortex, that receives the information directly from corpus geniculatum laterale,
8. sulcus collateralis it runs in parallel to sulcus hippocampi on the lower surface,
9. sulcus occipitotemporalis runs laterally to the previous sulcus.

On the medial and inferior surfaces may be recognized following gyri:

4. gyrus fornicatus (lobus limbicus) curves around corpus callosum and diencephalon; it is subdivided
into four parts:
a) gyrus cinguli it is limited by sulcus corporis callosi, sulcus cinguli and sulcus subparietalis, it is a
part of the limbic system,
b) isthmus gyri cinguli on the inferior surface next to splenium corporis callosi,
c) gyrus parahippocampalis it is limited by sulcus hippocampi and sulcus collateralis, it is a part of
the limbic system,
d) uncus it is a hook-like anterior extremity of gyrus parahippocampalis; it is a part of the olfactory
cortex. The limbic system is a set of brain structures which supports a variety of funtions including
emotion, behaviour, long term memory and olfaction. The structures of the limbic system are gyrus
fornicatus, the hippocampus, the fornix, the amygdaloid body, the hypothalamus with the mammilary

bodies and the anterior thalamic nuclei;

5. gyrus frontalis superior close to polus fontalis,
6. lobulus paracentralis it is limited by pars marginalis sulci cinguli and sulcus paracentralis,
7. precuneus it is limited by pars marginalis sulci cinguli, sulcus subparietalis and
sulcus parietooccipitalis,
8. cuneus it is limited by sulcus parietooccipitalis and sulcus calcarinus on lobus occipitalis,
9. gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis it is limited by sulcus calcarinus and sulcus collateralis,
10. gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis it is limited by sulcus collateralis and sulcus occipitotemporalis,
11. gyrus dentatus it lies deep in sulcus hippocampi; it is a part of the hippocampus and contributes to
the storage of new memories.

On the inferior surface of lobus frontalis there is sulcus olfactorius. It runs parallel to fissura longitudinalis cerebri.
There are also sulci orbitales running into different directions. Between sulcus olfactorius and fissura
longitudinalis cerebri is gyrus rectus. Between sulci orbitales there are gyri orbitales.
Deep in sulcus lateralis is insula with gyrus longus insulae and gyri breves insulae.

Some definitions:


The metencephalon is the embryonic part of the hindbrain that differentiates into the pons and the cerebellum. It
contains a portion of the fourth ventricle and the trigeminal nerve (CN V), abducens nerve (CN VI), facial nerve
(CN VII), and a portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII).

Pallium: In neuroanatomy, pallium refers to the layers of grey and white matter that cover the upper surface of
the cerebrum in vertebrates. The non-pallial part of t he telencephalon builds the subpallium.
Latin: Pallium, or cortex cerebri

Open from departments website:

1. The spinal cord: external description, segment of spinal cord, spinal nerve.

2. The internal features of the spinal cord.

3. Meninges of spinal cord, spaces between meninges and contents.

4. Medulla oblongata: external description, internal features.

5. Pons: external description, internal features.

6. Fossa rhomboidea, nuclei of the cranial nerves and their topography.


7. Cerebellum: external description, internal features.

8. Ventriculus IV.
9. Mesencephalon: external description, internal features.

10. Diencephalon: division, external description, internal features.

11. Ventriculus III.
12. Hemispheriae cerebri: external description, cortical centers, internal features.

13. Extrapyramidal and limbic systems.

14. Ventriculus lateralis.
15. Meninges of the brain and spaces between meninges, subarachnoid cisterns.
16. Circulation of liquor cerebrospinalis.

17. Sensory pathways: conscious and unconscious.

18. Motor pathways or pyramidal tracts.
19. Extrapyramidal motor pathways.

Head of the Normal Anatomy Department

Associate professor D. Volchkevich

Discussed at a meeting of the department

"03" january 2014, protocol № 10



1. During phylogenesis the nodal nervous system has appeared:

1. At the coelenterates;
2. At worms;
3. At fishes;
4. At mammals;

2. During phylogenesis the tubular nervous system for the first time has
1. At the coelenterates;
2. At molluscums;
3. At chordates;
4. At fishes;

3. Specify, which part of the brain develops under influence of the olfactory
1. Prosencephalon;
2. Mesencephalon;
3. Metencephalon;
4. Myelencephalon;

4. Which part of the brain develops under influence of the visual receptor?
1. Prosencephalon;
2. Mesencephalon;
3. Rhombencephalon;
4. Myelencephalon;
5. Which part of the brain develops under influence of the acoustical analyzer?
1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

6. From which medullary vesicle does the diencephalon develop?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

7. From which medullary vesicle does the mesencephalon develop?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

8. From which medullary vesicle does the telencephalon develop?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

9. The aqueductus cerebri is the cavity of:

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

10. The lateral ventricles are the cavity of:

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

11. Specify, in which part of nervous tube the internuncial neurons of the simple
reflex arc develop:
1. Dorsal part;
2. Ventral part;
3. Lateral part of the gray matter of nervous tube;
4. Brainstaim;

12. Specify, from which part of nervous tube the neurones for formation of
nervous ganglion develop:
1. Dorsal part;
2. Ventral part;
3. Lateral part of the gray matter of nervous tube;
4. Brainstaim;

13. Which parts of the spinal cord have thickenings?

1. Cervical;
2. Thoracal;
3. Lumbosacral;
4. Coccygeal;

14. Specify anatomical structures on surface of the spinal cord:

1. Sulcus posterolateralis;
2. Sulcus anterolateralis;
3. Sulcus medianus posterior;
4. Fissura medina anterior;

15. What is the level of lumbar pucture?

1. Between spinous processes of I and II lumbar vertebrae;
2. Between spinous processes of IV and V lumbar vertebrae;
3. Between spinous processes of III and IV lumbar vertebrae;
4. Between spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae;

16. What are the parts of the white matter of the spinal cord?
1. Funiculus anterior;
2. Funiculus lateralis;
3. Funiculus posterior;
4. Comissura alba;

17. Specify anatomical formations of the spinal cord, which are the remnants of
the cavity of nervous tube:
1. Filum terminale;
2. Ventriculus terminalis;
3. Canalis centralis;
4. Cavitas subarachnoidalis;

18. Specify nuclei of the anterior horns of the spinal cord:

1. Nucleus intermediolateralis;
2. Nucleus thoracicus;
3. Anteromedial nuclei;
4. Anterolateral nuclei;

19. Specify nuclei of the posterior horns of the spinal cord:
1. Nucleus thoracicus;
2. Nuclei proprii;
3. Nucleus intermediomedialis;
4. Nucleus intermediolateralis;

20. On which level the lateral horn of spinal cord can be found?
1. II-IV Cervical;
2. Thoracic;
3. II-IV sacral;
4. Coccygeal;

21. At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in adult?

1. Level of X thoracic;
2. Level of II lumbar;
3. Level of XII thoracic;
4. Level of II sacral;

22. At what level does the conus medullaris terminate in newborn?

1. Level of XII thoracic;
2. Level of II lumbar;
3. Level of III lumbar;
4. Level of II sacral;

23. What is in the epidural space of the spinal cord?

1. Liquor cerebrospinalis;
2. Plexus venosi vertebrales interni;
3. Fatty tissue;
4. Cartilage;

24. Specify the locating of lig. denticulatum:

1. Between anterior and posterior roots of the spinal cord;
2. Between arachnoid and pia matter of the spinal cord;
3. In subarachnoid space;
4. In the subdural space;

25. Which parts of the brain develop from the rhombencephalon?

1. Telencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Medulla oblongata;
4. Metencephalon;

26. Specify departments of the brain, to which pedunculi cerebri concern:

1. Mesencephalon;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Telencephalon;
4. Rhombencephalon;

27. What are the parts of the cerebrum?
1. Insula;
2. Corpus callosum;
3. Rhinencephalon;
4. Basal nuclei;

28. What are the parts of the telencephalon?

1. Hemispheria cerebri;
2. Basal nuclei;
3. Capsula interna;
4. Fornix;

29. Specify structures, which connect the hemispheres of the cerebrum?

1. Comissura cerebri anterior;
2. Comissura cerebri posterior;
3. Corpus callosum;
4. Comissura interthalamica;

30. Which sulcuses can be present on superolateral surface of the hemispheres

of cerebrum?
1. Sulcus rhinalis;
2. Sulcus centralis;
3. Sulcus frontalis interior;
4. Sulcus cinguli;

31. Which anatomical structures are on the medial surface of hemispheres of

cerebrum present?
1. Precuneus;
2. Gyrus cinguli;
3. Sulcus carcarinus;
4. Gyrus angularis;

32. Which gyruses are on the medial surface of hemispheres of cerebrum

1. Precuneus;
2. Lobulus paracentralis;
3. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyrus angularis;

33. What is belonging to the frontal lobe of hemispheres of cerebrum?

1. Operculum;
2. Pars triangularis;
3. Uncus;
4. Gyrus precentralis;

34. Where is the cortical center of motor analyzer situated?
1. Lobulus paracentralis;
2. Gyrus postcentralis;
3. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyrus precentralis;

35. Where is the cortical center of the skin analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus precentralis;
2. Lobulus parietalis superior;
3. Gyrus postcentralis;
4. Sulcus calcarinus;

36. Where is the cortical center of the visual analyzer situated?

1. Cuneus;
2. Gyrus lingualis;
3. Gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyri occipitales laterales;

37. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer situated?

1. Operculum;
2. Gyrus temporalis superior;
3. Gyrus temporalis medius;
4. Lobulus parietalis superior;

38. Where is the cortical center of the olfactory analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus temporalis superior;
2. Gyrus frontalis medius;
3. Uncus gyrus parahippocampalis;
4. Gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis;

39. Where is the cortical center of the taste analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus fornicatus;
2. Uncus gyrus parahippocampalis;
3. Gyrus occipitotemporalis lateralis;
4. Gyrus postcentralis;

40. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer responding for combined
turn of the head and eyes situated?
1. Gyrus postcentralis;
2. Gyrus precentralis;
3. Gyrus frontalis medius;
4. Gyrus angularis;

41. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer responding for complex
professional and sports locomotions situated?
1. Gyrus angularis;
2. Gyrus supramarginalis;
3. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
4. Gyrus temporalis superior;

42. Where is the cortical center of the interoceptive analyzer situated?

1. Gyrus angularis;
2. Lobulus parietalis inferior;
3. Gyrus precentralis;
4. Gyrus postcentralis;

43. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of the articulation of oral
speech situated?
1. Gyrus frontalis medius;
2. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
3. Pars opercularis;
4. Pars triangularis;

44. Where is the cortical center of the motor analyzer of written speech
1. Gyrus frontalis medius;
2. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
3. Pars opercularis;
4. Pars triangularis;

45. Where is the cortical center of the acoustical analyzer of oral speech
1. Gyrus temporalis superior;
2. Gyrus temporalis medius;
3. Gyrus frontalis medius;
4. Gyrus frontalis inferior;

46. Where is the cortical center of the visual analyzer of written speech situated?
1. Gyrus temporalis superior;
2. Gyrus frontalis inferior;
3. Lobulus parietalis inferior;
4. Gyrus angularis;

47. Which gyruses can be found in the inferior parietal lobulus?

1. Gyrus supramarginalis;
2. Gyrus fornicatus;
3. Gyrus angularis;
4. Gyrus postcentralis;

48. What are the parts of the fornix?
1. Corpus fornicis;
2. Crura fornicis;
3. Genu couporis callosi;
4. Columnae fornicis;

49. What are the parts of the gyrus fornicates?

1. Gyrus dentatus;
2. Gyrus cinguli;
3. Istmus;
4. Gyrus parhippocampalis;

50. Which gyruses can be found in the temporal lobe of hemispheres?

1. Gyrus supramarginalis;
2. Gyri transversi;
3. Gyrus angularis;
4. Pars triangularis;

51. Specify anatomical formations limiting internal capsula of the brain:

1. Caput n. caudati;
2. Thalamus;
3. N. lentiformis;
4. Claustrum;

52. Which anatomical structures concern to the basal nuclei of hemispheres?

1. N.n. rubri;
2. Corpus stuiatum;
3. Corpus amygdaloideum;
4. Claustrum;

53. What is concern to the central part of the rhinencephalon?

1. Gyrus dentatus;
2. Trigonum olfactorium;
3. Gyrus fornicatus;
4. Bulbus olfactorius;

54. Specify parts of the corpus collosum:

1. Truncus;
2. Splenium;
3. Genu;
4. Rostrum;

55. Specify anatomical structures, which participate in formation of the medial

and lateral walls of anterior horn of the lateral ventricle:
1. Hippocampus;
2. Septum pellucidum;
3. Caput nuclei caudati;
4. Calcar avis;
56. Which anatomical structures take part in formation of walls of the central
part of the lateral ventricle?
1. Thalamus;
2. Corpus fornicis;
3. Corpus callosum;
4. Nucleus caudatus;

57. Which anatomical structures take part in formation of walls of the inferior
horn of the lateral ventricle?
1. Fibria hippocampi;
2. Corpus callosum;
3. Crura fornicis;
4. Hippocamp;

58. What is concern to the diencephalon?

1. Oliva;
2. Thalamus;
3. Corpus mamillaris;
4. Chiasma opticum;

59. What is concern to the hypothalamus?

1. Tuber cinereum;
2. Corpora mamillaria;
3. Infundibulum;
4. Corpus geniculatum laterale;

60. Which parts of the brain participate in formation of walls of the third
1. Hypothalamus;
2. Columnae fornicis;
3. Thalamus;
4. Corpus callosum;

61. What is concern to the limbic system?

1. Gyrus dentatus;
2. Substantia perforata anterior;
3. Hippocampus;
4. Bulbus olfactorius;

62. What is concern to the mesencephalon?

1. Substantia nigra;
2. Pedunculi cerebri;
3. Corpus trapezoideum;
4. Velum medullare superius;

63. Specify nuclei locating in tegmentum of the mesencephalon:
1. Nucleus of VI pair of cranial nerves (n. abducens);
2. Nuclei rubri;
3. Nucleus mesencephalicus n. trigemini;
4. Nucleus of IV pair of cranial nerves (n. trochlearis);

64. Which conducting tracts pass through the basis pedunculi cerebri?
1. Tr. frontopontinus;
2. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
3. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
4. Tr. cochlearis;

65. What are the subcortical centers of hearing?

1. Corpola geniculata lateralia;
2. Thalamus;
3. Corpola geniculata medialia;
4. Colliculi inferiores;

66. Which anatomical structures, which concern to the isthmus of the

1. Velum medullare superius;
2. Trigonum lemnisci;
3. Pedunculi cerebelli superiores;
4. Brachii collicules inferiores;

67. Which conducting paths form the trapezoid body?

1. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
2. Tr. cochlearis;
3. Lemniscus medialis;
4. Tr. pontocerebellaris;

68. Which anatomical structures are in the ventral part of the pons situated?
1. Tr. corticospinalis;
2. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
3. Nuclei proprii;
4. N. pontinus n. trigemini;

69. The nuclei of which cranial nerves are in the pons situated?
1. VII pair (n. facialis);
2. IX pair (n. glossopharyngeus);
3. VI (n. abducens);
4. X pair (n. vagus);

70. Specify nuclei of the cerebellum:

1. Nucl. emboliformis;
2. Nuclei reticulares;
3. Nucl. fastigii;
4. Nucl. dorsalis corporis trapezoidei;
71. To which part of the brain do the superior cerebellar pedunculi belong?
1. Mesencephalon;
2. Medulla oblongata;
3. Thalamus;
4. Pons;

72. To which part of the brain do the inferior cerebellar pedunculi pass?
1. Pons;
2. Medulla oblongata;
3. Cerebellum;
4. Mesencephalon;

73. Specify nuclei locating in myelencephalon:

1. Nucl. olivaris;
2. Nucl. gracilis;
3. Nuclei trapezoidei;
4. Nucl. cuneiformis;

74. Where is the motor nucleus of accessory nerve situated?

1. Mesencephalon;
2. Medulla oblongata;
3. Pons;
4. Upper segments of the spinal cord;

75. Specify nuclei of the trigeminal nerve:

1. Nucl. solitarius;
2. Nucl. mesencephalicus;
3. Nucl. spinalis;
4. Nucl. motorius;

76. For which cranial nerves the solitarius nucleus is the common?
1. N. hypoglossus;
2. N. glossopharingeus;
3. N. acessorius;
4. N. vagus;

77. Where is the superior salivatorius nucleus situated?

1. Pons;
2. Diencephalon;
3. Mesencephalon;
4. Medulla oblongata;

78. Where is the inferior salivatorius nucleus situated?

1. Pons;
2. Mesencephalon;
3. Medulla oblongata;
4. Diencephalon;

79. Specify nuclei of vagus nerve:
1. Nucl. ambiguous;
2. Nucl. solitarius;
3. Nucl. spinalis;
4. Nucl. dorsalis n. vagi;

80. Through which anatomical structures do the commissural fibers pass?

1. Corpus callosum;
2. Comissura cerebri anterior;
3. Capsula interna;
4. Comissura fornicis;

81. Specify long associative fibers:

1. Fasciculus longitudinalis superior;
2. Fasciculus longitudinalis interior;
3. Fasciculus uncinatus;
4. Fasciculi medullae spinalis;

82. Which conducting tracts pass through the posterior funiculi of the spinal
1. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
2. Fasciculus gracilis;
3. Tr. Spinocerebellaris posterior;
4. Fasciculus cuneatus;

83. Which conducting tracts pass through the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord?
1. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;
2. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
3. Tr. vestibulospinalis;
4. Tr. rubrospinalis;

84. Which conducting tracts pass through the anterior funiculi of the spinal cord?
1. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
2. Tr. tectospinalis;
3. Tr. corticospinalis anterior;
4. Tr. vestibulospinalis;

85. Which conducting tracts pass through the tegmentum of mesencephalon?

1. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
2. Lemniscus medialis;
3. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
4. Tr. corticonuclearis;

86. Which conducting tracts pass through the inferior cerebellar pedunculi?
1. Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior;
2. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
3. Fibrae arcuatae interni;
4. Fibrae arcuatae externi;
87. Which tracts form the ventral decussation of tegmentum of the
1. Fasciculus longitudinalis posterior;
2. Tr. corticospinalis;
3. Tr. rubrospinalis;
4. Lemniscus medialis;

88. Which tracts form the dorsal decussation of tegmentum of the

1. Tr. rubrospinalis;
2. Tr. tectospinalis;
3. Tr. corticospinalis (pyramidalis);
4. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;

89. Specify conducting tracts passing through the genu of internal capsula:
1. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
2. Tr. corticothalamicus;
3. Tr. frontopontinus;
4. Tr. corticonuclearis;

90. Specify conducting tracts passing through posterior crus of internal

1. Tr. cochlearis;
2. Tr. corticospinalis;
3. Tr. frontopontinus;
4. Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis;

91. Specify conducting tracts passing through anterior crus of internal capsula:
1. Tr. spinothalamicus anterior;
2. Tr. corticothalamicus;
3. Tr. frontopontinus;
4. Tr. cochlearis;

92. Through which anatomical structures does the corticospinal tract pass?
1. Capsula interna;
2. Basis pedunculi cerebri;
3. Tegmentum;
4. Pedunculi cerebelli inferiores;

93. Through which parts of the spinal cord does the corticospinal tract pass?
1. Funiculus lateralis;
2. Funiculus anterior;
3. Funiculus posterior;
4. Comissura alba;

94. Specify second neurones of pyramidal tracts:
1. Vegetative nuclei of the brainstem;
2. Motor nuclei of the brainstem (nuclei anteriores);
3. Nuclei of lateral horns of the spinal cord;
4. Nuclei of anterior horns of the spinal cord;

95. The medial lemniscus is formed by the processes of:

1. Nuclei proprii;
2. Nucl. cuneatus;
3. Nucl. gracilis;
4. Nucl. motorius n. trigemini;

96. Where does the lateral lemniscus terminate?

1. Corpus geniculatum mediale;
2. Nuclei colliculi superiores;
3. Motor nucleus of the n. oculomotorius;
4. Nuclei colliculi inferiores;

97. Specify structures of the brain, secreting the cerebrospinal fluid:

1. Arachnoidea;
2. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the lateral ventricles;
3. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the third ventricle;
4. Lamina choroidea epithelialis of the fourth ventricle;

98. From which cavity of the brain does the cerebrospinal fluid flow out in
subarachnoid space?
1. From the fourth ventricle (ventriculus quartus);
2. From the third ventricle (ventriculus tertius);
3. From lateral ventricles (ventriculi laterales);
4. From aqueductus cerebri;

99. Specify foramens connecting the cavity of the fourth ventricle and
subarachnoid space:
1. Apertura aqueductus cerebri;
2. Aperturae laterales;
3. Apertura mediana;
4. Foramina interventricularia;

100. Specify subarachnoid cysterns locating on the basal surface of the brain:
1. Cisterna interpeduncularis;
2. Cisterna cerebellomedullaris;
3. Cisterna fossae lateralis cerebra;
4. Cisterna chiasmatis;

101. What is true for the dura mater of the brain?
1. Close fusing with bones of the base of skull;
2. Presence of sinus venosus;
3. Presence of processes;
4. Presence of ligamenta dentata;

102. Specify sinuses of the dura mater, which form confluens sinuum:
1. Sinus transversus;
2. Sinus sigmoideus;
3. Sinus sagittalis superior;
4. Sinus rectus;

103. Specify processes of the dura materl of the brain:

1. Tentorium cerebelli;
2. Falx cerebelli;
3. Falx cerebri;
4. Diaphragma sellae;

104. Specify parameters describing age features of the brain:

1. Mass of the brain in relation to mass of the body at neonatal makes 1:8;
2. Mass of the brain in relation to mass of the body at neonatal makes 1:40;
3. The fine gyruses at neonatal are advanced weakly;
4. The myelination of efferent fibers terminates until 7 years;

105. Specify parameters describing age features of the dura mater of the brain
in newborn:
1. The dura mater thin, is dense fised with bones of the skull;
2. The processes of the dura materl are advanced weakly;
3. Sinuses rather wide;
4. Sinuses project the same as at the adult;

106. Which fibers pass through superior pedunculi of the cerebellum?

1. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
2. Tr. cerebellotegmentalis;
3. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
4. Fibrae arcuatae externae;

107. Specify fibers passing through the middle pedunculi of the cerebellum:
1. Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior;
2. Tr. cerebellotegmentalis;
3. Tr. pontocerebellaris;
4. Fibrae arcuatae externae;

108. Specify fibers passing through inferior pedunculi of the cerebellum:

1. Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior;
2. Fibrae arcuatae externae;
3. Fibrae arcuatae internae;
4. Fibrae olivocerebellares;
Key to the test on “Central nervous system”

1. 2 24. 123 47. 13 70. 13 93. 124

2. 3 25. 34 48. 124 71. 4 94. 4
3. 1 26. 1 49. 234 72. 23 95. 23
4. 2 27. 1234 50. 2 73. 124 96. 14
5. 3 28. 1234 51. 123 74. 24 97. 234
6. 2 29. 123 52. 234 75. 234 98. 1
7. 3 30. 23 53. 13 76. 24 99. 2
8. 1 31. 123 54. 1234 77. 1 100. 1234
9. 3 32. 12 55. 23 78. 3 101. 123
10. 1 33. 124 56. 134 79. 124 102. 34
11. 1 34. 14 57. 1234 80. 124 103. 1234
12. 1 35. 23 58. 234 81. 123 104. 134
13. 13 36. 12 59. 123 82. 24 105. 1234
14. 1234 37. 2 60. 123 83. 124 106. 12
15. 3 38. 3 61. 1234 84. 234 107. 3
16. 1234 39. 2 62. 12 85. 2 108. 124
17. 23 40. 3 63. 234 86. 14
18. 34 41. 2 64. 13 87. 3
19. 123 42. 34 65. 34 88. 2
20. 23 43. 234 66. 123 89. 4
21. 2 44. 1 67. 2 90. 124
22. 3 45. 1 68. 123 91. 23
23. 23 46. 34 69. 13 92. 12


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