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Make up 2 sentences

consequence(s) - наслідок
● As a project manager, it's crucial to define the consequences of any potential
risks before implementing a new strategy.
● The delay in the purchase process had significant consequences for the
project timeline.
● Effective communication within the team is essential to ensure everyone
understands the consequences of missing deadlines.
● In consequence of the successful product launch, the company experienced a
significant rise in market share and brand recognition.
● As a consequence of the market downturn (спад), the company had to
restructure its operations and fire a significant number of employees.
consequence of smth - наслідок чогось
consequence for smth/smb - наслідок для чогось/когось
as a consequence (of something) - як наслідок
in consequence (of something) - внаслідок

influence - вплив
● As a scientist, his influence was immense. (величезний/безмірний)
● The team's positive attitude and strong work ethic had a significant influence
on the overall project's success.
● The stakeholder's input (внесок) and support had a profound influence on
the direction of the project.
● If the client changed his requirements, it would have a notable influence on
the project's timeline and budget.
● The project manager's effective communication with the stakeholders had a
positive influence on keeping a strong relationship throughout the project.
(протягом проєкту)
have an influence on somebody/something
a good/positive influence
a bad/negative influence
a big/great influence
an important/significant influence
a strong/powerful influence
recall - згадати (to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past)
● His face seems familiar to me, but I can’t recall his name.
● During the meeting, the CEO recalled a similar situation from a previous
merger (злиття) and shared the lessons learned with the team.
● The manager recalled the details of the client's previous project.
● The team manager recalled the successful marketing strategy used in the
previous year and suggested implementing a similar approach for the new
product launch.
● The board members recalled the financial challenges the company faced
during the economic downturn and discussed strategies to prevent similar
issues in the future. (запобігти подібним проблемам)

take measures to V1 - вжити заходів, щоб зробити що-небудь

● The company decided to take measures to reduce operational costs by
implementing a more efficient strategy.
● The HR department took necessary measures to improve employee
satisfaction by offering a wider choice of the company perks.
● Having received plenty of customer complaints, the management staff took
the immediate measures to meet the customers desires and to avoid similar
complaints in the future.
● We are taking all the possible measures to improve our reputation on the
market in order to keep the key position among the competitors.

spend time/money on smth to V1 - витрачати час/гроші на щось щоб зробити

● The company decided to spend more time on market research to better
understand customer preferences.
● It's essential to spend money on quality equipment to ensure high-quality
production processes and maintain high product standards.
● The marketing department plans to spend more money on digital advertising
to expand the brand's online presence and reach a wider audience.
Exercises to practise the words & phrases

1. Match the words with its meaning

1. Consequences a. To remember
2. Take measures e. To use time or money for a particular purpose
3. Influence (noun) c. Efforts or actions taken to achieve a specific goal or to address a problem
4. Recall d. Power to have an effect on someone or something
5. Spend time/money on b. Outcomes or results of a particular action or situation

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:

influence consequences recall spend take measures

1. The __________ of not following rules can be very bad.

2. The government has decided to __________ to stop the spread of the
3. Her __________ in the group has helped many people do well.
4. I can clearly __________ the day I first came to this place.
5. They usually __________ their weekends doing fun things like going outside
and visiting cool places.

Fill in the gaps in the text below

spend time on influence take measures consequences

Effective project management is vital for any organization aiming for success.
Project managers must be aware of the potential __________ of poor planning,
including budget overruns and missed deadlines. To mitigate risks, they must
__________ to create comprehensive risk management plans and establish clear
communication channels among team members.

Moreover, understanding the __________ of stakeholders is paramount for project

success. Analyzing the expectations and concerns of stakeholders can significantly
impact decision-making and project outcomes. Regular stakeholder meetings and
feedback sessions can help to ensure that the project aligns with their needs and
In order to achieve project objectives, it is crucial to __________ the importance of
allocating resources wisely. Prioritizing critical project components and investing in
high-quality tools and skilled personnel can enhance efficiency and overall project
performance. Additionally, monitoring resource allocation throughout the project
lifecycle is essential to prevent unnecessary expenditures and delays.

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