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Level 2 Physics Open the Fold-Out Notes to Login at
2.4 Mechanics the section shown. enter the worksheet code shown.


Motion in
1. Calculate work done by a force or force component a straight line
Work and Power 1. Use kinematic equations of motion
2. Calculate friction from energy loss
12 CODE: 7600
3. Calculate the power produced CODE: 4344 20 2. Solve problems involving vertical motion under gravity

4. Solve problems involving work, energy and power

1. Draw a force diagram

Energy Forces 2. Draw a vector addition diagram to show net force acting on object
1. Calculate the potential energy stored in a spring
3. Resolve a force into components
2. Solve problems involving transformation of mechanical energy
CODE: 8021 19 14 CODE: 1387
4. Solve problems using force components
t 5. Apply Hooke’s law to springs and elastic objects.

2.4 Mechanics
1. Calculate the size of a torque

1. Calculate speed, frequency or period 2. State the conditions for an object to be in equilibrium
Circular Motion Equilibrium
2. Draw velocity or acceleration vectors 3. Solve equilibrium problems

3. Calculate centripetal acceleration or centripetal force

CODE: 2998 18 15 CODE: 8634
4. Solve equilibrium problems using force components

4. Solve circular motion problems

1. Calculate momentum p

Momentum 2. Calculate change in momentum 9p

and Impulse
1. Explain projectile motion Projectile Motion 3. Calculate the force, or time force acts, to produce 9p

2. Resolve a projectile’s velocity into components 16 CODE: 9114

CODE: 7672 17 4. Apply conservation of momentum
3. Use velocity components to solve problems

4. Make calculations at any point in flight

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