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Lesson 7

The Powers of the Mind

Lovely Grace Alata


In a piece of paper, draw the dots as shown below then figure out how to connect all
the dots using only four lines without lifting your pen. The line should never go through the dot
Do this:
 * * Answer:
 * *
 * *

Act Out:
1. Go online to Through its search engine, look for the entry
“Creating a Mind Map”.

II – Essay
1. How does the knowledge of the first and right brain hemisphere help in improving
2. Do you agree with the left and right brain thinking theory? Why or why not?
3. What is a mind map? Explain.
4. In your own opinion, which mind mapping technique is better? Justify your answer?
5. Why do you think the mind-mapping techniques can help improve learning?
According to the brain thinking theory, the left and right hemispheres of our brain process data
in a manner that is different from each other, and students tend to retain and manage data by
utilizing the dominant half of the brain. The Right-brain learners improve their learning by
handling information comprehensively and holistically, seeing the higher perspective or the
answer first, not the details. While analyzing a problem, right-brain learners start with the
significant idea and work backwards to discover the details and arrive to the conclusion. The
left-mind students on the other hand, improve their learning by preparing data in a linear way
through first attempting to comprehend the difficult parts and afterward advancing towards the
These students gather data and solve problems in a step-by-step process by utilizing rationale
and reason to shape conclusions. As a student, I believe that the right-brained and left-brained
thinking theory is actually true. It’s true each hemisphere of the brain controls different
functions such as movements, sight or communication. And it’s true that there are people who
tend to be more creative and artistic while there are people who are verbally and analytically
good. However, I do think that if a person lacks a certain skill, may it be creative or logical, it can
always be learned and practiced.
In relation to this, a useful technique such as a mind map is invented to graphically represent
ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool with structuring information and ideas that
supports learning, improves information recording, shows how different facts and ideas are
related, and enhances creative problem solving. The technique in mind mapping that is better
in my opinion, is the digital or computerized mind map. Although the hand drawn or hand-
written mind map provides an appeal that is likely to the right-brain dominant individuals, it
requires greater flexibility and demands higher level of creativity. Whereas, in digital or
computerized mind map, it is not only faster and efficient, it is more structures and will appeal
strongly as well to the left-brain dominant people like me. Since mind mapping works like the
brain does it allows you to organize and understand information faster and better. It definitely
helps in improving our learning process due to the fact that is organizes our thinking before we
start a project. With this, we are able to develop all your ideas and see where they relate to
each other before deciding the best way to go about the task at hand.
III - Choice one topic from the list below and create your individual mind maps about it.
 Mind Mapping
 Stress
 Adolescence
IV- Answer the question briefly.
What is the advantage of using mind map in your studies? Explain.

Of course, it’s important that we know mind mapping and fortunately, our teacher has
introduced this method to us. I believe that we should apply this to our daily activities and
projects to immensely help us in improving our productivity and efficiency at school or at work.
It was definitely very useful especially for busy people like me. I now get to plan, organize and
present information efficiently and effectively. For me, it promotes a bigger picture of thinking,
improved problem-solving, and is valuable tool for team collaboration. Because teenagers like
me are highly vulnerable into stress and depression whose mind always gets crowded with a lot
of thoughts and unorganized ideas, we for sure need this kind of technique. It is a powerful
graphic technique you can use to translate what’s in your mind into a visual picture. Since mind
mapping works like the brain does it allows you to organize and understand information faster
and better.

“ You are today where your

thoughts have brought you,
you will be tomorrow where
your thoughts take you”
*James Allen *

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