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Disease of the mind.

Depart from what is normal.

 Deviation from social norms

 Failure to function adequately

 Deviation from ideal mental health

Definitions of
What is it?
 Going against accepted codes of behaviour


 Context & Extremity: Situation there in
 Dominant Beliefs: Agree/Disagree
 Era-Dependant: Fashion/Trendy
 Cultures relativity
 Legal system assumes you are responsible for your
own action

Definitions of
What is it?
 Not being able to follow normal pattern of behaviour

 Observer Discomfort- Discomfort or distress on others

 Unpredictability- Don’t act how they usually act

 Maladaptive- Badly adaptive behaviour

 Irrationality- Doing something out of the blue

 Depression

 Agoraphobia: Don’t like tight spaces

 Schizophrenia(Split-Mind): The unit of ‘You’ is jumbled up.

 Context

 May not be linked to a disorder

 Cultural relativity

Definitions of
What is it?
 Not in touch with own identity & feelings
 Not resistant to stress
 Not focused on the future
 Not function as individual
 Not show empathy & understanding towards others.

 Not caring for others pain

 Western vs. Collectivists culture
 Few would match Jahod’s criteria

Definitions of
Situation Deviation Failure to Deviation Explanation
from Social Function from Mental
Norms Adequately Health
Stranger who sits next
to you.
YES YES Observer Discomfort

Child Abuser
YES YES No empathy

Child Genius
YES Doesn’t accept normal behaviour

Born again Christian

YES Dominate beliefs

Talk to their pets

YES YES Observer Discomfort

Stressed workers, take

time of work
YES YES Maladaptive. Doesn’t focus on future

Person In a dead end

YES Not reaching potential

Person who believes

they are being watched
YES Maladaptive. Irrational

Someone who washes

their hands a lot
YES YES YES Not common behaviour. Irrational.
Maladaptive. Lack of reality

Definitions of
 The biological approach: Malfunction in the
brain system. Treated same as the psychical
condition. Changed either caused by the
structure or function.
Study: Watson et al (1998)- Isolating monkeys
to their social groups.
 The psychodynamic approach: The forces that
drives into it.
 The behavioural approach: what we learn
 The cognitive approach: human memory.
What we think

Four Models of
 Strength: Use of brain scan which shows
everything in the brain. Drug treatment
targets it & it is very effective

 Weakness: Needs more explanation & details

from both sides. Drugs don’t work for eating
disorders or phobias.

Biological Approach
 Schizophrenia: Take Antipsychotics which
reduces the activity of the brain
neurotransmitters dopamine.
 Depression: Therapies are highly effective
although Prozac drug is used. Which
increases the activity of the brain
neurotransmitter serotonin.
 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): small
current which goes pass the brain. Works well
with depression.

Biological Approach
 Antipsychotic Drugs
 Antidepressant Drugs
 Anti-anxiety Drugs
 Effectiveness
 Ease of Use
 Placebo Effects
 Tackles symptoms rather than problem
 Side effects

Biological Approach
 Genetic Inheritance: Passed from parents. Low
Concordance (Phobias).
High Concordance rates (Schizophrenia).
 Biochemistry: shows levels of hormones &
neurotransmitters in the brain.
High levels of neurotransmitters serotonin- anxiety
Low levels – depression
 Neuroanatomy: Structure of brain.
Schizophrenics have enlarged spaces, where
there's a shortage of tissue.
 Viral Infection: Exposure to viruses in the
womb e.g. schizophrenia.

Biological Approach
Sigmund Freud introduced this:
 Id – Desire/ cannot control
 Ego – Balancer
 Superego – Conscious

 If Id is dominate, you want pleasure.

 If superego is dominant they might obsessive.
 Ego is the mechanism

 For example: If you hide something, you try to

put it in the unconscious part of the brain. Which
causes Denial/ displacement.

 Oral Stage: Under or over fed. 0-18 months
 Anal stage: Controls pleasure of having a shit. (OCD) 18 months- 3 years
 Phallic Stage: The sexes discover other genders. 4-5 years
 Latency Period: Desire for themselves is gone & for others start. 5- puberty
 Genital Stage: puberty onwards
 If these are not met, then it remains unresolved. When you get
stressed, you go back to doing it.

The Oedipus Complex- Boys

 Developed more for boys
 As there's psychical contact with moth & has desire for mother.
Father seems to be a threat so they stick to their Fathers morals.
The Electra Complex- Girls
 When a girl depends on not having a penis, creating penis envy &
wants affection of father, when closer to mother.

 Mental Disorders result form psychological rather than
physical cause: Something else that goes in the brain. The
thought & cannot physically see what it is, but knows there’s
something in it.
 Unresolved conflicts cause mental disorders: Conscious &
unconscious parts of the brain causes anxiety when they
don’t work together
 Early experiences cause mental disorder: Experiences from
childhood effect you, when reaching teenage hood( Freud's
Psychosexual Development)
 Unconscious motivation cause mental disorders: Id- Control
over desire e.g. Rapists. Ego-Balancer. Superego- Knows
what's right & wrong. Not knowing the cause of change in

 Strengths:
 Supported by Aimsworths in the Strange Situation & the
childhood experiences & categories the child personality
 Significance of repressed materials & unconscious
processes widely accepted.
 Evidence: Freud used case studies of Adult with neurosis &
linked the disorders back to the early experiences.

 Limitations:
 Abstract concepts- difficult to research & define.
 Sexism- theory is overbalanced.
 Lack of research evidence- Theory is difficult to prove
when tested.

 Dream Analysis

 Free Association

 Projective Tests

 To uncover the conflicts repressed in the
conscious mind
 Therapist analyse the obvious content of the
dreams & interpreters the underlying
meaning which is called ‘latent content’

 Link memories & thought together extending
back to childhood & to lower ego defences so
repressed material can be assessed
 Therapists encourage clients to associate
thoughts with anything that enters their
mind, to encourage reflection & to identify
key terms & ideas.

 Uncover projected feelings & beliefs linked to
underlying anxieties
 Clients are asked what inkblots shapes mean
to them, and therapist hope to find particular
themes & anxiety

 Classical Conditioning: Where the phobia

 Operant Conditioning: Positive Reinforcement

& Negative Reinforcement

 Social Learning Theory: Observe other


Behavioural Approach
 Example: Phobias- learn to get scared of
something through experiences
 Support: Watson & Ryder. Reflex- clash of
cymbals. Associated with rabbit. Scared of
Cymbals not rabbits. (Nurture)
 Undermine: Preparedness(Seligman) Fear is
evolved as spiders are dangerous, so danger
is feared. Genetic Response. ( Nature). He
believes that its from genetics as it is from
Nature that its already biologically
programed, which can be triggered.

Behavioural Approach
 Example: Anxiety & Depression occurs when
you want to behaviour in a way to get
 Support: Explains certain disorders e.g.
depression, from positive reinforcement &
negative Reinforcements as you get rewired
from early age & it carries on.
 Undermine: Reductionist- ignores other
aspects of psychology. Shows ways you can
get mental illness from.

Behavioural Approach
 Example: OCD, Eating disorders, child abuse,
role models.
 Support: Emphasis on learning environment.
Who you are influenced by
 Undermine: Kendall & Hammen (1995) don’t
know if it’s the environment or from genetics.
Nature & Nurture. Where Nature is the
environment it is by eating e.g. role models
they see & follow, where Nurture by the
influence of the parents.

Behavioural Approach
 Abnormality is caused by faulty thinking

 Ellis A-B-C Model

 The Individual is in control

Cognitive Approach
 Distorts the beliefs on yourself.
 Automatically have negative thoughts
 Schemata: what you think of a certain thing.
 Where you have an opinion of yourself and
over exaggerate
 Example: I always fall ( Not always true)
 Leads to depression/Anxiety

Cognitive Approach
 A: Activating Event, where something
 B: Beliefs about ‘A’, which goes through
rational/irrational thoughts
 C: Consequences, where desirable emotions/
undesirable emotions leads to the behaviour

Cognitive Approach
 You make decisions having the right
thoughts & behaviours & could get out
of abnormality

Cognitive Approach
 Clear evidence of faulty thinking & beliefs in
depressions & anxiety disorders ( Clark 1986)
 Therapies based on this model are very
effective for depression & anxiety disorder
 Blames the patient not the situational factors
 Consequence (Depression) rather than cause(Faulty
 Faulty thinking leads to mental illness

Cognitive Approach
 All or none thinking (Dichotomous Thinking):
Classifies either 1of 2 success and failure
 Arbitrary Inferences: Drawing negative conclusions
without having the evidence to support them
 Overgeneralisation: Incorrect conclusions are drawn
from little evidence
 Catastrophising: Where normal events are perceived
as disasters
 Selective Abstraction: Where person pays attention to
certain features of an event & ignores other features
that might lead to a different conclusion
 Excessive Responsibility: Taking a lot of responsibility
& blame things which happen.

Cognitive Approach

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