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September 14, 2023

Hello RES Families,

Please be aware that several cases of head lice have been identified in several classrooms
across the school (K-6). Head lice and/or nits do commonly occur in children of this age. At
Raymond Elementary School, it is our practice to keep parents informed when cases of head
lice are reported. While our staff will be vigilant in watching for new cases, please check your
child's hair over the next seven days. Please review the attached Alberta Health information
regarding checking for head lice and the treatments required when it is discovered.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Reducing the frequency of lice/nits
incidents is best accomplished through cooperative efforts between home and school. Your
support is greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact the school office if you have any
questions or concerns.


Jerry Salmon

Principal, Raymond Elementary School

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