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Lovely Grace Alata

12- Generosity

Personal Assessment of Aspects of Development

Portfolio Output 1: Write about the eight segments of your development. What are the words
or phrases which represent aspects about yourself which you like? What are the items which
you consider to be weaknesses or areas for improvement? What words which are neutral or
factual such as “5 feet 4 inches tall, 120 pounds? Do some categories have more minus than
plus areas? The larger portion of minus to plus areas you have, the more effort will be needed
to achieve positive self-esteem. If the vast majority of your minus responses are in one or two
areas, your self-esteem is like to be good but has a few self-estimates which need to be
improved. Name some ways in which you can improve the minus areas and further enhance the
positive aspects.


The eight segments of my development mirror a lot about myself. The things I like mostly about
my physical appearance are my black eyes, my face which I inherited from mother, and my
healthy body. However, I do want to become a little bit slimmer and taller in the future, as I
think I would look much beautiful with those features but nonetheless, I’m pretty contented
with what I have right now. I am also delighted with the achievements I have conquered
academically. Moreover, the activity that I enjoy doing most is praying because it helps me build
a deeper relationship with God. I also focus on nourishing my relationship with my friends and
family because I have always hated the feeling of being left out or hated upon. The physical
aspects I consider to be my weakness is my height. Growing up, I have always wanted to be a
flight attendant but it changed when I grew older because my height limited me be one. With
regards to my interactional self, I can still see a room for improvement. I am not an introvert but
I do get shy whenever I’m meeting someone much older and professional than me and I think I
do need to conquer that weakness of mine. In contrast to this, I do have my strengths as well. I
never grew up, eating junk foods and sweets because my parents always forbid me to but I see
that as a strength because not all children are able to eat fruits and vegetables yet still enjoy
them, right? In terms of my strength in emotional aspects, I’m pretty proud that despite all the
hardships and challenges that me and my family has to face, we were still able to smile and
keep it all together. They raised us to be brave and strong and so, I’m happy that they did
because I wouldn’t be as emotionally stable as I am today if I’m not that strong. All of these,
strengths and weaknesses, are classified as factual since these actually occur and they are what
I think are part of myself.
Overall, There is a category that have more minus than plus area like my interactional self, but if
the quantity will be based on the aspects of development as a whole, the plus area is definitely
greater. Based on the data, I still have a few self-aspects that needs more improvement. In
order to develop my minus and plus areas, I will have to give attention first to my minus areas.
Developing and helping myself engage in communication more and be more confident when
talking to others will minimize my weakness and would further enhance my strengths. Also,
exposing myself with my likes and strengths will be a great help in lessening my flaws since it
would most likely help me gain self-confidence in facing and improving my weaknesses.


The Self-concept is represented by several aspects of the self. It is conceived as

collection of multiple, context-dependent selves. This construct believes that context activates
particular regions of self-knowledge and self-relevant feedback affects self-evaluations and
affect. A deeper look on the different aspects of self can identify specific area for self-
regulation, stability and improvement.

In a nutshell, an individual is composed of three basic but very different aspects of the
self. They are physical or tangible aspects as they relate to the body, the intellectual and
conscious aspects as they relate to the mind, and the emotional and intuitive aspects as they
relate to the spirit. All three aspects of the self work together in perfect harmony when
attention is paid to all three simultaneously.

Many individuals put a strong emphasis on the physical aspect of the self. The body is
tangible, obvious , and we respond to it easily. More time and money is spent on enhancing the
physical component than either of the other two aspects. This does not mean, however, that
the body is healthy or strong. The body provides a place to house the spirit ( often experience
as feelings) and the mind (often experienced thought).

It may be important to some that their mind is prominent and well educated. The mind
is important, as it is the part of the self that directs the other two aspects . The mind learns
what to do and communicates the information to the body and the feelings. What the mind
believes, the body manifests or acts on, and the emotions feel or respond with. People store
both healthy and destructive thoughts and beliefs and responds to life circumstances in the
most prominent manner. The mind provides access creativity and serenity which are necessary
for such processes as prayer, forgiveness, acceptance, and passion.
The human emotions are the most feared aspect of the self, as individuals are reluctant
and unprepared to mange them. Managing feeling is like trying to hold water in the palm of
your hand. They are illusive and deceptive. A decision made under emotional stress and strain
usually impacts emotion negatively. Negative emotions that are not managed are stored and
repressed. Repression is destructive to a content self since all feelings, not only negative ones
are stored away. Accessing feelings when they are needed now becomes difficult, leaving the
individual numb and hopeless.

For instance, a girl realizes that she is giving much attention on the physical aspect and
less attention on her intellectual self. In this way, she can discover how much money and time
spent maintaining her physique and its consequences in her grades. By this honest evaluation
of herself, she can plan effective actions to improve her study habits. She can start seeking for
help and for related books to read and browse articles to help her improve her study habits.

Activity: A. Find the story of MANNY PACQUIAO, PIA WURTZBACK, AND A Story about: A LOVE

Processing Questions:

B. 1. Can you identify with any of the characters mentioned – Manny, Pia and Dr.
Rose? In what way?
Answer: These three people all had admirable characteristics which helped them
accomplish their objectives in life. Manny Pacquiao, Pia Wurtzbach and Dr. Rose were
friends or companions. Manny Pacquiao had an extraordinary ability, Pia Wurtzbach
had a beautiful talent and Dr. Rose was astonishingly passionate of what she is doing.
Their recipe of success was more efforts, more kindness, communication, determination,
trustworthiness and a pinch or fairness.
2. What lessons can you learn from the character you have chosen?
Answer: The lesson that I learned from the character I choose which is Manny Pacquiao,
is that we should have determination and be hard-working. This person was from a very
poor family and he hardly eats any food 3 times a day. From there he is now one of the
most popular and richest person not just in the Philippines but also internationally. He
reflects true spirit and determination towards his work and so now he is one of the most
successful person.
3. How would you like your life story to be told?
Answer: Like the characters mentioned above, I also want to have an inspirational life
story. Though I want a simple life because I have never been a big fan of complications, I
will do my best and gather all the strength and courage I have in order to accomplish my
dreams and goals in life. I don’t want to just be “rich” and “famous” in the future. I want
to be someone who is inspirational, admirable, and full of integrity at the same time.

A Real Winner is one who is able to:

 Win over her/his battles and difficulties in life and turns them into a learning and glorifying
 Find meaning in pleasant and unpleasant events in his life;
 Live in peace with difficult people and difficult situations;
 Win the goodwill of others, their respect and admiration;
 get what he wants using win- win strategies; never at the expense of others;
 discover the use opportunities to his best advantage;
 develop and use his talents and abilities to the best advantage and in so doing, make
meaningful contribution in making this world a better place to live in.

Source: Roldan Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner. A Workbook on Personality Development and Charater Building. AR
Developent and Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila.

Portfolio Output No.2 Personal Recipe with Reflection ( Use your Diary Notebook)

Review the success story of Manny Pacquiao, Pia Alonzo, and Dr. Rose Zeta-Capeding.
What do you think was the recipe for the success of these featured individuals?
Now make your own personal recipe for achieving personal goals. Identify your goal
(you may refer to the previous activity of aspects of self inspired by the success stories) and
break it down into a recipe. Here are the two samples of recipe
My Personal Recipe for Success: PROCEDURE:
INGREDIENTS: 1.) First mix the Love and Respect for the
1 CUP OF RESPECT Family and Friends
3 TABLESPOONS OF SELF-CONFIDENCE 2.) Next add the Truthfulness to make the
1 PINCH OF KINDNESS relationship strong.
3/4 CUP OF PATIENCE 3.) Add again the Kindness and Patience to
2 SPOINFULLS OF TRUTHFUL make the Integration strong.
3 TABLESPOONS OF FORTITUDE 4.) In the other mixer, mix the determination
1 CUP OF DETERMINATION and self-confidence to keep the product
AND 1 BAG OF POSITIVE THINKING 5.) And last but not the least, mix our
Positive Thinking and Fortitude to make
the product delicious and successful.

The success stories of Manny Pacquiao, Pia Alonzo and Dr. Rose Zeta-Capeding proves a lot
about achieving fruitful success and these are all indeed inspirational. They set up goals in
which they were determined to achieve. No matter how hard it is, or how long the journey
might be, in the end all your hardships will finally be worth it once you’ve achieved success. The
recipe for the success of these well-featured individuals is: 1 teaspoon of strategizing, 1 cup of
passion, 1 tablespoon of confidence, ½ gallon of patience, 2 spoonful of positivity, 1 gallon of
determination, and 1 bag of hard work. However, I also have my own recipe for a better and
much happier life which will inspire me to also be successful and these are all listed above. All
ingredients for me is very important because without those, I would never achieve my goals in
life. I can't also provide what my family needs. I have always been the kind of person that does
her best even though it’s really hard. All of these is for my future so I will always do my best in
everything and study hard in school. The other ingredients for my success are determination
and self-confidence because I can never achieve all my goals and finish challenges if I lack the
determination to keep on going. Identifying where you’re good at and what you love to do is
crucial as it allows you to work tirelessly day in and day out through the course of your career.
Believing in yourself also plays a role in pushing yourself to exceed your boundaries. The future
that I envision is me, walking in the aisle with my fellow graduates. I really want to finish my
study, become a successful lawyer and help my family someday. All of these will be possible if I
just keep striving for my goals. I always pray because I believe that God will always guide me
wherever I go. Yes, challenges, problems, and discrimination will always tempt me to just quit
on my dreams but I believe in myself. Failures will somehow bring me down at times but I
learned that it is not the opposite of success, it is part of our success. Mistakes help us grow and
learn, because if we have never encountered it, then you haven’t fully succeeded. My mother
has always taught me that if I never make mistakes, I can never fully grow and develop into a
smart and mature woman. And so, I know that I am a strong girl and I am born, not a quitter
but a goal climber. I believe that with the help of my teachers, family, friends and of course,
God, I can conquer anything. I want to end this reflection with the quote,” Success is not a
destination, but the road that you’re on. Being successful means that you’re working hard and
walking your walk every day. You can only live your dream by working hard towards it. That’s
living your dream.” by Marlon Wayans.

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