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Practice -03


By: Teacher
Othoniel Corniel
Using the privious Accounting Vocabulary and the structure of the senten, Create :

A) 3 positive sentences



B) 3 negative sentences



C) 3 interrogative sentences



D) 3 interrogative sentences using Wh- Words




-Put each sentence into the correct order, as shown.

1. your / ? / What's / name = What's your name?
2. is / Jones / This / . / Mr =

3. how / today / , / are / Hi / ? / you =

4. from / comes / Lee / . / Korea / Mrs / =

4. ? / and / fine / you / , / thanks / I'm =

6. see / next / bye / week / , / I'll / . / you =

Work and Jobs - Crossword TOP001

12 3

6 7 8



12 13


15 16 17


19 20

Across Down

1. someone whose job it is to advise people organisation

about laws or represent people in court 20. to pay someone to work for you
4. to receive money for the work you do
7. room or place in which a scientist carries out
9. building where goods are produced in large
11. man, whose job it is to stop fires
14. spoken or written piece of information
that you send to another person
15. someone whose job it is to welcome people
when they arrive at a hotel or office
18. if you only work a few days of a week and not
the whole week (2 words)
19. all the people who work for a company or
2. to ask for a job with a written letter or email
3. someone whose job it is to treat
people's teeth
5. someone who owns a shop that sells meat
6. a job that you have for a longer time
and where you can move up different
8. a man who works in business or
has a company
10. money you earn based on the hours you work
every week (plural)
12. woman who performs in a play or a film
13. piece of furniture like a table that you sit
at to write and work
16. someone who operates or controls
an airplane
17. activity of buying from and selling goods
to other countries
A- Here’s our definitive list of the most commonly asked interview questions and how
to answer them.
1.Tell me about yourself
2.What are your weaknesses?
3.Why should we choose you for this job?
4.What are your hobbies outside of work?
5.Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
6.Why are you leaving your current position?
7.What are your main strengths?
8.Why do you want to work here?
9.What motivates you?
10.Do you prefer working by yourself or in a team?
11.What are your salary expectations?
12.Tell me about an achievement you are proud of?
13.Tell me about a challenging situation and how you overcame it
14.What do you know about the company?
15.What would your colleagues say are your best qualities?
16.What experience can you bring to this job from your previous role?
17.What makes a good team leader/manager?
18.What do you consider to be your biggest failure?
19.How do you deal with pressure at work?
20.Why is there a gap in your work history?

B- According with the Example on the materials , create your own resumen using the
previous formats as you consider

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