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Digital Strategy & Transformation

Where am I the knight?

Looking back on my academic and professional journey, I see many similarities to the knight
in the rusty armor. During my undergraduate studies, I was often stressed, driven by a strong
desire for academic success. In my pursuit of this success, I eventually lost sight of the most
important aspects of life, such as nurturing relationships and enjoying simple things. I was so
caught up in the cycle of stress that, like the knight in his battles, I didn't realize how it was
taking me away from the joys of life. My experience mirrored the story of the knight who
wore armor without realizing how it isolated him. I became so focused on my studies that I
withdrew from friends and family, resulting in an emotional detachment similar to that of
the knight who isolated himself from the world around him. The stress became a barrier
between me and the joy of life, including the valuable relationships I had built.
After graduating and entering the professional world, I soon realized that I couldn't continue
to live in isolation and under constant stress. So, I made the choice to begin a journey of
personal growth. I started meditating, sought guidance from a psychologist, explored new
places, and spent more time in nature to create opportunities for reflection and relaxation.
These practices gradually helped me peel back the layers of accumulated stress and anxiety,
allowing me to understand myself better and gain clarity about my life's direction. Just as
Merlin once said, "It will begin with learning to know yourself," because without self-
knowledge, it's hard to love yourself and others. These exercises have brought me closer to
that self-awareness, though I'm still on the path of self-discovery. Rebuilding relationships
proved to be another challenge. I committed to seeing my friends and family at least twice a
week, with one day set aside on the weekends. It wasn't a quick or effortless process, but it
significantly improved my well-being. I'm grateful for reaching a point where I felt the need
to make these positive changes in my life.
As I begin my master's program, I can't help but notice the old familiar patterns of stress and
isolation trying to creep back into my life. It's almost as if the demands of academia are
determined to push me down the same path I walked during my bachelor's program. I feel
like Merlin said: “Perhaps this armor is thicker than it appears”. I realize that these patterns
may persist, but now I'm determined to prevent history from repeating itself. I intend to put
into practice the valuable lessons I have learned during my period of self-reflection. This
includes maintaining my meditation routine, which continues to provide me with moments
of inner calm and clarity despite the academic demands. Equally important, I'm committed
to nurturing the relationships I've cultivated here in Lisbon, knowing their importance in
maintaining a sense of balance and fulfillment. With that in mind, I've set myself the goal of
taking more time out and enjoying the beauty of life. For example, I recently took a weekend
trip with friends to the Algarve, where we enjoyed good food and stunning beaches despite
the pressures of academics. This experience serves as a reminder that the richness of life
extends far beyond academic pursuits.
In essence, I've realized that life is not only about achieving success, but also about enjoying
the journey, nurturing connections with loved ones, and discovering happiness in the
present moment. I'm determined to maintain the clarity and openness of this newfound
perspective and prevent the return of past stress and isolation. My goal is to continue to
refine my approach to life, allowing myself to be stressed and focused, but always trying to
embrace life and all its beauty, just as the knight did when he learned to appreciate the
unfiltered world without a visor blocking his view.

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